Platinum Plus raised the cover charge after midnight?
I found out Platinum Plus in Greenville, SC raised the cover charge after midnight (at least on Saturday). I believe the cover increase after midnight for every night. Isn't this some kind of oxymoron? Are they trying to discourage late night visits? Maybe it's just an attempt to make more money. I will be visiting less so they will make less off of me. It did not look as crowded in the club as it used to. Another club in the area is staying open an hour longer. I could potentially save a lot of money by not visiting at all but I do have fun there on occasion.
I have heard a lot of complaints about Brad's Brass Flamingo raising prices by adding a $2 surcharge to each $10 lap dance you buy, but this is the first time I have heard of PP raising prices.
I consider myself "lucky" because the two clubs in Columbus, OH that are ranked in the top 100 on tuscl (X Gentlemen's club and Kahoot's) both have given me more than enough free admission passes (they also have free admission passes on their websites). I go out to one of those clubs about every other week.
As far as cover, if you get a lifetime membership card, I would believe that to mean that you are interested in going to the clubs alot. If that's the case, it could be beneficial to you in the long run, especially if you do it at clubs that have proven their stability. I don't think that has anything to do with wanting to feel "important". For instance, shadow has already made up the cost I would believe. And while now he would only pay say $9 for his monthly visits in cover charges, that's now $9 that he can use for drinks. Once you've returned your investment on the card, you're essentially making money with every entrance to the club so I don't find it immaterial. (Although i don't have a card)
Anyway, I was only speculating what mgmt's rationale might be. I wasn't defending it or saying it would work. However, I've been in clubs many times when I wished something could be done to discourage the after midnight rowdies from coming in and turning the place into Stupid Hour.
Regardless of the amount of the increase, customers going to a SC after midnight have probably been partying all night and are not arriving after midnight to save money, they are probably arriving to continue their partying IMO. Mangement is just taking advantage of what they see as an easy source of added income. If customers are concerned about saving money, then IMO they would try to arrive before midnight.
Write and complain about never know they might read it...
The $2 increase in dance prices at Brad's is more troubling, because it goes to the club. I assume it means somebody other than the dancer is now tracking how many dances she does for you. Not a good trend.