
Comments by JimJazz (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Where are the strippers who've EVER LIED, CHEATED, STOLE, or MANIPULATED custome
    No, they are not RL. $20 has been the standard price for YEARS and dance prices have been on the rise in many areas with some clubs standard price being as high $40. $25 is quickly becoming the new standard dance price. You should invest in a basic economics course RL, it will save you hours upon hours of wasted typing and time.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Where are the strippers who've EVER LIED, CHEATED, STOLE, or MANIPULATED custome
    I disagree George I have been visiting clubs for years and have never once been cheated by or had a stripper steal from me. Actually I have never had a bad experience with a dancer in the clubs. I'm nice to them and they are nice back. Its a pretty simple concept really tip all the stage gals, buy a dance or dances from the one's the appeal to you most and dancers will be fun and sweet. Funny how I never see guys who are tipping and getting ( legal) dances have problems with the ladies ::)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Maschusetts Man pleads guilty to exotic dancer murder
    they should have given him the electric chair
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Why do some strippers refer to CUSTOMERS as FRIENDS but REFUSE to see them OUTSI
    To answer the topics question they refuse to see you outside the club because they are smart and their safety and well being are important to them. I would also really like to see RL answer #2 in the post above mine, but I won't be holding my breath.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Cadillac Pussy
    drug addict skinny huh? Are you saying that unhealthy women have the nicest looking pussy ? Sad.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Does sex still sell?
    Interesting article. I agree with Glen as well.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Cadillac Pussy
    I wouldn't know who has the tightest pussy between thin and heavy women as I have never been attracted to a heavy lady, but drug addict skinny is not attractive either. I much prefer an athletic build over skin and bones.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    I respectfuly disagree that ladies are the ones at fault. If we as customers did not touch, ask to touch or try to touch their breasts and genitals these problems would shrink dramiticaly. My policy is to let them do all the contact and I have never once had a dancer get upset. If you allow the dancer to do the work , she stays in control of what is happening to her body and feels comfortable and safe and I get amazing dances. My girl tells me that dancers complain all the time about "octopus arms". I find its a simple equation to have a good time with no problems in stripclubs. Tip each stage dancer something and when getting dances let the dancer do all the contact. I seriously believe that is the key being that I have never had a dancer rip me off or had a dancer get upset either. I haven't had a single one of the problem I read other customers have with dancers. Why- because I don't do the things that dancers find disrespectful.