
Comments by casualguy (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Google help needed (again)
    I may start using Yahoo more. They list tuscl.com about 4 places down. Google stock deserves to go down, they are falling behind in doing things right.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can shadowcat have a favorite Atlanta dancer?
    I said producing oil above, it's late, I met biofuel even though maybe it is oil. I don't remember at the moment.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can shadowcat have a favorite Atlanta dancer?
    Good to hear you found something local you like. Meanwhile one of my in-laws is not happy about having to travel overseas. India, the UK, China. I heard he really doesn't want to go to China. I'm glad I didn't have to go to China because of work. My older brother has to travel occasionally and had to go to Malaysia for work. He was very happy to be back. hmmm, I wonder if shadowcat has any of those free air miles from Atlanta to Columbia. Probably not worth the hassle though for that short distance. Maybe I should learn how to turn algae into oil and do it a lot more efficiently than anyone can make ethanol. Half a trillion dollars is going overseas every year when I think it could stay here in this country. I heard about someone using algae blooms to run his vehicle and said it burns cleaner than ethanol and regular gasoline. Algae requires a lot less space and can use waste water to grow as well while producing oil in vastly higher quantities than ethanol can for a given amount of material. Sometimes you think the oil companies like the price of oil high and aren't too interested in producing cheaper alternative biofuels. Well not sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    It appears my advise to buy was right on the money. I think now though you'll need to sell in another day or two. I think we're in for a rough ride. Or as the opening story goes on Gilligan's Island, "the weather started getting rough". I don't feel so bad about selling a little bit too early. The stock I sold was done about 12 percent just today. Now it's on sale and I'm hoping it gets a little bit cheaper. If one person wants to chat about this I can keep on. I don't care if it's on a strip club site. I read a whole lot of comments on marketwatch.com but never end up commenting. An interesting link I saw today was here. http://www.financialsense.com/Market/wrapup.htm I'm left wondering how bad everything is going to get. In the meantime, I seem to be saving money at a faster pace thinking I could make some killer returns by investing it rather than spending it at strip clubs. But I just read about a dancers name that I remember at one club. I almost feel a need to go see if its the same dancer I remember even though I haven't been there in a long time. Sometimes I feel like a moth drawn to the flame. I thought that dancer wanted to know me better and here I am getting curious if it's the same one. I guess if I wasn't a bit of a risk taker, I wouldn't have a desire to play the market and bet on double short ETF's either. I'm just learning but doing pretty good I think. Not great yet but I did sell before that ETF fund went down over 12 percent. Predicting the Fed is a lot harder than guestimating the market. I have a new guess at what Ben will do next. I'll post my guess if anyone is interested after I buy back the ETF fund. Everyone keep buying tomorrow. At least up past lunch time I hope. Don't you just love it when everyone listens to you and they go out and buy stocks like crazy? ok I'm being sarcastic. I know the Ben factor is much bigger than I am. The only way it wouldn't be is if I'm really crazy and this reality is just a dream in my head. It's late here. I'm off to sleep before I dream up something weird to talk about.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Founder did not set his clock ahead,
    Ok, I see now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Founder did not set his clock ahead,
    hmmm, I didn't even notice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What the hell is she doing?
    Just remembered another time. The first time a dancer bit me. I was a regular at the club in a military town. I knew the dancer and the others I was familiar with seeing them at the club. She started a dance, then she put her head towards my lap. To my surprise, she bit down with a fair amount of force on my dick. I was surprised and said "OWWW!" Then she looked surprised. She said some military guys apparently talked the dancers into biting them saying they were too numb (maybe from drinking?) to feel hardly anything and enjoyed being bitten. After a few weeks of this, either the dancers didn't bite as hard or I started to actually enjoy some of the bites. Weird I thought. At that time I didn't have any luck in talking anyone out of biting me. Then as soon as I started getting used to them, they stopped. One thing I found out that it is not pleasant to be bitten anywhere where your skin is tight. Drinking helped me not to notice the hungry strippers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What the hell is she doing?
    If any dancers are reading this, a gentle bite doesn't hurt if she gets the whole thing in her mouth (with shorts on), however just getting some skin on the side even with shorts on isn't that pleasant of a feeling. That wasn't the first time I had a dancer bite me. I've been bitten several times in multiple places. Nothing that hard though and certainly no teeth marks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What the hell is she doing?
    ewww, gross story shadowcat. So do you kiss strippers too? Sorry couldn't resist. The most weird is difficult for me to choose from. I guess the one I will admit to in public is when I was sitting at a stage with a porn star feature entertainer. All the other guys were crowding her on the stage by leaning over it even though they were sitting down. It was a small stage. I was sitting back in my chair. She got on her knees right in front of me and put her head towards my lap. Then I felt her bite down a bit on my dick through my shorts. It didn't hurt. I'm thinking hmmm, I forgot she was a porn star and wasn't expecting this. She put on a show and moved her lips around and turned my white shorts completely red after a minute or two in this position. Then I got nervous when she backed up towards the stage but didn't let go. I felt like grabbing her and telling her to stop but it was a strict no touch club. Finally she let go and it looked like someone doing the wave with all the guys crowded around the stage sitting back in their chairs. I actually went to another strip club afterwards. It looked my shorts were completely red on the front side.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Mood killers?
    Sweaty, smelling bad, asking or talking about your mother, or her kids, I agree can all be a mood killer when you're getting ready to get a lap dance from her and if you're a guy who thinks like me, you want to think sexy thoughts to get in the mood rather than something else. She can talk or ask about that stuff later if she wants to talk in my opinion. Asking about someone's mother or relatives can be a real quick mood killer as well if one of your relatives was recently in the hospital but you did not want to talk about that during your strip club visit. I often like to enjoy my time in strip clubs and don't want to be reminded about reality unless of course I'm the one who brought it up. I don't even like to tip a dancer on stage if I see she is all sweaty if I think there is a chance she is going to get me all wet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    Well I was way off for the direction stocks went today. I knew it was a mistake selling the stock I did on Friday. I was thinking strongly about selling on Friday and that was where I went into trouble. I panicked when I saw stocks climb over 100 points in mere minutes. I could have held it and would now be looking at an 8 percent gain in two days if I had held. I guess there will be more opportunities. Too many people seem to be thinking like me at the moment. That is scary. The Dow could go down close to 11,000 if that thinking continues. Everyone needs to buy, buy, buy. Stocks are at bargain prices. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I'm stuck all in cash. I'll wait for what looks like a good opportunity. I guess last Friday I was worried the Fed might do another emergency rate cut and throw me a loss in the stock I owned (I was shorting the market via an ETF fund). I guess I'll stop talking about this. Hardly anyone seems interested here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Economic news and politics posting on economic news sites, do you read it?
    Zerzan, I just saw your last post, it sounds like Obama had some wisdom back then in 2002. I guess many of us back then believed our president when he told us or hinted that Sadam was developing nuclear weapons and was about to become a global menace and threaten us in new ways. Apparently that was a lie of epic proportions. Either that or our intelligence was super super bad. I was actually convinced at the time that Sadam could build up one of the biggest militaries in the world with all the oil money he was sitting on. Then he could are himself with nuclear weapons and take over the Middle East or possibility parts of Saudi Arabia and the oil fields there. Then our price of gasoline would skyrocket to $8 a gallon or higher and he could threaten nuclear war with Israel and Europe and even send more terrorist cells to the US to try to take out our president again. $8 a gallon would have killed our economy if it lasted too long and put us into a depression. We might go there anyway soon but we're not there yet. Apparently Sadam wasn't the threat he was made out to be. It was probably one of his sons that was the real threat. They would have taken over the Iraqi empire and one son was just plain evil. I heard he enjoyed sending people through shredders feet first because he enjoyed the screams and they would scream longer if they went feet first. He would have been in charge of a new powerful Iraq. Now we won't ever know that world. It would have been a lot cheaper to let Europe or Israel take out any threat if someone wanted to go to war with Israel or Europe. We could have spent 2 trillion dollars to get us off the need to use oil for public transportation and converted to a hydrogen or alternative source of oil. Actually I think algae can be converted to biofuel much more efficiently than ethanol ever will be. I'm not sure why the oil companies aren't pursuing it since it seems like they could use a lot of existing infrastructure. They could gain up to 1/2 a trillion dollars a year that the US sends overseas every year for oil consumption. Somebody must not be seeing the same picture I am.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Economic news and politics posting on economic news sites, do you read it?
    Well I guess everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I'm of the opinion, I prefer voting for whoever's views most closely match mine regardless if they are male or female, black or white. I still think it's a stupid reason to vote for someone just because of their sex or color. However I believe many Americans don't share that same viewpoint. I guess if the men of this country let the women decide everything, we'll probably have a female president just because that's what the women decided. Of course she was already in the white house for several years. The former Bush had passed one of the biggest tax increases in a while and we had a peace dividend so the economy was going well. Hillary does have a lot of experience. Using her cunning skills she was able to turn 1,000 into $100,000 in just a month or so and didn't have to face any Martha Stewart scrutiny. Then there was white water scandals, talk of impeachment, mysterious deaths of government officials. I guess Americans want all those years of experience back again. I guess those deaths weren't mysterious, they were officially suicides and a plane crash in Europe of some other officials. That was just sad, nothing left of them and their bodies were quickly cremated. I would actually prefer to hear people say they are for a candidate because of where the candidates stand on a certain issue or something similiar to that. I guess you could argue they are all liars and cheats anyway so you're going to vote for one you understand. After all if we're electing people who are most interested in serving their own self interest, that seems to be the new American way. Ok, sorry for the rant, I guess I'm not feeling too optimistic tonight.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot stock tip, buy stocks, they should go up for 2 or 3 days at least.
    Some people are even betting the Fed will cut interest rates a whole point. I'm not making that bet but haven't been paying much attention.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    In the parking lot...
    I had to read the other thread that I started to know what this one was about. I believe the subject is being seen by strippers in the daylight. I didn't know that was of any concern to anyone. Of course I guess not all strip club customers have been over to a number of dancers houses. I'm not seeing any dancer right now and am not planning on it either. I do have some favorites though. Is it possible some guys can not see the dancers in clubs that well? My eyes are sensitive to the light so some clubs the bright lights are more likely to bother my eyes. I don't have any trouble seeing the dancers and in some cases, cellulite, fat, etc. etc. I like to focus my eyes on the pretty girls, nice legs, nice tits, etc. Today at Walmart, I started looking at this one young hottie's ass that was in our way when we were trying to move around. She was moving slowly but if my path had to be blocked by someone, I liked the way it ended up.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Spring forward
    hmmm, the electric company says people are saving electricity. Sometimes I question the source when there may be a conflict of interest. I turn down my heat while I sleep, then I crank it up and turn on a bunch of lights on a number of mornings when I get up. I don't think I'm saving any energy due to the time change. My big enery savings comes when the temperature outside approaches 70 degrees which it is supposed to do this week where I live. That's much better than the 27 degrees I encountered this morning. I read 100 years of Global Warming had been wiped out with the recent dimming of the sun. I could believe it the other day when winds were gusting over 50 mph at my house and it was sunny and felt freezing cold. Hopefully any reports of a mini-ice age are just speculation because scientists think the sun will start to warm back up with the next solar cycle. Anyway, we'll survive whether or not it's cold outside.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    That's a long time shadowcat. I think you've been working longer than I've been living and I mean that literally.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strip Club Violence
    It's sad to hear someone died. Overall I believe violence at strip clubs is lower than at regular night clubs. Of course if the night clubs have as much security as some strip clubs do, there probably isn't too much violence there either. I've heard stories about some bars or regular clubs where there is a fight or brawl about every night but I don't visit any places like that. Any violence at a strip club seems unusual to me and news worthy just like a school shooting, even though schools seem to be more violent than strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    I found out something today that makes me feel a bit sick or sicker than knowing than a sick dancer is sitting next to you. Selling a stock on impulse instead of waiting until later in the day. Could have made a few hundred if I had waited longer. Felt like slapping myself in the head. Oh well, there will be more opportunities. I didn't understand why stocks were going up this morning but it was just Fed rumors and talk messing with market sentiment this morning I guess. I probably should count my blessings. I've made just a little bit of money in the stock market the last two weeks while most haven't. The markets can go up for a few days and I'll be happy now. I am even planning on visiting strip clubs again. Let's all take a recession break and go party.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    I never noticed all those other clubs were nude. I guess it just goes to show to be more competitive, the dancers need to take it all off. That's fine with me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting ID'd or patted down. Does it bother you?
    I been patted down by dancers many times. I guess they were checking if I was happy to see them or not before asking for a dance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting ID'd or patted down. Does it bother you?
    I remember once or twice the door girl who already recognized me patted me down. One time recently a dancer or a female I didn't recognize was joking about doing strip searches to the guy standing in line or waiting in front of me. I smiled because I thought she was joking. He had this serious look on his face like hell no. I thought that was funny because she was joking. But then she looked at me and smiled and I started wondering who she was. Many times at the same club, there was often a guy with a wand or scanner to stop people from carrying cameras or cell phones into the club. The club once had trouble with people trying to bring cameras into the club. That's what all the security was about. It was a nude club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    Managers at strip clubs should allow a few sick days every year for the dancers in my opinion. If they get customers sick, those customers may not come back for weeks. I think this is just stupidity on the managers side to fine dancers with no sick days allowed. The message seems to be clear, if any disease, such as flu or anything else is going around, stay away from strip clubs during the whole flu season or any dancer that even appears to look sick or sluggish. Maybe the manager is more interested in a couple of bucks from fines instead of respecting everyone else. He gets the fines but loses even more without realizing it. I got sick a few weeks ago. It's possible I got it at a strip club but I'm not sure. Haven't been to any strip club in about a month now. Lol, I blame public gatherings, strip clubs and churches for spreading disease. I wonder how many go to both on the same day. I have still been going to church (yes I know many go there when they are sick too) but have stopped giving out the customary handshake. I just wave now during flu and cold season and after spending 100 bucks at the doctor and on the prescribed drugs. I would have rather spent that money on lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    I do remember a couple of times dancers more than made up the cost of the drink I paid for when we got back to the lap dance area. One dancer even subtracted the cost of the drink off her 2 for one lap dance price.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    I do remember a couple of times I declined to get an order from the waitress who seemed to be just waiting to pounce after a dancer sat down with me. Those two times the dancer said something like "good choice". I thought that was a great comment for the dancer to get on my good side rather than act like she's being cheated out of drink or something or can't wait to leave. What is even more irritating is when you're in a rare buying mood and agree to buy a dancer a drink. Then she walks off, doesn't come back for a while, then finally picks up the drink acting like she forget about it and then walks back off. This seems to happen about 5 to 10 percent of the time I do agree to buy a dancer a drink and is extremely irritating I believe. Most of the time I say NO or no thanks when dancers ask for drinks.