
Comments by JimJazz

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do customers who PAY for conversation LACK SELF ESTEEM???
    Paying for a dancers time is no differnt than paying for any other service. Its a job, why is that so hard for RL to grasp? oh and BTW.... RL what religous moral zealot group do you belong to?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    MANY strippers have been SEXUALLY ABUSED and FONDLED and FUCKED in the ASS
    C&S- you are a sick horrible person, please go back to whatever you are sober from and please overdose and die.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    New Founder?
    Kingpin- what is the name of the club you claim to own? Where is it located? What type of club is it?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    New Founder?
    It was not answered. What's the name of the club and where is it located ?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    New Founder?
    sold many properties lately or have you been racing cars ? You are just too easy -haha!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    New Founder?
    btw Mike- how's Ann Arbor these days-LMAO
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    New Founder?
    No it was not answered in that thread( which has been permnatly removed it seems) or any other time it was asked actually. If you own a club then it shouldn't be so difficult tell us right here and now, in this thread, what the name of your club is and where this club is located.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    As a newbie, is it better to be Alone or in a Group?
    Alone. I have heard numerous dancers say they don't care for groups.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Would you pay a stripper for CONVERSATION if she had EVER been FUCKED FOR MONEY?
    Yes I pay for conversation sometimes.Why you ask- well if I am enjoying the dancers company I will compinsate her for her time as I understand she is at work. I think it is extreemly disrespectful to ask anyone to work for free and I am not into disrespecting women. And no I am not nor have I ever thought about or tried to "buy a girlfriend". To think you can buy love is fucking crazy. People can buy attention but not love.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Chapter 1-- for all of you armchair pychiatrists ...........
    it seems that alot of these seril killers and/or rapist are into the DBSM scene- makes me wonder how many other people in that scene are killers and rapist as well and have not been caught yet.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    my motivation-LMAO- is humor. I happen to find it pretty darn funny how he boxed himself into that lie. Come on Mouse you actually think he owns a club? Please. And ah Mike aka KingPin- I was just fooling around here on tuscl looking up various member reviews and saw you had an AOL email so I cliked on your profile which said your name- job and location etc. You ignore my question because you don't have answer, because you lied about it in that seriously degrading thread- what was your motivation for posting such bullshit about "ALL" strippers ?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    I am not surprised at all he would write such a thing- disturbing yes, surprised, no.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?
    Yes, I agree it probably pretty common for dancers to workout in gyms that are out of their immediate area. I met my new g/f who dances in Ft Lauderdale in the gym here in Miami but then again she lives here and works there because she doesn't do contact dancing however my last dancer g/f drove to an out of the way gym to have a little privacy.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Dating a lovely dancer !
    No, I have been fine with it- I think I'd feel differnt if either were contact dancers though. It may not be fair or correct but to be honest I think I'd have jealousy issues if other men were touching my girlfriend.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Dating a lovely dancer !
    Clean, why must you put down every dancer on earth ? Sure there are some bad apples but most of them are nice, sweet lovely ladies.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    Yes KingPin if you own a club it should not be so hard to answer such a simple question. LMAO !
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do strippers have kids by different fathers more than the general population?
    I doubt it. Probably less often.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    ROFL- still no answer from "Mike" about the name of his pretend stripclub-ROFL
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    Earth to Mouse- he wasn't serious, just making fun of you.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    a stalker- Bwahahaha-all I did was click on your AOL profile that YOU put up yourself.Also I met my girlfriend at the gym dumbshit-not the club. If you own a club it shouldn't be so incredibly hard to tell us something about it. Like what kind of club is it- topless,nude,bikini? Or if it serves alcohol or not- if you don't want to name it ok, fine whatever- then just tell us what city it is located in. Why don't you just come clean and admit you lied son ?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    ps- your comments about my new girlfriend are dripping with envy. It's damn funny how jealous you are-LMFAO!!!!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Re-post Best Florida clubs in Daytona and Miami?
    Daytona clubs are DUMPS. Best one is Lollipops. Miami area try Tootsies for high contact. Cheetah for med. contact. And Spearmint Rhino for drop dead beautiful women- no contact though.General rule of thumb is you will find MUCH better looking dancers at the med. and low contact clubs. High contact club dancers often top out at 6's. If you want wild- expect VERY average looking women. If you want beautiful dancers go to the lower contact clubs .
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    I think that many dancers don't respect customers because a high precentage of customers don't respect the ladies. I read and hear over and over about customers touching in no touch clubs, asking for sex, not paying for dances, asking for discounts and so on. I wouldn't respect clients that acted that way and I don't blame dancers for feeling that way about customers either. In contrast the complaints I hear and read from other customers are things like-dancer wouldn't allow contact or extras, wouldn't accept dates or exchange phone numbers even though she acted interested etc, etc. After seeing this pattern repeat many times over the years I have to say that I think customers by and large are much more disrespectful of dancers than the other way around.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    LOL! Sure Kingpenny. So what type of club is it that you are pretending to own in Detroit? Is it topless,nude,contact,no contact, alcohol, no alcohol ??? What kind of permits did you have to obtain and maintain ? What are the local laws in regards to stripclubs ? These are all things a real club owner can answer, so if you own a club you can answer them. If you are lying (which everyone knows you are I'm sure) you won't be able to answer. If you are telling the truth then you'll be able to answer in detail.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    If you own a club you'd be able to answer the questions about what kind of club it is: topless or nude or bikini. Also you'd be able to answer if it served alcohol or not. In addition you'd be able to answer the question about what permits you had to obtain and keep active. And you'd be able to answer the question about what the local laws are pertaining to stripclubs.