Comments by casualguy (page 176)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    Talking about girls in skirts, I did spot one girl in a short skirt about 2 rows in front of me in church recently. Made things seem a little bit more interesting. You know you might be slightly bored if you're watching the shadows of the sun as they progress through the building. There can be some good looking girls in church. Who knows, even strippers go to church on occasion even though I haven't spotted any. Church service doesn't seem the same when you're watching two girls and they seem to be watching you back. Unfortunately, usually it seems I'm watching shadows and daydreaming and sweating away while hearing some solo screaming singing. I don't know why the priest allows solo singing, that should be banned except for a special occasion in my opinion. Lol, maybe church was too crowded. I noticed less people there with the increased solo singing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Discussing OTC and extras
    I remember posting some general comment from a dancer I thought was a joke. That club was raided by LE within 2 or 3 weeks I believe. I thought it was a joke I heard and didn't believe it. LE doesn't joke around and is more likely to take things seriously. If someone posts something on here, remember who might be more inclined to believe you. In the earlier days of the net, I remember going to a site where you could flirt with others for free while using a microphone. One local girl who was flirting with me a bit was a deputy. I got her to moan over the microphone. I could just imagine the local office secretly listening in and getting a big chuckle out of the whole thing. I also got to talk for free to girls in Canada, the UK, and Australia all at the same time. I loved their accents. People started talking and saying things like "with this, why do we need long distance?" It got cut off and the service was gone. The best way to kill something fun seems to be to tell everyone else about it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who knows? Wives? Girlfriends?
    I think you start having secrets when you realize if you tell people, it'll upset them or possibly cause you trouble when silence does neither. I like the phrase "I could tell you but then I would have to kill you." Or someone asking a guy at the counter if he's worried about setting his wallet on the counter, then he describes in a few detailed moves how he could seriously incapacitate you if not break a few bones.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How often are you able to get dances from your top choices?
    I'm thinking back and thinking about lots of different dancers keep coming over to your table. Sometimes in the past, it seems like a cat fight might be brewing. Two girls ready to fight for a spot at my table. When one girl finally leaves, I remember hearing a comment on one occasion that seemed to go "why didn't you get rid of that bitch?" Obviously she was geared up for a cat fight. I might be slightly off topic here. oh well.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Odd computer issue
    I'm using a state of the art 386 machine and not having any problems.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    If whatever priest you may listen to didn't believe his religion was the best one or true one or whatever you want to call it, then in effect he would be saying he believes his life has been a waste of time because he got into the wrong religion. I don't think you'll find too many people saying their life has been devoted to the wrong things. No one wants to be wrong about what they have been believing in. Therefore, everyone else in all the other churches always have in wrong in most people's opinion. Sounds like a source of conflict to me. Most people don't care too much though if other people have it wrong in their opinion.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    Oh, I forgot to add, the look on the guy in the lobby when the door opened by itself, I walked in, then the door closed behind me without me touching it. Priceless. Well before he stumbled across some chairs trying to get the hell out of dodge.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Camel Toe
    She says you gave her camel toe? I might say "you're welcome." Then wait a minute and ask, "what does that mean anyway?" My first thought was that her bikini bottom got too tight. I don't know how you could do that unless you somehow pulled up on her bikini bottom. Maybe if she's sliding down you and grinding, your friction could pull up her bikini bottom. That's the only thing I'm thinking of.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stocking Fetish
    never heard of a stocking fetish. Maybe he gets off when she takes it off. I don't know what the appeal is.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stocking Fetish
    I think I have a nude fetish. I get more excited when I see a pretty girl has taken it all off. However I don't know if that's considered irrational and thus it would not a fetish. Maybe if you throw in a short red mini-skirt with being nude underneath. I think that is sexy. All the other clothing fetish stuff I just don't get. Well I do like seeing pics of pretty females with vampire fangs. Just don't try to bite me with those though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Discussing OTC and extras
    Stage names don't always mean too much either. I've seen dancers change clubs and a new dancer comes in and takes over one of the old stage names. I may think a dancer I've seen before is about to go on stage and then I see a new dancer has taken that name now. Stage names are subject to change. Some dancers change clubs at the drop of a hat as well.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How often do you get a lap dance for FIVE DOLLARS or SEVEN DOLLARS?
    I usually pay closer to $10 for a lap dance though. In some more expensive clubs, I even pay $15. When a dancer says two dances have a total cost of $40, I just say NO as if they're offering drugs. End of discussion. I had two girls do a double dance for me last weekend for free. I'm glad a had a good weekend because work sure has been aggravating for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How often do you get a lap dance for FIVE DOLLARS or SEVEN DOLLARS?
    I got a two girl dance for free. All I could see were tits and nipples in my face for a while. I like that price.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    I read something about monogamy. I remember reading or hearing something about long ago when the population was a bit scarce, if a guy happened to wander into a tribe of people (who didn't see visitors very often) they would make him stay and get all their grown women pregnant before he could leave their tribe. That ensured the tribe had enough genetic diversity and continued to thrive. I can only imagine it took a long time to travel from tribe to tribe back in those times. :) I can just imagine the conversation to the wife. "Hey honey, I have to run an errand over to the tribe a few hills away. I only expect to be gone a few days."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If one of your favorite dancers wants to go out with you..?
    Actually I've been out with a few other dancers at various times in the past and none of them were joking about their intentions as far as I was concerned. I'm just not used to a dancer who seems to want me to do all the asking and seems to be more submissive. hmmm, might not be too bad. Of course saying hinting might not be the right word, she's already told me she would like to go out to eat lunch sometime or go to an amusement park. I thought going to a water park would be an awful big leap for a first time encounter. Of course maybe not. It's not like I just met her and we're planning on jumping in bed. I might be hesitating about getting together with another dancer. as far as stringing along goes, it might be me more than her since she said she would like to go to a certain water park with me but then I said maybe next year. On the following week I saw here she says maybe we could do lunch sometime. I haven't said anything yet. It might be fun though. Lol, I was thinking she could come in handy at the water park, her floatation devices are attached. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Frequency of club visits.
    I just noticed Bones is off our scale. At least my scale. I think I would get burned out on strip clubs after going to them for 3 days in a row.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If one of your favorite dancers wants to go out with you..?
    dareme, that's kind of how my conversation along these lines started. She asked me not about my plans but what I did during the week. I went to a waterpark one week. She said she was looking for someone to go with and acted disappointed. I suggested she might be able to go with me next year and she acted excited about that. However I don't think she wanted to wait till next year. However I haven't said anything more about that and summer is almost over. I remember a few years ago I asked one dancer who seemed to be awfully friendly towards me what kind of regular bars were good in that town. She gave me the name of one and possibly some others. I liked the first one she told me about and she spotted me sitting at the bar one evening and striked up a conversation with me. Apparently she stopped in just for a few minutes before heading off for work.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Frequency of club visits.
    I'm impressed with the number of clubs Bones has been visiting. I would lose interest unless the girls were very hot and made me especially entertained club after club and then I still I would get tired of that after about 3 days. Thanks for the public service though rating the clubs Bones if you read this.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who knows? Wives? Girlfriends?
    Bones, Lol, I was wrong. I thought maybe you were in your twenties the way you kept hitting the clubs without getting tired of them. Now I look like the young guy. It might be true that the younger you are, the less disposable income you have to throw around as well. When I see how my two brothers lives are with their wives, I'm very happy to be single.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Thanks for the free dances
    Well thanks Bones. I didn't even know you were there but you seem to be all over the place. Lol, definitely more than one or two clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Odd computer issue
    Actually I thought TUSCL was a bit slow and hung up at times. I have high speed DSL and don't have this problem on other web sites. I'm usually on this site when it's not quite so busy though. It's annoying when it is slow.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Thanks for the free dances
    Bones, let me know if you're in the upstate of South Carolina area on a Saturday night. That's usually when I have free time if nothing pops up to interfere.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever considered flirting with a waitress in a strip club?
    Chandler, lighten up. I didn't say she was trying to get in my pants. I titled this topic about flirting. I think a waitress may be doing a bit of that or at least trying to get your attention to remember her next time if only one particular waitress keeps asking if you need anything throughout the entire night when I rarely ever order anything from a waitress at that club. I also move about the club many times throughout the night. Maybe she was just new and didn't know that I rarely order anything. Maybe I noticed a smile on her face when she asked me about the 6th or 7th time. Anyway I didn't mind and thought this might be an interesting topic. I might even start ordering drinks from her next time. I think flirtation works even if it's a waitress doing a bit of it to pick up extra tips.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever considered flirting with a waitress in a strip club?
    As a guy, I believe we're constantly wondering what's under the hood or clothes so to speak. There could be a nude dancing girl on stage and we're watching the cleavage of the partially clothed girl or waitress walking by. I think some dancers could learn a thing or two from some waitresses who know how to flirt.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever considered flirting with a waitress in a strip club?
    Nothing wrong with flirting a little bit. Besides if you can't have a little fantasy in a strip club, you're in the wrong place.