
Comments by casualguy (page 120)

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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    LOL, years ago I was a bit relieved when my phone rang and it was a computer calling me or reconnecting my call that I didn't hear something like "Do you want to play a game?" I'm referring to an old movie called wargames in case someone didn't see that one. Even weirder was the strange email messages I got a few times. Straying off the subject here but is there such a thing as a T3 line? I don't remember for sure what those messages were about.
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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Does that *67 work on land lines as well? It wouldn't be hard for me to make up a story about the local phone company here. I remember calling and then hanging up on some automated bank service information. My phone rang. It was the bank service computer still in the same menu I hung up on. Apparently the local phone computer reconnected the call I hung up on. That was years ago I remember that happening more than once. Of course I could also imagine *67 doesn't work and I suddenly get a surprise visit at my house. I don't think a girl would do that but that's why you wonder about people you just met.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    I posted about strange email messages and then I get the message Error 500: Internal server Error after trying to post a message here. I think it has something to do with this web site though. I've been having occasional problems with this web site for some time. Seems to be working at the moment though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    Apply butter and spread evenly. If she's hot, it should melt and then you can spread it around with your hands. Then tell her you would just love to eat her because she smells so good. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt this serious discussion. Maybe I drank one too many.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Where are the Memphis PP girls?
    I've met a few dancers from Memphis. I wasn't keeping count though. It might be only 3 or 4 dancers or it could be more. I've met girls who said they were from Memphis in the past though long before the club over there closed down. I know recently I've had 3 or more dancers try hard to get dances from me that I wasn't familiar with. One finally succeeded when she offered to do a two for $25 dance for me just to entice me into getting dances from her. I can't afford to get dances from everyone who asks me though. I do remember a few dancers that looked pretty good that I turned down without even asking how much they charged. They may or may not be from Memphis though and could be here one day and gone the next on to another club. It would be much easier to pick up on stage names if they danced on stage. I'm still wondering what happened to one of my favorites. She's pretty and young so she'll probably pop back up again sometime.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    It's ok to say sexual things to strippers especially when they start it. However you may want to be careful about this. Sometimes a dancer will say sexual things because she has an interest in you and if you start kidding around she may think you are serious. Some dancers aren't at all interested in talking about sexual things. Others seem like they would love to jump your bones if you were alone with them for a single second. I don't know, maybe the wild and crazy girls are attracted to me. Sometimes I wonder what can make a girl or dancer who seems calm and rational one moment suddenly seem so sexually hungry and aggressive like someone flipped a switch.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does it matter how you ask a dancer for a dance?
    I know of one dancer that seems to like to occasionally sit on my lap. I hardly say a word to her. It could be partly because she got cold and is warming up by sitting on my lap. I just sit there and watch her and the dancers. I let her do most of the talking if she wants to talk. There already is enough noise in the club most of the time. I'm probably like a no hassle break. I remember visiting a club years ago when I was new and the customers went to the dancers to get dances for the most part. I didn't hesitate to go ask what I thought was the prettiest dancer to dance for me. She became a favorite of mine in that club and after that I didn't ask her because she would always ask me first or come over and talk to me first. I remember one dancer told me I made her feel like a customer. I didn't realize I was routinely doing that. She would come over and sit and talk with me and before she asked, I seemed to always ask her if she wanted to dance and ask about the price as well.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    I've heard of clubs where you had to pay money for the jukebox if you got a semi-private dance. Only thing I could think of. Sounds weird saying you can pay for the music or for the dance. Only time I remember paying for music was a club where the DJ accepted tips and took song requests from customers if it was the same type of music they normally played. I tipped a dollar to play Metallica and possibly some other songs on a few occasions. Didn't do that too much because the DJ usually played something I liked anyway. Loved the DJ's music selection in that club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Music Selection
    Whenever I've worn ear plugs, it was easier for me to hear a dancers voice over the noisy music than it was before. The loud noises are reduced but shouting voices still are easy to hear. In fact my ears don't start ringing from a dancers shouting if I have ear plugs in. From the sound of this discussion, it sounds like I'm one of the few guys who actually likes a lot of the music played in strip clubs. hmmm, I could try to talk dancers into playing certain songs. I have been asked by dancers more than once what kind of music I like. I remember one day in college I was having fun blasting my music ( I made the selections) as loud as I could shaking the walls and floor of my dorm building for over an hour. I think I turned the music down temporarily. After a minute or two I suddenly heard some banging on my door. I was thinking uh hell no, someones complaining. The guy was from downstairs and instead of complaining he said to keep it up, he loved every minute of my music. Too bad I don't feel that way about all the songs I hear in a strip club. I think I would try to change things or visit a different strip club if they played country music. That's like scratching nails on a chalkboard to me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    I guess it can get easy to take a dancer for granted even though she's young and pretty and has a big smile on her face when she sees you and says "hi sexy!" as you go to the stage to tip her. I guess she has buttered me up already and my smile seems to be my return butter up effect. Not counting possible tips and dances.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of Igiveup(shadowcat) Pop, listen up
    I know a dancer who works at the beach as well. I know of another dancer who used to work in a local club in the upstate around here but is permanently working at the beach year round as of a couple of years ago or so. The Masters club at the beach is one of the more popular clubs and is so crowded on the weekend during the busy times that it is very difficult to find a decent seat, unless a dancer helps you to find a seat somewhere and they are real busy themselves. If a dancer is working there temporary, she needs to make a lot of money to pay for the much higher than normal hotel charges during the summertime. I think the Masters (don't know about other beach clubs) charges a $100 fee if a dancer shows up after 9 PM. Other clubs like Platinum Plus I think the dancers can show up anytime they want to. I actually like that since I can show up late and all the dancers aren't all worn out from working all day. Everything seems to cost a lot more at the beach though. I once lived within an easy 2 hour drive from there. 1 hr 20 min if you took some back roads. That was before it got so crowded though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What would it take for you to rate a club a 10?
    I rate a club based on my own personal experience. Not what I think the club could be, not what I think a majority of people might feel about it, not what my past experience has been or what I hope it to be (unless I'm grouping ratings for multiple visits). If a dancer ticks me off and ruins my visit in an otherwise excellent club, that club will not get a good rating from me. I figure if it's a good club, other raters will rate the club as they experience it and the club rating will end up as it should be. Likewise if I'm having a generally good time and one or two dancers make my visit one to remember, I may give the club a 10 but that doesn't happen too often. Guess I'm pickier now.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    On the average do you get a better dance if she asks you 1st??
    If both girls look good to me, I may get a dance from a dancer who charges reasonable prices. I'm not too picky except I will often say a quick no thanks or maybe later if a dancer comes up to me and says immediately "wanna dance?" If I wasn't interested in her I might immediately tell her I wasn't interested in getting dances until maybe later in the evening. I need to think of a better line if the club is about to close in less than an hour. I guess maybe next visit will work.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    The dancers have ticked me off a whole lot more than I believe I've ever done to them. There was one time a dancer seemed to be ticked off and I had no clue why. Actually since I had been over to her house (not sleeping with her though) and knew her name I guess you could say I knew her better than just a normal dancer. For some strange reason she seemed to expect me to buy her something and when I said no she went off. The worst name calling I ever heard though was on the golf course after I hit a golf ball so far it landed near the Green on a Par 4 hole meaning it's supposed to take 2 hits to get to the green. I saw my golf ball approaching the people near the green and yelled "FOOORTH" Then I heard the nastiest name calling I ever heard. I didn't think I hit anyone. Probably ruined someones golf shot yelling Forth. Some golfers take the game too seriously especially when they aren't playing for money. I've seen golf clubs getting thrown around and all kinds of ranting on the golf course worse than any strip club. Yet some people claim they play that game to relax. Those golfers who did the name calling I think deserved what they got. They held up my small group all day when most polite golfers let the better and faster ones play through so they aren't holding others up all day. They even had the manager come out and talk to us on the next hole. (They stayed at the club house not saying a word while we played on.) The manager saw on a par 3, all 3 of us guys were within a matter of a few feet on the hole on the green on our first shot across the water. He didn't say much at all except to let us know they were mad. Some golfers get so upset you'd think someone vandalized their brand new car for any little minor infraction on their golf game.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    On the average do you get a better dance if she asks you 1st??
    If I want a dance from a dancer though, I'll just go up to her and tell her and usually get one shortly later. I think I'm more picky about the price of dances if all the dancers look reasonably good.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    lesson I learned on the golf course from some nasty cursing, If you hit the golf ball too far towards a group of people, don't yell and ruin their possible golf shot. Just play stupid and be quiet. hmmm, funny how they cursed and yelled all the way across the golf course but said nothing at all when they saw me and 2 other guys even though they had a large group. The group behind us hit as far as I did and hit their ball not far from us. My group wasn't the least bit upset. Some people take things way too seriously.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    My first ignored person on TUSCL
    Just a little note for newbies here. If you learned enough to put clifbar on ignore, add davids to the list as well since that is the same person. I haven't read a single message from either for months.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    I suddenly remember another dancer who seemed to be a bit pissed off at me after I spent some time talking to and then getting some dances from another dancer. I didn't even realize I was being watched and monitored. Apparently a dancer who I had slept with recently was watching me more closely than I realized when I was visiting the strip club. My mistake was I apparently spent too much time either talking to or just with another dancer. Apparently this particular dancer thought I shouldn't be spending hardly any time with any other dancer and the accusations were flying loudly the second I left the dance room to go sit back down. I didn't even see what the big deal was. The dancers dance for several customers so why shouldn't I be able to get dances from other dancers? I chalked it up to her being a drama queen. She seemed to be ok after I said I wasn't sleeping with the other dancer. I guess I was getting a real girl friend experience that time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    In the situation above I could have really pissed off the one dancer letting accusations fly if I told her what I was thinking. Dancers and some people can get pissed off rather easily for the slightest things. I've probably have upset a number of people without even realizing. It's as simple as tipping one girl but not bothering to get up to the stage to tip another girl. That girl might get upset at me because I didn't pay her much attention. Or else a situation where I get a dance from one dancer but not another. One dancer may feel upset I ignored her. It's easy to upset some people.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    Another example, a dancer asks me for a dance and I say ok but then she says she'll be over in just a few minutes. In less than 2 minutes another attractive dancer sits down with me and asks me for a dance. I say ok (I didn't want to wait on the other dancer since she had something more important to do first). Anyway the second dancer may get upset to see I'm suddenly busy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    Just a note: If a dancer agrees to dance for me but says she needs to use the restroom first, I will get rid of other dancers or tell them I agreed to get a dance from someone else first. I may not wait though if she just says she'll be back in a few minutes. I'm thinking she's dancing for someone else first and I don't like waiting for some other guy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    That would be scary to think I could have an ATF 40 years younger than me. That would mean as of now, she wouldn't even be born yet. Being a closer age to many dancers means sometimes at least for me, I feel like I'm getting interviewed for a possible date instead of dance. I've even occasionally had new dancers start telling all about their personal life from the get go. One new dancer told me she was just recently divorced, had 3 kids ages 3, 5, 7 for example and she kept going on and on.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    I think a strong hint a dancer has been waiting to dance for you but is not upset is when she says something late in the evening "you've been busy, there's been a train of girls visiting your table."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    Just remembered something else. In a club where it's normal to tip girls at the stage and nowhere else unless you want to after a dance, two dancers came up to me in the very back of the club about as far away from the stage as I could be. They started to put their hands on me and tried to talk sweet. Then after 1 minute they asked to get a dance. I said no thanks right away. Then instead of graciously leaving, they asked well then how about a tip? Asking for a tip because they asked me for a dance seems a bit rude to me. Anyway I started to give both dancers a dollar anyway just to be rid of them. One dancer seemed ok, the dancer on my left made a funny face and then said "you just keep your dollar! you probably need that a whole lot more!" as if it was beneath her. Then she holds up her palm at me as if she can't stand me. I'm thinking "what a BITCH!" I'm sitting in a different spot 30 to 60 minutes later. The same two girls come up to me and ask me for a dance. STUPID.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    Oh, I heard a dancer repeat something that apparently upset her. It was late in the day and a somewhat nice looking dancer asked if I mind if she sits at my table. This was after a group of new dancers were making some rounds making several guys apparently upset at their way of butting in and asking for dances. Anyway I immediately said "I'm not interested in getting a dance." Then she said, "I didn't ask to get a dance, I just asked to join you." She calmed down for a second then said "the last guys I asked told me "get lost bitch, we don't want any fucking dances!" She didn't seem pissed but you could tell she was upset. I told her about her bad timing after the other dancers were ticking all the guys off.