
Comments by niceass (page 3)

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    21 years ago
    'Centerfold on wheels' leads to felony charges
    >>>"But there needs to be a modicum of reasonableness built in." Indeed, there does need to be a modicum of reasonableness. It's reasonable to stop seeing nudity as something sinful to begin with.
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    21 years ago
    90 days for thong thief (9.49 days/thong)
    $10.39 for a thong is a REDICULOUSLY OVER-INFLATED PRICE for a thong with should never cost more than a REASONABLE PRICE of $6.00. Many judges frequently LIE and /or MANIPULATE crooks into paying a REDICULOUSLY OVER-INFLATED PRICE of $10.39 for a thong.
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    21 years ago
    90 days for thong thief (9.49 days/thong)
    Homer Simpson, just out of curiousity, who many thongs have you managed to appropriate during your strip club visits. Please feel free to provide a numerical breakdown, i.e. those with and those without skidmarks.
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    21 years ago
    Toilet seat burn victim hospitalised
    Reading between the lines, I take it that you've just returned from an extended vacation in the city jail?
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    21 years ago
    Small town hot over stripper/pornstar scandal
    <blockquote><b><i>She regrets [possing for porn] today. Now happily married and the mother of three young daughters, Jones says she wants to retrieve all those images floating around cyberspace on other X-rated sites. To do that, she needs to raise money to buy back the rights. So last February, she started www.chantel lace.com, charging users to see photos of her and her friends.</i></b></blockquote><p> YEAH, RIGHT [Heavy sarcasm] Isn't that a brilliant example of specious, superficial reasoning. Pose for porn to get money to buy back the porn she's posed for. I wonder if she'd piss into the wind as well. Yoda, perhaps you could be helpful by emailing her and coach her in the finer points of spin.
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    21 years ago
    Small town hot over stripper/pornstar scandal
    <a href="http://www.chantellace.com/" target="_blank" title="[OPENS IN A NEW WINDOW]">http://www.chantellace.com/</a>
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    21 years ago
    Homer, perhaps you should change 'happy' in the last sentence to 'disfunctional'. Just leave me out of that family, though. Yoda -- disingenuous, KingPin -- disgruntled, Homer -- disgraced, discouraged & disenfranchised.
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    21 years ago
    Small town hot over stripper/pornstar scandal
    www.sfgate.com Return to regular view Firefighters in California town resign to protest colleague's porn career Friday, January 16, 2004 ©2004 Associated Press URL: sfgate.com/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/01/16/national1610EST0712.DTL (01-16) 16:20 PST KEYES, Calif. (AP) -- Seventeen firefighters in a small volunteer department resigned this week to protest the pornography career of a colleague who allegedly discussed her work at the firehouse. Firefighters in Keyes, a town of 4,500 south of Modesto, walked off the job to protest Alexa Jones' pornography career, which they said she discussed while on the job with her husband, Assistant Fire Chief Roger Jones. "We feel pretty strongly that there needs to be a separation between the pornography and the fire service," said Capt. Herb Collier, who was among those who resigned. Alexa Jones has a Web site that promotes her pornographic material but does not mention her job as a firefighter. She stars in videos under a pseudonym. "If they're going to be out there, I might as well be making money off them," she said. Her husband added: "It's called freedom of expression, and speech also. It's not illegal." The resignations leave Keyes with eight firefighters. Nearby stations have pledged to help the department respond to emergencies. ©2004 Associated Press
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    21 years ago
    Toilet seat burn victim hospitalised
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print this page Streakers watch as car stolen From correspondents in Spokane, Washington 16jan04 THREE men who went streaking through a restaurant were chilled and chagrined when they spotted a thief drive off in their getaway car, their clothes inside. Naked in the minus seven degree Celsius weather, the three young men huddled behind cars in a parking lot until police arrived. "I don't think they were hiding. I think they were just concealing themselves," police spokesman Dick Cottam said. The three entered the restaurant before daybreak yesterday, wearing only shoes and hats. They left their car running so they could make a quick escape. But the streakers watched through the windows as a man who had been eating inside the restaurant drove off in their car. No charges were brought against the streakers. "I think it was just three kids who decided to fool around," Cottam said. He added: "We always tell people to not leave their car running." privacy © Herald and Weekly Times
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    21 years ago
    Toilet seat burn victim hospitalised
    I got that story from Homer's probation Officer.
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    21 years ago
    The Founder rejects free speech. High profile threads locked or redirected.
    This is the United States. Here we have free speech. When someone stands up in an audience at a theater and starts shouting solely for the purpose of disrupting the performance, we have the option to use our own free speech to counter it. RomanticLover posts only for the purpose of disruption. I've choosen to exercise my free speech option to counter it. I've posted in javascript language.
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    21 years ago
    Matthew's, Tyngsboro, MA -- The Legal Saga continues
    >>>is having the club remodeled in preparation for the future or the return of nude dancing should he win an injunction The owner eels optimistic. Lets all hope so. Matthews a nice club with very little pressure and dancers who could actually dance.
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    21 years ago
    Adult entertainment center keeps low profile in Stoughton
    "If it bleeds, it leads" is the often quoted saying of TV news. By definition, news focuses on problems and us paints a darker image of reality. I was glad to see that one paper finally did a more balanced piece.
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    21 years ago
    Niceass, DO NOT try to stop discussions about strippers being FUCKED FOR MONEY
    RL, it looks like you're quite full of yourself [or something else] as you confidantly give orders to other. I'm tempted to ask you who died and left you boss, but we all you never engage in discussion. That would be too demeaning for you get off that high white horse of yours. I wonder what rationalization you use. Perhaps, you don't have the time, after all the work of a feminazi drill sergeant is done. So many orders to give, so little time. You won't rest until all the world salutes the brave new vision you have for it. You militant feminists find it easier to control all the world, rather than your own emotions. We all know you're not a customer. You're not even male. You revealed that in a slip up severval months ago. You've probably never even been to a strip club, much less post a review of one in the directory. I'm sure you consider yourself an expert on them, though. After all, you're so obscessed by clubs that you spend hours a day reading every BBS you can find on the internet. In you twisted mind, you're doing research, but in reality you're only looking for information that reinforces your worst fears and preconceived notions while discounting every exculpatory fact. You post links to some disingenuous drivel from braggarts like it was real information. Who wouldn't know objectivity if it jumped up and bit your bulging, cellulite lesbian ass. Guys who've been to clubs know how to filter the crap. We laugh at you.
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    21 years ago
    Exotic dancer accused of scalding toddler
    This really makes me sick to think that a woman could have such cruelty and be devoid of empathy that she would use a child as a pawn in revenge scheme.
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    21 years ago
    Is KingPin a liar-? What do you all think?
    KingPin, if you follow J23's advice, DON'T SPEND ANY MONEY on the mouse in the hopesof TRYING and /or HOPING to make the mouse your GIRLFRIEND and/or DATE because mouses won't respect you.
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    21 years ago
    Toilet seat burn victim hospitalised
    WiseGuy, that was an interesting link. The site has an instrustional guide, "Crapping 101." Perhaps Homer would find that helpful so that he could learn to pass shiat though his ass instead of mouth like he usually does.
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    21 years ago
    Toilet seat burn victim hospitalised
    <a href="http://www.crappersquarterly.com/miami.htm" target="_blank" title="[OPENS IN A NEW WINDOW]">http://www.crappersquarterly.com/miami.htm</a>
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    21 years ago
    J23, I think he may already be there. Homer, 'disenhorny' isn't a word. Couldn't you do a better comeback than that? Now, how are you ever going to fulfill your life's goal of being the world's oldest, fifth grade class clown if you can't do better than that.
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    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    Once again, FONDL, makes a good point. I've shared all the pitfalls that he described, including the dancer getting insulted becase who even asked or took her literally. The evasive, nondescript responses by dancers are more than just annoying and frustrating; they're down right dangerous. Many of the problems dancers have with customers are a direct result of misunderstandings from their lack of candor.
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    21 years ago
    Superbowl Houston Jokes and/or comments?
    Link between Super Bowl and violence a myth By Michelle Durand, Daily Journal Staff There is a common perception that during the Super Bowl it won&#8217;t only be the New England Patriots and the Carolina Panthers being battered, but also an increased number of domestic violence victims. The concept is so pervasive that many district attorneys and law enforcement officials will easily agree with its truth initially. However, at least in San Mateo County, the link between the football game and domestic violence calls is nothing more than an urban myth. After conferring with a victims advocate and a deputy district attorney in the domestic violence unit, prosecutor Karen Guidotti said there is no evidence of any spike in cases following the Super Bowl. &#8220;He said he always expected to find it but found exactly the opposite,&#8221; said Guidotti, who recently took over the unit. More likely to see increases are Christmas, Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July weekend, said Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. &#8220;Pretty much any holiday where families are home, you&#8217;d like to think they&#8217;re home enjoying each other but that&#8217;s when the calls go up,&#8221; said San Mateo police Lt. Barbara Hammerman. San Mateo is no exception to the rule. In 2003, the city did not respond to a single domestic violence call &#8212; a contrast to the rest of the year. &#8220;It looks like just about every day we&#8217;re having domestic violence calls,&#8221; Hammerman said. During the entire year 2003, San Mateo reported 286 domestic violence cases and one domestic violence-related homicide March 21. The Fourth of July weekend saw four cases and Thanksgiving Day had two. Christmas 2003 had one call which developed into an attempted murder arrest. That morning, about 4:30 a.m., police were called to the 800 block of North Humboldt Street where a 17-year-old girl and her 20-year-old boyfriend were hosting a party. The victim was dancing with someone else at the party and the boyfriend left. He later returned and dragged the victim by the hair into another room where he tried smothering her by placing a pillow over her face, Hammerman said. The victim lost consciousness and other partygoers rushed to her defense after hearing the commotion. The boyfriend was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. The couple had a history of domestic violence, Hammerman said. Other cities in the county did not return calls about their domestic violence statistics. The county&#8217;s only nonprofit, Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse &#8212; also known as CORA &#8212; doesn&#8217;t see any correlation between sports and violence, either. &#8220;There are no actual studies linking anything between domestic violence and the Super Bowl,&#8221; said Erika Guzman, director of client support services. Guzman is reticent to even theorize how the numbers stack up locally. &#8220;We can&#8217;t even begin to make theories because as soon as we do they get blown out of the water,&#8221; she said. The only truth that exists, she said, is that most violence occurs between 6 p.m. and midnight. When she worked as an emergency response counselor a couple years ago, Guzman said she received six pages for assistance between the kickoff and end of the game on the first official day of football. &#8220;It never occurred again. It was just an anomaly that happened. Every other Sunday, we don&#8217;t really have higher rates for football, baseball or any sport,&#8221; Guzman said. No national studies of the purported link have ever been done but a limited study by the UCLA School of Public Health found no significant increase. It did note that calls were higher on Sundays and during the month of July. Tracking cases forwarded to the district attorney&#8217;s office is equally difficult, Guidotti said. &#8220;It&#8217;s virtually impossible to break it down. Every Monday morning we have more custodies [because of the weekend],&#8221; she said. Every month is different but Guidotti estimates her office receives about 100 cases for review each month. In November, 97 cases were submitted and 76 of those were filed. In December, 115 cases were submitted. &#8220;It is a lot and it keeps us busy. Not a whole lot of days go by where we don&#8217;t have one,&#8221; Guidotti said, adding that Super Bowl Sunday is really no different. One reason people may believe the myth is a 1993 public service announcement about domestic violence during NBC coverage of the Super Bowl, according to the Family Violence Prevention Fund. The commercial showed a well-dressed man sitting in a jail cell saying &#8220;I didn&#8217;t think you&#8217;d go to jail for hitting your wife.&#8221; The fund also cites publicized cases of violence against women by athletes, such as the Kobe Bryant rape case, as contributors. Michelle Durand can be reached by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: (650) 344-5200 ext. 104. What do you think of this story? Send a letter to the editor: [email protected].
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    21 years ago
    Superbowl Houston Jokes and/or comments?
    TheDenverChannel.com Strippers Flock To Houston, Hope For Super Bowl Business POSTED: 8:21 a.m. EST January 29, 2004 HOUSTON -- Not everyone flocking to Houston is a football fan. Some are strippers hoping to make big bucks off Super Bowl visitors. Houston's topless clubs are considered top notch by many a traveling businessman. Houston police say they've seen a marked increase in applications for entertainer permits in the past few days. But police have a warning for guys who may want to do more than look. Authorities say some of the ads for escort services are actually run by the Houston Police Department to catch men looking for some illegal action. Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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    21 years ago
    Using emotion as ammunition
    Does Veracious have anything to add?
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    21 years ago
    Lap Dance Club 'Employed Girl, 15'
    They start them early in England.
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    21 years ago
    Surgeons Remove Second Head From Baby [Off Topic]
    Sorry for the off topic post, but this was too bizzar not to mention. I thought otherswould be interested. They have photos on yahoo news.