
Comments by casualguy (page 86)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regretting the truth
    I've been somewhat truthful most of the time. There was one dancer I went out with a few times and never gave her my full name or phone number. When I decided to break things off with her (forget why), I knew she wasn't going to be calling me up. She probably could have found me if she hunted for me in strip clubs immediately afterwards. One dancer did know my name and phone number. She called me up multiple times. She got a bit ticked off at me one night. No good reason. Her threat to me at one point was she was going to call up all my friends and family (maybe even stop by where I worked at) and tell everyone I was seeing her. I believe I had let it slip at an earlier time that I hadn't told any of my friends or family that she was a exotic dancer. I hadn't even told anyone about her at all. She thought that was a valid threat to me. I laughed at her. I didn't know why she thought that was a threat. She looked hot. I just didn't want to give everybody I knew one more reason to talk about what I was up to. The guys at work would be asking when she was coming by again. My father would probably tell me way to go. My mother might not have approved but would have blown it off as a temporary girlfriend. No big deal. However I never considered someone causing trouble with a SO or running for office one day. If you wait 10 years, most dancers will have forgotten you I believe. I seem to be a bit strong in some dancers memories, I'm not sure why.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What to take on a beaver hunt?
    Did you bring some beaver traps? You don't want those critters getting away. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    It's your money and you aren't married to her. I do believe if you have a favorite that you rejected for some pretty young dancer, that could generate fireworks. Probably more of a money issue but dancers can be touchy too. There are many touchy dancers. What is even worse is if you can't see a dancer in the dark very well and as soon as she gets naked, you notice she's a fugly and you just want her to take the stupid dollar and let you get away. You make a mental note to stay away. Any dancer that makes you go eewww, she looks better with clothes on, makes you want to run away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    Lol, I suddenly remember a stripper from many years ago, talking about what she did to get back on her cheating husband before their divorce. Then she tells me, I'm insisting on having sex first with a guy before any thought of marriage enters the picture. Sounded good to me. I think she was the same dancer who told me another dancer tried some shit on her. She told me she had a black belt in some martial arts. The other dancer never messed with her again. I start wondering if I find the crazy dancers or if they are typical. Maybe they are good in bed but don't tick them off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    As a little side note, I remember I heard one model say before she had sex with a guy, she had to have control over his dick. She said she insisted on performing a BJ before he could have sex with her. Somehow I met a dancer who believed the same thing. I think she already had a SO, lucky guy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    I remember one dancer was definitely horny all the time. Before and after the time she spent sleeping in bed. I have been wondering about something she said though. Can a girl have 3 orgasms in only 15 to 20 minutes? She claimed she did and I was wondering if she was lying. Probably just talk in my opinion. If not, that might explain a few things about her. When I hear nymphomaniac, I think of her now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Two For One Dances - 2fer1, 2fers, 2for1, et al
    Meant to add some dancers in Greenville have asked $30 to $40 a dance. Hopefully the Columbia dancers aren't asking that much except to unknowing out of town visitors. I used to be able to get 2 lap dances in the PP club in Columbia from any dancer for $20 total a few years ago. A couple of years ago I noticed many dancers wanting to charge $25 or $30 to do a 2fer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Two For One Dances - 2fer1, 2fers, 2for1, et al
    I know a number of South Carolina clubs have two for one dance specials. In the Platinum Plus clubs, if you're a regular and possibly if you're not as well, the dancer can easily get away with doing two for ones anytime. That works good for the regular since their announced two for one specials are usually shorter songs. Instead of just charging $15 per lap dance, the regular may typically just get dances from their favorites and only pay 2 for $30 lap dance prices. I guess for shadowcat, that would be 2 for $20. Some of my favorites say they aren't counting certain songs and keep on dancing. There is no bouncer to take a cut from each dance which is something I like. The dancer pays a tip out every night she works I believe. Supposedly the regular lap dance price at Platinum Plus clubs is anywhere from $20 to $25 in Columbia to $30 or $40 depending on who you ask. I have never paid $30 for a single dance. When the economy was bad, Nepals was offering two for one table dances which amounted to 5 bucks. I didn't know why they did that at that time since those guys could easily afford it. I could have done those 5 buck dances all night. Almost like a choice between a beer or a dance or both for 8 bucks. Well maybe 9 if you gave a tip. Those were just table dances though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    I do remember a nice looking visiting dancer simply asked to sit at my table one night. I immediately told her I didn't want any dances. I think she was wondering why everyone was being so hostile to her. She ended up sitting down next to me anyway and talking for a few minutes. The last group of guys she approached were pretty rude when she asked to join them. She said they said something like "get lost bitch, we don't want any fucking dances!" This was a nice looking dancer from Ohio just visiting a club temporarily working here in South Carolina. I guess I don't like rejection either though. What the one dancer failed to realize was that there was a real bitch of a dancer being rude and obnoxious in beating her path to anyone she cared to go to (pushing chairs into other customers she didn't care about), and then was rude when you said no to her with what you might call a snotty or stuck up attitude when she left if you said no. If I see a dancer like that coming at me, I don't expect anything good to become of it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    The top dumb ass thing, wondering why I don't get lap dances at that club. Oh wait, maybe they are just clueless. Maybe there's not any difference.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    I know of one club in my area that has strict policies about only doing lap dances on their announced two for ones. Most dancers are sitting around the rest of the time if it's not their turn on stage. They have strict set prices for their lap dances where the house gets a cut. Almost no one ever gets a dance other than that special time. Meanwhile if you don't get a dance, there's no stage dancing for at least 10 to 15 minutes. I still occasionally visit but only stay for one of their no stage dancing rounds. Putting money into a juke box to have music during your lap dance after paying for the dance, lame.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    I'd say in my local area, one of the most dumb ass things is trying to do a set time for two for one lap dance specials where you can get two dances for the price of one normal one. Dancers should be allowed to do this at any time in any club. It would increase business if business was slow. Also instead of set prices, let the dancers decide on how much to charge. If the price is too high, the customers won't pay. Another dumb ass thing, not having any dancing on any stage in a club because they are doing a two for one special. Of course if the only available dancers are ugly, better to have no dancers on stage. Hiring dancers that can clear a stage and the surrounding area, why?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    Are strippers good in bed? Well the mileage is definitely high in bed. However it may depend on luck on how good they are. One girl just lied there. Another was like a wild animal. Different positions, tried to be quiet but was still disturbing the neighbors. Didn't let her get on top too much after she got so wild she was able to pull the condom right off and keep going without noticing. When a girl starts talking about her powerful muscles in her vagina, she might not be normal. I don't think she wanted to be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    Lol, I'm glad I didn't tell the dancer who was in street clothes at the door too much. I thought she was a customer until she started talking to me. She says "hi (name here)", "I was just leaving, and I guess you're just arriving. Maybe I'll catch you next time." I just say yeah, ok. No problem. I didn't even know who it was. I told this to another dancer and she suggested maybe I didn't recognize her with clothes on. Might be right. More girls will have to flash me now I suppose if they want me to remember. Actually it may sound funny, but I've had some girls who weren't working as dancers flash me to get me to remember. Best answer after they do so "Oh yeah, now I remember."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    I did get the lap dances from the pretty 21 year old dancer. I also remember seeing the older dancer looking at her when I was going to the lap dance room with her. I didn't see the older dancer later. She's probably upset. I didn't take any time to explain since I wanted to catch the other dancer before it got too late. Oh well, I probably upset another dancer without even trying.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    husbands/boy friends in the club...
    That's one thing I don't understand too much. A dancer will complain on a few occasions about rejection. She tries her hardest to get a dance from me but if I say no to her and everyone else because I didn't want to spend the money on a dance that night, is that really rejection? I'd say no but I guess the dancer doesn't see it that way. I could easily say oh, yeah, sounds like a good policy keeping boyfriends and husbands out of the clubs. However if the shoe was on the other foot, I would not like that policy. If the boyfriend or husband isn't ok with what she does in the club, they have other serious problems with keeping their relationship going.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. TVONPCELITE
    staying offtopic, skip this if you want to read about strip clubs, or pclite does anyone remember an arcade game back in the 80's that looked like a movie, it did not look like a cartoon? I thought they used a laser disc. You flew a spacecraft through a gorge on a planet in one area. I doubt very many people saw the next level on the alien planet since it was past everybody's else's high score on a college campus on the machine I played on. I'm really wondering what that game was called since I didn't find it doing an internet search. It seemed to be the longest lasting laser disc game as well since all the others with movie quality ended quickly I thought.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. TVONPCELITE
    I know someone who claimed he figured out how to make a 3D TV but he had one little problem. He said the lasers would have to be so powerful that if they touched you, they would be strong enough to slice your head off. I don't know, he seemed a little bit wacky but he did seem very smart. He claimed he invented the first virtual reality visor. Going off topic I guess.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. TVONPCELITE
    I'm still waiting for 3D holographic TV. I played a video game like that before. I could actually move my hand through the people and scene that seemed to be standing on top of the glass display. There was a new dimension to playing a video game where you saw everything in 3D. That was back in the 90's I believe. I once played a realistic looking video arcade game where I was flying a space fighter through a gorge. Finally finished that tough part one day, broke past everybody's high score, and engaged in a battle bombing an alien planet. Looked so real. Then someone took the game away and I never saw that one anywhere else. That was in the 80's. Someone is hanging onto or hiding the good stuff I think.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    I'm curious. I'm not at all familiar with the majority of country songs. Does the song refer to some kind of inappropiate touching by Daddy on his daughter or something like that? I thought of two more strip club stories. One was at shadowcat's favorite club. One night a few years ago I went there. I don't know if someone gave me some drinks or what happened but I had a lot more than normal. Before I came to my senses I remembered dances as not being 2 for 20 but 20 a dance. I was asking dancers if they wanted to dance for $20. Not one dancer turned me down the whole night. As I sobered up, I realized how much I overpaid and couldn't for the life of me figure out why I thought dances cost that much. A different story. I went to visit a strip club at the beach. I met a nice looking dancer. I told her I was staying for the weekend. She told me she would like to see me for lunch tomorrow and see what I had in my pants. Then I told her I was good with numbers and could remember her phone number. I had just started drinking when I said this to her and it was early in the evening. The night went on as normal. Each hour it seemed like she would come over and whisper to me "you remember my number, what is it?" I would rattle it off. I had a few beers. Still remembered it when I cut myself off. Left after I was ok. Went to sleep. Next morning I called. bad number. I was thinking why'd she give me a bad number? I thought she was serious too. Went back to the same club. Found out she was upset or disappointed about something. I heard she had waited over an hour for me to call. I repeated the number. I transposed two digits. uuuggh. Shit happens. I stopped trying to remember phone numbers after that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can publicity ruin a club?
    Lots of times, I don't even know where the publicity is coming from. I don't necessarily think it's all coming from this site. I remember for a few weeks I kept running into dancers from Eastern NC in a South Carolina Greenville club. One dancer claimed she could make a lot more money here than back where she lives. I see lots of dancers I'm not familiar with all the time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tracking Down Vanished Strippers
    I guess to run after or track down a dancer or to simply call her would require knowing first of all that she chose not to come back to your club. If she ran away due to something you said or did, she may not want you calling her. Maybe you wanted to break things off with her but found it impossible due to the fact that she seemed to sense something and would always go down on you first as soon as you were alone with her. I guess that's one way to not break up. At least I haven't ever broken up with a girl who was going down on me even though I thought about it a few minutes earlier. I've had favorite dancers disappear for a few months at a time and then they show back up again as if nothing happened. I prefer to just move on and forget about people who choose to leave without even saying goodbye.