
Comments by StripShopper (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    Think what you want. I've tested being the quiet shy guy, the Asshole and the Confident Alpha male....without a doubt being shy or being an Asshole won't work without backfiring in your face. During the Asshole role I successfully got a beer bottle cracked across my friends head which lead to a major fist fight and being kicked out of the club. Use what ever trick works for you....hunting Strippers is kin to hunting big game in Africa. You get one shot....and you'd better twist her brain...because you and a thousand other swinging dicks want her...And she knows it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Nuevo Laredo, Mexico - Across the border from Laredo, TX
    "New Vision" ShadowCat atop a Mountain wearing a white robe. [StripShopper Approaches] and Says: "Old Wise One Please bestoeth Your Wisdom of Latin Whore Houses" LOL
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Afternoon Strip Club Visits
    Back=Break (oops) Also, how do you schedule a visit in the middle of the business day...everytime I go to a club I come out Smelling like Smoke and Cheap Perfume. Try explaining that to a Client.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    tiffany1 Being an AM is about confidence and projecting that confidence. Your right, Projected Confidence is part of your genetic makeup, but it can also be learned. You have to earn your confidence through hardship and making mistakes. Example: Take your average easy going 18 year old kid out of a small farming community and put him thru Elite military training…you can transform this individual from the shy, unwilling to look at a person in eyes…to Stone Cold Killer. The human mind can be taught to push through self imposed psychological barriers. The AFC – “Average Fucking Chump”: also lacks the basic knowledge that women are genetically designed to “Test” men. …..So, the average AFC really doesn’t know, “The Rules of the Game”. Each day thousands of men walk into these clubs with their Supplicating Mentality….. And it’s like taking an average Chess Player and putting them up against Bobby Fisher. (The more supplicating they are the more $$$ leave their pockets) (Defined: Supplication: a humble request from someone in authority;To make a humble, earnest petition; "BEG") Teaching yourself to be confident with women while being yourself is the “Goal”. But to do that you need to play the role repeatedly until it fits. (Just like wearing new gloves, they feel strange at first) The good part about a Strip Club…it forces men and women to interact with each other in a pretend or fantasy relationship. So…it’s O.K. if you screw up while trying to develop the “new you”, who gives a damn…they don’t…they just care about your money. Disrespect is also a form of test - she is testing you in order to find out whether you are a supplicating groveling taking-all-her-crap wussy... or a man. So, the next time a Stripper gives you shit – Give it back (exception to the Ass rule) But if she treats you well….reward her. Reference: http://www.fastseduction.com/alpha/001-HowToBeANiceGuyAndStillGetLaid.shtml
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Determining what your mileage will be with a Stripper
    In General, I use what I call the "3 second rule". If I go to a club I've never been to, I watch the first 3 lapdances being performed within the club from the moment I walk into the door. During each dance I count very slowly "one - One thousand, two - One thousand, three - One thousand"...at the very moment that DIRECT LAP contact is removed. If it goes past 3 more that twice...I cross that girl off my list. If the Second and Third dance I observe displays the same pattern, I Leave the Club. The exception to this rule is if i Spot a "Rule Breaker".
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Sneaky lap dances
    I was in a strip club in Canada, Montreal...This had a bachelor party while I was there... As usually they took the guy up on stage and all the girls joined him. But unlike the States...when they handcuffed him to the pole, they tore off his shirt and took off the rest of his clothes. First time I ever saw a naked "Customer" on stage. Next thing I know they make him sit down on a chair and each girl performed a G-Stringed lap on him. Now for the bad part....They actually got this guy to have an erection. (and the last girl lap dancing him made sure of that). Suddenly they took the chair away from him and put a spot light on his dick...."Then the DJ, and all the stripper laughed and made jokes about the size of his dick" To bad it was all in french...I only understood part of the jokes
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    FONDL, I’m suggesting a “Paradym Shift” for members. The Thread Question is: Do strippers like to be treated well? (Do I need to be an Asshole to get better attention…..or be a Nice guy) Answer should be “Neither”. And it doesn’t just apply to Strippers… The true answer lies within yourself and how you interact with women. Being Confident has nothing to do with proving anything to anybody….or acting like the “bad boy / Mister Macho” type. (and I’m not quite sure how you got that from my post….) I have a really good time when I go to these clubs. Often, I leave with money in my pocket and one email address or phone number…which btw I don’t really need or want. (I’m just continually testing my process) Is this Arrogance? – No, for me its fact….and I’m offering it here as advice to help other men to save money and have a better time in strip clubs…maybe in life.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Nuevo Laredo, Mexico - Across the border from Laredo, TX
    Fine Then: I've got my passport ready. Sounds like you know the spanish...and your way around the place - LETS GO!! Let's see, Hermosillo...that would be "Gen Ignacio P. Garcia International Airport" So do you know a pilot that wants to fly in that direction?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Determining what your mileage will be with a Stripper
    Chitownlawyer, This is your process broken down into steps, please tell me if you agree. I would add, my steps before yours, Final Process: 1>Assess Club by rating three dancers “Lap Dance Quality” using “3” Second rule 2>If test pasted – Stay in club ( also determine if club cuts song length), if not LEAVE! 3>Look for “Rule Breaker” – If present proceed to step 5 or approach for dance. 4>Find Attractive Dancer on Stage (Ascertain ability by performance on stage) 5>Tip large while on stage, and make general invitation 6>(Stop if no follow-up is performed within “2” songs, Goto Step 4) 7>Assess personality – (continue if personality affirms expectations) 8>(Stop if conversation leads to “Air Dance” personality) 9>Purchase 1 couch dance (Does it meet expectations? Yes= Continue, or next step) 10>If Contact is high Proceed to VIP 11>Did VIP meet Expectations – (Yes = make ATF List and hope for referrals) 12>No – Start the process over again at step 3 or “LEAVE” Alright Guys - Blow holes in the process! Can it be made better?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Afternoon Strip Club Visits
    Do the prices for Afternoon dances stay the same??? Or do they run day specials? And can anybody give me an Idea of how much privacy is available during the day? Is it typically just you and the dancer in the VIP alone?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Managing Completion
    pajama pants??? I must have missed that discussion...Can you give a clearer example. I really can't see myself wearing pajamas to a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    Have any of you guys taken the time to understand the psychology of "abusive behavior" and why it works on the immature "hot babe" types
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    what really goes on in vip?
    General Rules: 1> Be Extremely selective prior to any VIP visit. Get Test Dances first. 2> Negotiate outside the VIP room First!!! 3> Make sure you have a certain level of trust first. 4> Have extra cash for the Tip. 5> But most of All select a "Rule Breaker" But always ask yourself, am I that desparate or is this a deal? Can I just go to a massage parlor and save money? Could I get the same thing for less by hiring an escort? Never Fall for the "BBD" Pitch - "Bigger Better Deal!!!" it's always false advertising!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Determining what your mileage will be with a Stripper
    There are Several clubs in NC and GA that have a maximum 2 second contact rule which is enforce by the house mother or Bird dogs. In general, these clubs focus on teasing the customer to purchase more dances or up selling the VIP...All of which is Bullshit!!! So my "3 Second" rule focuses on spotting an Air-Dance establishment quickly and taking my money elsewhere...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    what really goes on in vip?
    heatherlake, I guess it really depends. It can range from an Air Dance to Outright Sex. And it really depends on alot of factors. Meaning: YMMV. I've been disappointed beyond belief to so surprised that the fantasy is permanately burned into my brain. And the mind blowing one is one of the main reason I still go to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you agree with this or not?
    TopGunGlen,...Man you are so Right! Absolute bullshit!!! Consenting adults should have the right to do what they want as long as it is performed in the right environment and doesn't harm anyone. And then let those same adults be responsible for their actions. Make that a Law and tell the "Right" to shove it!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    do strippers like to be treated well?
    Yeah, but it's kinda like having Keys to the house when nobody's home.... Which can be really fun!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Managing Completion
    From my experience...I've found it interesting that dancers seem to fall into opposite sides of the fence on this subject. Some Get Really pissed if a guy looses his ability to maintain. While Some...act as cheerleaders and grind your cock into Oblivion...then get disappoint if they can't consider you another notch in their belt. So is it best to tell the girl what you want prior to starting or do you guys just hope for the best? In my experience, the girl wants to know...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Afternoon Strip Club Visits
    Shadowcat, would you say that it's easier to negotiate extras during this time? You seem to be a Pro at your clubs...What's your Experience been like along this subject? I'm thinking privacy, slow sales, motivated dancer...well its gotta equal a little more leverage in demands for service. Opinions?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Alcohol and Other Stuff
    gatorjoe2, your gripe is very founded. But from my understanding that's the basis by which the club makes its money. I know only a few clubs that take a percentage of the Dancer's "lap dance" money. An this isn't excluding the house fee either. As always, ...Supply and Demand is the rule. If another club supplied the same level of entertainment in the same location but supplied cheaper drinks then of course the other club would have to follow. But, as you have noted...there does not seem to be any incentive to do so. As long as guys are willing to pay $40 a song per Lap Dance....What chance do you see the price of drinks declining? Our little heads - didn't take basic economics and it's killing our wallets. Shadowcat> $1 Mondays....Is that all year round or just this summer?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Managing Completion
    O.K. > Just how would you phrase that question? I mean...How would bring that up in the Dance Discussion? I know for a fact that women are turned off by direct sexual questions....So What's your method for being direct
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Yoda, In a Word........RUN!.... Don't spend a dime in atlanta, unless you want "just" show. If that's the case then ShadowCat and I can let you in on the best we've found so far.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper shit - update
    ShadowCat....Well Said!!!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Yoda, Well if that's the case....What's your price range?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    For eye candy only: Cheetah ($$$$), Oasis Good Time Emporium ($$) Personnally I hate the Pink Pony...The place is a rip joint!(read some of my reviews) The "Goldrush Show Bar" and "Shooters Alley" can be hit or miss but from my experience more value for the dollar. I've had some success at these clubs. "Crazy Horse Saloon" and "Roosters Barnyard" are on my ToDo list so I can't comment but I've heard good things about both depending on your mileage ability. Everything here is based on the BBD -"Bigger Better Deal". The girl will attempt to tease you with an Air Dance and the up sell the BBD...which in this case is the VIP room. Which can range from 200 - 300 plus tip ($$$) for 30 - 60 minutes. At shooters Alley, I know that the right girl will let you take her to the vip room and pay $20 per song or "pay as you go"...but you need good personal mileage and make the right selection to get those deals.