
Comments by casualguy (page 122)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    meant to say turn coal into oil, gas, and other products
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    I heard an ordinary dollar bill doesn't have as many germs on it as one might think (probably because it's been dry for quite some time). I wouldn't want to put a wet dollar bill from who knows where that you obtained in a strip club in my mouth. The crisp fresh one dollar bills I wouldn't have a problem with. I always thought I got sick from shaking people hands in church, not from visiting strip clubs. I heard it usually takes about two days to get sick after first contact with a sick person. People will go to church sick all the time and they want to shake your hand (how nice of them isn't that?). However, how many sick people go to strip clubs and try to shake everyones hand? Not too many I believe. sickness is rampant in our churches.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The high price of lap dances
    Well I'm holding the line on the price I pay for lap dances. I pay no more than 2 for $30 and occasionally pay 2 for $20. Many dancers ask for more but I don't get dances from them. If no good looking dancers are willing to accept lower dance prices, I'll stop getting lap dances for the most part. I have at one club and I've been consistent every since the club opened a few years ago and routinely charges 2 for $40 on their special. I usually only see a few takers on their special and almost never notice anyone getting dances at the regular price.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    I think I have gotten something from strippers on a few occasions. I really wouldn't mind if the sick strippers stay home because you usually find out they are sick too late to avoid them. This is just one reason why a dancer sticking a tongue in my ear doesn't exactly thrill me. Of course it does suggest to me she may be a bit on the oral side and that does interest me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    I've asked a fellow patron to watch my beer while using the restroom. Never had a problem so far but haven't done so in a while. I remember one time a British guy left his wallet sitting next to me and said "watch my wallet mate, will you?" I said ok but was surprised he left his wallet with a stranger. I was thinking he is awfully trusting or doesn't have much cash. Then again half the club seemed to be full of the British (joint manuevers in a military town I was club hopping in).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The high price of lap dances
    I think one time in the last 10 years when I wasn't drunk, I did pay 2 for $40 from this really hot looking girl. It does seem strange that a long time ago, I think I routinely paid $20 per lap dance. I had money to burn back then. Now I'm paying a mortgage, credit card bills, and saving for retirement. After adjusting for inflation, I'm making about the same amount of money now as I was 10 years ago I believe, maybe less if you consider how some health care insurance costs have increased.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    For clarity when I say I think I got something, I'm referring to colds or sinus infection. I wasn't sick before visiting the strip club, I encountered a sick stripper, then within 2 days I was coming down with the same thing she had. Some may think it's coincidence but I don't think so if you had a sick stripper coughing or sneezing on you by accident. Of course some guys may not mind if she was hot. I myself would rather not get sick.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The high price of lap dances
    I started going to strip clubs sometime in the 90's. I don't know hardly anything about escorts or what they charge. Never tried to find out. I can easily be stubborn with how much I pay for lap dances because I really do not feel a need to get them that much. I would just save more money if dancers started asking for higher prices. Then I might find a different hobby or visit regular night clubs. This is a scary thought, what I'm describing reminds me of a poster on here I have on ignore. Don't buy any lap dances, ask for phone numbers, then check them out to see if any are worth dating but then probably never call them. Actually I check them out first and don't even bother asking for a phone number. I've been asked for mine almost every time I do that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you call that?
    I get plenty of dancers lifting up my shirt in the lap dance room. I'm glad they haven't been doing that when I tip them on stage. I don't think the other guys are interested in seeing a guy without his shirt on either. At least I hope not.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    Just thought of a possible one. A stripper quits her club she's been working at for two years because she mysteriously wants to leave the club with me one night. I first told her I wanted to leave but she kept insisting I stay a little longer which turned into a long night. She left with 30 minutes on her shift. The manager said if she walked out that door then don't come back. Just a matter of 2 or 3 weeks later, something she did upset me and I never called her again. I never gave her my phone number or last name. I had hers. Might have upset her by disappearing. I don't know if that would piss off a stripper or not though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    I never even realized some guys were taking it just for the strip club visit. I wonder why it's not recommended for women if it intensifies their orgasm? Maybe because that would increase the demand and price? Thinking about viagra here, I don't know if the other two do the same thing for women. I thought someone posted something about viagra intensifying women's orgasm.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you think a stripper is CONCEITED if she REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    I didn't think of those dancers as conceited. I just thought they were golddiggers. Always looking for a quick buck. Girls to avoid. Still trying to date strippers RL? I think I have more fun not getting to know them too well. Sometimes I wonder what happened when they disappear without warning. After a while I forget about them though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    hmmm, I wonder if anyone is going to do a study to see if watching pussy has an anti-aging effect as well. I bet it does too.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I remember reading somewhere that watching boobs has an anti-aging effect. I guess if we look a lot younger than we actually are, someone might figure out what we've been busy watching. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    A dancer offered me what she said was a real deal. One dance for $20. I wonder what price she thought the two for one dance price is? When I get two for $30 or two for $20, the dance price is $15 or $10. I guess I could have asked further questions such as what she normally charges if I wanted the entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    I understand. There are reports that it can intensify orgasms in women but it hasn't been studied in women. Therefore there could be some serious side effects no one knows about yet if women take it. That makes perfect sense if someone takes some medication for a purpose that it was not intended for. Might be similiar to saying testosterone hormone treatment might intensify women's orgasms but it's not recommended because there could be cruel side effects. Disclaimer: I don't know anything about the medical effects of viagra in women or testosterone but was just using it as an example. I am not a doctor.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Eat first or fuck first?
    If I'm hungry, I like to eat. If I'm horny I may want to fuck. Just like exercise, if you wait a little while after you eat, you shouldn't have a problem.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    Oh, just remembered something else she said. The club is almost dead, only 1 hour to closing and it's very late at night. She told me she just got there and was trying to get some dances. Now that's almost funny if she didn't sound so serious.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The high price of lap dances
    It must be nice to be in charge and be happy with the profits you are making. In the corporate world, you have to work your ass off doing your regular work which takes up 85 to 95 of your work time and then get annually reviewed on how well you did project work. You are expected to get the work done even though the company doesn't give you time during your normal work day to do it. They pay you an average salary no overtime and then when things get busy, expect you to get all the work done when they keep coming out with more and more improvement projects. In this respect, it's kind of nice to go back to the old ways of doing things by visiting a strip club. The managers are happy with the profits they are already making and aren't making the employees work their ass off trying to squeeze out an extra dime of profit for them.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to avoid emotional involvement with strippers!
    How not to get emotionally involved? Don't spend too much time with the dancers and don't go out to clubs drinking with a carefree attitude. Suggesting things like going out with strippers may get much more positive feedback then you expected and then you're getting personally involved before you know it. I guess it's too late if you already know her real name and phone number and visa versa. Of course if you leave it at that, you can get cheaper dances unless you decide to go further. I guess you can always ask yourself this question, if you were in a bar, would you ask the girl out? Of course none of the above works if the dancer is determined to get more personal with you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers smelling you and telling you that you smell good?
    Unfortunately, I noticed I can tell when a dancer hasn't had a shower in a while. I heard one dancer tell me I think she went without sleep for over a day straight and decided to come in to work. I'm wondering who she wanted to see that made her come in to work. I do remember visiting a club where dancers could take a shower in the club and those dancers smelled a lot better just cleaning off all the club smoke and odors. I could also smell the soap or shampoo but I thought that was a bit bizarre. Don't remember what club that was. Maybe it's not common anymore.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers text messaging
    I remember one girl came a little closer than most into talking me into getting a cell phone so that she could contact me easier. She failed. Now that there is tracking included in the cell phones, I'm even more reluctant to get one. I don't like the thought that big brother could be tracking my every move. I guess if I saw more of a need for it and the service was free, I might get one. I just don't see a need for being next to a phone 24 hours a day.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers text messaging
    Unfortunately I believe most cars already have black box recorders in them but they don't transmit the information. I suppose if you were in a wreck, the court could use the information against you. I don't like my own property being able to be used against me. I guess I'm a little paranoid of all the government monitoring, tracking, of all of us. I believe it's only a matter of time before the government encourages everyone to get a free cell phone so that they can track everyone easier. Of course the NSA already has secret codes built into Windows so that they can monitor anyone on the net. I guess having a GPS tracking device in your cell phone always on you would seem like no big deal.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I kind of doubt it's one of the best clubs in the nation. I do think it's one of the top 3 clubs of the upstate of south carolina. I have been routinely visiting even though I don't always post reviews. If Platinum Plus clubs had the same atmosphere (music not too loud, not too smoky, nice classy club) and the great lap dances PP offers, I would rate PP a 10 every time. I think the high rating has more to do with other posters being highly critical and giving low ratings of other clubs. There is something nice about going to a strip club and seeing pretty girls and actually being able to relax in a small local club without the music blasting so loud. I'd give it an 8. It all depends on what you want in a strip club too. If you want two way contact lap dances, you're going to be disappointed at Nepals. I don't really think the rating system is that bad. It's more like the people visiting haven't had a really bad experience yet and must be getting what they expected. There are some hot looking girls working there as well. At least one comes to mind to me right now. I think I've seen several hot looking girls in the summertime at the beach clubs though. Nepals isn't the 2nd best club in the nation but it's nice to know I'm so powerful in the rating system. lol, :) just joking.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers smelling you and telling you that you smell good?
    One strange thing I have noticed is that my sweat actually smells good to me if it's the recent sweat from aerobic activity (excluding foot sweat). Never really understood that one unless it has something to do with the food I eat along with lots of water. I'm sure the comments I hear in a strip club are a line though. hmmm, I do remember one time when I was bicycling a few years ago I could smell the foul odor of someone from over 50 ft away. Unfortunately some of my senses seemed to be a bit intensified when I was bicycling. Probably had something to do with paying close attention to your surroundings when you're travelling anywhere from 35 to 60 mph on a bicycle with almost nothing between you and the road.