I know it's almost the New Year and most of us have sworn off replying to nut-job #1 and his bi-polar, radical friend who is sometimes entertaining and at other times ridiculously antagonistic, as a schizophrenic off of his Thorazine or Depakote.
Really though, I just got tired of looking at all of the silly threads that were recently posted in a manic state of delusions of grandeur.
My assumption is that most of the posters genuinely like women and the company of these pretty, affectionate friends that entertain you. You enjoy the SC entertainment and like to share your experiences with others in this format. Do you think that the agressive, angrier type of poster is jealous that some women enjoy themselves while making a good living stripping? What do you think movitates a person in constantly trying to interfere with an on-going adult conversation?
I'm surprised davids never heard that joke "You'll go crazy if you go too long without getting it." Signing off. I don't believe you are crazy davids so I'm not throwing an insult at you or trying to comment on your personal life.
davids, I can throw insults back at you if you want me to sink to your level. To refresh your memory, you called me and possibly others a moron. Maybe you have a selective and forgetful memory or maybe it was a joke. I was joking about the not having sex. Besides I never take it as an insult if someone calls me crazy because I hear it so often. The same thing apparently means different things to different people.
RL may not be as insulting as he is irritatingly offensive. Since he gets offensive, I may occasionally post some jokes. I could get nasty offensive but I don't see any point in ruining the discussion board anymore than it already has.
In case you don't realize how RL has been offensive, I'll give two examples: 1. constantly posting to lots of threads where there is no discussion except RL's posts drowning out everyone else here 2. totally ignoring any questions and comments that anyone posts actually commenting or asking intelligent questions on those threads when we all know he's still here. If RL doesn't intend to answer or comment on those threads started in 1., then that is offensive and insulting as well.
Davids: You can eliminate your second theory on RL. I've been here since before he was RL and his posting patterns have always been the same. Unlike some realtive newcomers, I stoped trying to figure out his reasoning years ago. He's got something to say and he obviously feels that this is the best way to say it. I honestly don't think he cares if we respond or not, as long as he posts his message.
TH2O, It is my theory that RL and davids are the same. I've reached this conclusion after a lot of circumstantial evidence points in the same direction. I could be wrong, but I have the feeling I'm right. Overall, I don't care. While davids used to post something interesting every so often I've found it useless to try to engage him in a dialog since any disagreement with his premises or conclusions is met with hostility and insults rather than an argument. I don't bother with the posts for either anymore.
Oh, more interesting psychology/sociology I thought of. Funny how if there are two people who post ideas contrary to the group consensus that the group just concludes they are the same person. No way that two different people could have independently come to the idea that many strippers are dishonest or that paying for conversation is pathetic, right? I mean those ideas are go so whacko and clearly wrong that only a single insane person with MPD could have concluded them right? I mean I'm sure if you talked to your non strip club regular/PL friends they would tell you that strippers are just as honest as everyone else and paying for conversation is quite non-pathetic, right? Hehe... Crazy circle jerk this board.
tropical: If you have a legitimate interest in RL's psychology, I have offered up a couple of my guesses in the past:
a) he is trying to help newbies and PL fall into common traps b) he has tried to have serious discussions here before but found it was futile given: i) the fact that many posters here lack basic logical skills ii) many posters are in extremely deep denial about themselves and their motivations in going to SCs iii) many resort to insults when someone post ideas that go against the community consensus.
I'm not sure I understand the capitalization thing. It does seem rather historonic to me. There is no way the guy is insane though. He has very sound ideas. What is interesting, sociologically speaking, is that when someone like him does post ideas contrary to the group consesus and is a bit eccentric he is labelled as "crazy" and this is considered good enough to dismiss that many good ideas that he does have.
tropical: casualguy is trying to project some "holier than thou" image here saying that he never insults anyone because he is above it, and then belittling people who do. Truth is that he does insult people (who never insult him) quite frequently. RL in particular. I was just pointing that out.
Why would davids get upset when casualguy was commenting on whack jobs sexual frequency? The guy that writes in capital letters is the annoying one. "d" is just the one that comes to his rescue or supports his ideas (or are they two personalities in a single person?).
Happy New Year, everyone. Thanks guys for responding to my question. I'm not annoyed with davids; just confused by the responses he gives. Sometimes he's going with the flow and adding new insight, then he seems to go off on an angy tangent. I'm fairly new to this board and was trying to better understand communication on this site. davids, I think that cg was just joking. He thought of some humorous, benign explanation; it wasn't personal.
Well CG let's take a look at the insults you direct at me and RL (who never, ok only once, direct any back at you) and apply your own reasoning... Do you feel superior? Angry? As I say I never (ok only in the case of JC) insult people who don't start it with me first. Here are some recent examples of people insulting me recently who I never insulted: tiffany, casualguy, TropicalH20. So I think there may be something to your theory. Have you seen me direct any insults at Jpac or chitown or anyone who is polite to me? Why do you think that is?
As for the lack of sex thing, well I assume it's a joke, never heard about that in any books on psychiatry. I think you may be confusing cause and effect: being crazy may lead to lack of sex. The other way around seems dubious.
I forgot to add that insulting other posters here or putting them down may cause one troll to feel superior and it provides an ego boost to the insulter. At least in their own head. I think throwing insults around makes you look inferior. Of course if you're always angry, that may be all you know about. I just prefer not to sink to that level.
As far as the troll who seems to almost never respond to posts he started, I would say he feels irritated at other customers of strip clubs spending more money then he feels is appropriate. He either got burned before and wants the strippers to get burned back or just wants to keep all the prices he pays low so that he can get more bang for his buck. As far as posting tons of messages and not replying, that's a bit juvenile I believe so he must be seeking attention and not getting enough of it here or at home. He may be lacking female attention as well but I wasn't going to go there. I tend to think of him as being like the town jester and is sometimes amusing but not when he attempts to take over the discussion board. I know responding to his threads is like fanning a fire but it gets hard to resist on occasion. The other troll is sometimes ok and other times is a pain in the ass with all the insults spewing forth like butter on some hot pancakes. I'll leave it at that.
Shadowcat, after what you've been going through, I would expect an internet prankster to rank somewhere beneath an slight itch on your ass in his annoyance level.
Oh man, if you guys think you will make me stop posting my not responding to my posts you are quite mistaken.
I hate dealing with your responses which 90% of the time are just insults or strawmen (witness this thread). I would love to post w/o having to deal w/ that crap. So if you don't respond, won't slow my posting down any, and will jut makes things more fun for me here.
The times I do feel like leaving is when the insults and strawmen you guys direct at me get totally out of hand. So if you want me to leave that would be a better strategy.
The whole notion that RL and I are the same person is quite insane, but does remind me of a joke: "Roses are red; violets are blue; I have MPD... and so do I." (Of course AN will quote this out of context now and show that it is proof that he is right.)
This board is especially attractive to the trolls because threads drop off the list so soon. Once a troll has been exposed he can "take a break" until the record of his asinine outbursts has disappeared, then return with a relatively clean slate. He can appear to be merely provocative and somewhat reasonable to board newbies or posters with short memories. A few unwary replies give the troll the attention he craves, and the cycle begins all over again. Will today be any different?
The fact that mommy keeps him locked in the basement after the run-in with the police is a main factor. The dude definitely has some major anger management problems.
Since it isn't quite the new year I guess I can step in without breaking my resolution. With one personality there is obviously a lot of ego tied to the board, getting attention, claiming to outsmart the old men and the strippers, etc. Given that I think the attention, good or bad is what keeps him coming back. He is like a three year old who will do anything to gain the undivided attention of everyone. The other personality is more like the teenager who believes he has uncovered some universal truth that everyone before him somehow missed. Nobody has ever considered such unique thoughts as his, and the world must recognize his revalations for what they are. The fact that he puts those revalations out in a manner like the madman screaming on a busy street corner makes most people ignore him, leading to the first personality taking up his cause and mixing in some of the same themes. Just a thought, too much thought actually, about our resident trolls. My feeling is that while a CERTAIN poster who LIKES to DROWN OUT all other CONVERSATIONS will not quit, he apparently sees having a dozen useless threads at the top as some sort of triumph, the other personality will fade away if ignored. My recomendation, ignore them both. If there are threads they start, do not reply, even to mock them. If they post to another thread, ignore their post and move on with the conversation.
last comment1. He cannot get laid. To matter how much bullshit he tries.
2. He worries about others consuming alcohol or bringing more than RL's prescribed limit of five dollars to spend.
3. He answers his own posts just to keep them alive.
4. He thinks the sweetest voice in the world is his own.
5. When pushed about the fact that he does not know what he is talking about he will respond with a personal attack.
6. He thinks if he can just get his technique and lines down he will be a super stud.
7. He suspects we are all laughing at him not with him.
8. Genetics? They may play a role.
RL may not be as insulting as he is irritatingly offensive. Since he gets offensive, I may occasionally post some jokes. I could get nasty offensive but I don't see any point in ruining the discussion board anymore than it already has.
In case you don't realize how RL has been offensive, I'll give two examples: 1. constantly posting to lots of threads where there is no discussion except RL's posts drowning out everyone else here 2. totally ignoring any questions and comments that anyone posts actually commenting or asking intelligent questions on those threads when we all know he's still here. If RL doesn't intend to answer or comment on those threads started in 1., then that is offensive and insulting as well.
Ok, I'm done with my two cents here.
a) he is trying to help newbies and PL fall into common traps
b) he has tried to have serious discussions here before but found it was futile given: i) the fact that many posters here lack basic logical skills ii) many posters are in extremely deep denial about themselves and their motivations in going to SCs iii) many resort to insults when someone post ideas that go against the community consensus.
I'm not sure I understand the capitalization thing. It does seem rather historonic to me. There is no way the guy is insane though. He has very sound ideas. What is interesting, sociologically speaking, is that when someone like him does post ideas contrary to the group consesus and is a bit eccentric he is labelled as "crazy" and this is considered good enough to dismiss that many good ideas that he does have.
davids, I think that cg was just joking. He thought of some humorous, benign explanation; it wasn't personal.
"I just prefer not to sink to that level. [insulting others]."
The immediately follows up with:
"Here's a simple answer to the question: What makes whack job so crazy? If you don't get any for a long time, you end up going crazy. "
Does anyone see a contradiction here? Find this just a little bit funny?
Come on CG, you can make at least two posts in a row and remain consistent can't you? Try hard. It's not that difficult.
As for the lack of sex thing, well I assume it's a joke, never heard about that in any books on psychiatry. I think you may be confusing cause and effect: being crazy may lead to lack of sex. The other way around seems dubious.
Again I request that you think before you post.
I hate dealing with your responses which 90% of the time are just insults or strawmen (witness this thread). I would love to post w/o having to deal w/ that crap. So if you don't respond, won't slow my posting down any, and will jut makes things more fun for me here.
The times I do feel like leaving is when the insults and strawmen you guys direct at me get totally out of hand. So if you want me to leave that would be a better strategy.
The whole notion that RL and I are the same person is quite insane, but does remind me of a joke: "Roses are red; violets are blue; I have MPD... and so do I." (Of course AN will quote this out of context now and show that it is proof that he is right.)