Just got my ATF's real name and email address

avatar for DandyDan
Went to the club last night, and my ATF was there. We eventually do our lapdance and we talk at our table. She asks when I am coming around and I tell her I don't know. So she reaches into her purse and whips out her business card with her name, stage name, and email on it. She says "email me" next time I am coming. I sent her an email, mostly just to see if it's real and it checks out. I guess after several years of lapdances, she must like me. Maybe RL could get a hint off of this. The truly weird thing is now that I know her real name, I still only want to know her by her stage name.


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avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Isn't that a little cynical? Yes some girls will ask for help but in my experience they will also give quite a bit in return (and I'm not necessarily talking about sex.) But a lot of these girls are very independent and proud of it, and they don't want any help. My current fav, who has told me her real name, home and cel phone numbers, email address and lots of other personal stuff without my ever asking, frequently talks about her finances with me but when she does she tells me how well she's doing - she's a full-time college student who makes enough at her club to pay all her bills and save money besides. A lot of these girls neither need nor want financial help. What they often do want is good customers who will treat them like a friend.
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
If you got an ATF's real name and email address, the only other thing you are likely to get are her bills with a request for help.
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
To "Komey 1970" - It seems to me like YOU don't get it! "DandyDan" seems to be thinking (if I am reading his post correctly) that the stripper who gave him her E-MAIL address actually LIKES HIM. What I am saying is that OFTEN, when a stripper gives a customer who regularly gives/pays her MONEY her E-MAIL address but REFUSES to give that customer her PHONE NUMBER or HOME ADDRESS, it is an indication that she is ONLY INTERESTED IN HIS MONEY and DOES NOT really LIKE him. In fact, a stripper giving a customer her E-MAIL address while REFUSING to give out any other personal information may actually be a MORE INTERESTED IN HIS MONEY than a stripper who REFUSES to give ANY personal information.
avatar for komey1970
20 years ago
RL - it would appear that YOU don't get it. DandyDan said that in the past, he used to try to get phone numbers and such. However, he does not do that anymore.
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
To "DandyDan" - It seems to me like you don't get it! If a stripper gets mad at you for ASKING for her PHONE NUMBER, it may mean that she DOES NOT LIKE YOU, or at least DOES NOT LIKE YOU enough to spend time with you when she is not being PAID to. If you are spending MONEY while HOPING/TRYING to get a stripper's PHONE NUMBER then you may be WASTING MONEY. If you are spending MONEY trying to get a stripper's E-MAIL address, there is an even bigger chance that you are wasting MONEY.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
BTW, when you're in the club you should continue to call the girl by her stage name, they really appreciate it. In fact I make believe that they're two different girls who are friends with each other, it's kinda fun that way and makes for some amusing conversation, eg. I'll ask the OTC girl how her friend the dancer is doing and vice versa. A lot of girls are much more comfortable talking about their issues in the thrid person.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
DD, I've found that you're experience is pretty common. Every regular I've ever had has ended up telling me her real name, home phone number, email address, etc, usually without me ever asking. In fact I've been amazed how trusting many dancers are once they get to know you if you treat them with respect. I think a lot of these girls are kinda lonely and appreciate having a "club friend." For them it's pretty rare.
avatar for DandyDan
20 years ago

I didn't ask for it, I figure if she wants me to call her, she would give me her number. You gotta let her have something private. When I was new to this, I made the mistake of wanting a girls private number (the internet was a new invention at that point) and spent more time than it was worth having this girl being pissed at me and just decided if they want to give it to me, I am not asking. If she wants to meet me outside the club, that will come. I figure if she wants that, she can push it, because it might be overly rude to do so myself.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Nigel,

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it is a documented fact that strippers ONLY care about your $$$. She IS just waiting for YOU to KICK the BUCKET so she can COLLECT on all that life insurance CACHEOLA or the JEWELS in small safe under your bed or the myriad of PROPERTY you own from Alaska to Florida.

But, there is hope. You can start posting educational material on TUSCL to protect other customers DESPERATE to BUY AFFECTION or REAL NAMES and PHONE NUMBERS.

May the force be with you brave honorable former strip club patron.

avatar for Nigel
20 years ago
Wow, Dan. Judging from RL's next 3 posts, you really got him going on this one. I would guess he can't get a dancer to give him the time of day. Hope this works out for you. I've got a cell phone # from one girl (never called), a e-mail from an other (a few e-mails back and forth). However, from my ATF, I got the real name & number and after a year, hours and hours of great conversation and a true friendship. And, sorry RL, no cash has been exchanged.
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
To "Dandydan" - Wow, I'm impressed (I am being sarcastic). Are you spending MONEY on this dancer? Did you ASK her for her PHONE NUMBER? Did you ASK her if she WANTS to spend time with you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE? It may be too soon to jump to conclusions about AFFECTION.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I think it depends on the type club you tend to go to and the type of dancer who you spend your time with. Sure there are lots of not-so-nice girls out there whose primary focus is to take you for all you can get. But I think such girls are pretty easy to spot and avoid, which is what I do. I'm not a big spender, either inside or outside the club, and I make that very clear up front when I meet a new girl. So if her primary objective is to get lots of easy money, she won't have any interest in me either. Most dancers I've known have their big spenders and their nice guys who they enjoy spending time with. I aim for the latter category.
avatar for niceass
20 years ago
Fondl, isn't that a bit "polyannish" ? I don't doubt your anecdote, but lets get realistic, thaty's the exception, not the rule.
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