
How often are you able to get dances from your top choices?

Blue Ridge Foothills
I guess this is mainly a question for when you're visiting a new club or one where you aren't a regular. Once you've seen all the dancers working and decided which ones you want to get dances with, how successful are you at getting them? With the girls you aren't able to get dances from, what seems to be the most common obstacle?


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'm thinking back and thinking about lots of different dancers keep coming over to your table. Sometimes in the past, it seems like a cat fight might be brewing. Two girls ready to fight for a spot at my table. When one girl finally leaves, I remember hearing a comment on one occasion that seemed to go "why didn't you get rid of that bitch?" Obviously she was geared up for a cat fight. I might be slightly off topic here. oh well.
  • nj_pete
    18 years ago
    Sometimes its dificult to get a dance from a girl that interest you especially if they run overto a table of regulars, I oftern find that to be the case when I'm in town on business. So like I think it was Shadowcat mentioned, I'll ask then while tipping on stage. Usually works.
    18 years ago
    Chandler, that's what I do too. I usually ask if she'd like to join me at a table. They always say yes, but sometimes they'll head for someone else's table instead. Then I look for another girl. I don't wait unless it's a girl I know and she's given me some idea of how long she's going to be.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I would think pipe smoking is more an olfactory signature than a visual one, not to mention less than practical in clubs where stage diving is the custom.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    I don't think I've ever NOT been able to get a dance from my top choice, but then maybe my tastes are such that I like girls who aren't the typical big draw. That said my bigest problem with getting dances at a club where I'm not a regular is that the dance I see that cute spinner I've just gotta have giving to some other guy (who maybe drops 3 bills a week on her) won't be the dance I get from her.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    It's about 50/50 depending on how much patience I have. In a new club, provided a even spot a lady I'm interested in, I will approach the stage and tip generously to a girl I am interested in having join me. Unfortunately, about half of the time the dancer will leave the stage and either disappear into the dressing room for an hour or go to a regular that's already waiting for her. I won't wait for more than a few minutes once that happens. I just spend my money elsewhere or leave.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I agree, Shadowcat. It also helps to point out where you're sitting, and to say something that makes her laugh. Not a killer joke, just something that shows you're there to have fun, and you don't take the whole thing, or yourself, too seriously. All that is more important than the the amount of your tip. $1 is all it takes.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    and then with some girls you may need lots of time to wait because they want to spend time with their regulars. I know because in the past I've been on the regular side just talking to one girl for over an hour and only bought one table dance. I went to the rest room and came back where she told me a couple of guys asked if I was her boyfriend. She laughed at that but I assume it had something to do with her just sitting with me for so long. If you're willing to spend money on the more expensive dances, a lot of dancers will go for that especially if you're not too pushy about it.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    The WORST is when a girl you've been waiting on, finally becomes free, or finally passes through your general area of the club, RIGHT when a fugly mugs you and asks "why why why" and won't get of your goddamned lap until RIGHT when your preferred girl links up with some other customer.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    The biggest problem that I have is getting a dance just to pass the time wit a not so good option and the one you really want come available while you are being lapped. I guess that having some patience pays off.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'm actually having trouble remembering a time when I had to pursue a dancer to get a dance from her. I think I did in one club many years ago and didn't have any trouble at all. Nowadays I limit myself on how much I spend on dances so I'm saying no thanks to a lot of hot looking dancers.

    I certainly don't mind the dancers coming to me even though at times a dancer can get a bit too persistent. I do not like a dancer trying to force me to the dance room by pulling my arm and/or dragging me and my chair towards the dance room. Fortunately, I haven't run into dancers attempting to do this lately. Except for one girl who I was going to get a dance from anyway.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Actually when I visit a new club, I seem to have every girl in the place ask me for a dance at least once if not 2, 3 or more times. That's actually why I like being a regular where it's usually just the new girls who keep asking me all the time.

    There is one club where I used to be a regular but am no longer and most girls stay tied up with their regulars in the hour or so that I may visit. However I'm fine if I don't get a dance from any of the girls in that hour or so I'm there.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If I was in a new club and spotted a dancer I wanted to get a dance from, I suppose the biggest obstacle would be all of the other dancers who keep asking me "wanna dance?" I believe I'm almost always in a buyer's market.
  • DocErotica
    18 years ago
    I've never had any difficulty getting dances from any of my top choices. The clubs I go to are a buyer's market and the dancers typically are having trouble findng enough spenders. Also, I pay a little extra to my very favorite gals in order to stay on their priority list. Occasionally, I've had to wait for a gal to finish up with another one or two customers before getting a turn, but there's always plenty to watch in the meantime.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    The direct approach always works. The thing to remember is that the girl you want is also the one everyone else seems to want as well, whether or not they are regulars.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I almost always get my first choice because I am willing to be direct, or even agressive about it.

    (Daily Grind appears to know how to handle his business.)
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I think the direct approach generally works. I've often been surprised to hear a dancer say that she didn't approach me because it had seemed to her that I clearly wasn't getting dances, or that I clearly wasn't interested in any intimacy. Wrong! I wasn't getting dances FROM OTHER GIRLS ... so why leave it up to hinting and across-the-room flirting when you can just speak plain English?

    But that has a disadvantage. Often, what I'm in a club for, is the fact that I get chased a bit. She flirts with me, proves how much she might or might not be willing to expend in terms of time and contact for me. I want her to butter me up, and get me warmed up, before I agree to the sale. So, being direct does tend to lose those advantages.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    As FONDL says. Additionally, being "locked out" can happen even in fairly familiar clubs, or relatively uncrowded times. But, I always remember that looks can sometimes be deceiving, and that any atf was once "1st intro".
    18 years ago
    Happens all the time. If you go to a club where you're not known when it's busy, you're almost always going to have to settle for your third or fourth choice, and I never pick out just one girl in such circumstances. In fact I usually just wait until a girl approaches me in that situation, and unless she's really bad I'll end up spending my time and money with her. I've had some surprisingly good times doing that. But if I go when the club is slow and my chances are much better, I'll usually try to pick the one who appeals to me the most and ask her to join me when she isn't busy. I never ask a girl to join me if I see she's with another customer.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    I've 'beat the traffic' on a few occasions by reserving a VIP room with the staff while the desired hottie is still on stage.
    After her set, they instruct her to come directly to me.
    An extra tip is always good etiquette as well.

    However, most of my Harem know that I'll wait til they're done 'working' before spending their more relaxed time with me.

  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    In raucous, crowded clubs, it helps to have a visual signature. I smoke my pipe -- they can remember, "gotta go chat with pipe guy." Another dude here gives out candies. I know of dudes who fold dollars into little bow ties; or who wear a very loud obnoxious Hawaiian shirt; or ...

    Help them to remember you. Might work? :)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL: I usually don't say it that way. More like, "Come around when you get a chance?" or "See that table over there with nobody sitting at it? I'll meet you back there." Sure, the idea is basically the same, but at most clubs, they'll "join me" and spend time just as they would if they stopped by of their own accord.
    18 years ago
    The problem I have with tipping a girl onstage and telling her I want some dances when she is free is that it often eliminates any chance to sit and talk first, which I enjoy. She'll usually just head over when she's free, take you by the hand and lead you to the LD area. Wham bam thank you ma'am. And then she'll move on to the next guy. No thanks, that's not my style.
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