
Comments by casualguy (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    I find it very irritating if a dancer sits down with me and then before I can even talk to her, a waitress comes over and asks if I would like to buy the lady a drink. I want the opportunity to at least ask a couple of questions to the dancer. There are blue laws in my area for Saturday night so I don't get bothered at all after midnight.
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    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    I actually think the reason Bush wants to keep troops in Iraq is to keep the unemployment rate from going up in an election year. Nobody has said this in public but I think the last thing Bush wants is to have a bunch of unemployed vets. The economy is bad enough already. Ben won't be able to cut rates anymore without making inflation a whole lot worse but I think he's going to anyway. Then whoever is in office next year will have to deal with all this inflation and then we will have another economic slowdown in 2010. It all goes in cycles. This subprime crisis is just the little one compared to the 55 trillion the US owes in the near future but doesn't have the money for. Have a nice day, you never know how bad it may get in the future.
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    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    I feel a little bit better about the possibility of McCain now. He voted against Bush's tax cuts earlier. I really thought we just had a choice of 3 democratic candidates running for president since I heard McCain tried to or considered running with Kerry as a democrat earlier in years past. One of his advisors Phil Gramm I have faith in. He said when McCain said he didn't know much about the economy, he said he was just being honest. Now how many politicians actually are honest? We need to attract businesses and jobs to this country instead of making them all leave with higher taxes and higher costs like I keep hearing the democrats proposing. I don't know why they are proposing higher taxes but I guess that why it's called socialism. http://money.cnn.com/2008/02/18/news/newsmakers/tully_gramm.fortune/index.htm?postversion=2008021917 By the way no matter who wins, I agree with the democrats that the rich should pay more. Someone needs to because this country is going bankrupt. Warren Buffet said he didn't mind if a democrat won. Now it looks like we have 3 choices (I'm counting McCain as an unofficial democrat.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    I bet shadowcat thinks he has been getting a great return on his dancer investment dollars. Lap dance returns that is. I've been selective and have been getting bargain or value lap dance returns as well. I might think I was spending a bit too much time on financial web sites but in the last three days I've recouped almost all the money I lost on some previous mistakes earlier in the year. I guess when you see paper values increase faster in one day than you've spent multiple days in a strip club, you're feeling more confident. Then I think, I wonder if some of those strippers are sick and I should just avoid the whole strip club. To make everything seem more depressing though, one guy said you could double your money in 10 years in the market, only to end up with half the money you started with after adjusting for this runaway inflation that is starting. If inflation gets that bad, I'll just try to double my money every year, if I do that, that should let me end up with something. Somehow I don't think too many dancers will be interested in discussing the stock market. Actually not too many ordinary people are either if they're losing money. If the market goes down 400 points tomorrow, I just made out pretty good. I'm not expecting anything that bad yet though.
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    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    Spent 3 and 1/2 hours, a new record for reading things on a financial news site. This quote made me think of this from a comment on marketwatch.com " How is investing in a 401k, a mutual fund, or a seedy and unmanaged broke-erage account like unprotected sex? Besides the obvious of getting f**ked. Because you never know what cooties you'll catch when you're in there, and you can't pull out in time." and this quote making the markets sound like evaluating dancers in a club "And even after learning more about the marketplace, there are no absolutes, as your mileage will vary." Learning about investing can seem similiar to learning about strippers and strip clubs in some ways.
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    17 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    I'm thinking about returning back to strip clubs. However I don't want to be around sick people. There are still people getting sick where I work at. I don't want to get sick by visiting a strip club either and having some sick dancer spread her germs to me. It would be nice if sick dancers would stay home but I've seen them come in to work and even sit next to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Female patrons in stripclubs
    I like it when a female ends up showing her tits as well. I kind of enjoyed getting sandwiched in between the dancer on stage and one that snuck up behind me while I was tipping one time. I guess she was tipping too and we were all having fun with the sandwich position. I also enjoy watching strippers in very short shorts go up to tip a dancer on stage especially if they put on a little show and you get to see more than just the one dancer on stage. 4 tits can look a lot better than just 2. Other than that, females tipping dancers is no big deal where I live at because it happens all the time. Sometimes there are more female tippers than guys.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    almost all dancers must now pay homage to the big cahoona, lord shadowcat, keeper of the bigger paycheck and big spender. Hope you don't mind me having fun. I am actually finding it more difficult to want to spend my discretionary money when I believe I can make a lot of money in the stock market. I'm learning.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    Great line shadowcat. Probably not too many interested but I noticed Dow futures are down 94 points already. I think Bernankie spooked a few people who didn't know too much when he said no large bank should fail. I think he is spooked more than most Americans realize. Well, except for the ones looking at getting their house foreclosed or don't have enough money to pay the bills. My brother said I am shorting the market. I rather think of it as buying a fund that expects the market to go down. I just wish I didn't have most of my retirement money locked up with very little options on what to put it in other than money market or 5 different fund choices. Ahh, lots of people have problems and want to go to a fantasy world when they visit here I guess. I'll try to tone down the bad news and stick to the fantasy world. Yep, I bet Monica said the dems left a bad taste in her mouth. I read a comic strip today. Bill Clinton said he would tone down his campaign rhetoric. Then he told Hillary he had scheduled appearances on the Tonight Show and with Jay Leno, and had scheduled press conferences with a number of major newspapers to discuss how he was going to tone down his rhetoric and speeches. What we really need is a miracle worker for president. 55 trillion in debt or liabilities and we're going farther in the hole every year. Maybe we should all party like it's 2012 and the end is coming. In case you haven't heard 2012 is like the new doomsday year among conspiracy people just like the end of 1999 used to be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    I understand part of the thinking is that subprime and having lots of houses for sale that aren't being sold affects everyone else. The credit crunch means banks have gone back to the old ways of loaning money after getting burned. Good credit, downpayments ,etc. required to get a loan or even to refinance now I believe. There is only one house for sale in my entire neighborhood and several hundred jobs are going to be added to the small town I live in within a year or two it sounds like. House prices increased 1 percent from the year before. I guess I'm the one not seeing how it is in the rest of America now. Me, I'm thinking if I ever want to move to a bigger house, it will cost more in my local area. I'm not currently thinking about moving though. Ok, I'll stop posting here if no one responds and go post on some economic web site.
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    17 years ago
    Longest Time You Have Done in the Champagne Room?
    I've never been in one myself. There might be a few posting here that have been in one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I piss off another dancer
    In my opinion, shadowcat will continue posting about his top dog position. That's just life in shadowcat's danger zone, he doesn't know when he'll piss off someone. I started thinking in a way we as a society are all fucked up. Some of us enjoy watching movies like Sparta 300 where there is lots of blood flying and fighting. Some people enjoy fighting or watching fights. I was thinking in a way we aren't any different than the Romans who enjoyed watching a fight and it didn't matter how bloody it got. I was thinking I've met some guys who would have enjoyed watching a dancer get her panties in a wad and upset. I've met some guys who enjoy getting just about anyone upset. I'm not really into the drama myself though. I will admit a good fight can be entertaining though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I piss off another dancer
    My guess was pissy mood. A few guys came in wearing shorts when she thought it was cold outside and she immediately thought they were perverts. Then she heard something one of them said and that just seemed to reinforce her opinion that shadowcat started all this perversion in her mind. Of course I'm speculating but it sounds like fun. For me to be 100 percent right though, I'd have to be psychic or really lucky. So do you feel lucky? What's your opinion?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    Bill J Clinton was the big BJ guy. They tried to impeach him, now many want him back. Does this mean BJ's are coming back? Probably not, someone wants to put his wife in charge and fired the intern doing the BJ's. Plus she wants to fix everything else. She probably hasn't met a person making money instead of getting a government paycheck that she thought deserved to keep their money. I'm not opposed to the rich paying more taxes but I hear things like putting a 5 year freeze on adjustable rate mortgages and I think she's wants to destroy the US economy with nobody able to get a home loan anymore. I guess that's the plan, if someone speculates but their speculation doesn't pay off, give them a government handout. Some people bought more house than they could afford and bought it with a zero interest adjustable rate loan and are crying that their speculation didn't pay off. Me, I spent extra money paying for a fixed rate. Been paying extra money more than all those adjustable rate loans for several years. Now that I'm paying less and my lack of speculation is finally paying off, the ones who lost money want a government hand out. I don't mind the government assisting banks to help loan money to those who can pay it. I am opposed to democrats or whomever helping those who gambled and lost money if it costs me extra money as a taxpayer. Economics is of concern to most people who visit strip clubs if they are the least bit concerned with how much money they are spending. Politicians and politics are often involved in strip clubs as well. Just look at all the laws passed in the last decade restricting the operation of clubs nearby churches, schools etc. if they are less than 1/5 a mile away from such a place. It doesn't even matter if the two places don't ever operate at the same time. I know of one club that was closed down. There was a church a block over. No one was ever at that church when I was visiting the club. I bet no one was at the club when the church was busy. Closed down due to politics. End of another good strip club. I know I'm ranting. I view this board as a chance to occasionally rant. Been posting here for years and put up with all the trolls who chased almost everyone away at one time. The way I see it, if you don't want to read this, just don't click on it. If no one responds, I won't be posting that much anymore.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    Any good choices for president? Maybe if there is a selection for "None of the above".
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    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    By the way I know Bush isn't running for office, however he does represent the Republican party and how they have been handling things lately. Even though they aren't in charge and he's been off in Africa while the democrats have been in control since they now control Congress. So Bush has been partying away in Africa, and the democrats in control of this country can't wait to talk about how bad things have become. Just don't tell the stupid Americans that the democrats are currently in control of Congress and this country as a result.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I piss off another dancer
    Just remembered one dancers name. It's not the same. I'm sure shadowcat and people reading reviews talking like more is available piss off some dancers when they have guys visiting asking for more than what they are willing to do. I remember on one visit to shadowcats club, a dancer came up to me and said "oh good, you look like a normal guy, there are a bunch of weirdos in here tonight". On another night in the same club, I heard a dancer say "can you believe some guy asked me how much for a blowjob?" Then something about who does he think I am? Apparently conversations aren't that private when you have to shout over the really loud music. Two dancers were talking near me. A dancer upset when a bunch of guys come into the club wearing shorts in the winter time and asking for things they don't do? It was almost 70 degrees today. I could have worn shorts easily. A guy asking for something extra? Since when doesn't a guy try to get more? I'll answer, when he is already getting extra from somewhere else or he has no desire in getting anything extra.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I piss off another dancer
    You think dancers get in a crappy mood if their income drops below normal? I really don't know if less people are visiting strip clubs in my local area because I was sick one week and haven't been back since and that was a few weeks ago now. I heard the flu or some kind of sickness was widespread across the USA a couple of weeks ago. I wanted everyone to get better before I return to a crowded strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I piss off another dancer
    Actually seems kind of funny. However I think she's not thinking that well unless she's just in a pissy mood. Not the best way to get customers into a club. Obviously there is still one club that is busy. I haven't visited there myself in months. Now I am wondering if I know Megan. hmmm, maybe I should say "yeah, she's right, you guys are perverts!" I bet guys like you are why strip clubs started calling front row seats "pervert row". I just don't understand why a pervert would visit a strip club. :) If it's any consolation shadowcat, I called called a name too when I visited a church with short sleeves when the temperature outside was in the 40's. One guy said "last of the Vikings!" as I entered. I didn't think it was cold at the time.
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    17 years ago
    Your first "extra" in a SC.
    My memory is fuzzy but I believe I met one dancer one night who claimed she was from a planet I never heard of. My first thought, ok she's either crazy or something else. Then, why is she telling me this information? I guess it's possible she was just trying to tell a story. I remember at one time I remember talking about a dream I had where 3 nice looking blonde human looking aliens told me I needed to come with them. They took me aboard their ship and I had fun. Then they dropped me back off. I stopped talking about that dream. I didn't realize there were dancers out there who really seem to believe they are from another planet. But Misterguy is right, I don't believe I ever got lucky with any dancers who turned out to be a space alien. It is true that a number of dancers like hearing about weird dreams. Such as one where a retilian like lizard man made telepathic contact with me one night while I was mostly asleep. I saw images of his planet and his body. Located about 37,000 light years away in this galaxy. I think I'd rather dream about the blonde space aliens. I used to read a lot of sci-fi so that explains why I had so many dreams.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unexpected meetings with strippers OTC.
    Now if you want to know an instance where I was slightly freaked out by a meeting with a dancer I'll tell you. I was interviewing for jobs and once had an interview in the same town as my favorite dancer. I called her up and asked if she wanted me to stop by after my interview. She said sure. Anyway I stopped by her townhouse afterwards and she was asking how the interview went. She seemed excited by the possibility of me moving to her town. Then she said, "if you move here, I can come by your house everyday and dance for you!" Ding! Ding! Ding! alarm bells went off in my head. What did she mean by that statement? Every day!? I was currently giving her money for the dances she did even though this is the same dancer that worked out a deal with me to dance for half price. I suspected our relationship was in a gray area somewhere between half boyfriend, half customer. What I didn't realize at that time was that she had just broken up with her boyfriend and had no one at that time. Be careful what you wish for. A couple of months later, she told me she was pregnant. I knew it wasn't me though. We never got that far. Her boyfriend left at about the same time.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unexpected meetings with strippers OTC.
    I met one dancer in a regular sports bar but maybe it wasn't as much of a coincidence as it originally seemed. I was new to the area and had asked this dancer where some of the better regular clubs were at. She told me about this one and I liked it. I was sitting at the bar having a drink one night and she walked in and we both spotted each other. She was alone and came up to me and had a seat. We chatted briefly, more briefly than we usually did in her club. She told me she was going off to work and asked if I would be coming by. I said yes. She wanted more of a relationship with me but I didn't pursue it because I was new to the area and had just made myself a promise that I wasn't going to go out with any more dancers. I stuck to that promise for years and then one dancer came along and had her way with me. She had her way of breaking down my barriers.
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    17 years ago
    Web site enhancement??
    After thinking about this idea and accidently experiencing it today at a different web site. I think it's a bad idea. I tried to quickly go to a web site at work today to look up a product so that I could order it and find out if it was still available and a phone number. Instead of being quick, all these graphic programs started loading. Then I saw a talking lady on my screen (couldn't hear her because my sound was muted at work) then more graphic programs kept trying to load. I finally found a phone number and a nice young sounding female answered the phone and gave me the information I wanted. Bad idea I think. I don't want this web site slower.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    how to stop trying to save them
    I made those small loans several years ago when I was brand new to strip clubs and I sometimes blew 2 or 300 hundred in a single night out. Now the one loan that paid off for me big time was more like a deal. She offered to give me all her dances at half price forever. I loaned her 100 dollars for that deal. It was pretty much paid back within a few visits. She kept her part of the deal up for 2 or 3 years. Of course I sometimes thought it was a deal where she could dance for me more often because she wanted to. I ended up visiting her at her apartment and then later at her townhouse off and on over the course of a couple of years. I think she was the only dancer that ever called me up and wanted to go see a movie. I said no. She wanted to go on a week night and lived 2 hours away after she moved.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    Lol, I didn't test the theory I heard that every girl is a lesbian or bi after 3 drinks.