
avatar for jumbobert
How many girls do you guys think actually meet customers OTC? I have been friends with several and met for meals or once in a while at a room.
Do you think strippers still try to stay at a distance even OTC and limit both feelings and contact. I dated one that would only have sex occasionally and liked it bu still tried to get out of having it. I often wondered how often she met oyher guys and if she did were they getting the same treatment


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avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
I've only known three OTC. The first two I knew before they started to dance. Never anything other than friends. The third, we've met many times OTC, and a number of those times with others that don't know we met at a club. With her, also friends, but I also think, due to the large age difference, I am the father she never had.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I think most strippers will tell you (and themselves) that they will never meet a customer OTC. I think most strippers make an occasional exception to that rule.
Obviously some strippers will meet you otc. In my almost 30 years of strpclubbing, I've had it happen 3 times...once every 10 years isn't bad eh? I don't really push for that although sometimes it does happen.

In my opinion, many will hint at meeting up otc, but it's mostly stripper bullshit so you'll keep coming back and spending $$$$ on them. I'm now to the point of if it happens, it happens but don't get too excited over the prospect or you'll generally end up disappointed.
I don't think all guys get the same treatment.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
There are far too many variables involved when it comes to OTC, so there's not an easy answer to the question. Personally, I've found that the biggest factor that determines if a dancer will meet for OTC activities, is what her and your expectations are. If a guy tells her that he wants free sex, the chances of an OTC happening are close to nil.

On the other hand, if a guy tells her that he just wants to spend time with her and get to know her better, and is not expecting her to put out, the OTC odds greatly increase.

No matter what the approach, she has to trust and feel comfortable with the guy, or it's not happening.

Here are some facts to give you an idea of the success rate that I have experienced;

I've been clubbing for somewhere between 15 and 20 years, and during that time I've OTCed with 6 girls. That figure is a bit misleading because it's only been within the last 6 or 7 years that I ever tried to arrange such a thing. Never has it been offered to me without me first suggesting it, but I attribute that partially to the fact that my taste in dancers is the "classy", girl-next-door, pretty type (8's or higher) and NOT the ho-type. Had I been spending a lot of time with the hoe-type, dirty dancing girls, I think my success rate would have climbed much higher.

Between those 6 girls, I've OTCed approx. 30 times. It's been a combination of one night stands, short term (6 months or less) and long term "relationships" (more than 6 months). Two of the girls were one-timers (one I hope to reconnect with); in both cases all parties concerned knew the goal - sex. I was involved with one short term, and three long term relationships (of which one still continues). One of the three long term relationships involved sex, though not the current one.

My experience has been different from Doug's. I make it clear that I want to have sex, that that's the whole reason I want to get together. No pretense of lunch dates or spending time getting to know each other better. Money never enters into it. It's understood by both of us that I don't do that and she's not looking to get paid in any form. I usually don't propose anything specific myself. I just float the idea, laced with a lot of humor, but pretty bluntly. Sometimes, a girl will just play along, replying with her own vague suggestions, and nothing ever comes of it (except for a lot of flirting that's still very fun). But every once in a while, one will say let's do it. She'll almost always be very direct and immediate about it. So direct that it shocks me. I've learned not to take her seriously unless the plan is to head out together right after she gets off work.

These aren't necessarily ho-types. If I were looking for sex for money, I imagine they might be. I think my taste in dancers runs pretty close to Doug's. Young (early 20s or younger), cute girl-next-door types, no dirtier than most strippers (*ahem*). They just happen to have a healthy appetite for meaningless sex. It's like picking up girls at a singles bar. Only with a better preview of what you're getting. Some have been one-night stands, some more. Only one really turned into a long-term relationship.

Most of my OTC experiences were several years ago when I spent a lot more time in clubs (and, yes, I had more hair and less belly). But it still works out about the same. The last time I did it, about a year ago, it followed the above scenario to a T.
avatar for Yoda
18 years ago
It's hard to say what the percentages are but I have learned a couple of things over the years. #1, Chandler is right, not all guys get treated the same. #2, if it's going to happen it's going to happen relatively quickly and without a bunch of BS on her part.
Let me preface my response by saying I think I'm as horny as the reat of you guys. If my little head could actually perform as often as he claims he wants to, I would be a happy guy. So, OTC for sex, right?

Wait a second! At some point in my strip club experience, probably over a succession of Jack Daniels on the rocks, wasting my time at Bandaids (a hole in the wall club) in Phoenix, I came to the conclusion I was in the clubs because I wanted intimacy, and sex was the tip of the intimacy iceberg. So I started treating my favorites as friends first. That led to many OTC experiences, very few of which ended up with sex, but which I thoroughly enjoyed. Dinners, shopping, casinos, the zoo - you name it - even a trip to a "Price is Right" audition. Lots of flirting, ass grabbing, kissing, etc.

One night, I follow a favorite to a new club she is trying out. Instead of spending time with her, I get a string of dances from another girl, a slim blonde, half my age, and we hit it off real nice, talking and laughing. She is sitting on my lap and she says, "You wanna have some fun outside the club?" I hesitate about 2 seconds, and say, "Yes, I would love to have some fun!" Three months later she moves in. That was over 2 years ago.

To this day, I would not recommend hanging out in strip clubs as a formula for finding someone to love. But you can have a lot of fun failing!

Does any of this make sense?
OH, and to answer the question, I think about 1/3 of the girls will meet a guy OTC for a variety of reasons. Most of the others have husbands or boyfriends, and maybe a shred of decency.
Two of my favorites have offered their moms for OTC! The logic being if you like me - you'll like my mom! Now it would be interesting to see the "alleged" resemblances between mother and daughter, but it's never been about dating/otc with me and my club visits. There is a complement in the offer, but I'm mostly amused by the offers at my own expense.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I'm sure the percentage varies from club to club. Some clubs have rules against it and they are strictly enforced. Other clubs don't really care. At least that's the way I've known it. One of the first clubs I visited I found out many of the dancers did an outside the club thing called a private party. They would dance for the customer outside the club in a more private setting for money. Obviously the dancer has to trust the customer enough to do this but she may have someone nearby and just might not tell the customer.

I lost count a long time ago how many times I've visited dancers after their normal work hours. At one time I think I spent more time hanging out with one dancer or another than I actually spent in the strip clubs. I also occasionally met other dancers and didn't know what club they worked at.

Only once when I was new to strip clubs and someone told me dancers don't go out with customers did I start asking for it. I got an OTC encounter with the second dancer I asked. That didn't seem hard I thought.

I got a bit ticked off when she didn't tell me she just expected to dance and get paid for it but didn't bother to tell me this ahead of time. I didn't want to pay her any money. I wouldn't have even bothered asking her out. When she started crying I gave in.

I didn't ask any other dancers out after that. I thought they were all a bunch of gold diggers. The one dancer kept asking me out after that though. I did finally agree to meet her. She wasn't interested in having sex but we still had fun.

All the other dancers I met outside the clubs either bluntly asked me out to dinner or to visit them later and one or two were even more blunt than that by letting me know what they wanted. Over the years I passed up a few dancers that wanted to have sex with me. I could tell they wanted money too and I wasn't interested in paying anything. Well I met one dancer at the beach and she didn't want money, she just wanted to meet me for lunch and take a look at my dick were her words. I was bummed out when I got her phone number confused and we didn't hook up. I initially thought she was blowing smoke but I wasn't used to that. Turned out I transposed two digits in her number. It was a good number. My vacation was over so we didn't hook up. She actually looked more upset than me. She just wanted to have fun it sounded like. Oh well. If I wasn't picky, I would agree to go out with a lot of dancers but many I'm not really that interested in. I'll say the official number of dancers I remember purposely meeting up with outside the clubs is about 5. I'm not counting one that saw me sitting at the bar at one regular club and came over to chat with me. Even though she told me about the club a few months earlier. I'm wondering if I forgot someone though. I only went all the way with two of them and they didn't hesitate to let me know what they wanted. One even said she didn't want to bother with going out, etc. etc., she just wanted to fuck and leave it at that. That's alright with me if I'm comfortable with her.

To sum up, most dancers that do go out with customers want money in my opinion. There might be a few needles in the haystack that just want to hook up but it's a whole lot easier to pick up a girl at a regular club. Going out with dancers is not a big deal in my opinion. In fact, I have kept it pretty much secret from everyone I know whenever I was. The main reason I didn't ever tell co-workers is because I don't like to discuss my private life with coworkers. Some guys do, I don't.

I did have someone at work ask me what I did for the weekend. I decided he wouldn't believe me so I told him the truth or something real close. I said I went to the beach with a couple of strippers. The beach was 100 miles away. I had no idea who the second girl was. She was a friend of the girl I knew. He just says, "yeah right, if you don't want to tell me you could have just said so."
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
One word of warning, many dancers are expert con artists. If they're thinking about breaking things off with you, they may try to pull a con on you. Don't fall for it. Also try to avoid really pissing a dancer off. One dancer told me what she did to her husbands stuff after she found out he was cheating. Destruction of property means nothing to some dancers on the war path.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
As far as not all guys getting the same treatment I'll agree with that. Some of it is just a dancer liking the way you look and smell better than someone else. The rest is pretty much the way you treat her is going to cause her to react a certain way.
Hmm, my post makes it sound like I go to strip clubs trying to pick up strippers. Anything but. I just don't hide the fact when I talk to them that I wouldn't mind getting in their pants. I say it mainly just to heat up the flirtation between us, not expecting it to lead to anything. But sometimes it does, and I take the opportunity.
avatar for chipitin
18 years ago
FONDL is right on, it all depends on what the girl is looking for and what you are offering to determine if and when she will make an exception. A nice, good looking man that can be trusted with money to spend (either at the OTC or follow-up visits to her at the club) many times is too much for them to resist.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I've been OTC with several dancers in the past year and a half. Most of them were not BEAUTIES, but "last call" for alcohol type dancers. If I run into a dancer who had gotten me really hot, and the club is about to close, then I'll take a shot at OTC.

Otherwise, I usually don't plan on OTCing with dancers in a club. I wanted to OTC with this dancer at Diva's during my last visit, but I was on the road heading other places with a certified 'timeframe'. Otherwise, I would have "HUNG" around for her for a good 'round the world' experience.
avatar for Jay4real
12 years ago
I'm interested in ad space like social sex.com and the fuck book sluts have. How do I go about this?
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
A 5+ year old post, a shill, and a newbie?
I think it's paranormal activity.

Why would anyone dig up a 5-year unrelated post for that question. Just start a new thread.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

If he were truly interested in ad space, he would contact founder via "Contact" below.
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