
Comments by casualguy (page 79)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip-club petitions far short of valid signatures [Ohio]
    If over 100,000 people said they wanted something, it seems like there might be a lot more interest in it. The only real way to know is to put it on the ballot anyway and let the people decide. Sounds like a crummy way to have a democracy if the people can't vote on an issue because of some bureaucratic rule. If the people can't vote on the issues, is it really even a democracy? I guess if enough people vote out of office those that are there now, things will change. I wonder what rule will come up next if people don't defend this one? Maybe a new no touch rule saying a husband or wife can't touch the other spouse if they recently had an argument or else they will be fined and put in jail as soon as somebody turns them in or they are overseen touching in public after an argument. Might require over 2 million registered signatures to put it on the ballot to vote against it as well with the current people in office. One little innocent looking law can lead to others if the people of Ohio want a law for everything. my two cent rant.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any worries about the economy and it affecting your strip club visits?
    I posted this topic and in the last 30 days, I think I spent more than I did in any other 30 day period this year. I suppose I feel like you have to take advantage of a good opportunity when you have it. I guess I'm not used to having so many hot dancers offering me deals on lap dances. Fortunately for my wallet, some of those hot dancers end up just sitting and talking with me and time flys when you're having fun. I was joking with a dancer about a guy with a T-shirt with a stripper on a pole on the back side stating "I support single moms" Then she told me she was a mother. I would have never known. I heard they sell those at Myrtle Beach.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any worries about the economy and it affecting your strip club visits?
    I only cut back my spending about 60 dollars. Too many hot girls giving me lap dance deals. It's just too hard to say no to that. If this keeps up, I'm going to be one of their regulars.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The trend on ratings is gone?
    I still see it when I click on club details. Doesn't really mean that much to me. You can easily look at the last few reviews to see what the last reviewers thought of it and that seems to be reflected in the trend.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Lap Factory": Your Definition, and "In The Dictionary" Club
    Dancers will often get on the stage in the busy clubs that I'm familiar with even during the announced two for ones. There is often a temporary lull unless the club is busy. One small club does keep the dancers off the stage for 10 minutes effectively saying "f**k you" if you didn't get a lap dance during their hourly announced two for one. I don't know, perhaps my idea of a lap dance factory is different than some others. All the clubs I'm familiar with have the dancers earning the majority of their money from dances with lap dances being the most expensive (other than private rooms). The bigger the club is, the more dancers work there walking around asking "wanna dance".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Lap Factory": Your Definition, and "In The Dictionary" Club
    I thought many of the large clubs in South Carolina were like lap dance factories. However there usually are multiple stages in use when the club is busy. It's not too bad, some dancers do talk to the customers for a while (if they think you're going to buy a dance) or if you're a regular. Music is loud and it's hard to have a conversation as well in many areas of the club. I just left. This isn't normal but I got stopped and asked for a dance from about 4 or 5 different dancers one at a time before I got out of the club tonight. What wasn't normal for me was getting stopped in the hallway or entrance to the main part of the club. The more crowded a lap dance factory is, the less you get asked for dances. At the Masters on a slow night with probably over 100 dancers, I think I was asked over 100 times for dances in 2 or 3 hours. On a busy night there, I was probably asked only a dozen times in 2 hours. I don't mind getting asked if they sit on your lap and do other things I enjoy. If you have a few favorites, the majority of dancers won't be able to get to you either if they are tying you up. There are lots of seats in the big clubs in South Carolina. Makes it easier for a dancer to locate you if you're sitting down.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    How obsessed are you?
    I often spend at least a couple minutes here looking at the discussion chat just for entertainment. If you're talking about visiting clubs, that is only once a week at most for me. I spend a lot more time at other web sites so visiting this one doesn't seem like any big deal. The more time I spend doing other things, the less I will be on here. This site seems like a tiny little ant hill compared to a massive city of information in some other sites. However the other sites are restricted with some having no allowance to talk about any adult content.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thoughts on Dancer contact
    If I don't like the way a dancer looks, I don't want to end up alone with her at all. I don't care if she wants to give me all the free sex she could at her house, if I don't like the way she looks (I'm not attracted to her), then I don't want anything to do with her. Those are my rules, don't get caught alone with someone you don't care for even if you have been drinking. It helps if they smell nice as well instead of having body odor. I only remember one dancer that wanted me so bad that she offered free dances and I still turned her down. She wasn't finished there but I still said no to her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thoughts on Dancer contact
    My thoughts are, most dancers have enough rules already and I certainly don't need to add any. I do need privacy to be able to relax and enjoy the evening though. I don't want to watch a dancer dance for me and see some big hairy guy looking right in my direction while I'm trying to watch the dancer. That's a total turn off. If I can't relax and enjoy the moment, that's a turn off too. I don't ever remember telling a girl "don't touch that!" If a dancer wants to give me a free extra if there is such a thing, I would prefer she just invite me over to her place and then I wouldn't be worrying about hidden cameras and bouncers etc. I remember one dancer once smiled at me and said she wanted to be a porn star. I was thinking well I don't want to be one. The mileage she gave after saying that was good but nothing that unusual. I'm wondering if she's going to pop back in my life one day. I never know what to expect. I take things day by day.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any worries about the economy and it affecting your strip club visits?
    I keep thinking I need to cut back too, however if I still feel somewhat secure my job will still be there and I already have enough to pay my bills after saving a set percentage for retirement, it seems like I could either invest the extra money or save it for a rainy day, or go have fun with it. I know which option is the most fun to do. I'm also aware that all days may not be fun. However if the economy is getting noticeably shaky with less customers spending money, dancers will try harder to get or keep you as a regular. At least the ones that want to keep making money and strippers are good at that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any worries about the economy and it affecting your strip club visits?
    I think the economy seems bad if you know about people getting laid off instead of reading about it in some statistic or hearing it on the news along with a bunch of other news. One thing I read several months ago was that Dick Cheney has a lot of money invested overseas as if he was expecting the dollar to fall. It certainly seems to be happening. I'm still learning how to hedge your bets. That was a very smart stripper that planned everything so well with her finances. It sounds like she even planned an entrance and exit strategy for her stripping career as some people do for stocks. Most strippers I meet are working to try to get enough money to pay some bill they suddenly got. Now that's what I call daily planning. Planning for the next few hours it seems.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    Very true FONDL.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Well if you believe mailing her a letter is a good idea, I'll also recommend this web site. http://www.stardrivedevice.com/index.html They are selling a book with plans for a stardrive engine that they say can go faster than light speed and is available now for commercial power generation at 60 to 720 MW output levels without requiring normal fuel of any kind. What I thought was cool was a link they referenced to this site www.solstation.com that has 3D moveable star charts of all the nearby stars. Who wants to go to Tau Ceti? http://www.stardrivedevice.com/web_ch13ex.pdf a little story about a trip there. I guess that would be a long distance letter to a stripper from Tau Ceti, might be a good idea to mail it before you leave for the trip. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Maybe to keep this thread alive, I could suggest whghlost get the dancers mailing address and mail her a letter without his name on it. Then he could explain what happened. As a disclaimer though, I do not recommend this and will deny any knowledge of saying it was a good idea. Just wanted to say that in case he ends up in court. But I don't know what whghlost may be thinking. I don't even know where he gets some of his weird ideas.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    I was hoping the thread would keep going. Entertaining. :) I don't have any problem with a dancer wanting to give me her phone number. I'm not at all worried about a risk to her identity. Actually I don't even own a cell phone so she has to write it down for me to start with. Then after I get it, I may not even be able to find it after a week or so. My biggest concern would be a dancer wanting to give me her number when I'm not at all interested in calling her. Fortunately, I haven't had too many dancers trying to hook up with me. They just want dances instead of going out to eat, etc, etc. etc. I usually don't even have to hear about all of their problems. I think that's why we enjoy strip clubs so much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any worries about the economy and it affecting your strip club visits?
    Maybe I just need to count tits and go back to sleep. :) Wide awake at 4 AM after falling asleep early. My older brothers wife reminds me of a stripper. She looked good to start with but never worked a day in her life at a real job so she doesn't know what work is in my opinion. Well maybe a few little jobs but nothing requiring manual labor. She wastes money like crazy and has wasted away all of their savings and they got a double mortgage on their house. If I see a dancer that reminds me of her, I stay away from that dancer. Many young dancers seem to manage money very poorly. Maybe someone should set up a dancers financial planning service and have like a little Walmart type store in the bigger strip clubs. I think that could actually fly if they could reliably save a dancers money as well. I've met a number of dancers that don't trust putting their current nights money in too many places. A little dancer bank and financial planning service in strip clubs coming soon? Ok, I'm going back to sleep. Anybody else think the economy is not that great right now?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's the best way for a young girl to maximize her profit?
    I think if you're at a club encountering a number of "wanna dance?" dancers, the dancers must be having a lot of success moving around asking lots of customers for a dance. It's true they could sit and talk for 5 to 15 minutes, or else if the club was crowded, they could ask 10 to 20 guys in less time and get a dance, maybe faster than that if several guys are getting ignored due to the club being crowded. If the dancers are just temporarily working at the club, they don't care anything about getting regulars. If that strategy isn't working, then the dancers would act like a mouse in a cage and figure out the way to get to the cheese isn't by walking around asking everyone "wanna dance?" I'm wondering how long it takes to get dances asking a ton of guys "wanna dance" versus sitting and talking. If she just sat and talked to me for 10 minutes and I turn her down, she just wasted that time as far as maximizing her income (unless I get a dance from her later in the night). I'd say it depends if the club is a lapdance factory and whether or not the club is crowded with lap dance customers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Whghlost, I understand you believe it was a simple misunderstanding for which you are getting punished for. Thanks for informing us as well because it has been interesting reading this. If any of my posts seemed creepy, I was simply trying to describe how the situation might look to someone else. I do try to think about how something might look if I were in their shoes. I can easily see how you simply left one night, wasn't thinking too clearly (didn't turn on your headlights), saw one of your favorite dancers, sped up and honked your horn at her thinking nothing of it, then got surprised at the reaction you got in the club. Saying all that, I think it was poor judgement to follow someone and keep up with them and even honk your horn. She didn't know who it was and that can scare the living daylights out of a lone girl late at night in my opinion. I think you understand that. I wouldn't even do that to someone I know in my own family if they didn't already know it was me. Someone late at night did something similiar (not honking the horn though) when I was on a empty road during the middle of the night. It tends to creep you out when they keep up with you. That's the reason they speed up or slow down, they want to lose the other person following them. I'm a guy and I thought it was a bit creepy when it happened to me and I can imagine a girl would have other fears. I thought maybe the guy was on drugs (not thinking reasonably at all and maybe a severe health hazard to me as well) or drunk or worse. I noticed the guy was following two other cars before I passed them all. Then he followed me. I sped up and that didn't lose him. After a while I slowed down a lot just to lose him. He slowed down a little but didn't want to match my speed. Actually I saw another car coming and whoever the lucky son of a bitch was he passed me and now had a new follower. I was happy, I lost the creep. I'd give it some time and try out other clubs in the meantime. Let everyone at that club cool off and forget about you for a while. If the economy turns bad fast which I'm thinking it might, clubs will be trying to get customers and business as much as possibly. Then you might have a good opportunity to be welcomed back. I'd give it at least a few months though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    I'm guessing he was venting or possibly thought some of us would join in and say, yeah man, they did you wrong, we should have rights. I think all of us here know we're just asking for trouble if we follow a dancer we don't know outside the club and then bring up the situation to the manager in the club. If I'm not wanted in a club and know it, I get the hell away from it before a manager, bouncer, or someone else decides they want to teach me a lesson. I don't want to be put in any situation where an angry reaction could hurt someone back and cause me to be put in jail. Apparently not everyone agrees to stay away from trouble or cares too much about maintaining a low profile. I don't know though, I have been called a troublemaker at times. Maybe I stir things up too and I'm too much like the thread starter here. Except I don't follow dancers or try to make myself known to management very much. If I'm trying to contact management, I'm willing to make trouble and know it unless I already met the boss and he's suddenly friends with me. I think the dancers look at you different if they know you're friendly with the boss. I haven't thought about all the different ways but I ended up in that situation at one club. Bouncers were even coming up to me while I sitting around watching and would say "hi, how's it going?" That wasn't a bad thing but I knew I was never going to be an ordinary customer anymore. If you're one of the bosses friends, you might have his ears to talk to and he probably will listen. Otherwise, you're just another face.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Naked customers
    Before the city closed it all down, I remember I had a lot of trouble trying to visit one strip club. I found out Korean girls can get quite aggressive. I found one massage parlor was located immediately on the left side of the club. 2 or 3 girls grabbed me and forced me inside. They had my shorts down or unzipped pretty fast and their hands were doing some massaging. Then they wanted me to buy them an expensive drink. I had no intention of even visiting their parlor. The next time I was going to visit the strip club, I remembered and approached the club from the right. Ooops, another parlor over there and 2 or 3 girls forced me inside again. I was starting to think "what's the point in going to the strip club if I have to get grabbed so much before I ever get in there?" I remember another time I got grabbed off the street and pulled into their parlor. I was stubborn and refusing everything they wanted. I wasn't too happy about the girls forcing me inside their parlor again. One girl came over and it looked like she meant business. While I was standing there with a girl restraining each arm, she put her hand down my shorts and started doing some stroking. I managed to keep arguing for another 5 to 10 minutes but then it got harder to argue with someone who is making you feel good. The dancers in the strip club didn't know what I had to go through just to visit them. Apparently those Korean girls really liked me a lot. A bit too much I thought. They did give good massages though. For a few weeks there, I was really tired of getting grabbed so much but I was determined to visit the strip club in the middle.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    You probably would have been ok at the club if you had just maintained a low profile and not let anyone know it was you that was following her that night. Oh well, you live and learn. Might be a good opportunity to stalk out another club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    You're right whghlost, I don't think any of us are going to change your mind. Have fun and good luck with whatever you pursue (no more car chases ok?) I get crazy ideas all the time but I rarely ever act on any of them. I'm just a peaceful guy with a ton of ideas. Some dancers really enjoy listening to stories about some wild dreams I've had. You can blame it all on all of the sci-fi books and fantasy novels I used to read before I had a personal computer to waste my time away on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Slightly off topic here but if I had a ton of money to burn. My car would have stickers on it saying "Warning Anti-Theft device installed!" Then if someone touched the car, a big multi-turreted gun would pop out of the top of the car, move quickly towards the direction of the intruder and a Clint Eastwood voice would say "Go ahead Punk, Make my Day!"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Creepy? Nahhhh, what girl in her right mind driving alone at night would get creeped out by a dark car following her? I don't understand why some girls are afraid of some stranger following them late at night on a deserted road, do you? If she's like most girls around here, she could just stop the car, take out her saw-offed shot gun, and fire a warning shot right into the front windshield of the guy following her if he stopped too. I don't know though, the girls at the local college down the road from me have been winning awards for marksmanship using rifles. A well placed shot into the shoulder or arm and I think you'll live but get the warning. Of course if it was in my local area, you would have been pulled over for driving with no headlights and then been accused of driving drunk whether you had something to drink or not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    This sounds like an idea. Wait in a strip club parking lot for a dancer to leave. Follow her in your car after she leaves the parking lot but don't turn your lights on. When she gets out on a quiet highway late at night with no one else around speed up to only a few car lengths behind her. Then if she's still trying to get away, honk your horn to let her know it's no joke. If you can see inside her car, watch her frantically phone 911 telling the police there's a crazy guy following her and she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know if he intends to rape, rob, and kill her or what. Then go back to the club during the week and let everyone know it was you but pretend it was all a simple misunderstanding. I'm sure it would seem logical to any stalker.