
Do you ever get mistaken for a stripper's boyfriend in a club?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Not talking about mistaken identity. I mean because of the way you two act together. With a past fave, I used to get this all the time from other customers and even from other strippers. It was mostly due to good acting, because she made other customers look like her boyfriends when I watched her with them, too. And I don't even have a pair of drumsticks to my name.


  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    I know....the things I gotta do for those girls!! ;)

    19 years ago
    Chandler, actually this was in southern Maryland, but I get the joke and would have been disappointed if someone hadn't said something like that. I thought it was a little strange too, but this was a little neighborhood place where a lot of both dancers and customers were either friends from high school or were related to each other. But I think the main reason her came to see her regularly was to bum some money from her - she was supporting half her family with her dancing.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Lopaw, how noble and selfless of you to help out the dancers like that.
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    Boyfriend? No.
    Girlfriend? Yes. When I get extra frisky with a dancer, sometimes other customers nearby have asked if we were lovers, and of course the dancer will usually play it up. Sometimes they wind up getting extra tips because of it. Whatever helps the cause, I guess.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    FONDL, did you say you sometimes venture into clubs in West Virginia?
    19 years ago
    DandyDan, whenever that happened we were always somewhere other than the club. Nobody ever mistook me for her father inside the club. Before I got to know her well she used to spend a lot of time sitting with a young guy who I thought might be her BF. He turned out to be her brother. She never had a BF during the 1.5 years that she danced, which is probably pretty unusual.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    When one of my old favorites was still dancing, I was told by her that one of the guys for whom she was a favorite said he thought I was her boyfriend. That's odd, because I did get to meet him once, playing pool at that club.

    By the way, FONDL, if they thought you were your ATF's father, what the hell are they thinking? That would be weird if it's true and people are thinking rationally.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I had one dancer tell me that someone asked if she was my girlfriend. I think the reason might have been because of the way she came up to me and chatted for a long time without getting drinks or dances. I would eventually buy a $10 dance after a while. I was thinking not a girlfriend but I could fix that if I wanted to. I was looking for younger girls at that time and not someone my age although the thought crossed my mind especially one night when she decided she was going to spend her entire time at the strip club talking to me while I was there. She decided she would rather talk to me than make as much money as possible that night. I found that a bit strange because I wasn't used to it and know that she only got $10 an hour from me for 3 hours. I bought three $10 dances (she claimed management would say something if she didn't do any dances every hour). I suppose if I saw that, I might ask if that guy was her boyfriend as well.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Yes - at least 1 out of 3 times I go to a club.

  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    It has happend to me.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I've been mistaken for a boyfriend a couple of times. I have a very close friend who dances-I'm not a customer of hers anymore so when I see her at her club we spend a lot of time talking and no time dancing. More than one guy has asker her if I was her boyfriend.
    19 years ago
    I've been asked several times if I am my ATF's father, which I find very flattering because she's very good looking and I'm old enought to be her grandfather. But I've never been mistaken for her BF. Once we were in a bar together shooting pool and 2 young guys started hitting on her; one asked her if I was her father and she said no, I was her sugar daddy. That kinda ended the discussion.
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