
Comments by dirtyburt (page 4)

  • review comment
    a year ago
    The FC is dying……
    My guess is the FC Revenue is also down, and jacking up the rates for the customers & dancers isn’t going over too well with either. We the customers can leave, take 3 or 4 months off, but the poor dancers (specially the better looking ones) don’t have much choice……. I’m not sure how hands on the owner Allen is in calling the shots at FC, but if the current managers are making these hiring / pricing decisions, they are not doing a bang up job. Plus my sources have told me that Allen (owner) will be “Pleading Guilty to Tax Evasion” shortly. …….and that’s a whole other story in itself. . My original post was turned down for being inflammatory, so I had to clean it up for publication..If anyone wants to see the original post, I think I can post it somewhere else on this site, to get some additional opinions. ( Let me know where to post it at) Who knows, I may just reading my last few visits to the FC wrong. Later Dirtyburt……..
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Florida is looking better by the day.
    Our Tax Dollars at Work
    Yes…. He does own BT’s in Pompano. And his Flight Club in Detroit is losing ground quickly..
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    H0es Dont Get Cold because they're Cold Blooded
    OTC Advice? LD's don't do it anymore
    OTC girls……. Not wanting to rain on your parade, but you need to watch your back when you’re asking for OTC, with strippers, that you do not know. Many of these strippers are hustlers on the side, and will set you up to rob you during the OTC visit. So be very aware of a first time encounter if you do not, you know the girl.. You will be a lot safer, ITC than OTC, Until you know the stripper. And this all comes from veteran strippers and monger friends, since I’ve only done OTC, a handful of times. Currently, I have 3 girls, in different parts of the USA, that I will go out with and trust. But that has taken at least 5 or more years to build that trust factor. And under no circumstances, do you ever ever ever bring one back to your own house. I know of two true incidents, where friends brought the girls back to their homes, and next thing they knew, their doors were kicked in and three or four thugs came into the house to rob them. Be safe and don’t let your Little Brain, make your decisions when it comes to safety.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Yep…. If it’s the one I’m thinking of you get only “One Shot at Her” and if you stumble or fumble that seems to be it for the day. Too big of a chest for me, so it doesn’t matter if I “Play or Stay”…..
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    $20 ATM Fee - $200 max withdrawl
    Baggrider, Do you know if the dancers were day shift or night shift dancers?? 7:00 PM is the changeover from day to night shift. The night shift dancers typically do a lineup at 7:00 PM.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A ton of girls
    GK 05…… If the dancer goes back to VIP for 3 songs, then the FC adds an extra $100 to the girls “Tip Out” fee for that night only. She can then go back, as many times as she wants to on that night. That’s why the girls hesitate on a slow night, when it’s late, and don’t drop their prices that often. The club isn’t cheap for dancers or customers. If the dancer is a free lancers and not scheduled for at least three days of week, her “Tip Out is close to $300 or more per night.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A ton of girls
    A lot of girls means you may have different options / looks ……. But not cheaper prices. The girls need to earn enough money for their high tip out, and if there are not many male buying customers, the high quality girls won't budge much on prices.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate the ATF - Peak or Present?
    My ATF for 4 years is still going strong. January 2023 will be two (2) years since SHE asked me to do to OTC. I had given up asking her to do OTC, because her answer was always a "I don't do that / I am not that type of girl". Since then, I have went from 4 (ATF's / CF's) down to two ATF's seeing #2 only about 2-3 times per year. We renew our vows every year in December / January and ironically just did tonight as she is flying out to Vegas in the morning. Neither of us know exactly where it is going, or for how long, but her dedication to me seems to be getting more intense every few months. She has gone from working the club 3 days per week down to a few days every few months, just to keep in contact with friends etc. We have a long distance relationship, but we spend a shit load of time together virtually at night, via FaceTime, while I am in the hotel since I work on the road. She owns her own house, only has a few bills, her vehicle is paid off, No Drug habit other than weed, as she graciously accepts her $1000 per month allowance for Gas and Essentials. Each Hotel meeting (6-8 hours) she receives $1000 Cash plus a tank of Gas for her travel time to meet me. She has Spring & Fall wardrobe needs, which cost in the neighborhood of $1000 per season. Never spent like this on an ATF before, but we both seem happy with the relationship, I still have a growing Bank account, and I have realized that life is short and you can't take anything with you.... I think I have a keeper..........Plus she doesn't have any Tattoos
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Payoff at Flight Club
    Good Lord….. Looks like PL2’s Brother has joined in the now 2 man protest.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    a league above.
    @Pepsi an??? You don’t think the Recession is Effecting the club….??
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Avoid River
    I am in Detroit tonight...... and still haven't left the hotel, trying to figure out if it is worth even going to the FC. The last few times I was at FC, I didn't even bother writing a review. The girls looked bored and had no energy. I don't blame them....... who wants to work for nothing. I suspect the recession isn't helping matters. An independent dancer from FC that I know, said her tip out now is close to $300 per night, so she doesn't frequent the establishment that often. Can't blame them, Can't Blame us. Going to be a long dry spell......... until spring of 2023.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    FC to the rescue Th pm, but stick to 'the plan'.
    Plus Anastasia is a Gringo not a Russian. Only knew of One Cuban there and she would play with me for $200. Yep, maybe your plan was to get Drunk???
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Couple friendly, hot night
    I know that if a group (2-3) dancers join you, a few rounds of drinks / tips is pushing $150. Dancers drink typically average $20-$25. I used to see, I think it was a family husband wife and son, would get a booth and party all night with the dancers and no one went upstairs. A few dancers told me this Family typically drops over $2000 on an evening. I watched them on at least three or four different occasions, and could not really get a handle on what they were doing, other than having a blast partying.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Strippers and writing
    I would say she seems older, and a little anal, but follows the cursive rules that were set out years ago. Probably went to a private school or Catholic school… I do judge how people write and text. If they text in all lowercase,use no punctuation,don’t capitalize the first word in a sentence,etc. I kind of put them in to the non-intellectual bucket, and treat them accordingly financially. Three of my four, speak and conduct themselves properly in public. The fourth is learning, but sometimes back- slides into “Stripper Mode”, when excited. And of course, she is the youngest one, just turning 30 this year. But she is always there at the first text, no drama, no BS, no drugs, and she is hot AF. Plus she always says thank you. Of course, she does have some downfalls, but don’t we all.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Is inflation impacting local club attendance?
    I haven’t been clubbing either and don’t really have any big plans to at this time. With the stock market down, I don’t feel I have the financial confidence that I had when it was up. Still have the Sugar Babe, and neither of us have plans to dump the other at this time. But, I do plan to cut back a bit with her also. Two & three consecutive days per month, is causing me to yell OUCH also.. Plan to do maybe One SB Night for a $1000 and then one club night for $500. Fuck Joe Biden…….Funny how most of the dancers that I personally know very well, did not vote for him either.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First Time in Columbia area
    Yep, it was this week. They said I would get free admission if I just came from the Masters Tournament or I was Ex-Military. Somehow I still got shorted ten bucks on the entry.. But again, it was about 4:00 PM, so I get it.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Meh Visit
    Do they still have the Evening Gown” policy?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    No tats
    Some strippers actually think and understand the Long Game. None of my “Four ATF’s have any Tattoos. They lose their inheritance if they Ink Up.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Mother and daughter duo.
    Hey Electronman,, Recently my response to the fatties and inked up dancers that invade and will not leave, is I tell them I am really not into tattoos and that usually does the trick. Being the gentleman that I am, I never comment on their weight, but if necessary I tell them I have a weight limit on Lap dances, due to a recent surgery. Looks like thinks are still “Slow & Cold” up North. . I think I will wait another few months for sunshine and warmer weather before I fly back up. Hopefully, it turns around in a few months.. Pussylicker, The valets cut down on the entry of the cheap gun toting dudes that want to shoot up a nightclub over the slightest perceived wrong look. Think about that........ there are some people that shouldn’t be welcome in the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What did 50 Cent do when he got hungry? 58.
    Okay, who is this?
    Papi, Sounds like one of my tricks 30 or 40 years ago. haha
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    2021 strip club spending
    Started doing my taxes and asked SB if I could write her off as a dependent. Looks like I pushed the $30K point with mine in 2021.....That’s Cash & Shopping only totals. Didn’t add in Meals etc. My original budget was $12K per year, but I really blew it in 2021. Hope to stick around $15K mark for the year 2022"..........In the last two months December & January I spent $1850 on her.. so I may be within the budget for 2022. Time will tell........
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Pricey but still offers some smoke shows
    Yep Pussy, If you can’t afford ten bucks on the outside...... How cheap you going to be on the inside with the bartenders and dancers????? It’s best you just stay away.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Odd vibe
    Haha a "Band of Gypsies" has arrived. I also haven't been to FC since July. Hope I recognize the joint, when I return.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Odd vibe
    It’s the Vegas of the Midwest. Guess inflation is hitting the FC also. You know, so many businesses took it in the ass when the governor’s all decided to shut everything down. I think the infection / death rate is similar to last year, but remarkably they haven’t shut anything down yet?? Go Figure??? We have also come to the conclusion that VIP is also up??? $300-$500 Guess you need to bring at least $1000 and plan to spend at least $500-$700 for a good time.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    What’s the most you ever dropped on a vip/private experience itc
    Most VIP’s are about $300. Goes up,to $500 with ATF ( all ITC ). With current ATF, OTC is $1000 per night and $800 for second night in a row. 6-8 hours average OTC.