Comments by casualguy (page 175)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How often are you able to get dances from your top choices?
    I'm actually having trouble remembering a time when I had to pursue a dancer to get a dance from her. I think I did in one club many years ago and didn't have any trouble at all. Nowadays I limit myself on how much I spend on dances so I'm saying no thanks to a lot of hot looking dancers. I certainly don't mind the dancers coming to me even though at times a dancer can get a bit too persistent. I do not like a dancer trying to force me to the dance room by pulling my arm and/or dragging me and my chair towards the dance room. Fortunately, I haven't run into dancers attempting to do this lately. Except for one girl who I was going to get a dance from anyway.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Bachelor Party Beatings
    I've never seen anyone get beat so bad they're bleeding. However they still had their pants or underwear on so I may not know. I've heard bachelor party spanking loud enough to hear clear across a noisy strip club though. That had to be really loud. It's always a stripper with a big whip or belt smacking the hell out of the bachelor up on stage for his special occasion party event. Then it's not unusual for the DJ to chime in at the end by having the crowd yell "dumbass".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fuglie dances man law - what do you think?
    I keep wondering how these girls keep working in a strip club when I see noone or almost no one even tip them on stage. I've never seen these people get dances. Most clubs I go to don't have them and are weeded our rather fast if they happen to show up. However one club seems to keep getting them. They clear the stage is all I can say. Pretty sad when I'd rather watch tv in a strip club rather than the girl on stage because she doesn't look very good.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP membership cards?
    That's what I like about the Greenville PP club when it gets crowded. The club is so big, there are always seats available even when a large crowd shows up. Columbia PP on a weekend night I remember used to be standing room only after about 10 pm on the weekend. It wasn't like that the very last time I visited but I didn't see the same quality of good looking girls there either that one time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dialog that could only be heard in strip clubs
    You know it's been a long night if when you wake up in the morning, you see a dancer in bed with you still sleeping away.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    Whether the dancing female is lesbian or a friend of a guy visiting a club, it would be nice if the bouncers would stop making the females stop dancing. I guess when a whole section of the strip club is watching the female customer instead of the dancers, the bouncers decide it's time to cut that out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    I pay attention to the female customers if they're wearing short shorts or a mini-skirt and dancing around like a stripper. I also pay attention if they go up on stage to tip a dancer and go topless in the process. Otherwise, I pay them as much attention as the occasional stripper who doesn't take off her top.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How often are you able to get dances from your top choices?
    and then with some girls you may need lots of time to wait because they want to spend time with their regulars. I know because in the past I've been on the regular side just talking to one girl for over an hour and only bought one table dance. I went to the rest room and came back where she told me a couple of guys asked if I was her boyfriend. She laughed at that but I assume it had something to do with her just sitting with me for so long. If you're willing to spend money on the more expensive dances, a lot of dancers will go for that especially if you're not too pushy about it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dancers read this message board anyway?
    lol, :) I didn't even think of it that way.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dancers read this message board anyway?
    I was just curious if some dancers were reading this. If they are, they're silent. If I wanted to talk to a dancer, I could ask one I know for her number the next time I see her and then go out with her to eat lunch, dinner or something like she has been suggesting. I don't know why she suggested lunch, that seems too early in the day unless it's a late day lunch.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP membership cards?
    I once lived in Raleigh and never went to TDH. Of course I didn't have as much money back then when I was a college student and with lots of pretty girls everywhere such as my lab partner in one class who was competing as one of the homecoming candidates, I never even thought about strip clubs back then. I remember in one chemistry class I had assigned seating right above about 9 or 12 females who all kept wearing short shorts. I had it rough. Bringing back a few memories. I did meet one stripper at a fraternaty party and had fun at a sorority party. I think there was a very good female to male ratio at the sorority party. A whole lot better than at any strip club. Of course I do wonder what I missed at TDH.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If you don't like nipple piercings what about something stuck in the kitty?
    I remember one dancer told me her clit piercing made her tighter. I'm wondering if she told me that so I would want to keep trying to find out if I noticed anything. I couldn't tell. The piercing didn't affect me one way or the other. Now if I run into her again, I may have to try to figure that one out again. lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If you don't like nipple piercings what about something stuck in the kitty?
    I've seen girls with clit piercings but no nipple piercings. I guess you have to know pierced girls pretty good or go to nude bars to get a better evaluation to this question. I wonder if this is how a government grant starts out. A good idea of something to study. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If you don't like nipple piercings what about something stuck in the kitty?
    Still talking about piercings, I remember one girl who I used to know talked about getting a tongue piercing and then blurted out, do you want to get a dick piercing? I said no way, I'm not into pain. Just wondering, can piercings get stuck together? I'm thinking yes but not sure. I've heard piercings don't work well with condoms either. That girl was very oral. I believe if she thought you were upset with her in the slightest way, you didn't get to argue or say anything to her because she would immediately start sucking.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Reviews?
    I see reviews for Friday and Saturday. I never noticed anything unusual yesterday either.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Thanks for the free dances
    It's seem strange when you don't know who paid for it or why. Never had a complete stranger pay for dances for me which made me wonder if I knew someone there. I didn't expect it at all. The dancers looked good especially one of them. They both had nice tits and nipples and that was all I could see shortly after they came at me. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who knows? Wives? Girlfriends?
    I used to live in a very small town and I started to wish at one point that everyone at work didn't talk about my adventures at some local strip clubs. One guy kept asking if I had any more sexy pictures of strippers. One girl at work asked what I thought about her going into stripping. Another girl boldly hit on me in front of the whole department of coworkers. I'm not sure if that was due to knowledge of me going to strip clubs though. Years later, I got a new job and was hoping to be more discreet about what I do in the evenings. At least now, I don't feel like I'm what everyone talks about.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Frequency of club visits.
    I like breaking up my routine once a week although that is not always via a visit to a strip club. I just haven't found anything I like better so far on a consistent basis. Regular bars can get boring rather fast.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Thanks for the free dances
    Those two dancers have worked at the club possibly a few years or I believe at least a couple. The fact that I know that means I wasn't new there either. Of course if one dancer did it just because she likes me, I'd be happy with that. Talking one of her friends into doing a free double dance for me would be or was even better. Possibly a generous stranger paid for the dances. I would like to think that the dancers did it and just said someone else was my benefactor. That would mean I have a better chance of a repeat performance if I play along. The only other time I remember someone I knew paid for a dance for me was when a guy I knew asked me to not tell anyone where we worked at that he had seen me at the club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Thanks for the free dances
    meant to say someone paid for a dance for me one time so that I wouldn't say anything about seeing him at the club.
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    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Frequency of club visits.
    I used to go more frequently years ago when one club kept giving me and some other guys free passes and they had free pizza as well throughout most of the night. I think the free hot pizza, no cover charge got me in a habit. Eventually the cover charge returned.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    I feel like I'm suffering at church, then I have to go to a strip club to have fun. It seems like a balance in a way. In fact on some occasions, I think going to church made me want to go to a strip club even more. I have wondered why it is that strip clubs make me feel better but going to church leaves me feeling agitated or suffering. Lol, I remember one guy during an interview was asked if he went to church. He said they didn't want him there. To make church more appealing to me, they would need to replace all the singing with rock and heavy metal tunes. Require the good looking females to wear shorts or short skirts. And speed up the whole process while keeping the temperature not too hot. Maybe even throw in a couple of altar girls in short skirts to keep everyone's attention on the alter. haha, my fun version.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    I do regularly suffer at church. The church I go to even has solo singing now which is almost as bad as scratching nails on a chalkboard but just a little less disturbing. Too much darn singing all the darn time. Then the temp is often too hot. I might understand in the summer, it's to save money. However too hot in the winter time kills me. Then if too many people wear shorts or if I wear shorts, my relatives and or the priest may preach about wearing shorts is disrespectful. I still suffer once a week though. I think I've been drilled at an early age to feel mental pain if I don't go so I get tortured either way.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    Lol, I heard something funny in church one day spoken by the priest. He said the most dangerous place in the world seems to be a Catholic church parking lot after the mass or service ends.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who knows? Wives? Girlfriends?
    I may have a big list of what I don't want in a SO. If she consistently complains about me looking at other girls, need to get rid of her. I don't need a nag. If you're not cheating, I don't see a problem.