Naked customers

Just curious if any of you customers (not dancers) have ever been nude in a strip club. Once a long time ago I was in a little hole-in-the-wall club in the middle of nowhere and I asked a dancer if there were any private dances. She said you have to go next door for that, and proceeded to take me out a side door and lead me to an outside stairway that led to a second-floor exterior door in the house next door. So I went up and entered a vestibule with a XXX bookstore on one side and a couple girls sitting outside a private room next to it. I asked what the deal was and was told that one of them would go into the room with me (for a price obviously) and dance nude, and that I could get as "comfortable" as I liked, but no touching was allowed. The girls weren't very attractive so I went into the book store instead. But I've always wondered about the no touching part, if that was enforced. Was it a whore house or jack shack? Maybe that depended on the girl.
I also know of another club where the customer is allowed to strip to his undershorts while the girl gives him a nude bed dance (eg. she lays nude on top of him) in a private room. More than I want to do. But if you want to know where that is, send me an email. Can this possibly be legal?
last commentJust remembered one more. I used to visit a rural club fairly regularly in West Virginia (Bones take note - not too far from you) that was an old house that had been remodeled. Downstairs was the bar and stage and was surprisingly nice. Upstairs were 3 bedrooms - one was the common LD room, one was the manager's office, and the third was a private room with a hot tub in it. Not all the girls would do a hot tub, but one girl who did explained to me that the club loaned you a bathing suit - and I was led to believe that the bathing suits had a tendency to slip down to your ankles once you got in the water. I never tried it - it was too expensive ($250 per half hour last I heard) and the idea of putting on a loner bathing suit didn't appeal. Appartently some customers bring their own but I never was that interested. I never saw anyone use the room.
Don't know if anyone else here has ever been to any WV clubs. But in my experience they all have two things in common: (1) fairly restrictive rules, and (2) widespread disregard of those rules. I've encountered some surprisingly attractive and friendly dancers, and prices (except for hot tubs) tend to be cheap. Highly recommended if you like that sorta thing.
I'd say the club that you described was a "jack shack".
At first, I was going to answer "no" to your question... of COURSE I've never been naked in a strip club, but upon reading further, my memory was jogged a bit and I recalled my visit to a "jack shack" in which I was told that I should make myself comfortable. Of course, expecting that more was going to happen than what did, I got completely "nekkid".
And before anyone jumps in and says "jack shacks" are not SCs, I only refer to them as SCs because they can be found on this website.
I'd call it a jack shack too. But it was part of a real strip club which had a bar and girls dancing on a stage. A separate building, yes, but clearly part of the same place and run by the same people.
FONDL - Thanks for the NOTE on the WV club. $250 sounds expensive, but if I ever decided to check it out, I'll definate take my own set of swim trunks.
The 'ole' Bones has been NUDE several times, but not in a SC.... at least not YET! :-)
One time going to an Army reunion in Corpus Christi, I stopped off in Austin and found a modeling studio (6 years back) in a shopping center. The young girl, probably 18 (I hope) was fantastically beautiful! All I had to do was strip down naked in a locked room, set in a comfort chair and watch her dance completely NUDE. She couldn't use her hands to touch, but could use her arms, elbows, feet, legs, but no grinding. I had to end up finishing myself off, but she was close enough to get some of my results. Will never forget that time!
Another time (1990) when I and fellow Army buddies went to an Asian Club (could be considered strip type I suppose) in Berlin Germany. They would pass out dildos and things and if you were close to the stage, you could insert them in the dancers as they came over. The finale of the evening performance was when they asked for a volunteer. All my Army buddies (bless their hearts) volunteered me. I had to go up on stage, strip completely nude, and get into a round whirlpool type tub while about five Asian dancers joined me (they were nude also). Of course there were lots of suds. A couple of the dancers would play with Mr Happy underwater, one even ducked down and gave me a short BBBJ to get me hard. Each dancer would simulate 'fucking' me in the water. After "my?" or "our?" performance, they pulled me out of the tub (hard-on and all), dried me off, and help me get dressed. After the finale, customers can choose any of the dancers they want, pay them 100 German Marks and take them to their room for FS. Of course, we ALL opted for that!!! LOL
Another time I found myself NUDE was when I visited an adult bookstore in Nashville (1984). They had live dancers in booths, having plexiglass with a hole cut out for (?????). Well, after a short BBBJ, the dancer invited me back to a private room for, I believe, $50 more. Of course, we both ended up NEKKID as j-birds and she finished the BBBJ with CIM! What a sport she was!!!
Can't recall any others, at this time.
I assume you mean male customers? More and more, it is commonplace for SCs to be a hangout for female customers. At one of my favorite clubs, (all nude), many young females can routinely be found tipping on stage. Some are overweight lesbians, but many are young cuties that get brought up on stage and get topless and sometimes more. And for some reason, I find it more erotic to see these average looking girls strip down to their bra and panties than watch the large-breasted, gorgeous blonde professional strippers.....why is that?
Well, once about a year ago in my favorite club. I was tipping a dancer on a satelite stage. She was down on the floor and grabbed hold of my shorts. Next thing I know they were down around my ankles. She screamed. That got everyones attention. I was commando, of course. I scrambled to pull them up while she buried her face in the floor and kept apologizing to me. She was a lot more embarrassed than I was. A few minutes later, I saw her talking to the manager and a bouncer. They had big grins on their faces. Magicrat was there but missed it.
Since both Adelita Bar and Chameleon Club are on the list, I'll say yes -- although technically at Adelita it was the motel next door. And at neither place did I remove my sicks. So I was never really naked, right?
I've pulled my pants down to take a dump in the restroom, which is part of the strip club. I kept my sicks on.
I've never been nekkid in a club, but I've come pretty darn close on a few occasions (during private dances...never on stage!).
chandler - thank goodness you kept your sicks on.
Yeah, ya gotta retain some shred of dignity.
I suppose my trip to Club Paradox (at least that's what they call it now, it may not have been then) in Chicago counts if you count jack shacks. And if you count the time I got laid with the grandma dancer in the champagne room at my favorite club, that's another. But never in front of other guys.
I'm on board with David120 who likes clubs where female customers get naked. This is common place at clubs in the Lumber Yard chain and at Beansnappers near Appleton, WI. I've heard that Saturday nights at PT's in Centerville can result in girlfriends pleasuring their dates within view.
I'd like to hear more about clubs with impromptu nudity.
I believe that in the VIP room of an Indiana club that is a favorite of mine, a rather forward dancer may have pulled my pants down to the point that I was nude from waist to knees. I'm a little unsure as to how that happened, as the VIP room in question was was "prime time" on a Friday night. The couple that was sitting three feet from me looked shocked...which I can understand, as I was pretty shocked, too.
I typically always managed to keep my shorts or pants on in the strip clubs. If a dancer really wanted to get me naked, she invited me over to her place or maybe first out to eat or something else without telling me what her plans were.
I don't think I've had my shorts pulled down since I had to leave a dorm building at 4 AM in the morning. I was wearing underwear or all the girls would have really have gotten a show. I was wondering if someone kept setting off the firealarms during the middle of the night every single night because someone enjoyed watching all the girls in their night clothes. I just wanted to sleep. Over 430 fire alarms my first semester and about 99 percent of them were between 2 AM and 4 AM. I think I died one night. I slept through one and I think they ring at 120 decibels. Sorry, going slightly off topic.
there used to be a club in Boynton Beach Florida, on Hwy 1, that had two different sides. One side was the bar/stage. The other side was the place for private dances. Local laws did not allow for contact in the same location as alcohol was served. You actually walked out one side of the building thru the parking lot and into the other side of the same building.
I've had a few of the jack shack experiences, especially in Atlanta.
In NYC where i grew up there were Peeps Show type places and i too had a few of the glass with hole experiences. I always covered up, but jacked right onto a babe when I was about 17 (oops should I have said that??)
Rudy cleared all those places out. I don't even know of a Peep Show with windows and touching or anything like that anywhere in the US.
Anyone else??
Before the city closed it all down, I remember I had a lot of trouble trying to visit one strip club. I found out Korean girls can get quite aggressive. I found one massage parlor was located immediately on the left side of the club. 2 or 3 girls grabbed me and forced me inside. They had my shorts down or unzipped pretty fast and their hands were doing some massaging. Then they wanted me to buy them an expensive drink. I had no intention of even visiting their parlor. The next time I was going to visit the strip club, I remembered and approached the club from the right. Ooops, another parlor over there and 2 or 3 girls forced me inside again. I was starting to think "what's the point in going to the strip club if I have to get grabbed so much before I ever get in there?" I remember another time I got grabbed off the street and pulled into their parlor. I was stubborn and refusing everything they wanted. I wasn't too happy about the girls forcing me inside their parlor again. One girl came over and it looked like she meant business. While I was standing there with a girl restraining each arm, she put her hand down my shorts and started doing some stroking. I managed to keep arguing for another 5 to 10 minutes but then it got harder to argue with someone who is making you feel good. The dancers in the strip club didn't know what I had to go through just to visit them. Apparently those Korean girls really liked me a lot. A bit too much I thought. They did give good massages though. For a few weeks there, I was really tired of getting grabbed so much but I was determined to visit the strip club in the middle.
Club in Philly called Show'n'tell (no booze) has private rooms where you can visit dancers and both get nekkid and you both take care of yourselves. Minimal touching.
doing jack in front of an attractive girl who is doing Jill is an intersting experience. Maybe not one you want every day, but it worked for me.
see Olivia on the weekend
One of the clubs I described in my opening post on this thread was Show-n-Tell in Philly. My experience there was a little different.
Seems to me there are a lot of clubs where the customer is encouraged to drop trou in the private room. I think that's becoming pretty common. It's always been pretty common in many of the Baltimore clubs, particularly the Block-type places.
someone above mentioned PT's in Centerville Illinois.... i'm a local... so i've checked it out Many times....
saturday night is their "swingers" night.... tons of regular guys there... plus a ton of swinging couples.... the couples have an area that the single guys can not enter... but it's in clear view of anyone in the place...
i have never seen full male nudity there, but, i've seen lot's and lot's of open sex between the swingers...
gt80rider please explain how the swingers can have open sex without the male getting nude.
Maybe they keep their sicks on.