
Will the stripper be replaced?

Just had a look at the top forty list and to my surprise the top 2 clubs were Hot Lap Dance and Adelita Bar neither of which actually has a stage where dancers get up and take their clothes off. My question is has the era where women actually performed some type of strip act/dance on stage become a thing of the past? I know that in most of the clubs I frequent the strippers typically just walk around on stage topless sometimes lying on their backs but generally they just walk around. A few can still work the pole but less and less all the time. With this trend do we conclude that the stripper is soon to be replaced by the lapper and should we lament such a thing?


  • David9999
    17 years ago
    I notice that too, some clubs not only is the stage not well lit, but the girls just walk around and do the on-the back thing vs some clubs still have spotlights and each girl attempting some kind of dance routine of sorts, and even a simple one can work

    The problem is some of these clubs will soon risk being shutdown as whorehouses or sex shops if they don't at least make a pretense of having a stage show

    The stage show with the well lit stage and names annnounced (e.g 1 or 2 girls on stage at a time) where the whole room can focus on that one girl, I believe offers a much classier environment and I think putting these women (in a sense) on a pedestal is helpful for both the dancers and the customers. There is something about being on a real stage that provides a mystique to these girls -something out of the ordinary - vs the dark-stage/pervert row cattle call stage situation. The private dance customer is going to remember and admire seeing the girl he is now with (or in his AFT deal) under the lights with everyone seeing her
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I too have noticed a lack of "dance routine" on stage at SCs. We might see SCs eventually go to LCs (Lap Clubs), but don't think they will go extinct. Of course to me, dancers on stage, whether they dance or not, just give me a better view of what the girl looks like under some lighting. Then again, when you take a dancer to a dark VIP area, who's concerned with looks at that time??? :-)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I think that it would be fun to go to a club that actually had strip tease. The last time I saw that was in New Orleans on Burbon ST 30+ years ago. Now adays they only appear on stage to advertise themselves. My first ATF rarely appeared on stage. She didn't have to advertise. At my favorite club there are 10 or 15% of the dancers that never appear on stage. It is not because they are so fucking beautiful but rather they don't have anything to advertise.
    17 years ago
    It all depends on the club and what they're trying to sell. In clubs that push LDs there isn't usually much emphasis placed on stage dancing. But there are plenty of clubs that still feature good stage dancing, some of which don't even offer private dances. But I think most people posting here avoid clubs like that. So maybe it's your own choice of clubs that gives the impression that stage dancing is dying.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Supposedly lap dancing (initially one dollar non-private dances) for the most part was not even invented per se until around 1980 and then in the next 10 to 15 years evolved into private dances, then with 1994 and 1999 Canadian legal decisions in effect accelerating expanding the practice. For this reason by definition to have a "strip club", there nearly always had to be a stage show before 15 to 25 years back in most clubs. So the original poster is correct when citing the overall trend, from stage shows to private dances. The problem is: offering sex for money is still illegal in most jurisdictions the United States and if these clubs keep dropping their stage shows - there is going to eventually be a crackdown on the entire industry, asserting that they are merely nothing but disguised whore houses
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Most clubs I go to are all about lap dances, but stage dancing remains the centerpiece without exception. The style of dancing or non-dancing hasn't changed much that I've noticed since the mid-90s, when I started to go. The big move away from "real dancing" and striptease towards swaying and crawling around must have occurred before then with the advent of lap dancing. I don't think the presence of two stageless venues in TUSCL's ratings is indicative of any trend sweeping the industry. The more traditional club setup provides a social experience that mixes public and private options in a way that I believe will remain popular, quasi-legal and efficient at extracting money from a broad segment of men.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Well I'm not really seeing too much of what you guys are talking about. I see stage dancing routinely and the clubs I visit are brightly lit. One just installed new spotlights and is now too bright. I noticed not too many guys sitting at the stage in those bright lights either. Still wondering why management hasn't figured it out. Guess they are clueless. I have been thinking about wearing sunglasses to the one club so I can see better with their bright lights.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    I also noticed in clubs where the stage lights are brighter, usually when there is more of a real stage show and each girl is highlighted and usually clearly identified by the DJ - in those clubs, yes, less 2 dollar perverts hanging at the stage. However even though the dancers miss out on more of those 2 dollar tips, I think there is more incentive for patrons to buy 25 (or whatever) dollar private dances - which generally means 5 dollars for the club with each dance. Supposedly patrons want to "test drive" the girls before having a dance, however from what I've seen, there appears to be a huge amount of test driving with very little buying. Many of these dancers don't mind the stage per se, but the 2 dollar perv routine (from the comments I've heard) is something many are not confortable with, aside from almost giving it away for 2 bucks.
  • PhishinGroovin
    17 years ago
    I believe the stage performance will soon be a thing of the past. I was laid over in Vegas last month, so I did what I do...headed to a strip club. Spearmint Rhino had everything closed off but that little stage area with the tiny bar right as you come in the building. No stage dances for 2 hrs while I was there. I had never seen this place only doing lappers.
    17 years ago
    You guys are forgetting something - there are many places out there (eg. Washington DC) where stage dancing is the only thing that's allowed. There are also lots of other places (eg. neighborhood bar-type places) where the clubs choose not to have anything else, and they do quite well because there are a lot of customers out there who have no interest in private dances. Such places will always exist.
    17 years ago
    Many of us here seem to assume that all customers who go to strip clubs are there to find the most physically intimate private encounter that they can with a young pretty girl. I think that's because most people who post here seem to be looking for that, but I'm not sure how typical we are. There are clearly customers who aren't looking for that and there are clearly clubs that choose to cater to these customers.

    I think you can group most clubs into three broad categories: those clubs that are catering to guys who are there for a private and physically-intimate encounter and are willing to pay for it; those that cater to guys who are there for a couple drinks and to watch girls dance on stage; and those clubs that try to do both but don't usually provide as much contact as the first category of places. There are clearly customers for all 3 types of places because there are many areas like Baltimore where all 3 types co-exist in close proximity to each other and all do pretty well. And there are clearly strippers who avoid the first type of place.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Fondl: I think the term "broad" categories refers to groups that dancers can be placed into, rather than clubs... [snicker]
  • RTY
    17 years ago
    Yes by something much better and to the point. She has been replaced by someone who will truely treat you like a king. And do you know where you can find this Asian mistress?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced soon? I don't know, have the Japanese invented robo-stripper yet? Robo-stripper needs to know how to manipulate guys into paying lots of money for dances by either being a regular or fooling the guy by thinking the robo-stripper wants to go out with him. The robo-stripper should have sexual capability or the fantasy of scoring the big score will be gone. Other odd ball dancer quirks like squirting milk in a customers face or dramatic drama scenes are not required.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Did someone already post something about robo-stripper? I could have sworn I read that somewhere. Maybe I was asleep and I read that in a dream.
    17 years ago
    Let's not confuse strip clubs with brothels here. Many brothels pretend to be strip clubs (and many guys here seem to prefer such places) and maybe strippers are disappearing from such places. But there are still plenty of strippers working in the real strip clubs and there probably always will be.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Lets not forget that what dancers ultimately offer is real. The chance to score with a hot girl. I don't know of too many guys who fantasize about simply rubbing a girls tits and don't ever go farther than that. Strippers are ultimately about the fantasy of getting more and getting her as a girlfriend. If they can't offer that, there can't be a fantasy of it in my opinion. Hence robo-stripper would have to be able to offer it. However as with a real stripper, the chances for a normal guy to get it would be about zero. He can fantasize about it though and spend money on laps and go out to eat with her on long lunches as long as she keeps getting her money and she keeps the fantasy alive in his head.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    A brothel wouldn't even be up for discussion. The guy pays and he gets want he wants. End of story. There isn't any fantasy to keep stringing a guy along. No long lunches thinking she likes him etc. etc.
    17 years ago
    Casualguy, speak for yourself. I think we have a mix here of guys who (1) are trying to get as much as they can sexually from strippers and (2) guys who have different interests. Those of us who belong to the second group avoid the brothels and prefer the real strip clubs.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I am speaking for myself and my opinion and that's what it is, just my opinion, not yours, not shadowcats, not bookguy's, not anybody elses unless they say so. Let me clarify, I am talking about sexual desire in one's mind and the fantasy not the reality. I find it hard to fantasize if you trully believe that it's impossible. In reality things like going too far with a nice looking dancer will never happen. I'm not going to fool myself and say I have no sexual desire whatsoever for a dancer if I see her scantily clad in a strip club. I could say I have no desire to have sex with her but deep down in the subconscious male brain it is there. Our more intelligent brain is ignoring it. Otherwise I wouldn't feel that primordial attraction I feel towards a nice looking dancer or girl. I consider everything past watching a dancer to be some type of sexual relationship and fantasy even if it's never fulfilled to the primordial brains content. This is just my own opinion. FONDL, I understand you disagree with my view and opinion but I'm not changing my opinion because of that. I'm not even sure why you brought up brothels. I was talking about the fantasy of going all the way in the mind seems impossible if your mind doesn't believe it could happen. Brothels have nothing to do with fantasy in my opinion.

    Ever notice a girl looks better with lipstick on? It's our male brain I believe confusing sexual signals making her look better to us because our male brain is reminded of those red sexual lips. Maybe most other guys haven't noticed but I thought they did. Maybe most guys don't realize it's their more primitive brain making her look better and increasing her attraction. Sorry for the rant. FONDL, you made your point that you disagree with what I was saying but I'm wondering if you got a different interpretation of what I was thinking. I believe if you lost all sexual desire, the female of concern wouldn't be the least bit attractive to you. Sorry for the rant if it seems like that. I might be slightly offended at being put into a brothel group when I didn't mean to imply someone actually wanted to have sex, I was merely talking about the fantasy of going all the way deep down in the primitive brain which I try to ignore but know it's still there and affects how attractive a girl looks to me. I type fast as I'm thinking and don't proofread so I may have said it wrong about wanting to go all the way. I meant going all the way in the primitive brains fantasy.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    There aren't any brothels where I live at so I wasn't even thinking about brothels. Please don't group me into that group either.
    17 years ago
    Sorry, CasualGuy, I didn't mean to pick on you. I'm just getting tired of all the talk here about having sex in clubs and the assumption that it's what we're all looking for. IMO clubs where sex acts are common aren't strip clubs at all, they're brothels pretending to be strip clubs and they're places that I've always avoided. I've never had any interest in having sex with a stripper, either the fantasy or the reality, and I don't understand what the attraction is. And I'm beginning to think that makes me unique here.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    FONDL: you may indeed be a member of a shrinking minority. Reading the reviews in general from across the country, and trying to get a sense of the attitudes of tourists to New Orleans (possibly a fairer representation of American male strip-club-goers than many other locations might offer, since they travel here from all over), I am getting a distinct sense that club-as-brothel is a growing phenomenon. It's certainly a growing EXPECTATION. In the 90s I recall very few, but they were stand-out stellar performers, where you knew you could get full service. Now it's hit-or-miss in a much wider range, PLUS the certain deals still remain.

    I personally would indeed want the full service on occasion, and I also very much enjoy those clubs which enable it, whether or not I'm getting it. There are darkened corners, women who pretend to be full-on girlfriends for longer, and a greater "excitement" in the chase. For me. I perfectly understand anyone who wouldn't want that for their own strip-clubbing experience. It's kind of too bad for those folks, since it's like allowing smoking -- the atmosphere of available full-service (or just HJ or BJ) charges the whole location with risk of vice trade, and must be tolerated by the whole population of performers and customers, even if a given individual is not partaking of it.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    FONDL, sorry if I may have accidently offended you by implying or putting you and others in the group looking for sex with strippers. I go off on a joke or rant occasionally without proofreading. Actually I watch a recent sci-fi rerun last night and it must have been an episode where I fell asleep on it. Basically there was a line that said about everything I said. Basically if you reduce the male back to his animal self, you have someone trying to spread his genes with a number of females. I must have heard that in my sleep. However as we all know, we don't act like animals (at least most of us) and we have control.

    I'm not familiar with strip clubs where you can have sex with strippers either so that's another world for me that I don't know about. Unless you talking about the exception to the rule, the stripper who might do something in one dark corner of the strip club but get fired if she gets caught.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    Isn't stage dancing just advertising for laps and other ITC activities?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    It seems to be in the clubs I visit. However I read somewhere on here that dancers do make a lot of money on stage in some clubs. I'm just not familiar with those clubs.
  • rr30
    17 years ago
    Go to any Club in DC. No lap's and no contact.

    The girls make money off the dollar parade. And I guess sitting and talking to customers. I will know more in a few weeks when I start working downtown DC and start going to these SC more often.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I'm very happy with lap dances and the occasional stage tip. I prefer contact whether it's during a lap dance or a dancer asking me for a dance or just chatting with me. Apparently I get more contact just talking with some dancers than some guys do during their dances in other clubs. I remember one dancer asked me to rub her back recently and I enjoyed the spot she sat in better than the dance she did when I was done rubbing her back. I'm not sure why she asked me to rub her back unless she remembered another dancer doing that with me. I must be better than I thought. I have a feeling that customers giving a dancer full back rubs wouldn't be tolerated in some no touch clubs.
    17 years ago
    rr30, you don't have to go very far outside of DC to find contact. Showcase Theater just outside the beltway in MD would be the closest and there are lots of other places in both MD and WV within an hour or so drive. When I was in DC I was a regular at both McDoogals and Choo Choo's. Forget northern Virginia though, the rules are similar to DC. None of these places are super high contact though, if that's your thing you have to do the Baltimore Block. The lack of contact in DC may be why the escort and bodyrub businesses are thriving.
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