
Comments by casualguy (page 80)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    I think it's true that a majority of dancers you just met will strike up a conversation just to try to get a dance. However a few do seem more interested. I'm not sure if its the customer they're interested in or a female thing where they like to find out more about you in 5 minutes than your buddy from work may know after a few years. At times it does seem like an interview process and the dancer is interviewing the customer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I think the definition for Table Dance should be changed. I get table dances but they aren't air dances. More like one way occasional contact. Some table dances are nothing but air dances but I haven't been to a club like that in a long time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Naked customers
    I don't think I've had my shorts pulled down since I had to leave a dorm building at 4 AM in the morning. I was wearing underwear or all the girls would have really have gotten a show. I was wondering if someone kept setting off the firealarms during the middle of the night every single night because someone enjoyed watching all the girls in their night clothes. I just wanted to sleep. Over 430 fire alarms my first semester and about 99 percent of them were between 2 AM and 4 AM. I think I died one night. I slept through one and I think they ring at 120 decibels. Sorry, going slightly off topic.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Naked customers
    I typically always managed to keep my shorts or pants on in the strip clubs. If a dancer really wanted to get me naked, she invited me over to her place or maybe first out to eat or something else without telling me what her plans were.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    This might be a good time to start your own strip club. You can set your own rules . . . . . . . at least until the law arrives and shuts the place down. Anyone that fucks with you the manager, gets banned. Enjoy the power. Let us know what you call it so we can all enjoy it before vice or ALE shows up.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    I believe for a lot of people if they have a choice between a whole lot of extra work for a little bit of extra money, they'll pick the easy road. I'm glad many dancers are like me and aren't necessarily trying to maximize how much money they make. However not gouging the regular customer might be a good tactic by itself. I think I spend more on regular favorites than the occasional hot dancer. One thing I really do not like is to see a dancer looking all around scouting out her next victim while she's doing a table dance for you. Lots of eye contact or at least giving the appearance of being interested in the customer during the dance is important too. Who wants to keep getting dances from a girl who keeps turning her back looking at everybody else? Unless she knows the guy likes her rear view better than her front.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    Here's another good one. Dancers may occasionally give their regulars a freebie if the club allows. For instance if the club doesn't get a take on every lap dance, occasionally start on a different song and not count it and/or don't count any partial songs and perhaps even dance an extra song for no extra charge. Works for me to keep me happy and buying even more dances. I wouldn't want a dancer I'm not familiar with dancing an extra song without telling me it was a freebie though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    Well I'm not really seeing too much of what you guys are talking about. I see stage dancing routinely and the clubs I visit are brightly lit. One just installed new spotlights and is now too bright. I noticed not too many guys sitting at the stage in those bright lights either. Still wondering why management hasn't figured it out. Guess they are clueless. I have been thinking about wearing sunglasses to the one club so I can see better with their bright lights.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    I wonder how many women pursue those high paying jobs and end up not making it?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    So I guess the top ways to make money are high star fashion models, movie stars, escorting, and then a high paying career, and then at least temporarily, stripping? I suppose stripping could lead into a role as a porn star for a few dancers if they pursued that or a recruiter found them. Anything left out here?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long did you know your ATF before ...
    Actually if my first ATF was telling me the truth, she was in a sad situation. Her boyfriend had left her pregnant. I told her I was moving out of state and wouldn't be even visiting anymore. Then she told me in a sad voice, "I'm in love with you." She's the only ATF to tell me that line but I did have another dancer tell me she liked me better than all the other guys she's been out with and then she added, that means a lot to her because she's been out with a lot of guys. That seemed like a both a compliment and warning. I was wondering how many guys is that?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long did you know your ATF before ...
    I call her an ATF but most of the time it was all about the money to her. Except later on when she invited me to stop by to visit her at her house when I was in the area for a job interview. No money involved, just visiting her for a few minutes before I returned home. I didn't even realize at that time that she was looking for a new boyfriend. I probably should have gotten a hint when she called me up one night and wanted to go see a movie with me, no strings attached. I declined because she lived 2 hours away. Her real boyfriend left her but I found out a couple of months later that she was also pregnant. I was glad I didn't get too involved with her. One of my friends joked I could have an instant family, haha, I didn't think that was funny. I think dancers don't plan on things like that. They think their current boyfriend loves them and will take care of them but then they get pregnant and he leaves. I think this is common. I don't know if child support is enforced in situations like this either. I don't think it is based on what I heard long ago. Other ATF's didn't ask for money when I went out with them. I liked that a lot better and enjoyed their company a lot better to start with.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long did you know your ATF before ...
    My ATF's definitely grew on me. Didn't happen right away. In fact the first one I was ticked off at on our first outside the club encounter. I didn't know she wanted money especially since we didn't do anything or plan on anything. I was ticked off at her and was even going to avoid going to the club she worked at. I probably wouldn't do this now but I had a lot of a cash back then and decided to go ahead and give her something after she started crying. Someone told me don't let some dancer decide where you go and don't go. I liked the club she worked at and returned. However she liked me and worked on me. In fact at times I felt like I couldn't get away from her. My memory may be slightly fuzzy now. I can't remember if she was first, second, or third. Maybe she was first and it was like on again off again. She had my phone number and didn't lose it even after I moved out of state. At least not for 2 years when she called me again saying she was working weekends at PP in Columbia about 8 years ago. I went to visit her one last time but only at the club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    I did meet one dancer who told me she had a college degree and seemed pretty smart. She said stripping paid a lot more and she was going to do that for a few years. I think that is a rare choice though since I don't meet too many dancers who say they have a college degree already and are putting off their career until they are older.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dejected Dancers
    meant to say dancers not dances above, no edit feature here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dejected Dancers
    shadowcat, I wouldn't be surprised if I was one of the few guys to say no to her if I ever met her. I am curious what she looked like. Did she work at PP? I've said no thanks to a couple of the hottest 10's I've seen in a long time. I just didn't want to pay an extra 10 to 20 dollars per dance above what I usually pay. I've had a few dances seem a little surprised when I said no to them. There have been nights when I just didn't want any dances from anyone or maybe only one or two dances from someone I knew if they were there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Date / Time Stamp on Discussion Topics (revisited)
    Just in case anyone doesn't know this, if you're like me and clear your cookies and temp files each day, tuscl may not save settings. However if you click on the topic header "Last Reply", it'll sort by last post or most recent posts in the discussion topics. I would like it better if it was automatic and I would like it better if the time displayed was Eastern Standard Time instead of some other time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    I only go to stripclubs to have a little bit of entertaining fun. Most dancers in my experiences haven't played games with me except for the little ones that involve trying to get dances. In my experiences, if a dancer told me she wanted to meet me later away from the club, she was telling me the truth. Maybe that's hard for some people to believe, however I found long ago that telling the truth was often the best way to make some people think you are lying.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    I have 4 sisters and I don't usually put women up on a pedestal. I'm also still at the same age of some of the older strippers working. I think a few are even older than me. I just wanted to clarify since it would not look strange if I was dating a girl in her late 20's or early 30's. I've had many experiences with strippers most of which I didn't feel comfortable posting in a public place. Many do try scams and rip offs. I even had one pick my pocket but after talking to the manager of the club, she was fired and I got my money back. Not all at one time but after I informed the manager and we talked later. Most dancers have been very nice to me. However if you have a fun night with 25 dancers being nice to you but the 26th dancer lies to you and scams you, you may leave the club unhappy and upset. I thought having 4 sisters qualifies as knowing something. I'm just clarifying where I'm coming from.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why do we get so attached?
    Well I haven't agreed or disagreed with any statements so far because I just read this thread a few minutes ago. I don't feel that attached to dancers. However if she's pretty and putting on the charm and smiles, what's not to like about that? The dancers that I may get a bit attached to at least temporarily have usually invited me to meet up with them outside the club environment. We might go out to eat or spend time at her place. Often it seems like the more you know, the less attracted you are to her. Reality sets in. You're no longer seeing the fantasy especially when you start getting in arguments with her. Sometimes the arguments don't last long at all because you may simply break everything off with her. Sometimes you run back into each other and end up seeing each other again. She puts on the charm and smiles again and by that time, she may even feel like she knows you and may start trusting you more. She's like a former girlfriend by that time. There hasn't been as big an age difference between me and many of the dancers though. One of the first dancers that asked me out for a bite to eat was 2 years older than me. She even said to me she liked being with someone around her own age. That was many years ago though. I am older than most dancers now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Sorry didn't read your post whghlost before the last one. It looks like you got the message already. Good luck in getting a new girlfriend.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Dancers think of customers as a way to make money and usually do not want any contact with them outside of the club. If a customer tries to do so without invitation, that is creepy. You're not her boyfriend, father or relative or old high school friend. That's about as simple as I can say it and it doesn't matter if you had paid for 100 dances with her already if she doesn't want any more contact. I'm planning on dropping this subject.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    If I sounded creepy, I was trying to show how a dancer might feel about someone they think of as a customer. They aren't part of their personal life and don't care to meet up with them later. However since not everyone knows my history, I'll tell a little to clarify. I don't try to meet up with dancers except in rare circumstances. I meet a lot of dancers. Sometimes we may both hit it off pretty good. I've had a few dancers over the years talk me into going out or meeting up with them for a bite to eat, etc. or just meet in a more private setting. It's a bit more personal but the dancer wanted it and I agreed to it. Many of the regular posters here have done so already as well. There are a few dancers that like to play games which none of us like. I had one do this recently. She had given me her phone number and has called me a few times. She kept saying she wanted to go out with me sometime. Not for sex. I don't know but some guys apparently think everything has to be about sex. I don't. I was just going to go a water park. She had me call her to get her address as she said to in the club. However she never called back in time and I got the message after excuse after excuse, she didn't really want me in her personal life after all. It happens. I don't like games. I won't call her again even though she still says to. I was given personal information about the dancer from the dancer. I was trying to show even with this information, I won't follow her on the road, honk my horn at her, etc. if I see her. That sounds creepy to me. I'm thinking this is a lost cause trying to explain it's best to back off, forget the club, forget the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dejected Dancers
    I remember one dancer at the beach must have asked me anywhere from 6 to a dozen times for a dance over the two nights I was there. My answer to almost everyone "maybe later or not right now". The last time she asked, I was ready to get a dance from her. However I wanted to know more information about what I could expect. Before I had a chance to ask what her rules were, I said "ummmm", she must have thought I said nooooo or something. She avoided me afterwards. Maybe if I'm not sure I should just say "I have a question." instead of that ummm sound. Doing a little bit of brainstorming. Oh well, her loss for thinking she was going to be rejected again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    I guess some people have to learn from their own experiences. I prefer learning the easy way but I remember when I had to try everything myself.