
Comments by casualguy (page 84)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How old is you vavorite dancer/s?
    The youngest is somewhere like 18 to 21. I haven't seen her too much lately though. At her young age, I have a feeling I'll be seeing her more though. The oldest dancers I enjoy getting dances from are in their 40's I believe. One is 41. She looks a lot younger and still in great shape. Haven't seen her in a couple of months though. Another dancer I got a dance from last night might be older but it gets hard to tell. She could be in her upper 30's. If she looks good and I want a dance, I'll let her dance. Most other dancers I do not know their ages.
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    17 years ago
    Ever been flashed while walking to your car after leaving a strip club?
    Yeah, shadowcat, she wanted to take you off in her car, take you home and fuck you blind. I bet you would be smiling the whole time too. Just kidding. I thought the girl wanted to do it for fun or kicks. I left wondering did I know her from somewhere? I won't know because I couldn't see her good enough.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?
    I think in most cases, strip clubs wouldn't be affected very much if at all. I remember at one time, I was sleeping with a dancer and she wanted to have sex more often than I did. A real nymphomaniac. I liked that about her. She even wanted me to leave the strip club earlier than I wanted to but I wanted to stay and party, drink beer and enjoy all the other scantily clad dancers. I still got dances since I enjoyed that. I knew I could just leave and screw her if I wanted to but if you can do that anytime, it doesn't seem like any big deal. I doubt too many couples and strip club female customers would be going to whore houses. I believe the prettier females would be working in strip clubs rather than whore houses so there would still be the same attraction. More than likely, there would be objections from the religious right and housewives that suspect their husbands would go for it. Maybe strip clubs should push for it. Might take the heat and attention off of strip clubs.
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    17 years ago
    Rip Off Bitches - ROB - Flight Club and elsewhere
    I would have felt ripped off if I had to pay 100 bucks for 3 dances I didn't even like not considering she wanted 250. Glad you didn't pay the ROB. There's a lot not to like about ROB's but one thing is that they'll lie about the number of songs or whatever they think is in their own interest. It's all about the scam and how much they can get out of you.
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    17 years ago
    strippers with kids
    If I'm getting on a more personal basis with a dancer, I don't mind her revealing personal details about her life while we are chatting. I have met some new dancers and I remember one told me a lot about her personal life as if the strip club was some kind of dating service where she went into details about her divorce, 3 kids and ages, etc. I just met her about 5 minutes ago and hadn't even had the first lap dance from her. I really did not want to hear about her kids and have that image in my head right before getting lap dances. That image didn't turn me on especially when she tells me this while waiting for the lap dance song to start. Now if I'm just chatting, I don't mind if she wants to talk about her personal life. Makes me think she's treating me like one of her friends or possibly a boyfriend instead of just a customer. I have met dancers who had no kids. (evil grin) I was thinking I could fix that. Just kidding. I don't want to get into that kind of trouble.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best current dancer at clubs you go to
    I currently have no best dancer. Dancers are competing for the top spot though. :) It's too close to call at the moment.
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    17 years ago
    internet friend who dances
    If you're interested in seeing her, ask away. What is there to lose?
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    17 years ago
    internet friend who dances
    I'm usually more interested in the girl if she sends pics, looks good and lives locally. With her not knowing the first thing about me though, I would imagine the chances of hooking up are about as good as me hooking up with the Miss Teen South Carolina girl who lives just over an hour away from me who I never even saw before except when I was flipping channels tonight during commercials. I saw the end (my channel had lots of commercials) I thought she blew the final question. Otherwise I thought she could have easily won it. Only got third runner up. The North Carolina girl who lives over 2 hrs away from me was in the top 5 as well. Chance of me hooking up even if they were 18, (about as good as me hooking up with some strange girl who emails me on the internet from tim buck too).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Huge Nipples.... A turn on or turn off??
    I like seeing big nipples and erect nipples. I'm wondering what those big ones looked like now though. Actually I'm not too picky. I like looking at most female nipples. A few dancers have even said I need to be careful or I might get poked in the eye with a nipple, they were kidding sort of. I did close my eyes on a few occasions so I wouldn't get poked. It's the really hard breast implants you need to watch out for. I heard one guy sued about getting a black eye or something when one dancer hit him hard with her rock hard titty. I like looking at very firm tits but they aren't as much fun to feel.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Risk of reviews?
    It's better now I think. Instead of police calling our house saying they are going to nail my brother one of these days, I get asked by the highway trooper association to make donations so they can do more crackdowns.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Risk of reviews?
    Can't help posting this. I remember something funny. Many years ago my younger brother drove a mustang and would like to rev his engine going across a small bridge over a divided highway because he liked the sound effects. He did that one day and there was a police officer sitting on the hill on the other end. He got pulled over. Then the officer told him "What do you think I am? Deaf, Dumb, and Blind?" He wasn't speeding so he just got a warning. Maybe he was making too much noise for a country road where no one lives at. I don't know what the warning was about. Maybe I'm getting monitored right now, internet connection suddenly on this site died. I saved and came back though. I don't mind the police going after real criminals. I just don't like it when they start harassing ordinary people.
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    17 years ago
    Risk of reviews?
    I remember at one club I tipped dancers with police officers standing behind me. I guess I did everything proper. Didn't get arrested or warned I was leaning one way or the other too much. The dancers tend to be more tame with a uniformed officer standing nearby. Maybe I'm bit biased though. In the small town I used to live at, some police officers would actually call up our house and ask to speak to my brother about his driving. One time I said he was out which didn't help their suspicions, the police officer told me one of these days they were going to nail him. Still think they have nothing better to do than read public internet boards?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Risk of reviews?
    I once mentioned specific details about what a dancer said to me one time. The club just happened to be raided within 3 to 4 weeks afterwards. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. I know some LE in my state does have nothing better to do than screw with anyone they want to. In fact where I live at, it seems like if a criminal from somewhere else just drives into town, they seem to get arrested and jailed. That's pretty good from a crime perspective actually much better than any other place I know of. However when they stop you on the road for some minor complaint about your driving and have 4 guys dressed in swat clothes barking out orders and armed to the teeth, you feel like this is definitely a police state. After much questioning and threatening me and accusations, they apparently decided I was ok and let me go. Do they read this site? I don't doubt it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is it a new trend for dancers to tell you their real names?
    I disagree with their being no downturn in the economy. I just read recently South Carolina is already experiencing a recession. Orders where I work at seem to be a lot lower this month and for the next quarter. I don't think this information will get reflected in the national economy news until September or October though. I think other places should be experiencing similiar trends. Who knows, maybe the Fed will see something worrisome and drop rates and give a boost back to the economy. I mentioned I wasn't going to cut back my spending due to stocks dropping but I will definitely watch my spending now with the possibility of more job cuts talked about. Other companies are letting people go in South Carolina. I suspect I see things earlier than some other people who are retired or only read financial news. I'm hoping for an improvement though. I'm hoping it's just a local downturn and not national but it's not appearing that way to me right now. I may not spend as much. I think all the people that are getting laid off etc. will definitely not be spending more than they need to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    As far as not all guys getting the same treatment I'll agree with that. Some of it is just a dancer liking the way you look and smell better than someone else. The rest is pretty much the way you treat her is going to cause her to react a certain way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If your stocks drop a lot, does it affect your strip club spending?
    Apparently with the current market, my stocks didn't drop that much. Everything is almost back to the way it was when I jumped in. I'm starting to think I could be a good market timer if I wait a bit longer to jump in or out and wait for the crowd to come around to my way of thinking. However dollar cost averaging is the easy way to come out ahead instead of trying to time the market. Still, there is that lure of playing the stock market like it's a game.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Worst Strip Club Still in Business
    I try to avoid clubs I think are no good so my choices are limited. I'll rate Lady Godiva's I as the worst club I have been in. I visited one time and never had a desire to return even though I've driven past it many times. Here are some quotes from reviews: Quotes from stillworks There was no dancer I could rate higher than 4. Three dancers, fat, saggy or dirty. Quotes from Polarman If you like them (dancers) a little overweight and kinda sleazy you'd be in heaven here. If this is the crowd during the day I would advise anyone to come with friends at night. Quote from Bones7599 the club appeared somewhat dirty and in need of repairs or renovation. Reason it stays in business- I think some guys must like it sleazy. I wondered if I visited at a bad time. Then I found TUSCL and read other reviews.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    One word of warning, many dancers are expert con artists. If they're thinking about breaking things off with you, they may try to pull a con on you. Don't fall for it. Also try to avoid really pissing a dancer off. One dancer told me what she did to her husbands stuff after she found out he was cheating. Destruction of property means nothing to some dancers on the war path.
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    17 years ago
    I'm sure the percentage varies from club to club. Some clubs have rules against it and they are strictly enforced. Other clubs don't really care. At least that's the way I've known it. One of the first clubs I visited I found out many of the dancers did an outside the club thing called a private party. They would dance for the customer outside the club in a more private setting for money. Obviously the dancer has to trust the customer enough to do this but she may have someone nearby and just might not tell the customer. I lost count a long time ago how many times I've visited dancers after their normal work hours. At one time I think I spent more time hanging out with one dancer or another than I actually spent in the strip clubs. I also occasionally met other dancers and didn't know what club they worked at. Only once when I was new to strip clubs and someone told me dancers don't go out with customers did I start asking for it. I got an OTC encounter with the second dancer I asked. That didn't seem hard I thought. I got a bit ticked off when she didn't tell me she just expected to dance and get paid for it but didn't bother to tell me this ahead of time. I didn't want to pay her any money. I wouldn't have even bothered asking her out. When she started crying I gave in. I didn't ask any other dancers out after that. I thought they were all a bunch of gold diggers. The one dancer kept asking me out after that though. I did finally agree to meet her. She wasn't interested in having sex but we still had fun. All the other dancers I met outside the clubs either bluntly asked me out to dinner or to visit them later and one or two were even more blunt than that by letting me know what they wanted. Over the years I passed up a few dancers that wanted to have sex with me. I could tell they wanted money too and I wasn't interested in paying anything. Well I met one dancer at the beach and she didn't want money, she just wanted to meet me for lunch and take a look at my dick were her words. I was bummed out when I got her phone number confused and we didn't hook up. I initially thought she was blowing smoke but I wasn't used to that. Turned out I transposed two digits in her number. It was a good number. My vacation was over so we didn't hook up. She actually looked more upset than me. She just wanted to have fun it sounded like. Oh well. If I wasn't picky, I would agree to go out with a lot of dancers but many I'm not really that interested in. I'll say the official number of dancers I remember purposely meeting up with outside the clubs is about 5. I'm not counting one that saw me sitting at the bar at one regular club and came over to chat with me. Even though she told me about the club a few months earlier. I'm wondering if I forgot someone though. I only went all the way with two of them and they didn't hesitate to let me know what they wanted. One even said she didn't want to bother with going out, etc. etc., she just wanted to fuck and leave it at that. That's alright with me if I'm comfortable with her. To sum up, most dancers that do go out with customers want money in my opinion. There might be a few needles in the haystack that just want to hook up but it's a whole lot easier to pick up a girl at a regular club. Going out with dancers is not a big deal in my opinion. In fact, I have kept it pretty much secret from everyone I know whenever I was. The main reason I didn't ever tell co-workers is because I don't like to discuss my private life with coworkers. Some guys do, I don't. I did have someone at work ask me what I did for the weekend. I decided he wouldn't believe me so I told him the truth or something real close. I said I went to the beach with a couple of strippers. The beach was 100 miles away. I had no idea who the second girl was. She was a friend of the girl I knew. He just says, "yeah right, if you don't want to tell me you could have just said so."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Do Club Owners Monitor (and learn) from TUSCL?
    I suppose a manager could read this but then they might think, we don't have all the information they do. They might have gone to some kind of strip club management seminar where the instructor said, this, this and that works good in a strip club. Then the instructor had all these credentials. It might be just smoke and mirrors but some people pay attention to all that. Of course if someone has a good idea, I guess a smart manager may try it out to see how it works.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Do Club Owners Monitor (and learn) from TUSCL?
    Unfortunately the city had a beef with the club as well and they succeeded in closing it down. Too close to a church with the new laws even though it had been in operation for many years.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Do Club Owners Monitor (and learn) from TUSCL?
    By the way, that time it worked to my advantage to complain to the strip club management rather than get in a shouting match with the dancer. As it was, the only time I saw her face again in that club was when the manager pulled out a copy of her drivers license and asked if this was the girl. He had it right. His investigation he started after my email was right on the money. He didn't know what was going on in his own club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Do Club Owners Monitor (and learn) from TUSCL?
    I did email the management of one club one time and got a whole lot of attention. That was after a dancer picked my pocket and then she ran off before I realized what she just did. If I hadn't felt her hand in my pocket, she might have gotten away with it. I forgot at the moment that I had some cash in that pocket. I was wondering what she intended to do with her hand in my pocket. Maybe if I had on blue jeans I wouldn't have noticed either. I returned to the club within a couple of weeks, told a bouncer that was me who sent the email. He told me the manager wanted to speak to me. I was actually quite nervous at first wondering if the bouncers might try to throw me out for being rude accusing one of their dancers of stealing. Quite the contrary, the manager thanked me, gave me back the money I estimated was missing and was very friendly to me after that. He blamed the dancer for driving away customers and explained the loss of business he was experiencing on her. Customers do get angry and may not return if a dancer is stealing their wallet or cash out of their pocket especially if she just started and the management doesn't seem to do anything or care. Seems kind of funny in hindsight, I was wondering if I was going to get in a fight with the bouncers and be kicked out. I'm still not sure if all strip clubs would be that accomodating.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's your top 5 favorite clubs of all time?
    I've only visited clubs in 3 states so from a much more limited selection. My favorites. 1. Platinum Plus, Greenville, SC ( 02-07) 2. Platinum Plus, Columbia, SC (97-99) 3. Nepals, Greenville, SC (99-02) 4. Mick's, Fayetteville, NC (94-97) 5. Derrier's, Myrtle Beach, SC (96-05) Except for some beach strip clubs, I usually don't find any I like better than the local ones I'm used to when I travel. Derrier's I seemed to only visit once a year. However I really enjoyed spending 40 to 60 bucks, one dancer at a time showing me her pussy on stage. There used to be a lot of hot girls working there a few years ago in the late summer. It was downhill and not that crowded the last time. It helped that a lot of dancers seemed eager to please me, flirting and ready to show me everything on stage in spite of the fact that the stage had customers all around it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is it a new trend for dancers to tell you their real names?
    I was being told supposedly their real first names before they danced for me not after 10 dances. In one club I probably shouldn't be too surprised. It's small and friendly. I was a regular and I got there when things were slow so it was mainly just me and all the people who worked there. Included lots of pretty dancers. :) The other club, a dancer came at me real fast when I wasn't paying much attention. Apparently she did something right, I was getting a dance from her pretty quick. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering what a dancer looked like when they pop up in front of me that fast. I guess I was watching something else and distracted. Can't think of what that might have been.