
Two For One Dances - 2fer1, 2fers, 2for1, et al

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Reading from other topic posts, I've noticed some discussion about 2fer1 dances.

I believe most clubs will have announced 2fers. I know of a couple clubs that have all day/all night 2fers on a particular day of the week.

Good Thing - bargain for the money; dancers get more dances/more money;

Bad Thing - VIP areas get crowded reducing the chance of decent mileage;

The ideal thing for us guys/gals to do is refuse to get dances until the DJs announces 2fer specials or until the dancer agrees to it.

The realistic thing is it would never work, in general. Might work if the club is empty or near empty.

Last week, while at The Exotic Pearl in Columbus, Ohio, I was the only customer who had purchased a $30 LD, which I paid only $20 for. The dancer ended up only getting $10 for the dance, as the club collects $10 per LD in the VIP area. There was an announced 2fer special and I and 3 other customers took advantage of. After that, I wanted more LDs from one particular dancer and she agreed to do 2fers with me the rest of the night, but that cuts into her money.

What has your experience been?


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Avatar for harrydave

It's Monday morning and I'm grumpy. I think the clubs that have 2 fer 1 dance specials have regular prices that are too high. In Phoenix (home base), the standard topless club rate is $10 (not VIP, just regular), and the dance activity is high. In Colubus OH (you know I just love the clubs there, Bones), the dance prices are high, and the activity is low....until that 2 fer 1 thing, then several guys scramble to take advantage. Standard economic theory says there is an optimum price that maximizes income. I think the 2 fer 1 is a sign of sub-optimal (too high or too low) pricing...and I can thank my PhD economist brother for cluttering my head with this crap! Happy Monday everyone.

Avatar for chandler

2fers must be largely a regional thing. They seem to be big in the land of outlet malls. None of the clubs I go to have them (although, granted, this is the land of Little Caesar's). They don't have ridiculous dance prices like $30 and up, either. I like that better. The biggest problem I'd have with 2fers is needing to commit to two dances at a time in order to get a decent price. I like taking it one dance at a time, and once I've had enough, I wouldn't want to have to endure an extra song.

Avatar for harrydave

Ok, so where exactly do they have 2-fers as a rule?

Phoenix, Tucson - Never, most topless clubs $10, nude clubs $20 per regular lap dance at your table - no need for 2-fers with those prices

Austin TX - generally no, most moderate contact dances are $20, some clubs have a half price night Sun or Mon

Dallas - nope, great mileage at $20 a crack (no pun intended)

Detroit - never ran into 2-fers there, great mileage for $20-$25 per song

Columbus OH - Yes, 2-fers seem to be standard fare, with lurking bouncer thrown in for free

Akron OH - nope, but variety of pricing schemes and mileage

Suburban NY and CT - nope, lots of $20 dances of highly variable mileage

NYC - nope, but a pathetic set of club rules thanks to Rudy Giuliani (remember that next election day guys, he ruined the clubs in NY; we now know why, he had prostate problems)

Tampa - nope, great mileage for $20-$30

Baltimore (the Block) - nope, but lots of other stupid rules like wierdly priced girly drinks

Nogales, Mexico - no way, Jose! VIP dances for 2 songs for 23 gringo dollars, ultra high mileage with or without language barrier

Avatar for minnow

IMO, 2fers are gimmicky. They seem to be the province of the DV & SR chains. You get 2 short songs that are a little longer than 1 full length song. That, coupled with basically breaking up flow, makes these more of an annoyance. Personally, I like Dallas approach of generous length songs for $20, and Mons Venus multiple dance discounts(eg, single may be $30, but dancer will do 3 for $60).

Avatar for shadowcat

Announced 2 fer's at my favorite club are an every day occurance. A lot of customers wait for an announced 2 fer. They think that by waiting they are getting a bargin. They are wrong. During an announced 2 fer the private dance rooms fill up. Less privacy equals lower mileage. If they read my reviews they would know that you can get get a 2 fer anytime. At least I can. Newbies may have to be a bit more patient. My favorite dancers do not ask me for dances during an announced 2 fer. They know that I want high mileage and they want to keep me happy. So we wait until the announced 2 fer is over. Then we almost always have the rooms to ourselves. It has been years since I bought only a single dance.

Avatar for casualguy

I know a number of South Carolina clubs have two for one dance specials. In the Platinum Plus clubs, if you're a regular and possibly if you're not as well, the dancer can easily get away with doing two for ones anytime. That works good for the regular since their announced two for one specials are usually shorter songs. Instead of just charging $15 per lap dance, the regular may typically just get dances from their favorites and only pay 2 for $30 lap dance prices. I guess for shadowcat, that would be 2 for $20. Some of my favorites say they aren't counting certain songs and keep on dancing. There is no bouncer to take a cut from each dance which is something I like. The dancer pays a tip out every night she works I believe. Supposedly the regular lap dance price at Platinum Plus clubs is anywhere from $20 to $25 in Columbia to $30 or $40 depending on who you ask. I have never paid $30 for a single dance.

When the economy was bad, Nepals was offering two for one table dances which amounted to 5 bucks. I didn't know why they did that at that time since those guys could easily afford it. I could have done those 5 buck dances all night. Almost like a choice between a beer or a dance or both for 8 bucks. Well maybe 9 if you gave a tip. Those were just table dances though.

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Meant to add some dancers in Greenville have asked $30 to $40 a dance. Hopefully the Columbia dancers aren't asking that much except to unknowing out of town visitors. I used to be able to get 2 lap dances in the PP club in Columbia from any dancer for $20 total a few years ago. A couple of years ago I noticed many dancers wanting to charge $25 or $30 to do a 2fer.

Avatar for lopaw

The only real negative I've experienced from the famous 2fer's (except for shortening the song lengths, of course), is when I'm pressed for time at a club...say @ lunchtime. I'm rarin' to go during a non-2fer, but where are the dancers? In the dressing room, of course. They flood out during the 2fer's, and disappear when the dance prices go back to normal, figuring that everyone will wait until the next 2fer to buy dances.Dammit - I'm ready NOW!

One of these days, I'm going to storm into the dresing room & drag some of those women out by their 8" stilletos.

Avatar for shadowcat

I can actually get 2 1/2 for $20. With my favorites of course. I wait until a new song has just started and then suggest that we go get ready for the next one. They will strip down to their thongs and sit in my lap waiting for the next song to start. Meanwhile my hands are free to roam. With some of them, they will spend that time messaging MR. Happy, so that I am totally hard when it does start.

Avatar for DandyDan

The only clubs I've been to that had 2-for-1 dances offered them as a gimmick to entice people to come in during the week and/or early in the evening, before it was crowded. At one club I used to visit regularly, that was the one time you could count on the private dance room being crowded. At my favorite club, though, they quit doing that because even that was not enough of a lure to get dances. They resorted to giving away free dance cards, which everyone there seems to like. In a way, you can use that as a 2-for-1, but only once a night, as long as you go to the VIP.

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