
Is it a new trend for dancers to tell you their real names?

Just wondering if it's a new trend for dancers to tell you their stage name and then their real name. I had 3 different dancers do that the other night. Two dancers even told me some personal details about their lives outside of the strip clubs. I do enjoy the honesty. Now I'm going to have to try to remember all the names I heard. I think I forgot during the night. Maybe it'll come back to me. If they knew me better, they would have me repeat their names if they really want me to remember. It was just 2 or 3 weeks ago I had some other dancers tell me their real names. Just first names though.

It doesn't help when words seem to run together. One dancer told me I was dancing up a storm (getting table dances from a few dancers). Then at some point during the night I believe I met a dancer called Storm. Too bad she can't make it really storm. It's so dry here, some trees have died. It seems strange a dancer can tell me what other business she is working with, etc. etc., I'll remember all that but then forget her name, if I haven't said it at least twice. I need to remember that trick I guess. I should ask each dancer if she minds me speaking her real name in the club I guess.


  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    You know something casualguy? I've had the same thing happen to me lately also. Might be a trend. But, I've also experienced dancers using their real first names as their stage name also. I think those dancers have no fear of using their real first names and probably are tired of using 'korny' or 'corny' stage names, like Candy, Lucious, Precious, etc.

    I would think dancers giving both real and stage names would be confusing, at least for me.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    It does seem like more and more tell me their real names, but they are all favorites, or at least under consideration for future favoriteness. It used to be the only two ladies who ever told me their real name were my ATF (whose middle name is her stage name), and another favorite who was a friend of the ATF. That doesn't mean all my favorites tell me their real name, but I know more than I used to.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Well, if a dancer tells you her stage name, then later tells you her "real" name, why would you think she is truthful THAT time? Do you check her ID?
    17 years ago
    I can see dancers not giving out their real last names but I've never uderstood the reluctance with first names. I don't think there's any logic to it, it's just an old custom. And customs change.

    There have always been dancers who didn't bother using stage names. My ATF was one of them. She danced in her home town and figured half the customers knew who she was anyway so why bother with a phony stage name?

    I think it's partly a function of the type of club. I think the more casual and local the place, the more likely the dancers are to use their real names for the same reason my ATF did. That's probably especially true in clubs in small isolated towns and rural areas that don't draw many out-of-towners, either dancers or customers.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    I don't know if it is a trend, but just last week I met a new dancer and she immediately told me her real name and explained to me how confusing and stupid it is for her. She claimed some clubs make her have 2 phony names, so if another girl with the same name is already there, she can switch to her 2nd name. "Hi, my name is Crystal, uhhh Tiffany, uhhh Susan."

    My ATF has the stage name of "Fantasy". (Well, she likes it.) Anyway, she uses it so much, occasionally we will be OTC in a nice social situation, meet someone new, and she will say "Hi, my name's Fantasy". Sometimes she catches herself in mid sentence, and she'll garble it up and say it again with her real name. I like watching the expression on the other person's face.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    That's a new one. I've never known a stripper to come anywhere close to accidentally using her stage name away from work. I've seen a few behave like they're at work in some settings, but not so far as to forget her real name.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I don't think it's a new trend at all. Throughout my entire "career", if I've spent more than, say 10 dances with them, they usually tell me their real name by then. I was just sitting here trying to remember if there were any known exceptions to that statement.

    Of course there might have (and probably were) many instances where a dancer gave me her stage name, then later confessed her real name to me that was also fake. But, how is one to tell? I DID come up with one exception - my prev-prev-ATF, where I spent a considerable amount of time with her, even did some OTC with her (complete with a photo session), but she STILL refused to give me ANY personal info. All that I ever got out of her (info-wise [wink] was the city she grew up in and lived in most of the time (South Bend), and of course her stage name (Brandy).
    17 years ago
    The other thing that happens is that, once you become a regular at a particular club and some of the girls get to know you, they'll sit with you and talk to each other using their real names. Once I got to know my ATF that often happened and I got to know all her friends by their real names. The stage names seem to be prinmarily for guys who they don't know at all. I guess that makes some sense.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    FONDL makes a good point. That's how I've learned many of the girls names at the club where my ATF works.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I was being told supposedly their real first names before they danced for me not after 10 dances. In one club I probably shouldn't be too surprised. It's small and friendly. I was a regular and I got there when things were slow so it was mainly just me and all the people who worked there. Included lots of pretty dancers. :)

    The other club, a dancer came at me real fast when I wasn't paying much attention. Apparently she did something right, I was getting a dance from her pretty quick. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering what a dancer looked like when they pop up in front of me that fast. I guess I was watching something else and distracted. Can't think of what that might have been.

  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I don't think that it is a new trend. I think that it is one of the tools that dancers use to seem more intimate with you. I once had a dancer tell me her real name was the same as my grand daughters and therefore I couldn't do a dance with her. She replied that I could call her by any name. I said "How about bitch?" She said "that'll work!" She got the dance.

    What I consider to be a new trend is dancers telling me that they are married (wearing wedding rings) and/or have boyfriends. In the past, they wanted to keep your interest in them by seeming single and available. I think that the new trend is to let you know that they are not available for extra activities.But in my experience it has little or no effect on mileage. I get outstanding dances from some of my favorites that there is no doubt in my mind, that they are married I even have the cell phone number of one of their husbands. Do the SO,s really know what they will do for money? Or do they not even care? I think that is was Yoda that said "husbands and boyfriend come and go." I think he knows what he is talking about because I have seen it over and over and have not been at this stuff as long as he has.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Once you learn a dancer's real name, then how do you refer to her? My ATF uses her real name, so its not an issue, but since I know many of her friend's real names, I'm never sure whether to use their real name or their stage name when I'm having a conservation.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I always use their stage name in the club and their real name when they're off work. Almost all dancers I've known followed that, too, even to each other.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    there might be a connection between the apparent downturn in the economy and the increasingly desperation of dancers to either obtain new - or hold onto to existing - regulars - and revelation of a real name is one tool they can utilize, along with giving out email addresses and some other things
    17 years ago
    David, I agree with Chandler. And there isn't any downturn in the economy, that's bullshit.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    David: Yeah, Chandler's rule of thumb is probably the best suggestion. I usually just follow the girl's lead on it myself. If she calls me on the phone and says, "this is [insert name]", then I will use that name OTC. The stage name ITC, is a must, though, unless you are talking in hushed tones that no one else can possibly hear. There's a reason she uses her stage name ITC.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I disagree with their being no downturn in the economy. I just read recently South Carolina is already experiencing a recession. Orders where I work at seem to be a lot lower this month and for the next quarter. I don't think this information will get reflected in the national economy news until September or October though. I think other places should be experiencing similiar trends. Who knows, maybe the Fed will see something worrisome and drop rates and give a boost back to the economy. I mentioned I wasn't going to cut back my spending due to stocks dropping but I will definitely watch my spending now with the possibility of more job cuts talked about. Other companies are letting people go in South Carolina. I suspect I see things earlier than some other people who are retired or only read financial news. I'm hoping for an improvement though. I'm hoping it's just a local downturn and not national but it's not appearing that way to me right now. I may not spend as much. I think all the people that are getting laid off etc. will definitely not be spending more than they need to.
    17 years ago
    Casualguy, there are always some regions that aren't doing well while others are doing great. For example, where I live every small business has a help-wanted sign in the window. Regional differences are normal in a free-market economy. I've been listening to strippers complain about the economy for 40 years, it gets very tiresome. People always want to blame someone or something else for their problems.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    I started investing earnings in money market funds years back after losing about 200k in 2001 tech crash, so I am very fortunate - however in some parts of the northeast USA the housing market has been hit very bad and spillover effects are now becoming obvious, and it has to affect discretionary cash for some patrons. The next month will tell whether these girls complaints have any validity, as colder weather supposedly brings in more customers
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