
Comments by casualguy (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    To avoid long links and extra wide screens and scrolling use tinyurl.com
    I meant to say paste your long link there not here.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another accidental meeting with a stripper OTC
    I guess it's safer to live life on the edge in your 60's than it is as a young stripper in her 20's. However he has been playing it a bit safe. I don't think he drives a motorcycle. I read about someone getting killed or injured on one of those about every single week here in South Carolina. Often times, someone pulled out in front of the motorcycle or hit them. I guess a strip club is not the place to go to look for responsible people.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Secret Revealed: Why some board posters haven't reviewed any clubs...
    That was entertaining to read. What is sad though are that some guys who haven't been to hardly any strip clubs think they can bring a bunch of money to strip clubs and just pick up a girl and go have sex with her. I even heard a story about some guy offering over 1 thousand to just skip the lap dance and go off to a hotel. Obviously he was misinformed about what typically goes in strip clubs. Now if he offered a million dollars to the girl and she accepted, he could claim that everyone has their price. Funny review even though it is sad that some people really believe strippers are really prostitutes if you just offer them enough cash.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Informal Poll - off topic
    Gun control - what's that? I thought only hippies and peace lovers even thought about that stuff. The worst fear of criminals and outlaws are people who are armed and know how to shoot. If it's not it should be. Some criminals are so stupid. I once told someone the people that get killed are doing stupid things or have bad luck and I believe that is true.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When money gets tighter, are strip clubs your #1 source to cut back on?
    I cut back on the number of lap dances if I need to. I was thinking maybe I need to cut back on reading financial news sites but considering I made money in the stock market last month and this month, maybe not. I just realized I just spent the last 3 or 4 hours reading financial information because I found it very interesting. Maybe I should have majored in economics. I scored in the top 10 in my class in that area but didn't think too much about pursuing that field. I guess economics and stock trading are two different fields though. Maybe I should tell a stripper in a strip club I study curves, on financial sites I like to study the stock waves. Studying curves and waves can pay off in more ways than one. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    number of strip club visits per year
    Your average is a little bit higher than mine. I have to travel out of town and typically only have one good night to visit all the clubs that I want to visit so I end up club hopping. David, from reading your posts I believe your income level is in a whole different ballpark from mine. I get some bigger bills like now and I'm looking at cutting out clubs or about 80 percent of the lap dances for a while to make up the difference. I think I was spending a bit too much on lap dances anyway so I'll just say no a lot more now. It still seems like cheap entertainment if you don't spend much on dances. I have been visiting about 3 clubs a night once a week probably slightly more than 3 times a month unless relatives or work has me too busy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the minimum wage for a stripper?
    I may have to keep this in mind. If a dancer I just met suddenly suggests something about me becoming a boyfriend, she may be thinking I could be a good backup if things get real bad. Probably time to stay away and not get too close. I have met a few dancers who are only moonlighting as a dancer and hold real jobs the rest of the week. I like those dancers. They are much nicer, less demanding and it's a lot easier to carry on a normal conversation with them. However they don't seem to work in strip clubs for too long.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Latest nice guy news - once again missing the point
    Am I accidently making dancers like me more when I get them upset at me or I seem to appear a bit ticked off at them? They do find out that I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a lesbian dancer go straight again?
    Why did she get divorced? Did she marry a jerk and become a lesbian after that?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    OTC Safety Issues
    I used to screen dancers before I met up with them later. If I got the wrong vibe or I didn't trust her, I wouldn't agree to meet up later. If the issue is to rob me, they could do that anytime. However a dancer has better ways to take your money and you won't be able to call it a crime if she did dances for it. That leaves sex as the most dangerous safety issue. To sum up, your condom may be your best defense. Then again if you like to live life on the edge go without one. Just don't be surprised if you get an extra gift. I did have one dancer bring up a safety issue. She thought I was a bit crazy like her though. She asked talking aloud "do you ever worry about a group of girls ganging up on you and taking advantage of you?" Then she answered her own question (maybe she saw me smiling), and she said "you'd probably enjoy it."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Lack of Computer Customer Service
    My experience has been better. However my expectations are not that high to start with. I guess when you expect customer service to be slim to none it doesn't take much to meet customer satisfaction. It might help that I can get a picture of if I was a manager of a club and I was doing it just to pick up a little bit of extra cash but didn't want to put that much effort into it, how would I feel about answering someone's question? If it's something I can find out myself or something I wouldn't want to be bothered with, I don't ask.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Interesting experience: Monopoly
    I think we played until you ran out of money and then possibly (I don't remember anymore) you had to sell off property possibly downsizing your development. I don't remember if we played that way or not. It's been over 20 years.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Interesting experience: Monopoly
    I no longer remember all the rules. I thought I undestood the game when I played it. I would buy up as much property as I could and develop some hot spots and hope the other players landed there so that they would have to pay up. I don't know about online but there are pc games available for it and the new ones are really different than the old simple classic game. Now I don't even remember all the old classic rules. I do remember we used to play with the money from about 2 games because there never seemed to be enough money in the original game. I remember playing a few times when about every single property on the game board was fully developed. Lots of money was changing hands every turn. At some time my interest started turning towards war strategy games.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Travel companion results
    njscfan, is your wife ok with your other encounters or is she pretty much clueless? I was curious how you were keeping everything secret or how you were getting rid of any perfumes on your clothes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waiting for strippers...
    No pun intended about blowing someone off.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waiting for strippers...
    I guess some girls say yes when they only intend to blow someone off the same way guys in strip clubs say maybe later when they really mean no. They never know when they're going to run into someone who is going to give them a lot of grief about saying no.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waiting for strippers...
    Nah, all of us guys always have our girls show up on time. I might give someone a second chance if I thought they intended to call or meet up but circumstances interfered or they forgot the number. Not showing up at all or calling when you're sure they have your phone number written down is a sign to forget it though. I've had some girls wait almost an hour when I didn't call and even reappear back at a club at the same time next weekend when I didn't call one girl. The girl I didn't call from the one regular nightclub confronted me the following weekend when she saw me but she wasn't happy with what I told her. I didn't bother to tell her the truth but I guess in hindsight that would have been better. After thinking about it at that time, I didn't want to start a long distance relationship and have to drive over an hour one way to her house.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Battle of the Sexes
    I only had 2 hours of sleep the other night so just ignore my previous posts. It won't bother me. I ignore posts on here all the time. I only seem to be checking this site 2 to 3 times a week now anyway.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You ever decide just to stay home and save your money?
    Thanks for posting that info MisterGuy. It's been 2 or 3 years since I played online and didn't realize they dropped support for it. I'm wondering where all the gamers went to since I don't believe they would stop playing just because of Microsoft.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Travel companion results
    I think any guy in a strip club who has to limit his spending is acting idiotic if he doesn't discriminate based on looks or whatever his preferences are. Some of those preferences could be personality traits or a nice attitude. I discriminate against dancers who look ugly, really fat and/or have a bad attitude and even against hot pretty dancers if they want to charge too much for a dance.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    4 day work week. Yeah I know off topic.
    Sort of off topic however maybe not, I just need to dream up a way to have self replicating gasoline, could put the oil companies out of business and really hurt some Middle Eastern countries. Maybe if all the christians who believe Jesus was able to have bread and fish multiply, just pray that the same thing starts happening to the gas in all automobiles, ... Better yet, instead of divine intervention, just invent a time machine and borrow a fusion reactor from the future and add some beer and a banana and off we can go. If our government really does have anti-gravity equipment as rumored, that would really help reduce transportation needs if they released that information. Sorry for the rant, I did only sleep 2 hours last night. I think the anti-allergy medication is keeping me wired.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    4 day work week. Yeah I know off topic.
    My neighbor works in health care and she works out all the time and looks pretty good. I believe the health care industry even promotes some other exercise programs for the general public in my area as well. As far as my work becoming a 4 day work week, I don't think my employer would go for that. Besides gas prices aren't really a big concern to me yet. I don't do that much driving and my car is already somewhat fuel efficient. I believe I rack up most of my miles traveling to strip clubs. I did stay home last weekend but that was only because I thought I might be sleepy from not sleeping too much. I didn't want to risk driving and sleeping at the same time. Now if my relatives stop visiting so much, maybe I'll have some free time to myself again this weekend.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Battle of the Sexes
    You guys really added to this thread since the last time I logged in here. If you're just looking for sex, it seems like I run into females who only seem to be looking for that, I remember vaguely a web site I had to register some basic information and I kept getting emails from girls for months, two of the first ones said they had a bet to fuck as many guys on the web site as possible (I don't know if you would want to hook up with them or not), I can try to find the web site on my pc if anyone is interested. What I didn't understand was why so many females were sending me messages when I only had a basic profile and no pic. I thought that was weird. I know some girls who are 30 have a very high sex drive (one in particular). I don't know if I would recommend this but she talked me into having sex with her and I decided to go along with it thinking it would be good exercise. After that or maybe a couple of more weeks, I started to lose interest in her, however that's when she started bugging me to have sex every time she saw me. She was the one who was falling asleep after sex but the time was very late so we were both tired anyway. I don't look as old as I am and no one seems to believe my age when I tell the truth. You can get a girl in her 20's if you don't look that old. As I'm getting older I seem to be getting more interested in studying financial stocks and making lots of money rather than thinking about getting hitched. However in the last few years I have developed an interest in some of the goth and vampire looks (maybe it's just the sexy fangs). I won't go into details about supernatural things I've noticed. Most supernatural things I see now don't even phase me. Been a long time since I've noticed anything supernatural though. I hope I'm not going crazy. I do believe in supernatural entities and have heard that they have been watching me. I only had 2 hours of sleep so I'm guess I'm ranting. Good luck in your search.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You ever decide just to stay home and save your money?
    It could be worse. My older brother is married and would rather be single. As far as being online, I used to do that all the time for fun. In fact I used to play Axis and Allies the board game with friends before there was any computer game. We stayed up all night long on Saturday night yelling at each other. Great times. Some people are good around other people. I tend to like some time away from all the people and crowds. I am very happy not to be married after seeing all the bad marriages out there. If you're happy being married, good for you, many are not and wish they were single. I haven't had a married girl hit on me in a while but I haven't been getting out to the regular bars in a while either.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waitress turned dancer.
    I remember one super hot dancer. She had Penthouse or some other Men's magazine take some pics of her and put them on the internet. She eventually quit dancing and was studying to be a veterian. In the meantime I ran into her working first other jobs as a dancer in a few other clubs, then I ran into her working as a Hooters girl one night, then I saw her again working in one club as a bartender. I continued flirting with her. I wonder if anyone wondered why I was talking to and tipping the bartender so much instead of the dancers in the one club?