
Comments by dirtyburt (page 6)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    “Da New Tent”.........
    None of this makes much sense to me...... thanks for the update.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Shut down early Thursday
    I guess you paid the dancer, for dances danced???
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    “Da New Tent”.........
    @Ulrik79....... I wonder if they just put those Bar seats in on Thursday???? We kept commenting on how it would suck to be standing the entire evening. I swear everyone was standing at the bar. And I didn’t have anything to drink before I got there at 11:00 PM. @Ulrik79.......I'm not sure if the tent will keep going after Thursday. You would have thought the Lawyers would have had those Legal details all figured out in advance. Unless the Michigan alcohol commission can come in and make their own laws, sort of like the ATF does.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Worst Stage Names
    I know two dancers off the top of my head that have real names that sound like stripper names. Of course, their stage names are much more conservative. I guess their parents picked the correct names in hind sight.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Spending too much time around strippers?
    A now I bet you are having issues with your vehicle. How much did you say you need for the repair???
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Not the Strip I was looking for
    When the two best places in Inkster suck...... that is not a good sign. Hope it was a seasonal glitch. Was the weather nice that weekend? Maybe spring fever struck?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Did I miss the Flight?
    Yep...... Every once in a while I have the same experience at FC during the week. Luckily, not recently. Sometimes it just ain’t meant to be. I think that weekend crowd is a whole different beast. Curious if the tent will be open during the week?? Going to try to slide in there next week, will post my findings.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    One day you lose, and One day you win......
    For you out of Townes...... My GPS shows the address as 1 Globe St.....
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    One day you lose, and One day you win......
    No .... I only paid $40 Entrance Fee and tipped the bouncer $5. Damn it now you got me wondering!!!!! If I remember correctly, the dancer said show me front money so I know your good, before we took the walk. I showed her a bunch of $100’s and she said cool let’s do this. I kept thinking the reviews said $140 , but was surprised by the $40 fee. This was two weeks ago, so I will let you know the next time that I fly back into PVD. And I only had one beer!!!! To be clear, I was in the rooms to the right of the Exit Doors and I thought there were curtains and not doors. I swear they had a sign posted with the rates of : $40 for 15 minutes $80 for 30 minutes I will wait for others to chime in........with their thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can I get a drink? What do you want? Water.
    Could you image the outrage if she ordered a $20 drink, then just walked away, after she realized how much of a dick he was???
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hilton Head 2AMer.
    Try this one........ https://www.wjcl.com/article/overnight-1-person-shot-outside-of-hilton-head-island-nightclub-suspect-in-custody/36371904
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wiffle Waffle seems to be bugging out
    Where is WW's Adios Post????? I think I missed it..... Link please....
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is there a TUSCL Formula for OTC
    Thanks for all the input. The group that was on the low end say $300, never commented on how much time was spent. I am thinking anywhere from 30-60 minutes, then they hit the road..Don’t think most dancers would spend half a night for $300. Unless they had no place to go home to. I definitely am not looking for that. My particular dancer and I have known each other for about 5-6 years. She turned down OTC until January of this year, because of some bad experiences Overall the price seems steep at times, until you try to deal with the SS of other dancers. I have very few bills, and still save money each month, since I am not running around at other clubs looking and hoping for action. A second dancer is in the works, and I suspect the price will be about half as much..and the talent about equal. Just don’t know how much time will be allocated for the event. The $1000 event is affordable to me, so no issues with that. The occurrence has typically been once a month, and may stretch out to every six weeks or so in the future. The only other OTC I had, was in Dallas while I was working there for a week this winter. It was only her second event, and she was shaking when we got to the room. She asked me if I was going to kill her. It set me back $500 for the hour, and she was a clock watcher. So with that in mind, I think I am doing fine with the time I am currently getting. Thanks again for all the replies. I also enjoyed the humor and opinions. Be Safe, have fun DB
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Mid Week.... Turning Up the Heat.........
    @spite78 If your anger comes across to the dancers, like it came across in your comments, I can understand why the FC girls are not receptive to you. Like I said, we are laughing, joking, partying before during and after. That goes a long way with anyone.. Sorry that the Flight Club is above your standards, but the young ladies need to make a decent living also. Your probably better off going across the street to Bogies, which seems more your speed. Off to Mexico now...........
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Mid Week.... Turning Up the Heat.........
    The evening one (hour and fifteen minutes was with an old flame).That night it cost me $500. Think it has been $2500 with OTC and club time, with her for the month of April. She hits bank with me-and knows it. The second one was ( $300 + $100 tip ) Lasted about an hour. This daytime dancer and I have been trying to make it to the back for about two or three years now, then Corona hit. It was a nice tease, then it became reality last week. I pulled a few moves that she really liked. Then she did the same for me. It felt like we were sort of competing with each other. Like I said earlier, if they know the money is there, they will play the game. So I flew back up to see her this week, we again promised each other a great time but things happened, she was busy etc. and I ended up in the back with a new one. So it’s back to that absence makes the heart grow fonder. ........we are currently texting it out. BTW..... is it just me or do they all want new couches right now. Two couch requests and broken vehicle. Daddy Daddy Daddy
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Have no interest in regular escorts but are pornstar escorts worth trying once?
    I say you live once...... then try it once. It’s only money. What maybe $1500 for an hour. Personally I am not sure about all of the vetting process, giving all of my information ( name, driver license, employment information etc). I know it’s necessary for the safety of the young ladies, but I need to think about my safety and privacy also......I haven’t figured that angle yet, so it’s not for me. On the other hand, add to the above stories that some of these girls just don’t cut the mustard, why risk spending $1000-$1500 for a disappointing time. That’s why I don’t mind spending a little more with a club girl that I can relate to. Many of my club friends tell me it feels like they did a Porno Shoot when we have finished anyhow.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Has anyone here gained a few pounds this year
    Mostly avoiding carbs. No big secret. Avoid potatoes, rice, pasta, sugar, bread, etc. Agree with Mark 94 I lost between 15-20 since COVID . Also avoid excess alcohol which slows down your metabolism. Drink water water water.........go with vodka or some tequila at night. Or a low carb beer. Mich Ultra or corona premier. 2-3 works fine for me. I also exercise like hell, and don’t eat breakfast or lunch. Water &black coffee only till 4:00 or 5:00 then let it rip. Eat as much as you want ( I am never hungry ) Stomach gets used to it. ........... cholesterol BP and sugar all perfect. No drugs for this old man.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    when's the last time you had a really good time at the SC?
    Been having a rip roaring time at the Flight Club since it reopened in July 2020. Fly in there on an average of once a month. Did have a few crappy experiences, but most rocked my world, to be honest.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Prices continue to climb
    So you negotiated $200 up front, but you got charged $90 for THREE dances. I guess we could label Diamond a ROB. Now I have gone back without negotiating upfront and had to pay for a few dances on top of what I later negotiated. $60 + $200.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Requiring the Covid Vaccine
    Started working up some counterfeit cards about three weeks ago. I’m taking this one to the bank fellows. They Zig and I Zag. Who said growing up on the streets, and running numbers as my first job, wouldn’t get me any where.....??????? BTW...... they are being marketed as Replacement Cards..Who needs Social Security???
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    BT’s Executive Club, Dearborn... Post Covid Monday Night
    No sure if you were looking for extras or not from your little hottie..Guess you now understand why we negotiate up front. (If extras are your thing.) But at least you only wasted a little over a $100 for “No Nut”. Live & Learn..Did you review the other two clubs ?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    Just got ticketed in Ohio heading to the Flight Club in Michigan. 82 in a 65 zone. Cost me $147.00 and then the dancer I wanted to see wasn’t there. So I guess I got fucked twice for about $150, looking on the bright side.........
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    It’s getting better, but will it ever be Normal???
    Naaa.....I am a Cover Freak at all times. It’s my technique of play & having us create a PSE for both of us. Most seem to get into it once I get them started down the right path. ( I always try to make things fun, and not typical ), but this is the second one that complained about ruining makeup.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    It’s getting better, but will it ever be Normal???
    I was unable to get a straight answer from the dancer that I was with when I asked her if she was leaving FC after our dance finished around 11:15 PM. Point being, will she be charged that Early Leave fine, even though the club is technically closing early. Similar to the fine you need to pay when you “JAIL-Break a dancer for OTC. I think it was $150.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Just Go To The Clubs For The Articles
    Venture Back to The Club Following Covid Break
    What are you saying about the”Pimp Girls”? Are the PG’s setting the prices for all dancers??? I am hearing about these girls, but I don’t get the feeling that it’s happening.The gang of girls that I run with there wouldn’t put up with that.. Maybe there will be a turf war in the future. Could be fun to sit back and watch.