
Comments by dirtyburt (page 5)

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    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A TikTok influencer is encouraging his followers to report strippers to IRS
    @Nicespice. I’m pretty sure Onlyfans reports the Creators income to the IRS. At least we are hoping for that. My current ATF is an Onlyfans Creator and that’s why I contribute to her. We are trying to get her into the “System”,hoping that OF reports the income and sends out either a W-2 or 1099 Tax Form. She has not been in the “System “ for over 10 years now.
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    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Best Sex I've Ever Had
    Jack.....if she’s HOT. why not have her spend the whole evening instead of just a quickie. When my Detroit Babe stops by the hotel when I’m in town, she never goes into work. She said she enjoys me over work PL’s any day of the week. And of course I pay her ........
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    3 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Flight Path... On Descent?
    Longball.... you da man. Five nights ins row. I can’t handle two nights in a row at the FC. I keep cussin myself, asking why did I do it again. But I typically was spending 800-1000 the first night out, and around $500 the second night. I have taken a 3-4 month break from the FC.
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    3 years ago
    Last time I will be at FC in a while
    Sorry for the repeat question, but I wasn't aware of the other reviews until I refreshed the page afterwards. But the question still remains, "Did he actually HEAR her name called??? Some dancers do have an attitude, so anything is possible. My basic rule at the FC is, if we (Dancer & I) ain't having a good outside the VIP, I don't think $$$ will change much once upstairs. I must admit, many of the dancers are also picky when it comes to "Fun in the VIP". And that is their choice, which I fully support. Only one time did I have to walk from the VIP, even though we (Dancer & I ) spent two previous evenings talking / playing etc., before we went to the VIP. All the rules changed once the curtained closed, in fact we didn't even have one dancer before I Bolted.
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    3 years ago
    Last time I will be at FC in a while
    Did you hear them call her to the stage or did she say they called me to the stage??? I would agree, she should not have been called back to the stage when only 5 or 6 dances had elapsed. Just thinking maybe she wanted to bolt..........
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    day shift gems.
    @Aham5144 the skip fee is not new at the FC. It is sort of the fine the dancer has to fork over, when she misses her turn on stage. Daytime skip fee is $25.00 The evening skip fee is $50. Also the fee increases for the dancer the closer it gets for her to get on stage. Meaning in the evening they will call Dancer XXX in four dances. If dancer XXX wants to skip her turn dancing, she goes to the DJ and pays him $50. When it is down to Dancer xxx in One Song the fee goes up to $100, if I remember correctly. DB
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Getting out of hand
    When did VIP go up to $25? It was only $20 on my last trip there.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anyone of you ever feel what you had been “Roofied” in a Club.
    @wallanon Was with her OTC a few other times since the event. Left $500 on the dresser to see if it walked. Nothing went missing. The same Alcohol can effect you different on different nights, so that’s why I posed the question on the forum. It’s not like we are a bunch of rookies. We all come from different backgrounds,etc. Thought someone would have been down the Roofie path before, given the atmosphere we play in. It could of well been mixing the tequila &beer and being in the company of a hot dancer like Whoday said. I just don’t know. I have had about a two months to ponder the situation, and the only thing I can think of is to re-create the scenario again. I won’t get burned a second time. Going into the situation with all sensors on full alert this time. To be continued next week. DB
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anyone of you ever feel what you had been “Roofied” in a Club.
    Hey All, I have been drinking for years, have been Shit-Faced in SC's before, but this seemed like a totally different kind of Buzz. I could comprehend everything, but at the same time, I was helpless to "Say No or Fuck You Bitch". When I am Fucked Up I will not drive and I uber back to the hotel. So I know when I am Fucked Up, I had a bucket of beers (5) and 3 shots of Tequila, the last one being cloudy looking. (From the shot girl) Had a ton of food to eat before we got to the bar and even ate in her vehicle while she smoked a joint. We got into the club around 9:30 PM so 5-6 beers and 3 shots in 2 -2.5 hours would not ShitFace me. It should have been a nice buzz....... The dancer and I go way back, so it wasn't your typical lets Roll this Guy scenario, with a whole group of people involved. The Venmo went to her not some Jane Doe. I did n't discover the Venmo until about 2-3 weeks later since I only had $1000 in it. How does a 100 pound spinner go shot for shot with a PL, then drive home ( A really Long Long drive) and call me that she made it home. I am still confused by it all........... And I "Got's to Know" So here is what I am going to do. I will be in town for two nights this week. I have arranged for OTC with her this week. I have loaded up my Venmo with $1500, will bring $5000 CASH and let her know it when I pay her the $1000 for OTC. She only works the club on occasions. I will see if she wants to do the club scene? And see how it all turns out. Sort of a Deja Vue. If it starts to go south, I will bolt the Club. I will try to have the dancer drive me to the club, so it is the same scenario. If I lose it the second time and get robbed...then I guess I am up for "PL of the Year". And in Case you all do not know what it means to get Roofied..... it is called the "Date Rape Drug". Google it. I Will post next week about my adventure this week. BTW.I am a Street Smart MF'er, but we all have our weak times, and anyone can and will get burnt when they play the game long enough. When the ATF has been around for years you sort of let your guard down. I will let you all know how the week goes. Dirty Burt.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    Dumbest bumper sticker (non-political)
    My favorite bumper sticker that I had was: Ted Kennedy’s Car has Killed more People than my Gun.
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    3 years ago
    The Continental Breakfast
    Coffee and Water for me. I’m cheap and easy.
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    3 years ago
    New York
    Drink of Choice if you make over a visit per week, for an hour or more
    Alternative between Mic Ultra and O’douls.
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have you actually ever talked to a stripper on the phone?
    Only talk to current ATF...... sometimes texting just isn’t the “ Best Way” to communicate on important issues. FaceTime also works great when necessary.......
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Let's Make a Deal . . . .
    Null, Thanks for squaring me up on the “ Tip-Out for the Independent Non-scheduled Dancer”........
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    keep the receipts
    Not sure if you learned the hard way or the easy way, only spending $150......... And dances are usually $30 per dance, so I’m not sure about you spending $75 on dances. Was it two dances = $60 + $15 tip? But, It doesn’t sound like you are a big tipper to me. And I know the dancer you speak of....she is typically on the higher side of everything.
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    3 years ago
    Let's Make a Deal . . . .
    Two sides to this one, as I see it. His: You could have tried just to pay the old rate and put it back on her, that she should have told you about the increase in price, and walked. I had one Dancer do that to me at the FC a few years back. It went from the usual $200 to $300, after an eight month absence on my part. So, I gave her $200 then tipped her $40, which is what I previously tipped her all the other $200 times. She seemed happy, and we danced again next month, at the $200 rate. Her: Depends if you were her first trip back that day or night. Not sure if she was daytime or night time girl. If she was a night time independent dancer, (Not a scheduled dancer) and it was her only gig, then she owed about $325 tip out. Means she ends up with about $125 take home at the $450 rate vs damn near nothing at the $300 rate. I see both sides of this story. I am not sure how some of these girls make it at the FC. My two cents..............
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    3 years ago
    Big Spender
    Yep..... she drained Venmo. Not sure how she got my phone from me...... but that’s what they do. But she left me $50. Haha So that is my record night close to $2500.was it worth it???? Hell no....... Never again. Plus, Only One Nut, but I do remember a video being taken. Too drunk or roofied for second nut. 1 1/2 hours trying. I do not have a copy of video yet, even when I do get a copy it still won’t be worth it. Need to connect with my other lower tier SB’s for the next few months. Glad I was able to take that Big Hit and not be hurting from it. I have a “Go to Hell account” designed for this purpose. So,I guess I add another item to my list. I will never give up my Guns or Phone, until they “Pry them from my Cold Dead Fingers”...... Later DB
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    3 years ago
    Big Spender
    I usually bring in about $2000. And set my nights limit at $1000. ( Usually it’s only a monthly trip) Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. A few weeks back, I started out with Sugar Babe OTC for $1000. Then I got sucked into taking her to the club, she actually drove me. Three hours later, I was totally fucked up drunk, and spent and additional $500 cash plus SB grabbed my phone and got into my Venmo Account . ( I still haven’t checked my Venmo Account) Glad I only had $1000 in that account. I am thinking that whole night was close to $2500. I will check Venmo later tonight and let you know.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Virginia Tech Football Player Charged With Killing Tinder Date After Learnin
    @gothamyte Shouldn’t the 18 year old be charged with a Hate Crime???? I think so........Papi was only pointing out the irony of today’s world. Blame whitey for everything. Funny how most of the gay attacks are committed by minority inner city youths, but let one white guy commit a crime and it’s white supremacy.... Now do you understand Papi’s comments???
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Do you have tattoos?
    No tattoos here either. I work too hard to keep my body in shape for this hobby and my personal image. NO tattoos on the SB or the other two ATF’s either. I have a “side hustle” that pays for most of these activities, and I get plenty dirty doing that job. But, I clean up real nice. Plus with everyone having tattoos now, us squeaky clean Guy’s really stand out. And I do use that to my advantage, every chance I get. Also .......Remember that “Single Rose” tattoo will “Turn into an ugly Bouquet” in about 15 years.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    An Oddity at DD’s
    @ SimonBelmont...... so your talking Up Front VIP’s for around $650 for the hour, plus a tip for the Booth Guy. I just can’t see one of those Cuban’s wanting to stay put that long or if they have the attention span for an hour of fun???? Kind of a risky adventure for $650 IMO. Now for a Latina or South American beauty, I would say yes,yes,yes. all day long.
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    3 years ago
    An Oddity at DD’s
    Thanks Papi......... If anyone fucks up now after that explanation of the $100 booths, they were either too drunk or too stupid. Thanks again brother.
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    3 years ago
    An Oddity at DD’s
    So will most dancers here accept the $125 at the end of the third song or is it demanded up front??? The few times I participated in the three dance special, it always seemed they tacked on some kind of a room fee or some other kind of up charge. Guess I need to have the $125 all set aside, hand it to them and just walk out, ignoring their pleads for more $$$,
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Floating in a most peculiar way……
    @rl27...The standard piano has 88 keys on its keyboard......... but I also didn't have a clue what he was trying to say, other than Billy Joel. @shailynn... I think you may be on to something with your Big Gulp theory.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rob at the RR
    Thought $80 was the "Magic Number" here???? Yea sometimes it pays to stick with the Oldies........