Where are the Memphis PP girls?

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
Anyone with any specifics about girls from the PP in Memphis (which got shut down) and where they ended up. I'm looking in specific for a skinny little neurotic pair, Justice and Dusty; two blonde enhanced sisters, Taylor and Kiki; and my favorite (not ATF status, yet) Teresa. Any guesses?

I shoulda got their digits !!


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avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
That sounds like Dusty. I'm looking for her pal-slash-partner Justice, more than for her. Justice (claimed that she) has a baby boy in North Arkansas, so I'd guess she might travel in a different direction. They're both petite to the point of anorexic, with natural tits, and they're both short-ish. Otherwise they have the "small stripper look" that I like. Just tell Dusty you ain't up for the damn milking! I can't condone that! But I think all the girls are trying to feel out the limits of their new clubs.

Now if I could just find Teresa I'd start to buy airplane tickets ... :)
avatar for Ironcat
18 years ago
Dusty is definitely doing the day shift at PP in Greenville. She is a real hustler, trying to milk every penny she can out of you. Luckily I have been a regular here, so I wouldn't go for it, but ended up getting 3 for 60. she did give a good dance. Afterward as we talked I got the impression that she splits time with some other club, possibly in Memphis, because she kept telling me which dates she planned to be back in greenville.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
They did not flock to Columbia PP this time. On my most recent visit I did not meet any or hear of them
avatar for thedirk444
18 years ago
Have no idea how many came from Memphis. Can say that during day shift we see new faces that used to work in Memphis until they closed. No clue about the night shift.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I've met a few dancers from Memphis. I wasn't keeping count though. It might be only 3 or 4 dancers or it could be more. I've met girls who said they were from Memphis in the past though long before the club over there closed down. I know recently I've had 3 or more dancers try hard to get dances from me that I wasn't familiar with. One finally succeeded when she offered to do a two for $25 dance for me just to entice me into getting dances from her. I can't afford to get dances from everyone who asks me though. I do remember a few dancers that looked pretty good that I turned down without even asking how much they charged.
They may or may not be from Memphis though and could be here one day and gone the next on to another club. It would be much easier to pick up on stage names if they danced on stage. I'm still wondering what happened to one of my favorites. She's pretty and young so she'll probably pop back up again sometime.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Get me names and I'll come visit. Or pictures! Yeah, take pictures, that's sure to get you "in" with the management. :)

You mean they all drove to SC? That's a long way for a Memphis-based girl to travel. I knew of several (if I am to believe their stories) who were from rural Arkansas -- some as much as three hours' drive away. They'd come to Memphis for a three-day stint, staying with their little dancer buddies umpteen to a room in no-tell motels nearby. I figure that group is going to end up in St. Louis, Dallas, etc. A bit longer drive, but they wouldn't go as far as South Carolina!

Would they?
avatar for thedirk444
18 years ago
Book, a number of them are working at PP in Greenville SC. Don't have names at this point but they sure are trying to drive the prices up.
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