
Comments by niceass (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Why VERY INTELLIGENT Men Fail With Women
    >>>"Why VERY INTELLIGENT Men Fail With Women" Of course, none of this could possibly explain RL's miserable track with women.
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    21 years ago
    Matthew's hearing set tonight -- Yet another installment in the saga
    I really don't think it will be the same in bikinis.
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    21 years ago
    10 Tips For Frugal Daters
    OK, RL, here's your chance. Give us your best cheapfuck suggestions for dating.
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    19 years ago
    RL, I discovered a way to increase your IQ
    CasualGuy, there's nothing wrong with RL's IQ, it's high enough. RL problem is that she has a serious mental disorder, which can't be cured in an internet chat board. The best thing to do is just ignore her. Ignore her abjectly, absolutely, and totally.
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    19 years ago
    North Iowa
    Just got my ATF's real name and email address
    Fondl, isn't that a bit "polyannish" ? I don't doubt your anecdote, but lets get realistic, thaty's the exception, not the rule.
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    19 years ago
    Fondl, I agree with your comment. I also think it was statement of the obvious.
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    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Yoda, you really might want to check it. I think you'll be very impressed and find it worth the drive. BTW, it looks like the board has turned over the whole crew, you and fondl seem to be the only ones remaining. Does J23, RealDancer, Superdude, Mouse, Wiseguy, Pinhead, Gingesnap, or DDDancer ever post anymore?
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    20 years ago
    Is it a BIG DEAL when a stripper tells you her REAL NAME?????
    RL, did you know that many strippers have "fake" real names? Perhaps, you can remind us every week that strippers have "fake" real names, because they are LIARS who LIE and/or MANIPULATE about LYING.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    A stripper giving out her E-MAIL address in order to make MONEY
    "A stripper giving out her E-MAIL address in order to make MONEY" No shit. Now tell us, RL, how long did it take you figure that out?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Yoda, as far as the contact comparison, don't be so sure. I have an anecdote that I don't think wise to post publicly on this board. But, getting to the other subject, what about J23 and pinhead?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Fondl, going a few paragraphs up where you enumerated the various ages of maturity, you forgot the one's that regress into infantilism. Classic example that 1940's starlet that's still trying to buy dinner at a hollywood resturant on her looks.
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    19 years ago
    Fondl, I'm not sure that I conveyed my correct intent. What I meant is that the beauty queens get used to the attention and privilage they they get when they're young and in demand. As age creaps up on them like a spandex thong in tight jeans they become paranoid of the younger girls. They often become vindictive and even in extreme cases violent. I heard of one case where an aged stripper took to slashing the younger ones' face with a razor.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do some clubs always ask to see your ID?
    The reason for asking for the ID each and every time is because they have a stocking problem. The girls have restraining orders on fifty guys each. Some are legitimate (just think about having RL, or someone half as fried, on your tail). Others are the strippers "playing the system." In plain language, they've screwed a guy with a false romance scheme and use the restraining order as a tool to forestall retalliation. In the state I live in, the People's Republic of Massachusetts, restraining orders are given out like candy. Other states with pussy whipped judges too scared to stand up to the PC feminist lobby are almost as bad.
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    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Yoda, Do you use the name "Yoda" in real life? I don't use my TUSCL moniker IRL. [In the outside world, I'm usually known as, "Omnipotent Asshole," but I think you gathered that already.] If you don't go to the club, how would know the bouncer? and would he know what I was saying if I said "yoda?" Celina is a blond, petite with natural C's, and a little bit older. She's pretty, not a beauty queen, but what I was impressed with her personality and posistive attitude toward customer. She likes to make guys happy. I started taking her top during the dance, And her response, "Oooooh please, I LIKE that." Things got considerably more advanced after that. When I went to leave the club at the end of the night she latched onto me like a baby with separation anxiety clinging to their mommy. I called her my, "special chica" and promised that I'd be back. I also told her that I knew a few guys who have a thing for brallians and would let them know. It's possible that she worked at centerfolds in Worc., during the conversation I learned she lives in Marlborough, and I asked her if she ever worked in worc. She said no, but I think that was just stripper-shit-talking. BTW, how is your Portuguese? What is the difference between "chica" and "chicabon?"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Really persistent dancers that aren't your type
    The dancer is the one who being rude to begin with. I didn't want to rude, but some of them are so persistant, that I've gotten over my urge not to try and hurt they're feeling, and let them have it with sarcasm or full force rudeness in return. The one I like using, after they've asked for a dance a couple of times is, "Well, I was just about ready to ask if you wanted a dance, You don't have to tip. You can just squeeze the zits off my back and we'll call it even." The one SuperDude suggested with a variating, "Because one of you previous customers told me your twat stunk like a fish." That's sure to make them stand up straight, and stiff, before running into the ladies room. "no money" is my usual route, though. It seems to work the best, they'll be off you instantly. The downside is that they tell their stripper friends to avoid you, too.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Petition - boot RL
    We've had this suggestion and petition before. It's a dead issue, as Founder won't ban anyone. I just ignore RL's posts altogher, and strongly urge others to as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Bare women's breasts make men live longer
    LOOKING AT BREASTS MAKES MEN LIVE LONGER ... says New England Journal of Medicine Staring at boobs for just 10 minutes is equal to 30 minutes of aerobics, says study. Men can live longer, healthier, happier lives by taking time out everyday to stare at women's boobs! In fact, new research published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine shows that 10 minutes of ogling a gal's hooters provides men with a cardiovascular workout equal to a 30-minute aerobics workout in the gym. That means knocking back whiskeys in a topless bar, thumbing through a Playboy magazine or gazing at our luscious Page 5 Girl is probably better for most men than jogging like an idiot on a treadmill! "Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation," declared Dr. Karen Weatherby, the curvy German researcher who conducted the research. She found in a massive, five-year study of 200 men that breast-oglers had lower blood pressure, less heart disease and a healthier pulse rate than timid men who fear staring at women's torpedoes. "There is no question that gazing at women's breasts makes men healthier and our study proves it," explained Dr. Weatherby. "Engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FONDL, Right on about the "late bloomers," I came to that conclusion long ago.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Bare women's breasts make men live longer
    I reposted it here. This is very important research. I wonder if they need volunteers for futher study? In all seriousness, it provides a ligitimate arguement if favor of strip joints to counter the venomous, polictically correct spew from the radical feminists and the self-rightness of the moralists. Just remember to say that is was published in the NE Journal of Medicine. TTG, thanks for posting the link. I'm going to email it FOX News. They might run it as an excuse to show stripper footage, as they are so prone to do esp. on Cavuto's program.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Yoda, so what is your first name? are you a fat named Bob? Did you happen to make it into the VIP room to compare the mileage level?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Yoda, I have an idea that we've crossed paths, and I think I know who you are. ie a fat guy named Bob. Hey Mouse, nice to see you posting again. Hiope you've got over your emotions. Hi Pinhead, how's Zack's? better check it out before the summer crowd gridlocks the place. BTW, that "both ways" comment might be misunderstood esp. since the Massachusetts Supreme Judical court made us the laughing stock of the nation.
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    19 years ago
    Hey, Yoda...
    Yoda, also, do you know when Celina might be back?
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    19 years ago
    More stripper shit
    FONDL, It's just something about the psyche of some people manipulative people have to be manipulative or they don't know what to do with themselves. Just look at Yoda. Anyway, I think her intention behind the stripper shit is that she simply wants to hold you as a regular as you've been generous. Just tell her that you've been around the block a few times and know the games. If she's still honesty-challenged, spend elsewhere. It's my experience the the stripper shit (as an aggregate total) is on the ebb from it's high water mark a few years ago. The days of the girls making megabucks without having to do any work for it are pretty much gone. At least in this area, they're starting to re-learn who to strippers instead of con-women.
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    19 years ago
    Guys, how do you like to choose?
    I usually don't buy dances from the prettiest one in the club, look for an attactive one who has to compete on ability and service rather that beauty. Occaisionally, you'll find a beauty queen that was a late bloomer and doesn't have the self-centered ego, but very rare. I hate the high pressure clubs, were if you try scout them out from back, they'll be all over like flies to shit in minutes. I just walk right out, something without even acknowledging the dancer. I don't like to rude and didn't used to be, but as the pressure increased, I got over that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Prostitute vs dancer
    You're being much too literal in your interpretation of her remarks. If you're dealling with reality and straight forward logic there's no such thing as one-way contact. When two people touch, each touches each other. But, she's not dealing with logic, she's dealing with control. If she initiates the contact, she's the one in control. Her I'm not a prostitute comment is a euphemistic way saying, "I'm the boss, now shut up and do what I tell you."