
Comments by casualguy (page 123)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    Nepals is the only club where two dancers suddenly came over to me and gave me a double dance for free. They claimed I had a hidden benefactor but I never found out who. I've encountered a number of classy dancers here who only moonlight at this club and have real non stripping jobs. It can be nice talking to them which is easy enough to do if they happen to sit at your table. I call this club a great club for the locals.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I should say that visitors face a good chance of getting disappointed. Many people here are regulars and the dancers tend to visit with their regulars and talk and talk without feeling too much of a need to circulate all the time and ask "wanna dance" like other higher hassle clubs. The dancers do circulate but not usually too fast. One dancer who is now working at the Masters remembers me from here. I'm not trying to discourage visitors because I don't want the club getting crowded (well maybe just a little) but I'm just telling it like it is.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I did suggest to one dancer here that if they had an all nude hour where they had to stop serving beer and alcohol to satisfy SC law, I would go for that. She only said that then she wouldn't be working there. bummer. I would really like more nude clubs with several good looking dancers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Ex dancer calls for a "session"
    I'm still thinking about the movie called psycho or was it Red Rum? I thought it was well written since it almost seemed like the psycho was talking to me and listening to me when I first saw that movie. Kind of weird too. Haven't met too many psycho dancers myself. I'd watch out for dancers who are on drugs. They seem to be a bit reckless and are a bit dangerous in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers who are CHEAP when tipping but want customers to spend lots of MONEY
    Please explain RL. I've never heard strippers talk about being cheap. I usually don't get money or tips from strippers either unless that is what you are talking about. It seems strange to be given money in a strip club but I've had that happen to me a few times.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Dream Hypothetical Multiple Choice Question
    I wouldn't consider this to be a dream come true if lightning was going to strike me dead if I didn't spend it all soon. If I had to spend it to enjoy it, I would use it at one of my regular clubs. I would be spending somewhat carefree as long as I didn't exceed the dollar amount I just acquired.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Why do strippers charge SO MUCH MONEY?
    I figure they must have money to burn if they want to pay whatever the stripper asks for. Except when prices are not negotiable then they must be very horny to be willing to pay some dance prices.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Odd Massage Parlor closings across the country...
    I don't really see any connection between closing down some massage parlors and trying to increase military enrollment. The last massage parlor I saw was in a military town and that was years ago. Seems more like some politician wanting to claim some type of family values campaign and he's cracking down on something that he/she is claiming to be anti-family. I really doubt that very many voters even worry or think about massage parlors. The politicians are wasting their time in my opinion. I don't know, maybe the police have too big a budget and they want to be seen busting up a place since they don't have any real crimes they have solved. I don't have any idea unless it's related to something I said.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    Just a correction. Nepals is topless, not nude. I thought the no touching was pretty strictly enforced. However I'm a regular and haven't been trying to push the boundaries or get thrown out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers smelling you and telling you that you smell good?
    You'd think someone from NASA would have devised up something smarter than a diaper. Such as stick a tracking device on the vehicle you're following. I don't know if that's legal or not but it sounds smarter than wearing a diaper.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I am the real father of Anna Nichol's daughter...
    Congrats on your new kid. What do you think your chances of getting some money are? 0 in $400,000,000 ? You'd think maybe my family had more money than it does. I remember an oil rig in the back yard when I was growing up. I bet my father didn't own it. I was too young to know an oil rig in the back yard may not be normal. I guess oil was real cheap long ago. I suspect a change in life of overindulgence eventually got to Anna. not that I knew her or anything.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I don't know. I think it's fun to look at hot girls and interact with them even if you're not feeling them all up. Of course getting your hands on the hot girls would be more fun to me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers text messaging
    pop, thanks for the info book guy, I know what you mean but it seems to be even worse where I live at in South Carolina. Here a state legislator was proposing to make it a law that everyone who got stopped by the police got a DNA sample retrieved for the police to use in a large database. I don't like that and hopefully it got dropped since I haven't heard about it lately. I think only convicted criminals should be required to submit to having their DNA kept in a large database. I mean just because some police officer stops you, that means it's ok to take my DNA? wrong wrong wrong especially if I'm not guilty of a crime but some police officer thinks one way or the other. For the crime of being stopped by the police, I or you would get their DNA on permanent file. Some police officers act like they own the area they live in and shouldn't be allowed to terrorize. Seems like an invasion of privacy but some people don't seem to care about privacy anymore. Sounds like a scene out of a movie where someone is convicted because the police suspect they might do a crime. I think even some in law enforcement expressed concern about putting the DNA of the innocent in a large (maybe national) database. I guess in the future things will be simplified and once you're born, you will have a DNA sample and finger prints put on file because we're all potential criminals. Privacy seems to be gone with the wind. Not to mention any concerns that DNA testing could reveal who may be more susceptible to certain diseases and then insurance companies could raise your premium or drop your coverage without any law against that. There's no telling what your DNA may tell about you in the future. Thanks for listening to my ramble.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Recommend a movie for its SC relevance.
    I'm going to say Ghost Rider due out February 16th. I mean what stripper wouldn't enjoy talking about a guy on fire riding a motorcycle from hell? visual effects are very cool. Can't wait for the movie to start. What I've seen looks just like I pictured it as a little kid.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Funniest youtube video or soundtrack?
    Well I don't know if anyone was interested but I really liked this one. The telemarketer called and got harassed by supposedly calling the scene of a murder investigation. The "agent" involved harassed the telemarketer with lots of questions and threats.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're getting sleepy when...
    I was prepared the last time. I had a soda in my car and that was plenty to wake me up and keep me up for a while. I'm afraid with an energy drink I wouldn't want to go to sleep for another day. Definitely don't want to fall asleep while driving. That would not be the safest thing to do.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    What kind of porn do you prefer?
    I figure I'm probably like most guys in liking straight sex without seeing too much of the guy in the picture, POV or point of view is best or sometimes from the side. I think it's a turn off to see a view from behind the guy. I also don't care to watch a guy lick a girls pussy (I just see his face and that is a turn off for me). Now if I see two girls going at it, that is a turn on. Basically if you can imagine you're fucking the girl (don't show very much of the guy) it can be a turn on. I don't care for messy pics and a mess all over the girl but I've seen where some girls seem to be into that. The somewhat weird (not sure yet) that I seem to like is females into biting or even a vampire look. I still remember seeing some sexy pics with blood dripping from some female fangs. This in no way has anything to do with my own sharp teeth, lol. At least I don't think so. Probably a side effect from a couple of strippers years ago that got me to enjoy their biting. Now I like to sleep during the day and go to strip clubs at night. just joking.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Hot Girl w/ the "Bad Boy" or Jerk
    I've had a few strippers call me bad but I don't know what they meant by that. I think it's all in their head. Sometimes it seems like strippers will make you into whatever they want you to be if you don't spoil the picture they have in their head. I remember one stripper thought I was into some profession (forgot what it was) and I spoiled it by telling her the truth. She seemed a little bit more interested in me before I ruined her picture. I guess the fantasy aspect doesn't all belong to the customers in the strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    What kind of porn do you prefer?
    If there was a porn section labeled female fangs, I'd probably be interested. I don't think that's porn though. Doesn't seem to get much attention either unless you're a horror fan. I enjoy pics more than movies as long as both are high resolution. Someone told me Angela Jolie had a blood fetish but I'm not into that either. I blame the strippers that bit me long ago. Now I can see a pic of a girl biting into a hot dog and be turned on by that at least a little bit especially if she's topless.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    My Bloody Valentine?
    I don't remember ever fighting but remember one favorite got so pissed she quit working the club for 2 or 3 months because she knew I was a regular there I suspect. Then she returned and was happy to see me again. I remember another dancer seemed to be a bit pissed off about me spending too much time with another dancer. She seemed better after I told her I wasn't sleeping with the other dancer. I don't even know why she was so upset. drama queen I believe. I thought it was funny that I spend one hour talking to a dancer and then get accused of sleeping with her. Lol, maybe I should some time and then if I ever see the other dancer again, I can tell her remember when you said...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're getting sleepy when...
    The worst place to go to sleep was on a sidewalk waiting in line for basketball tickets (I was a college student). I had a sleeping bag but the sidewalk was wet and it soaked through. I thought I felt a girls fingers creeping up my waist on my sleeping bag as well but I was too sleepy to pay too much attention. You never know who may wake you up if you go to sleep in a public place. I try to stay home if I know I'm sleepy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat.
    I was thinking IGU may be in the club when I ended up driving by on Greystone Blvd Tuesday afternoon. Didn't intend to but was trying to find a store on Bush River Rd and didn't see the exit off of I-126. Turned out to be a wild goose chase since the store was closed anyway. One of these days maybe I'll have some extra time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I am the real father of Anna Nichol's daughter...
    IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT BREAKING NEWS! I just heard DNA results have confirmed that IGU was the real father of Anna's daughter. Congrats on being a father IGU. Now when are you going to buy all of our lap dances for us since you're the next oil tycoon?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?
    Another question: for those of you doing cardio stuff, how many of you enjoy the endorphine rush or "runner's high" so to speak? For me it seems better than drinking beer and it lasts for hours.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?
    Thanks for the info,I'll have to check into it. I just heard some info on gyms today on CNNFN, seems like January may be the worst time of the year in terms of gym crowds but they said that by March, most people stop going. I also heard a gym close to your house may be more likely to be used. I'll have to compare I guess. It would be nice to lift some heavier weights too. I wonder if some gyms also teach martial arts. Lol, one of my excuses for not trying to get martial arts training was because I didn't want to be legally required to declare either my hands or feet as lethal weapons if I got that good. Thanks again. If someone else has price or other info feel free to add.