
Comments by JimJazz (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    who are you??
    When did you start visiting SC?-- 1988 When did you start dancing?(dancers only)-- N/A What is your favorite club?-- Cheetah, Atlanta Who is your favorite dancer? --Nikki and ofcourse my g/f What would your dream dancer look like?-- Long Dark hair w/ blue eyes sm/md breats, petite build Are you a club regular?-- Not at the moment but I have been Would you rather have good coversation or a kick ass lapdance? --Both Would you ever date a dancer?-- Yes, I am presently seeing a lovely dancer and have dated another dancer in the past. Do you drink?-- Socialy...3 drink max Do you smoke? -- No- been quite for years now Do you do drugs? -- No Do you attend neighborhood clubs or city clubs?-- I prefer big city clubs overall Would you ever talk to a STRIPPER who has been FUCKED for MONEY!!!-- Sure.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do customers who PAY for conversation LACK SELF ESTEEM???
    Kamyrn I think you missed one question for RL IS HE CLINICLY INSANE ?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Is KingPin a liar-? What do you all think?
    If he owned a stripclub he could tell us some tangible facts about it. He is a liar, and a bad one at that. Funny stuff !
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    If you owned a club you'd be able to answer basic questions about the business like what the local laws are in regards to stripclubs. If you serve alcohol or not and what kind of permit you were required to obtain and keep active. You can't answer thes basic questions because you are lying KingPin. If you are telling the truth then you'd have answered the questions a long time ago.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    I think the difference is that customers often try to "pet the kitty" even when they have been explicitly told that is not included in a contact dance. I would have problems with a group of people who are constently sexualy assualting me too. The reasons dancers dancers disrespect customers is often because of exactly that- sexual assualt. The reasons I see/hear that customers disrespect dancers often has to do with the dancer regection their advances. And I just don't think regecting someones advances constitutes disrespect.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    darn hit the enter.... anyway also on SW I read several of the ladies have been bitten by customers. What the fuck is that? What right do any of us customers have to take a chunk of flesh out of these ladies ????? None, that's what. When you compare the things customers complain about verses what the ladies complain about it makes the customers complaints like look childs play.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    also I don't think it should be required that a dancer tell a customer not to touch her pussy- that should be clearly understood by all of us guys that we shouldn't touch there unless specificaly told we can. Promises of a hot dance shouldn't be considered an ok to finger these gals.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    Sorry Fondl- not to be disagreeable but I don't see how any of that is disrespectful. Annoying yes, but not on the par with what dancers deal with in the least.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    btw the way anyone can see you were describing yourself in your last post. You'll answer the questions if you actually own a club and you won't if you don't, simple as that. The longer you con't to lie about owning a club and/or avoid answering the questions the more you look like a fake.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Absolutly everything you just wrote is bullshit. Stop trying to deflect and just answer the questions- that is if you know any of the answers. What type of club is it that you own- toplesss or nude or bikini? Does it serve alcohol or not? What kinds of permits did you have to obtain to open the club ? What kinds of permits must you maintain to stay open?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Is KingPin a liar-? What do you all think?
    Everytime he avoids answering the questions about his pretend club the more proof there is that he is lying. LMFAO!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    What? Try again idiot. This time see if you can apply some logical thought process to your ideas before posting them.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    same idiot blather from a misogynist
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Complete BULLSHIT- I just went around your attempt to make it a personal insult fest. You attacked me- whom you don't know a single thing about. A wonderful young lady ( my g/f) who you know nothing about. Its crap and nothing more than a lousy attempt to deflect the real subject matter. Answer the extreemly simple question "Mike"-- that is IF you can.LMFAO!!! Anyone who owned a club could answer those questions and yet you can't. What does that prove? Oh just that you are lying about owning a club. If you are telling the truth then answer these EXTREEMLY simple questions: what kind of club is it- topless or nude or bikini ? Does the club serve alcohol or not ? What kinds of permits did you have to obtain to open the club? What kinds of permits do you have to maintain to stay open? What are the laws regarding stripclubs in that area?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    LMAO -riiight! Sure "Mike"- who pretends to own a club but can't answer a single question pertaining to club ownership- I'll believe that when someone with some crediblity says that, like say Yoda, or WiseGuy or Niceass or Dusty for example. People like you, V, Gimp,RL don't count.And I posted a poll elsewhere on the net to get other people opinions if you telling the truth or not- I'll put a link to the result in a few days. At any rate I must be leaving for the day shortly as my lady and I are having dinner at Tantra this evening. It's going to be wonderful evening!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Ok last post gotta run dinner is at 7 and I gotta get home and shower. KingPin stop telling lies- I never emailed you you fucking freak- there you go with your lies again (and using the same one as one of your other personality GMP) if I am emailing you go ahead and report me to the police- I fucking dare you freak! Ok thats it- I'll be back tomorrow to poke more fun at your lies.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    A Challenge!
    I like a good challenge so I'll give it a shot too even though its been way too much fun pointing out his lies but I don't come to boards to put people down so I have to admit it overdue time to quite poking fun at him. And now that he has is attacking the ladies with his cruel and unfounded bullshit it isn't funny anymore. So I'll try not to respond 40% because of the challenge and 60% for the ladies.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I first went as an escort for a female friend so she could check out a club as she was thinking of starting to dance. I have to agree that clubs were better in the 80's and early 90's than they are today. Most every club had dancers that could put on great stage shows rather than just prance around. There was MUCH less contact and the dancers seemed happier that way and the customers seemed better behaved when it was mostly air dancing. The hustle factor was fairly low too as the economy was better and customers spent more freely.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    A Challenge!
    and V- all the shock value posters - they have nothing of value to add.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    Lack of coutesy yes, I agree. I can't say I have ever had a dancer promise things and not deliver though. I personally have never have encountered what people describe as a ROB, in over a decade of visiting clubs. Maybe it is because I don't seek contact in contact clubs ( not to say you do, but we both know lots of customers do)and I don't seek extras in contact clubs. Basicaly I don't expect illegal contact from dancers. Anyway I still stand by my statements that the dancers deal with much more extreem levels of disrespect than we customers. So many of them have to deal with sexual assualts and its just f'cked to put that on the same level with being verbaly mislead. Customers main complaints tend to be of the regection ( dates/phone #/ contact etc) varity. Where as the dancers complaints are often of forced sexual contact and non payment of services rendered. Just look at Dusty's list and then compare it to yours and I'm think you'll see my point.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Would you pay a stripper for CONVERSATION if she had EVER been FUCKED FOR MONEY?
    It isn't a matter of have to it is a matter of want to compinsate for the dancers time. For example I find a dancer I particularly like and don't want to risk another customer swooping her up in between dances that I will buy so I give her some cash to make up for those dances she could be getting elsewhere while I relax a bit in between my dances or while I am waiting for songs that I like. I don't care for rap music and when a club plays some rap songs I'd prefer to wait until they end before having a dancer do dances for me. Why should she have to lose out on money because of my taste in music? So I'll tip her for that time rather than have her move on or lose out. I get to keep the dancer of my choice and she gets to cont to earn money. Its a win win situation.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    I agree if a dancers personal rules differ with the club standard rules she should tell a customer prior to danceing. It is in both her and the customers best interest. I also think we as customers should ask what the rules are before get a dance too. My lady tells me quite a few of the problems occur when customers incorrectly assume or think/act as if their home clubs rules apply at all clubs. It just takes a second to ask the dancer what her rules are before getting a dance and can save alot of hassel or disapointment.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    I agree with WiseGuy. I think RL just might be a danger to society. How would one best go about reporting RL to the proper departments as suspicious?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Small town hot over stripper/pornstar scandal
    Interesting bit. The cadet did commit fraud though cancling that check.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Niceass, DO NOT try to stop discussions about strippers being FUCKED FOR MONEY
    No,Founder and Niceass PLEASE continue to block and redirect these threads ! It is a great improvment for the website!