
Comments by casualguy (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    I'm not mad at all. I don't believe I have the so called holier than thou attitude I see displayed by a number of Baptists in the local area. I get the impression they feel they are better than everyone else because of their religion and beliefs. As far as going to strip clubs go, Jesus himself was said to go where the sinners are at. Christians are supposed to lead by example. I may not always set the best example but I don't believe I'm doing anything seriously wrong going to a strip club either. If I didn't I wouldn't be interacting with people from all walks of life. Besides going to church can seem like torture on occasion while I can enjoy the strip club visit. Most of the people in this country believe in God anyway so that will not be much different in a strip club if they are a representative sample of society. Some people have to see to believe. I won't argue with that. I could talk about paranormal things but I wouldn't expect you to believe a word I said unless you saw it and experienced it yourself.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Sorry to hear the bad news. Since the average vagina only stretches up to 9 inches according to this web site http://www.revirgination.net/vaginal-size.html you have a problem. Good news, I found some solutions for you. This topic and the solution "penis reduction surgery" has been discussed on yahoo already. http://tinyurl.com/5tyykq The problem as discussed on yahoo was "every girl i have sex with eventually bleeds after or has stomach problems for awhile. i was wondering if theres anything i can do to make it fit a little better.?" Possible solutions 1. Get a new ruler, your old one broke. 2. "What you do is, you meausre your coc'k from the base of it to the top, not from your toes to your coc'k" 3."dont worry about those damn bitches bleeding, Its there problem not yours! lol just enjoy it and do them up the A-hole" Solutions were from yahoo not from me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    There is such a thing as a private message set up already on here if you don't want everyone reading these messages. I must not have read about what's going on. Is it funny or entertaining? As far as credibility on here, I don't think I would care that much if someone on here thought I was an ex con and dancer boyfriend or a multi-millionaire or the anti-christ himself. If they did think that, I would just assume they are crazy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    I tend to believe those who may be atheist haven't seen anything to change their views. I have experienced and seen a number of things that defy any scientific reasoning. I do find it interesting that some people believe in God but not in Satan. There are even some people that believe in a Galactic Federation of alien species in this galaxy but they don't believe there is a Satan or an evil fallen angel. ahh, I wasn't planning on talking about this subject on a strip club site.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Just in case some people didn't notice, I happen to be a conservative Christian. Do I go off spouting about it on here trying to convert others here? I think not. That must mean I'm tolerant. I've met a number of conservative Christian dancers in the strip clubs. I don't usually talk about religion when going to a strip club but some dancers will take offense if you start talking about all of them not ever going to church etc. The subject probably came up after the common question "what did you do today?" I often go to church once a week and then go to a strip club afterwards that evening. I believe it's the hardcore extremists who believe in imposing their religious views on everyone else. At least that has been my experience while living in South Carolina. Maybe the Baptists teach looking down on anyone who isn't part of their religion but I'm not sure. I've seen enough strange things to believe God does answer prayers. This may seem funny but I was just thinking, if people don't believe in God, that means they definitely should not believe in Satan. I remember meeting one atheist that did not even believe in the paranormal. He had a serious crisis of faith after living in the same suite with me and seeing and hearing things I said and did. I didn't even know I could accidently put someone into crisis mode. Satan worshipers haven't been trying to impose their views on me so why should I try to impose my views on others? Let's just all get along without forcing our religious views on everyone.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    I'm saying in general. If someone said they were going to do some outrageous act, I would report that to someone in authority.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    So are you saying whenever someone pays someone else for a service of any kind that we need a lawyer to document that the person paying is not liable for any damages that may result from that payment? People need to take responsibility for their own actions or we will become a nation of slaves using lawyers for everyday transactions.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Free Market Solution to Offending Posts---Yes? NO? Maybe? DK? :)
    I second the motion by clubber, leave things as they are. If you want thumbs down or thumbs up go to marketwatch.com and make a comment. If you don't like something here either don't read it or don't post to it. I remember when this discussion board used to be nothing but a big flame party. I think it's civilized enough. Besides if moderators started taking over, where would I get a chance to read about dirty ol man jokes anymore?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL names..
    I've had this name for over 2 years I believe. Casual because well that's the way I prefer to visit strip clubs. However some require collar shirts (dreaded dress code) so I'm often not as casual as I would like to be. I do wear shorts most of the time since it's almost always hot where I live. If a number of the dancers are freezing, I'm probably comfortable. If I drink enough beer, I can stand it to be warmer since beer cools me off and temporarily slows down my metabolism.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    You can be friends with a dancer just like any other girl and she can do things that aren't about money. Then there are some guys who aren't that familar with strip clubs and think it's all about the money and think dancers will have sex with them if they bring enough money. Wrong. Well I guess if you're Donald Trump and can offer a few million dollars, doors will open up for you. No one in their right mind will lightly turn down an offer for a one night stand if it means never having to work again for life. A few people have morals or something and still wouldn't do it for a few million.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    Well using her reasoning if during the middle of a lap dance, she told me she blamed customers for her drug habit and was going to use the money for drugs, I would have to immediately report her to the manager so he could fire her. I might have to pay the manager for any services she did but using her reasoning, I shouldn't legally be required to pay her because the money would only be used to support a drug habit. Then she could be happily unemployed and not have any money for her drug habit. Now using normal logic if I did report her to the manager, he might do a search for drugs if he can do so legally and fire her or call the police and have her arrested if she had illegal drugs on her. I guess it's the least I could do to help out a struggling dancer trying to kick her drug habit. If only they would tell us that they are using drugs and have illegal ones we could all help these struggling dancers kick their habits. Then they can happily say, the customers helped me kick my drug habit, as she tries to find employment at Walmart.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer kisses. what to they mean?
    A kiss on the face, they are marking you with their lipstick, property of dancer xyz. Obviously they must think you like being a marked man.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    You can feel safer if it's about the money. When dancers seem to not care that much about the money, you'll wonder what they are up to. If you're not careful, you may suddenly have a new girlfriend.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    Maybe she wants you to be a boyfriend. In true boyfriend fashion, you'll have to learn to smack her up if she doesn't bring home the bacon. Just kidding but dancer boyfriends seem to be talked down upon so much here. Dancers are people too and can be nice. It isn't that unusual to me. If you're not thought of strictly as a customer, other things can happen without cash. I like it when 2 nice looking dancers come up to you and say they are going to do a double dance for you compliments of someone you don't even know. I never did find out who that was and they didn't tell me. I'm wondering if the dancers made up that part of the story. I enjoyed the free double dance though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you think it's a good thing or bad thing if a dancer calls you a player?
    Maybe they were trying to figure out why I suddenly stopped getting dances from them or recently am no longer visiting the club as much and when I do, I'm not as interested in getting dances from them. If I get called a player again I'll just tell the dancer that's ridiculous, I'm not sleeping with any dancer here. Lol, they always keep me up at night. Sorry couldn't resist that joke.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Road Trip-S/N Carolinas, Virginia ( southern)
    Oh, I did not think the music was too loud when I visited PP in Columbia a few days ago either. It was a Tuesday evening. I didn't post a review.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Road Trip-S/N Carolinas, Virginia ( southern)
    I believe the girls look a lot better when I visit PP in Greenville. I know because I've been to both clubs in the last 2 weeks. That is PP in Columbia and in Greenville. However I visit Greenville very late on the weekend when it gets crowded. Greenville probably is hit or miss at other times though while the Columbia club probably has steadier business throughout the week. I'm not sure but that's a hunch I got. Nepals is hit or miss as well as far as the number of pretty girls but really picks up after about 10 or 10:30 PM on the weekend. It might be slow before then. You can leave there and go visit PP just down the road. Business picks up at PP around 2 to 3AM as other clubs close and more dancers arrive. The Penthouse club in Wellford (if you like nude dancers) is worth checking out in the later hours on the weekend as well in my opinion. It was actually getting quite crowded after 11 PM last time. I would save the lap dances for the PP clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Informal Poll - off topic
    I probably said too much already for a strip club site.
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    16 years ago
    Informal Poll - off topic
    I believe the strong gun control advocates don't believe we could ever have a government that takes all control away from the people of this country. That is not true. I believe the Founding Fathers understood this and put it in the constitution partly because they knew it was better to have a government in fear of the people rather than have the people in fear of the government. If President Bush wanted to (say in response to a terrorist attack) I believe he could declare martial law and temporarily disband Congress. People deemed to be a threat to the government or national security could be rounded up and detained. This could include senators and politicians opposed to martial law. Even though I believe Congress is not supposed to be permanently disbanded, I think there would be enough concentrated power to stop if from reforming if someone powerful didn't want it. If no one but a few criminals had guns, it would be even easier to enforce and keep a dictatorship here in the US. I do believe some gun control advocates believe nothing this bad could ever happen but the Founding Fathers remember things different over 200 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Informal Poll - off topic
    What does this thread have to do with strip clubs? Absolutely nothing but he did title the thread "off topic". I don't believe the problem is hand guns but crime itself. Many people here in South Carolina own a number of handguns but we aren't going around killing each other left and right. The people actually use the police to help catch criminals here. In fact where I live, the police investigators seem to catch criminals that were not caught in multiple other areas until they come here. That is good but a bit scary at the same time. The police seem to have such a tight grip on crime that they are going after kids who are having drinking parties (technically that is illegal) and they are cracking down on other activities if it violates the law. If you have a kid under 21 and you know they are having a drinking party, you could be arrested and put in jail here. Actually here you probably would be arrested anyway and only let go after you told them you didn't know. Crime is the real problem, not gun control in my opinion. There are already a lot of laws on the books for gun control. There may be compromises that could be made between gun control advocates and gun right owners to make it safer for everyone to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally insane and criminals but cracking down on crime needs to be the number one goal in my opinion. Not cracking down on restricting the rights of lawful citizens.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hair extensions....
    Only because I was flipping channels and some hot models were on do I know about this. On one of the shopping channels they were selling hair extensions and it looked pretty simple to take them off and put them back on again. Not more than a few minutes it appeared. Maybe I'm wrong since I'm not a hair extension expert. The models on tv made it look simple though. I probably flipped the channel back again after the commercials were over. I remember one dancer asked if she looked better. She said she had a tummy tuck. That sounds like surgery to me. I didn't notice but just said "she looks good just like she always has." She smiled. At first I was going to say why would you have a tummy tuck but I looked it up and remembered how her stomach area used to look. She does look better now. She probably had stretch marks from a baby or surgery of some type but you would not be able to tell it at all without looking at her stomach.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Meeting other TUSCL members...
    Planning on going to your favorite club tomorrow. The dancers usually keep me busy there. I did learn the other night not to talk about trading to a dancer. She will only think I have a lot of money and try to sell something more expensive to me. If she would have realized I didn't say I was a professional stock trader but playing around with it, that is like saying a stripper is going to college and studying a certain field. She's not there yet and neither am I. Just think I could be reading "Conquer the Crash" by Robert R Prechter which described everything that is going on with stocks now but was printed in 2002. A free book after I subscribed to a service at Elliotwave.com Instead I'm posting on a strip club site tonight. Oh well, I'm on vacation. I do plan on reading the book. They have a lot of useful insights into what's really going on. I'll see if they are right. Sorry about digressing for those of you only wanting to read about strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you think it's a good thing or bad thing if a dancer calls you a player?
    It's probably because the dancers that know me have been talking to each other. That's not necessarily a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I may start visiting strip clubs in a different city. Been thinking about it for a while.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Banning parody man...
    Shadowcat wasn't the only one to get banned. RL and davids were banned a long time ago. Maybe they came back as parodyman but he/she hasn't revealed that information. Personally harassing others on the internet is illegal but I don't believe anyone here has been prosecuted. I don't know though, maybe the Department of Homeland Secure Strip Clubs should be notified that parodyman may be a threat to dirty old men everywhere . Just kidding.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    strangest thing seen in clubs?
    I'm not sure. The first thing that popped in my hand was the tallest stripper or feature entertainer in the world carrying a long sword down the stage and swinging it around in the air while having fireworks go off at the edge of the stage. The creepiest thing was something I saw just recently. A guy dressed up as a girl. Gross.