
Comments by casualguy (page 81)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    I forgot to add I won't call her either. She still made a coment to me saying I could stay in touch. Kind of irritated me when I heard that but I still will get dances from her. Let the dancers want to contact you not the other way around. If you sense resistance, back off and get away from her. She doesn't want you in any personal relationship.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    If I don't have a dancers phone number, name, and address or a place to meet up with her, I don't ever try to meet up with a dancer outside of a club. Anything else just seems like stalking unless it's something like you're sitting in a bar and happen to see her when she walks in the door and she comes over to talk to you. I remember one night this one guy was following people in his car while I encountered two other drivers just driving around the speed limit but apparently wanting to lose this one guy following them. They actually did the unusual move to slow down to a slow speed of 45 mph late at night to lose this guy when I started to approach. This guy sped up and followed me then. I thought it was a bit freaky to have this guy following me. I was wondering if he was drunk or on drugs. You just don't know when someone follows you. He followed me sometimes immediately behind my car or driving beside it. I slowed down below the speed limit and noticed another car finally approaching from behind. I let that car speed around. The weird driver immediately followed the faster car. From my perspective, it seemed like a weird stalker, people do not like being followed or harassed. All I could think was good riddance. I think it might be a good idea to avoid the club for 6 months just to let other dancers know you're not a stalker. I've seen a number of dancers in the club every week for a long time. I may even have their name and phone number. I usually let them contact me or would suggest things to them in person. I'd never dream of talking to management or scaring her late at night on the highway. One dancer I know whom I did have her real name and phone number didn't want to give me her address to meet up. She was playing a game with me apparently. I just thought ok, I won't even ask to go out with her anymore even though she kept suggesting it. End of story, I don't want to go out with her now if she asked me to.
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    17 years ago
    Masturbation on stage
    I've seen dancers casually touch themselves. I didn't think they were doing anything to get off though except maybe a couple of times when they seemed to be enjoying rubbing themselves on me. Seems like I should get cheaper dance prices if a dancer is getting off by rubbing against me. I believe I might have already though. It isn't very common.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strippers with kids
    Haha, stripper without a kid video. If you're trying to find a stripper without a kid, look for young pretty strippers. After a year or two they might have a kid though. Doesn't anybody use protection?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Maybe she'll redeem herself in later pageants. People will definitely recognize her now. The sad thing is, our education system is in shambles if 1 out of 5 Americans can't locate the US on a world map and several others think the sun revolves around the Earth and have no idea about basic science or geography or financial matters. Someone needs to teach some basic education before students graduate from High School or from elementary school. Makes me wonder what they are being taught nowadays.
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    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    I heard she had a 3.5 grade point average. That doesn't sound stupid. I was thinking about it though, just 4 years ago she was only 14 and in elementary school. Has she ever been asked a question about why other people are so stupid and been put on the spot and had 15 seconds to answer? Apparently not. I don't know why they add a question and answer part to a contest after they are already judged on looks the rest of the pageant. Unfortunately now, she'll probably be remembered for the rest of her life as the stupid blonde Miss Teen USA girl who choked on national TV.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy being the new meat in a club full of pretty dancers?
    I figured out the problem, I heard that a pretty girl will make a guy act irrational. Maybe combine that with two frisky girls and you got total irrationality.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy being the new meat in a club full of pretty dancers?
    For a few minutes, I think I was interacting with about 3 to 4 dancers every minute. Later in the night on the second night (much busier club but much slower for me) I even had a two girl tag team get me while I was sitting at the stage. No one on stage was approaching me then. Their hands were definitely roaming after I asked if they had any rules and they said no and wanted to prove it to me. I'm not even sure why I agreed to get lap dances from them. Must have been I was feeling good from the beer and they caught me at just the right moment and they looked good too. I felt lucky to get away from them after a few minutes and 60 bucks later. Didn't seem worth it. I was wondering why I said yes to start with.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dejected Dancers
    I guess I would talk if I felt like it instead of offering money and the club music volume wasn't too loud. If she looked good though, 5 dollars seems like a cheap price for a table dance. I'd get one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dejected Dancers
    I would respond by trying to answer think of yourself in the customers shoes if she can. For instance, a guy may be trying to watch his money and how much he spends during the night. He arrives at a club and wants to look at all the dancers or most of the dancers before deciding on who to get a dance from. Before he has an opportunity to do so, dancer after dancer comes over and asks "wanna dance?" He keeps saying no, no, no. He may be getting irritated by it all. He may just want to drink a few drinks and let himself get warmed up enjoying the view. Guys are visually stimulated and aren't always horny and ready to go on a moments notice. Maybe he's having a bad day and doesn't want any dances from even the best looking dancer. Guys have moods just like girls. It's also possible he has his eye on one particular dancer and doesn't want any dances until he gets her. With a 5 dollar dance price, it might be like buying a beer. Some guys milk it for over an hour, some guys are picky about their brand of beer and won't settle for anything else, some guys gulp it down and then cut themselves off, a few guys won't drink any. Everyone's different but charm and grace may win out if not tonight but on another visit. Then that guy may want a dance from the same dancer over and over again every visit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    I thought she probably freaked out a bit when she heard someone honking at her late at night thinking someone might be stalking her. Trying to get back in contact that much seems to be like that. It might freak her out a little bit more, maybe or maybe not but since it doesn't seem like you have her phone number or personal information and she's trying to avoid you, you might try to leave a note on her vehicle just saying "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you but just happened to spot you on the highway the other night. I wasn't following you. Since you're obviously afraid of me now, I won't bother you anymore." It might be better to leave a note with the manager and then ignore her unless she comes over to talk to you. Just try to forget about her. If you can't, I suggest finding a different club. Just my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you ever thought you were invisible in a club before?
    At one time a few years ago, I thought you must be feeling invisible in a strip club if you were left alone for as long as 30 minutes before a dancer came over to your table. I thought some guys might like just watching for a while but I wasn't sure. I usually do like to take in the view after immediately arriving at a club for a little while.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy being the new meat in a club full of pretty dancers?
    I guess when you're on vacation and in a new club with lots of pretty dancers, you may enjoy the attention. If you're in a regular club and trying to save money and just take in the view as a regular, you may not want too much attention. I think sitting at the stage instead of at one of the empty tables or farther back in the club made me more visible. I didn't care.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I haven't ever visited a brothel. I've been forcefully grabbed and dragged into massage parlors. With two girls doing it, it didn't seem to register as a crime. They made it a lot harder to visit one strip club that closed down many years ago. They did give good massages though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy being the new meat in a club full of pretty dancers?
    I guess if they compete in a nicer style like asking to sit down next to you and start rubbing your legs and act nice first of all, it doesn't seem as aggressive. Sitting in my lap was enjoyable as well. I'm thinking why bother with lap dances, I got girls putting their tits in my face, hands on my legs, etc. and I'm not even getting a dance. I guess if the dancers were just constantly interrupting my stage tipping with "wanna dance?" I would have gotten irritated. I don't know, maybe I was enjoying it a bit too much and that's why I had the dancers keep coming at me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    One early ATF talked me into sending her roses for her birthday. I didn't know why she wanted that so much but I went along. One favorite asked to borrow one of my CD's she liked when she was riding around with me in my car. I never got around to that and broke up with her before I did. I was glad she didn't have my CD. (before there were burners). Another dancer talked me into buying her an outfit, it was if I remember around 60 to 80 dollars. Most dancers would not have been able to talk me into something like that but she was good in bed so I caved in and bought her something. She wanted to go on a gambling vacation trip with me and she acted like her feelings her hurt when I indicated no way, unless she wanted to pay.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy being the new meat in a club full of pretty dancers?
    I guess it would have been better if all the dancers looked great but as typical, there were a few that were not my type. Maybe it's a bit more annoying when a girl who is not your type and you're not attracted to seems to be all over you while when a hot girl does that, you're enjoying ever bit of it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    Maybe I'm with evilcyn on this being a bit of a pet peeve with me too. I don't like dancers lying to me and leading me on. I might be ok with just getting lap dances from them in a club. However I have had one dancer start giving me suggestions like "we should go out somewhere sometime". She gave me her phone number. Then after repeatedly telling me we should go out sometime several times on different nights I finally tried to arrange to meet up with her later on her off time. Then it became one excuse after another why she wasn't able to meet up. She even acted like such and such a date and place would be ok in the club. Time came and she didn't call to confirm. I can't stand it when someone keeps telling you they want to meet up but then when you try to meet up, excuse, excuse, excuse. Someone didn't tell her about 3 strikes and you're out apparently. I will still get dances from her if it suits me but I do not like someone to lead me on when they have no intention of following through especially when she intiated all the lead on without me asking. I don't know, maybe I got it all wrong and she just wants to have sex with me and nothing else. I doubt that though. I've met more than one dancer who will lead a guy on without him even suggesting he wants to meet her later. I think some dancers feel that is necessary to keep a guy to keep getting dances from her. Maybe those dancers suffer a lack of self esteem. I have gotten dances from married dancers and had no intention of ever meeting them later. Fake lead ons are turn offs. Sorry, I guess it's a pet peeve of mine too that I didn't even realize it was. Somehow though, if I'm not attracted to a dancer and she talks about how much she likes me or likes something about me, I tend to believe she probably does like me and start thinking, oh no. I can't get away from her. I saw cut throat dancer activity on Thursday night. Kind of enjoyed it a bit though. Not too many guys in a big club for the number of dancers. I was sitting at the stage. I had dancers walking around cutting off the dancers on stage. The dancers walking around wanted to get a dance. The dancers on stage wanted a tip. A number of dancers were blocking and cutting off other dancers. I guess I was the new meat in the club. Several times while sitting at the stage, I was going to tip a dancer but another dancer would sit or stand next to me or sit on or near my lap before one of the girls on stage got to me. I enjoyed that a bit but there were a couple of dancers on stage I would have liked to watch and tip. I'm sure it was all about the money and I wouldn't be surprised if one or two dancers played payback time by blocking me off when she tried to get a stage tip. I don't know, it all became a blur of dancers coming at me. As soon as one dancer realized I wasn't going to get a dance from her, she ignored me. Funny thing though, the last time she asked me I'm not sure what she heard but I started to say "ummm" and she got disgusted and walked off. I was simply going to ask a question before I got a dance from her. She had asked me probably anywhere from 5 to 12 times in two nights. I guess she thought she heard noooo or naaaa instead of uummmm. Then she appeared to look a bit mad at me. Oh well, the dancers are competing for the money you spend in a club and some will go to different lengths to get that money.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Escorting SOs to A Strip Club
    Sounds like you had a great time Bones! The only SO (even though she was temporary) that I even considered taking to a strip club was an ex dancer by only a week or two. We got as far as the strip club entrance but there was a problem with their ID's I heard. (I was with 2 girls). Apparently they just wanted to go to some regular night clubs anyway. I had fun at the regular night clubs but didn't have nearly as good a time as Bones did. :) I ramble on here, skip if you want to stay on topic: I do see many couples and female customers in clubs all over the place in South Carolina now. In fact last night, I noticed a number of dancers at The Masters stopped approaching me as much when I seemed to have a whole lot of girls sitting around me. Actually a bachelorette group of girls sat behind me. Then two girls and a guy sat to my right at the stage. I had girls all around. When I first saw the group of girls I saw them walk in, then get up and I thought leave after a minute. I thought maybe they walked in on the wrong side of the club since I thought The Masters had a male revue advertised for the females to watch in a different part of the building. However they came back. I was thinking about heating up the stage tipping a bit but didn't try anything. I was thinking about giving the two girls beside me a dollar to tip one of the dancers to see what would happen but I couldn't tell how interested they were. Didn't even realize a guy was with them until he came over and happened to talk to me. Nothing rude, just asking where I was from and told me where they were from.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    Some dancers are so used to lying they can't even tell that you didn't just fall off the turnip truck and realize she's lying through her teeth pretending to be interested in going out or staying in touch. Maybe I should occasionally surprise a dancer like that and say "I don't think your boyfriend would appreciate you going out with me." That would probably cause a slight surprise reaction. Then you could pretend to have already met her boyfriend if you want information.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    Yes, it's terrible how dancers take advantage of the customers. Almost always charging for every single little thing, pretending this, pretending that. Then if a dancer stops pretending and starts doing things for free, you're really in trouble because she really wants you. I actually seem to prefer dancers who tell me like it is rather than lie about a fantasy world if they feel a need to reveal personal information. Dancers learn fast because they are lying to guys every single day they are working and they can make more money by lying a lot of time.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High heeled shoes....
    I never really paid much attention except those high heels seem dangerous when they start moving towards your head when a dancer does some acrobatics with high heels on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Age and date of first sc or equivalent experience.
    I am wondering if a sorority party could be like a strip club experience. There was lots of drinking (all free) lots of pretty girls everywhere and at one time I was dancing with 5 girls. Can't remember how I ended up there. Nahh, that doesn't sound like a strip club. The Frat party I went to with a guest stripper entertaining a room full of Frat boys sounds more like a strip club event.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Age and date of first sc or equivalent experience.
    I was in my mid 20's. The department boss where I worked at said he was going to take me to a strip club. I said ok. I think the place was called Dockside Dolls back around 1993 or 1994. First stripper I ever met or kissed was when I was in college at a Fraternity party. She did get topless or was wearing a see thru outfit at the party I was at I think. It's hard to remember too much after all the alcohol they gave me back then. I do remember I was surprised when she stuck her tongue in my mouth.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you ever thought you were invisible in a club before?
    It's easy to be ignored if none of the dancers working at a club ever remember you getting a dance from anyone. I remember a club like that. I got just a table dance one night. Suddenly it seemed like half the dancers made their way over to my table and said "so when are you going to let me dance for you?" I was starting to think that one table dance was a big mistake. However the dancers quickly forgot by the next time I visited. It's a different story if a nice looking dancer never asks you for a dance. I guess that's ok if you don't want to spend extra money but sometimes you may.