
It doesn't matter if a few guys pay strippers for conversation!

Sunday, December 25, 2005 8:17 PM
If a few guys pay strippers for conversation, it just doesn't matter. Well it might mean something to the person gettting paid but it is up to the customer spending their money how they are going to spend it. I personally don't do it myself unless I'm feeling very generous and buy someone a drink. I personally like it on occasion when a dancer has had a few drinks and is feeling frisky but is not too drunk to dance. I'll say thanks to the guys paying the dancers.

Apparently SOMEONE is AFRAID that some dancers may expect to get paid just for talking. I was thinking, those dancers must live somewhere far far away from where I live.


  • FunSeeker
    19 years ago
    Also, in some clubs, waitresses push for dancers' drinks. Because, they also get a cut out of dancers' drinks. This is in addition to the tips they get from the patrons.
  • FunSeeker
    19 years ago
    In some clubs there is drink hustle. Because, dancers are required to sell certain # of drinks for their shift. Otherwise, dancers have to pay their portion of the houses' cut of the drinks.
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    I never pay for conversation. I get that for free. I MIGHT buy a dancer a drink, but that is a rare occurance and has not happened often.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    It doesn't matter overall. I don't do it but one poster here acts like it's the holy grail of all threads and keeps posting about it over and over and over again. Maybe they should change the topic to why they think a customer should not pay a dancer for her time in a club. At least ask the question differently. If some guy wants to go up to a stage and throw a bunch of money at a dancer, I don't complain and gripe about it forever and ever.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I'm not sure what casualguy means when he says "it doesn't matter" here. Does he mean in a historic context/sociological context? I guess it doesn't in these terms.

    The problem with paying strippers for conversation is that they respect you less. You are basically saying "I do not consider this to be a mutually and equally benefical relationship therefore I feel obligated to pay you." Unfortunately with women if you take such a loser prespective they wil just agree with you. This is why if you pay for conversation you lose respect. Also other strippers will here that you do and will think you should pay them to. So you end up losing.

    Now, happily, the opposite is true. If you attitude is "hey, these strippers can have alot of fun by talking to me", then they will accept this to. Other strippers will see them talking to you for free so they will want in on the fun. And i will snowball.

    Don't pay strippers for conversation.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    True, a stripper's time is a commodity. When she chooses to spend time hanging out before a dance, I regard that as her new business time. Between dances, it's customer relations time. If she gets especially friendly, it's spec work. And I consider it my duty as the client to inform her when she is not in the running to land a contract.
    19 years ago
    I go to strip clubs to be entertained. And if someone does a good job of entertaining me, I'm quite happy to pay a reasonable amount for it because she's a professional entertainer, that's her job and that's why I'm there. And that entertainment can take many different forms and include many different elements, depending on what I'm in the mood for. Sometimes I may want to do a VIP or a bunch of LD's, sometimes I may just feel like sitting and talking or having a couple drinks or having lunch together. But no matter what I choose to do, she's still entertaining me and deserves to be paid for it.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I've done it, but the girl was naked at the time and on my lap. She wasn't really dancing, but so what? If you and the dancer are in harmony with each other, you'll know what to do and it won't matter to anyone else.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    It isn't really a complicated matter. The one thing a stripper has inn the club is her time. She uses her time as a comodity. It takes a certain ammount of time to do a LD, a certain ammount of time to do a stage set, a certain ammount to convince someone to buy dances. If you want a dancer to give up her time, you should be willing to compensate her for it.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    It's funny but I never thought the topic itself was even all that interesting. Sometimes I pay girls to sit and talk but it's only in a no contact club where buying dances is useless. Weather you pay or not is a personal decision. There are plenty of dancers who will sit with you when things are slow and not expect to be compensated for it. OTOH, if you are with a girl that you like and are enjoying her company but don't plan to buy any dances I think it's only fair that she be compensated for sitting with you when she could have been working the room.
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