
Comments by casualguy (page 42)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    lazy and spoiled strippers
    Maybe she was thinking about her tip out fee, the fee or extra money she has to pay to others that is expected ( I think some clubs expect dancers to pay a certain amount extra for other things), then she has to pay money for gas to get to the club and back, then she has to pay for her outfit that some guys may like to steal if she lets it out of her sight or it falls off the stage, then she has to put up with some guy who doesn't appeal to her and is fat and smelly or some other combination and dance for him and let him run his hands on her. Then she gets paid only $25 and then reads how lazy and spoiled she is on a web site here. I guess she could just say no to the lap dance. Or just tell him someone else asked her first and make the guy wait and hope he leaves and doesn't wait on her for an hour or more. Especially if he is going to get angry as well for waiting. It's like I'm tuned in on a dancer tonight.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
    Business must be good for the dancer if she doesn't approach any new guys unless the club has different rules than what I'm used to.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
    I like dancers approaching. I'm used to it now. If the dancers get too aggressive though, there are times you may want to stay in a club but not get approached so much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    I once had a dream where GOD was really a very advanced AI and it was communicating with me in my partially awake subconcious mind from the future (It supposedly created a spacetime disturbance to communicate). We were thinking about characteristics of human nature. Maybe I was dreaming that because I have wondered what if everything we see is nothing but a large virtual reality experiment and we are like sims in it? If that was real it could be scary. For instance I might think of a natural disaster and the AI automatically knows and can make it happen to see what my reaction is. I'll probably just go, wow, that was awful. What if it wasn't an AI in charge of the simulation we live in but a gigantic creature, one that may resemble a human but is only 5 years old. What if the entire universe fits inside his Ipod and he decides to terminate the program? Hasta La Vista baby as Arnold used to say.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Maybe I should say a prayer to the Wall Street Gods. I just bet almost all my 401K money that the market will be going up. Of course if I'm wrong, I'll just get it back out and move it back to a money market account and hope I don't lose too much in the process. I'm not happy with only a 3 percent return so far this year. The first time I moved my money this year, the next day the DOW was up over 400 points. Guess I'm doing better than most people since I've had my money in a money market account most of the year. Right now DOW futures are up about 74 points even though Asian stocks seem to be down.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody going to a strip in the near future?
    I forgot to mention I was at a club last night. I believe I may have spent a total of $10 in one dollar stage tips on one dancer. She was very fine and nude and every dollar was worth it for the attention and nice looks she gave me. Nice tits, nice pussy, nice body, pretty face, what's not to like?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody going to a strip in the near future?
    I can visit strip clubs and spend a lot less money. I noticed a lot of guys were being real cheap, not even tipping a hot girl a dollar. That was fine with me. I got a lot more attention from her. I had to leave though. If I stayed any longer, I thought I would crack down and spend money on a lap dance that I didn't want to spend.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ignore lists...
    RL was banned several months ago. I guess he could have come back under a new name but I haven't spotted the same repetitions in posts like he used to do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    I just saw the thread here. I would suspect that if you were a guy sleeping with a different girl every week that you wouldn't bother coming here and posting (too busy). I know of someone who was sleeping with a different girl every week at one time. That is a long long way from my behavior. If I hook up with someone, I tend to stay with them for a while. He moved to California and shacked up with 2 female roomates to cut down on the rent. I suspect he thought I should be hooking up with a different girl every week or month too. I never told him I routinely visited strip clubs or he would have really been on my case I believe. He even offered to hook me up with some girls including a dancer or two but I declined. I don't care for blind dates too much. Now if you were to call someone a male slut or playa or whatever, he would have been the guy. One of my college roomates had between 8 to 20 girlfriends. He had me lying on the phone (was all landlines back then) to several of them. Just little things like he wasn't there right now or other little things. hmmm, I actually thought it was funny when I heard him say he didn't want to pay long distance but was going to call up this one girl. He talked for a minute and then I heard "The fire alarm just went off!" Someone made a firealarm sound. Then he asked if she could call him back in about 5 minutes. She did. We were all just sitting there. He claimed he only had 8 girlfriends. One of his friends say he had 20. Apparently he never broke up with them. Maybe the term we should be using is player. How many girls does a guy have to sleep with to be a player or visa versa for girls? Or does the number even matter? Maybe a player is just taking advantage of someone.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    I understand he's like a guy on a mission going into a store. Find the target object, buy it, and get out of the store. Mission accomplished. The casual shopper or female shopper in general now will like to stroll around and look around at other things. You go on a mission you don't like deviations or wasting time on other things. It all depends on your point of view. I do agree that casual conversation tends to jump around a lot. I think there are only a few people posting on here so it shouldn't be that big of deal regardless. Now if you had hundreds or thousands of posters like some web sites, very important to stay on topic if you don't want to lose readers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Somebody want to summarize the credibility issue and then the satire thread? I'm not sure what the credibility issue is about since I wasn't reading too much of it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Staying on Topic
    I'll try to remember just to start a new thread instead of responding to a comment within that thread if it's off topic. Sometimes that might depend upon how tired I am when I post. I'm actually more awake now than I was the other night and I've been up all night.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Oh, I remember (on topic now) that I've heard on occasion a dancer has told me she needs to leave early because she had to go to church in the morning probably with her relatives. It's nice to know there are some hardcore religious strippers out there. I'm being sarcastic.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    I missed that movie. Oh wait, did he play football in that movie? I do remember that now. Little did my mother know that she talked to a stripper over the phone a few times asking if I was home. Maybe more than one but I don't remember anymore. That was many years ago. I told her she was one of my friends and she believed me. When I was in High School, the girl that really threw her and me a bit too was a girl I did not know. Hopefully she hung up the phone and wasn't eavesdropping. That particular girl said she wanted to go out with me but told me she was a lesbian. Then she said she wanted to try out a guy basically starting with me. My mother never knew what strange phone calls she was going to get. I didn't either. One evening 2 girls (I didn't know) said they wanted to sing to me. Another night when my parents weren't home, the cops called and ask to speak to my brother. I said he wasn't home. Probably the wrong thing to say. They said one of these days they were going to nail him. (supposedly driving too fast or reckless or something) Someone liked to call and complain to the police. He got even by revving his engine when he went by their house. Maybe someone in the neighborhood had a beef because he accidently knocked out power to the whole neighborhood one night during a big rival basketball game. I seem to meet a number of characters. One of my suitemates in college told me he made a one million volt generator that was interfering with air plane traffic signals. The FCC or someone made him shut it down. I think I'm pretty normal myself.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    No one honestly thinks I'm being serious in the two posts above do they? Another disclaimer: If Illinois does have an earthquake, maybe I'm psychic and a vision just popped up in my head. I didn't have anything to do with it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Well I said aloud, cause an earthquake in Illinois. I guess I'll see if Satan is still playing games. Probably nothing will happen. If it does it's not my fault. Satan does have dominion over the earth though. I am an enemy of Satan. Just tell him to get lost. No pun intended or was it? Get lost, lol. I guess most people won't understand that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Good for you parodyman. My mother occasionally sees Satan. Then she said it was a blessing to see the evil so you know when its around. I'm still not sure why she saw Satan in our den. I guess I better be careful what I say. Pretty powerful creatures seem to be watching. I was thinking what would a christian tell Satan? "Go to Hell!" is what I was thinking. Do you think I might be a little bit crazy? She also told me she keeps track of the age of the anti-christ because he was born the same year as me. So far I haven't seen Satan or dead people. I did see some doors open for me one windy night. Now that was spooky because they only opened when I approached the doors, in two different buildings. Never happened again though. You should have seen the guy in the lobby falling over chairs trying to get away from me when I first walked into the lobby. Very funny seeing his eyes look really surprised then run like crazy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    No offense intended to guys with big dicks either. Just ignore me and go ahead and scare those strippers with your monsters. Got a 2 footer running down your leg? Tell the stripper it's a new rubber duckie type of toy and have her squeeze it trying to figure out what kind of toy it is. Sorry if you feel your thread has been slightly highjacked njscguy, I wouldn't have made any more comments except I felt like you didn't understand my post was in jest just like yours was. I'll stop with the jokes on this thread.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    njscfan, I thought your thread here was amusing so I was simply trying to keep it amusing. Admitting that it is satire takes the fun away if you can't see it for what it is. Adding some additional satire keeps it funny in my opinion. I'm sorry if you actually thought I was serious. I didn't mean any offense about my post earlier in the thread. I thought it was all in jest like yours was.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    I recognized it was satire. I guess using additional satire goes over some people's head. I tend to forget not everyone is as quick to see when I'm using satire or sarcasm as well. My father used to occasionally tell jokes to people but say it in a serious way and they thought he was serious. You should have seen the look on one strangers face when he said that smoking was killing him and he estimated he only had 2 weeks left. The guy looked very worried and asked what he could do to stop it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    As for the green guys who promoted ethanol You were wrong. I read a Time magazine article that stated the model only looked at the carbon used in growing the plants and the carbon emitted during burning of the oil and gas. What they didn't consider is that Ethanol would drive up corn prices. Farmers would plant a lot more corn and less soybeans. The price of soybeans would jump up in price. Down in Brazil, farmers are using all available farming land including land that used to be used for livestock (maybe cattle) grazing to grow soybeans. The livestock grazers or cattle crazers need land so they are burning down the rainforest to have land available. The rainforest is getting destroyed at a record pace. This is happening around the world. Thanks green guys. You really helped alot. In recent news the green guys stopped development of Solar power construction in the southwestern US because they claimed they needed 2 years to do environmental impact studies. In other news, the green guys and many democrats in Congress are still more worried about caribou in Alaska than about mom and pop having enough gas to get to work or buy groceries. If they were less concerned several years ago, we would have bigger supplies now. I guess this is what the green guys and democrats wanted though. High gas prices so we are forced to abandon our gasoline engines (Al Gore wanted to ban them a long time ago) and use something else. ok I'm through with my rant.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    I guess jablake is in my camp as being strongly opposed to lowering the national speed limit to 55. I say if you want to conserve and drive slow, go ahead and do it, don't force me and everyone else to strict to your stingy ways. The only place the speed limit is higher than 55 in my area is on the interstate. If I want to drive slow, I don't have to get on the interstate. I think many people can choose otherwise. You can drive slower than 70 on the interstate as well. Besides if we slow down, conserve, that just means some guy in Asia is driving 70 or so burning up the gas you conserved. I'm not against conservation but if I want to save 30 minutes and spend a few extra dollars to get somewhere faster, I think I should be able to do so by going the current speed limit 70 on the interstate. I guess that is what congress and politicians are for though. To see how much they can fuck us up and get our money in the process. I really believe oil companies and entire governments want the price of oil to remain high and are doing manuevers to keep it up. Ever heard of just in time for the oil supply? I read years ago it was working great to jack up oil prices. This was when oil was a lot cheaper. It's all a big game to keep the reported supplies down. Someone is probably happy Americans are no longer buying SUV's etc. that much anymore and we're talking about electric plug in hybrids. I doubt we would be if gas was still $1.75 a gallon. Sorry about going off topic a little.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody going to a strip in the near future?
    I don't plan on visiting Columbia this weekend and I don't plan on spending much anyway wherever I go. Thanks for supporting the local strip clubs in my area though. I hope my favorite dancers are making enough money at my regular clubs because they haven't been getting much from me lately. Unless people are getting rebate checks mailed to them, I think money is getting tighter especially with the bimonthly paydays falling into next week. I can't remember what all the big bills were I had but they drained my bank account and I have yet to get paid for this month.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    But guys will do it for free.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    As far as pastors go, they sin and so does everyone else. They know that since they periodically hold private confessions with the people in the church. They will tend to stress changing your life for the better though so that you aren't hurting yourself or others. Supposedly a sin is something you do that hurts God in some way or others or possibly even yourself in some other ways. Things like murder, stealing from others, sleeping with somebody's wife etc. all hurt somebody and are sins. Then there are probably a million little things we do so much we don't even realize it's not the best thing to do or may be hurting others or even yourself. I believe real christians would give the message that they want people to be happy without hurting each other. I don't believe a number of the hardcore christians got the same message I got. They seem to want to attack everyone not conforming with their views or make everyone conform involuntarily. Just my opinion.