
Comments by StripShopper (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Those who disaprove of adult entertainment:
    Unfortunately....The "Right Wing" is actually getting stronger in this country. And now has a firm grasp in our political system. I grew-up a few miles away from Jerry Falwell's establishment...and it continues to scare the shit out of me...how individuals can be brainwashed as a result of someone's personal crusade. Though I'm a spiritual person...I sincerely believe that differing religious beliefs within our world will someday lead to our demise...To bad they all can't get a lap dance and chill out!
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    19 years ago
    Does your club have closed parties?
    Unfortunately, I was once invited to a employees party (& friends)...That I missed as a result of being called out of town. I was later told that the place into a "Light" orgy event. Dancer's dirty danced all night long...with everybodies hands roaming. I guess this is definately a reason to get in good with management.
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    19 years ago
    Ahhh...Oxnard and Point Mugu... those were the days. So, Yoda which one are you trying?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Those who disaprove of adult entertainment:
    One Question AbbieNormal: Why must we associate sexual behavior as dirty? And here's another Esoteric question: Why is sex so much more different than other human bodily functions such as: Drinking Water, Eating, Sleeping, Defecating, and just plain survival??? We teach our young about everything else...why not sex and what the social parameters are? Don't you think Education is the clear path to unfucking this whole mess?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Those who disaprove of adult entertainment:
    AbbieNormal…I have to disagree with you…and so, we’re straight about my next statement…this is not a personal insult to you…so don’t take it as such! But considering “sex”…dirty (especially good sex)…well, in many regards suggest that sub-consciously that you’ve got some unresolved personal issues about sex. You might want to explore your thoughts with some professional help as to why that is. Yes, you’re right we don’t defecate in public….but we do “Train” our children that there is a proper place to perform this function of life. As for sex…Why make it different? It’s just another biological function that requires Training and Social parameters instilled. As for sex being the root of all evils concerning poverty…Well…that’s BS. And there is no historical evidence to support your claim. Also, there is no scientific data that supports your claim that Sex Education and the Illegitimacy Rate are interconnected. News Article from another site: “During the 1960s, the John Birch Society, an ultraconservative organization, pushed schools to eliminate sex education programs in classrooms, charging that the classes were “smut,” “immoral,” and “a filthy communist plot” to poison the minds of American children. By the end of the 1970s, only the District of Columbia and three states—Kentucky, Maryland, and New Jersey—required that sex education be taught in public schools. ((The decline in sex education programs in the 1970s was accompanied by a steady increase in the teen sex rate and out-of-wedlock births.)) When the AIDS epidemic began to expand its reach into America’s schools in the 1980s, parents and educators decided that they needed to teach their children about the realities of sex and disease. By December 1997, nineteen states and the District of Columbia required schools to teach sexuality education, and thirty-four states and the District of Columbia required instruction about HIV, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases. “In the mid-1990s, teen sex and illegitimacy became a focus of concern for conservatives who were trying to reform the welfare system. They charged that the welfare system rewarded premarital sex and out-of wedlock births by granting benefits to unwed mothers. The best way to reduce the welfare rolls, and therefore illegitimacy, they argued, was to emphasize abstinence-only sex education programs in schools. In 1996, Congress included in its welfare reform act a provision to encourage states to require abstinence-only sex education programs in their schools. Congress authorized grants of $250 million over five years to states that required school-based abstinence-only sex education programs. In addition, the five states that showed the largest drop in teen pregnancy without a corresponding increase in the abortion rate would split an additional $400 million.” “Supporters of comprehensive sex education programs, in which students are taught about birth control methods and how to protect themselves against STDs, contend that abstinence-only programs are ineffective. Most schools with abstinence-only programs had not implemented the curriculum by 1995, they assert, so the programs cannot take credit for reducing the teen pregnancy rate. Furthermore, according to some sex educators, statistics show that more teens, not fewer, are having sex. The pregnancy rate has declined because more teens are using birth control, they maintain, not because fewer teens are having sex. In fact, birth control proponents point out that the number of teenagers who used condoms during their first sexual experience tripled between 1975 and 1995, from 18 percent to 54 percent.” <<Additionally, I dare each one of you that reads this post to go to this link. And Discover what I’m truly “Bitching” about!!!!!!>> http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/factsheet/fsest.htm Finally…AbbieNormal, do understand I’m not bashing you…so please don’t take offense. I’ve lost a brother to Aids and my sister dropped out of high school as an unwed mother….and it wasn’t because of Sex Education or Brittany Spears Dressing as a Stripper. Our problems here in the United States are rooted in our conservative social beliefs that were founded long ago. Read this time line to discover how your own thoughts have been molded through time. http://www.neo-tech.com/history/
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Words to consider
    Fondl, Come on...you actually believe that??? Yes, I agree that a lot of laws are founded on religious beliefs....And that for the most part is O.K. (the bible was meant to guide people) And Yes I think it's absolute BS that they forced the removal of the "Ten Commandments" from government buildings. Like you, I have my spiritual beliefs...and I get really pissed when some "Asshole" starts spewing religious bullshit. I'm a middle of the road moderate with and eye on trying to make world a workable place for everybody......I just don't understand where you're coming from...especially with all the "Ring Wing" crap that's happening in this country.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Lewd Acts
    To bad TUSCL isn't known better....we could an organize boycott of atlanta clubs on a Saturday night. Then maybe, they'd get their heads unstruck from their ASS!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Gedankenexperiment For Understanding The Stripper's "Mind"
    In defense of Davids, he does have a point to some degree. It's always wiser to attempt to understand how something works versus just accepting it for what it is. To look at Strippers or Women in general with a negative viewpoint...I believe is nearsighted. To Say that there is a general difference in men and women with regard to how they're opportunistic...I believe would be more accurate. Women thru the ages have rode the coat tails of men for their opportunities...Strippers go it alone and capitalize.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    CTL; Dude save your money...and please don't be one more Atlanta Sucker... I swear, men love to just give their money away here in Atlanta! Its all about getting you into the VIP Room: $150 - $300 and UP, per 1/2 hr, depending on the Club. Plus tips. (Tips are the key here in Atlanta along with your personal mileage ability) (In General: Negotiate room rate and length of time prior to entering VIP, Tip the bouncer(can be tricky), and Negotiate Tip....additionally, alcohol may soften your mark) Cheetah (Eye Candy with a serious Price)...Example of a recent review by beastbeast: "Been to Cheetah twice in last two years. Very nice club. Very attractive ladies. Good food. Just beware of the back rooms. Went back each time with guys I was trying to impress (on my expense report). First trip cost me $4000+ and the second a little over $2000. Those girls are experts at milking you. On my first visit, I went to the bathroom and my drunk buddy had order three champain trays at $600/each. That was one expensive piss. Do you think those girls knew who was paying? Fun? Absolutely. Lots of contact. The trick is to give the girl $20 to tip the bouncer monitoring your room. They pass him the 20, whisper in his ear, and I never say him again. Show a little tolerance (unlike me) and limit your trip to the back to 30 minutes or so. I dare not go back again. I cannot control myself. Those girls are gorgeous. I certainly cannot afford another trip. I gotta stick to ugly and cheap." (As you can see...deep pockets are needed if you want to play) Pink Pony (Same as Above)...personally I hate the Pink Pony...I feel ripped off every time I visit this place. Crazy Horse: Shadowcat recommends but I've yet to make the trip...but Shadowcat's reliable...so It might be on the upper scale of the "Atlanta Strip Clubs Suck List" Goldrush: YMMV - Can be really hit or miss...but some luck can be had a this club ( if the moon shines right ...but still you'll have to go VIP...pricey gamble) Oasis Goodtime Emporium: Another YMMV- but a little more difficult in my opinion...Tiffany state's he's had luck here...I know after 4 visits I gave up. Roosters Barnyard: Might be something to try in the Afternoon...but the place is pretty Sketchy...I haven't attempted it but I've heard its a daytime club for fun. CTL: since you're a Lawyer...you can probably afford the VIP rooms...So I imagine you'll have some fun at one of these clubs. Unfortunately, the normal guy on a budget is better suited by going to SC.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Lets put it this way: its one of the states that's trying to put "Creation" back into the science books. This state is full of the ultra-conservative types! This of course, leads to the SCs being able to really turn the screw under the disguise of working within the limits of the law. The other issue...is the amount of money in this town. It typically works out that if one club can consistently get 150-300 per 1/2 hour....Then of course, the other clubs will want to follow...its Greed...and to many guys with to much money and not enough brains. And of course, if you think like a woman...why would you work for a club that does not compete with what other local clubs are doing....so of course the best looking dancers want to work for the club that charges the most. The way to stop this...change the way a women think. But then that impossible..."Because an attractive woman always wants what the other woman has"...or is getting! And Yes this can happen in your area to!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    My do-not-read list
    Fondl: we rarely agree about much, but you may have a point...unfortunately you probably think I should be on your list.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    My unattractive social habit.
    CTL, I'd have to say alot of the time...I find myself looking at an attractive woman in a low paying job or demeaning job and saying to myself..... 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING...YOU STUPID BITCH!".... If I had an easy way to make 100-200 grand a year just based off my "looks"...you'd bet your sweet ass I'd be doing it! Not to mention you only have to work 3-4 days a week.....IDiot! I think Why! Why Can't you just break thru your BS morals boundaire and "Take Care Of Yourself For Life!" BUT Noooooo.....that would be wrong and immoral..... FINE!!!!, Lets trade Bodies and I'll use it!!! ....I Just Know I'd make each one of you guys my regular...(lol)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Future of Stripping in the US.
    Damn! That is a Bold Prediction. I thought for sure you would say..."total crack down" by society. Especially with the changes that will happen in the supreme court going more conservative. Now personally, I totally agree with your logic...but whoever said that the US residents were logical in their thinking.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    My unattractive social habit.
    JC2003, Please name a "job"...a man can do...Based off his "Looks". (That is so widely available and acceptable). The key is not "Are my Looks good enough" to make me that 100K a year but...Is my attitude where it needs to be based on my looks. Which is the same for any male or female...once you get "the job" (any job)...its your attitude and ability to capitalize on that opportunity. Sure, I agree...we've all seen the Beer Bellied Hag...that for some reason just doesn't get it. But some of my best dances have come from women...that were less than average looking...the ones that I said....OH What the Fuck! After to many beers. (Sometimes they're the real Diamonds) I still say its the morals boundaires that still knot the girls up that make the jump into the Strip Clubs. "How many of us have gotten Air Dances from a New Stripper?"....to discover that she left the next month because she couldn't cut it. Nothings easy in this world..."Except" getting a job as a stripper if you're an attractive woman.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Please shut up.
    CTL, I run into this problem a couple of times. Usually, the girl has just gone Crank or Coke...and engine on the jaw just won't shut up. The only thing that I've had any luck with is This: 1) Become the dominate one in the conversation...in that you take control of where the conversation is going. 2) Immediately verbalize your expectations in a Sultry Tone. (fake the mood that you're really into her) 3) Physically guide her...(within what you precieve as her limits) 4) Lastly...ask her to kiss your neck...or demand a Kiss from her. 5) Compliment each demand that she performs.....(sorta like you would if you're having sex with an inexperienced sex partner) Ultimately, if yes balks at any of these steps....Call it a Loss for that dance. If you can't forcefully shift her Paradigm into yours...give up (quickly). She's either to drugged, to boozed, to mentally ill, or just not into you. My method... SS
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Please shut up.
    CTL, .....I've .....done to many beers!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Future of Stripping in the US.
    FONDL, As an example....a relative of mine just got "SAVED"...well, before the this "event" happened in his life and before he allowed others to tell him what to think...."he was really a great guy" ....Now, ....Well...let just say that he's a totally didn't person.....and the worst part...."He's judgemental of others, Especially the ones that don't "think" the way he does now" - Which of course is Hipocritical... Unfortunately, these same types of people, can't take the good that comes from religion and leave others alone....but try to exert their influences on others "forcefully" by indirect means (not church related)... ie: Ordances,Police Harrassment, Direct Business Influences, protests, politics.... Your statement: "Nobody cares unless the SC does something really stupid to call attention to itself." When did the church become responsibile for setting everybody elses moral standards? (....remember the Chaos over the removal of the ten commandments)(and I'm only refering to the "Chaos"...not the ten commandments) Fondl, I personally congratulate you on your ability to be part of this Disscussion Group and be a church goer....You don't know how much I wish that there were more open minded church goers like yourself. The world would be much better off. My anger and disgust is not directed at people like you...but the 10-20% who are no better than any other religious Extremist. "Intolerance for each other will ultimately be our Demise on this earth"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Future of Stripping in the US.
    AbbieNormal, (forgive the length but you made many points that I wanted to comment on) Here goes: (based on your points) >It seems that the greatest sins (is that still an operative concept?) anyone can commit nowadays is to be judgmental, or a hypocrite. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -Matthew 7:1-2 >On the hypocrisy, let me just say that if you live up to your ideals you've set your standards pretty low. The rule I live by…Which is pretty hard: Do to others what you would have them do to you." The source of the famous "Golden Rule.". - Matthew 7:12. >None of us are always who we want to be or who we should be, it's part of being human. Does that mean we can't ever speak about our ideals? I never said any thing against open discussion, diplomacy, or democracy…just those that would forcefully “push” their own narrow views onto others. >If you are a reformed drug addict can you never criticize junkies or drug users? No I wouldn’t want to criticize!...especially if I had walked a mile in their shoes…. I’d empathize with their personal plight and try to help them have a better life. Then assist in “Logical” legislation that would be something other than…”Don’t Do That” and “Just say No”, which clearly hasn’t stopped drug abuse. >How about if you drink on the weekends, does that preclude telling your kids they shouldn't? I teach and set standards of “Good” living for my kids every day (including social standards)… Will I teach them how to drink responsibly and show them clear examples of what an alcoholic looks like and how they live… You can count on it. Will I dictate to you…how you should raise your kids….NO.(but I hope that society forces you take responsibility) >The whole hypocrisy thing is a phony way to shut people up when you don't want to hear what they have to say. I for one…always want to hear someone’s thoughts…ITS HOW WE LEARN FROM EACH OTHER. Unfortunately there are a those people in society who are “Weak” minded and easily lead by others ….who have their own agenda. (a dangerous combination) >It essentially means that only a saint can ever disapprove of anything. Without Disapproval there would never be any debate… Without Debate, There is no ability to understand all sides. “Truth lies in discovering the true essence of an issue!” “Then cohesively joining together to come to a Comprise or Solution” >As for judgmental, I think we'd be better off if more people were more judgmental. Judgment, belongs in the courts, voting booth, the confines of the family unit and things that directly affect you personally. Judging others outside these parameters has no benefit to society. >Two of biggest indicators of poverty are dropping out of high school and having children out of wedlock. Neither are illegal, but both should be discouraged. How do we do things like that? By social censure? Answer this…”Who has “Direct” responsibility for this example”. Think it out. (And this is only one line of thinking) Example: Who has “direct” responsible for kids dropping out of school and early pregnancy? Answer: The Parents. Why are Parents not taking responsibility for making sure that this does not happen? Answer: Erosion of the family unit, due to economical pressures for the two income family. Question: How did this pressure come about? Answer: Women transitioning out of the normal role of “mother” into the “workplace”…thus caused equilibrium of the one income family to erode (supply and demand theory) Question: Can this situation be changed? “OK…here’s where you come in”…..Do you want to point a finger here and “judge”….or do you want a “TRUE” solution? >People being afraid of what others think of them used to be a powerful tool in instilling some sense of social responsibility into the next generation. Hmmmm…..Burning of witches in Salem. That was a powerful tool! >And for the record, tolerance does not mean approval. Definition - Tolerance: The permissible range of variation of some characteristic from its nominal value. And “approval” has What to do with this?.... Humans are the Nominal value. We all have the basic requirements… We can choose to understand this and work together…or we can fight each other until we go extinct. >I find that most of the "religious types" people complain about to be among the most tolerant people I know. I agree, 60% – 75% of most religious types are very tolerant… it’s the remaining group that need to open their minds. Does it really matter if their Christian or Muslim…they’re the same beast that screws it up for the rest of us. >They may not approve of homosexuals, strippers, porn, drug users or atheists, but they aren't out there strapping bombs to themselves. They may wish for people to change their ways, and try to convince them to do so, but that is their right as free citizens. Hmmm…. There’s other ways to fuck society up besides bombs. Examples: David Koresh (Weapons Stores and that whole mess) Pat Roberts (suggests assassination of Venezuelan President) Jerry Falwell (Quote:” AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.") Jim Jones (mass suicide) Catholic Priests in General (Pedophile cover up) ETC. ETC. ETC. >I think a lot of this is pushback after years of being told there is no place for religion in polite public discourse. Quote: “The fact that ethical convictions are rooted in religious faith does not disqualify them from the political realm. However, they do not have secular validity merely because they are thought by their exponents to be religiously authorized. They must be argued for in appropriate social and political terms in harmony with national values. In both cases, we should be prepared to deal with complexities, ambiguities, and overlapping realms in which practical discernment must find workable principles to guide us that are as compatible with fundamental Constitutional imperatives as human reason can devise.” >I'm sorry to say you'd better get used to it, because this country is getting more religious, not less. THAT’S UNFORTUNATE….but that won’t stop me from making me people “think about their convictions” as it relates to the world and the rest of the human race.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Future of Stripping in the US.
    Casualguy....Thank You. You're probably the only one here that understands the impact religious groups have on society in the South. As you said...Even "Hooters"...is not safe here...(which to me, absolutely Drives me Nuts!!!) AbbieNormal.... Lets agree to disagree... And I'll forgive you for calling me a "Godless Libertine".....I could have called you a Confused Right Winged Radical...but I didn't...I tried to address, Just your points (unfortunately at the expense of hijacking the Thread) . ....You still have merit for me in other discussions...So, for the sake of everybody else lets wait to the day we both can meet up at a Strip Club and buy each other a beer....You call me Liberal Bitch...And I call you a Right Wing Nazi....We then Shug our shoulders at each other...and focus our efforts to watching the Strippers. Agreed? Fondl....This argument is your fault! :-) You old timers always draw me into this discussion. If you lived in the Areas I have...You'd understand that the world doesn't think like Catholics. (Just once go to a BackWoods Southern Revival) To Everyone Else - My apologies for going on a Rant...Someday...just maybe there will be a stripclub in every city where like minded people can be left alone to enjoy watching a beautiful woman dance.....(or rub really good)
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I've been visiting the Cheetah for...
    Agreed! A total waste of time and money...who needs to eat anyway!?!