
Comments by casualguy (page 121)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    I remember one dancer made a comment to me one time I thought was funny "you've been getting a lot of booty." I was thinking I didn't realize you were watching.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    I even moved back to the back of the club in the same spot I was in earlier. Apparently lacking all memory since I was in the same spot I was earlier, the same two girls asked me yet again. REALLY STUPID. Hell would almost freeze over before I got a dance from either of them that night. I was thinking they must be getting desparate and haven't figured out they're pissing off the customers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    Anyone think it's a bit unusual in response to being asked why I'm not drinking beer (was taking prescription medicine for something minor), that a dancer tells me she had a urinary tract infection a week or two ago? Maybe not considering she told me she was watching some squirters on a DVD. This was how a dancer started a conversation with me. Some may consider this stupid not sure who but I saw a girl with nice tits suddenly squeeze them and out came milk squirting right in this guys face that was tipping her at the stage. He thought it was funny and so did I. I told two different dancers. One thought it was gross and one thought it was funny. Maybe I told more than one. Stupid or not? I just thought it was funny. I'm just glad she didn't squirt me because I tipped her a second before that.
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    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    Yes thanks for commenting evilcyn, just wondering if you had a story you wanted to add.
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    18 years ago
    She wants to do it, but not sure if I want to
    The way I see it, every guy pays for pussy. The married guys pay a lot up front and then get into a steady payment program and then sex may become negotiable once again even though they already paid. The single guys may not get it as steady but don't always have to get stuck in long term payment plans with buying gifts and spending time etc etc. But you have to use protection and be cautious. Now if you get it easier than normal, you can pick and choose and sometimes get it for free. Then if you luck out and find a nymphomaniac, you get it for free occasionally whether you want it or not. If anyone thinks a married guy gets it for free, ask him after he got divorced if it was free.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    If I spot the midget dancer again, I'll let you know. I prefer girls taller than that though. I'm taller than her when I'm sitting down.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    She could move in first. Then after a couple years or however long it takes, you'll be married to her depending on certain state laws. Congrats on your new wife, IGU. divorce party later if you have some money left over. Just joking. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    She wants to do it, but not sure if I want to
    Might take 5 or 10 minutes, lol. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    She wants to do it, but not sure if I want to
    I generally say any doubts then stay away. If someone is charging actual money, I would stay away as well. You don't know how dangerous that pussy may be. Some girls make me nervous as well when I just met them and they're already talking about having sex with me after the first minute or two of conversation. Unless a girl is hot, I'm a bit reluctant to hook up with someone that quick.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    Oh, what would I do? :) I might get a dance from her if she looked good. Then if I knew her situation I might offer some advice depending on what her education level was. Ask her what kind of work has she thought about doing after she stops dancing. Get some education and training to do the kind of job she would like to do. I think a lot of guys prefer wives who are willing to work even if only part time. Ask her to picture her future and how she would like it to be. Then she simply has to work on it. There's still hope.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Big Spender or Cautious?
    Dancers will often go by appearance as to how big of a score you are. If you are all dressed up and spending a little bit of money, they probably think that guy has a lot more money to spend than some guy wearing casual clothes and only tipping a dollar than a guy wearing a suit and tie and tipping 5's. They're probably right but the suit and tie guy might be a flash in the pan so to speak while the casual guy might be a regular. The regulars are actually spending a lot more money in the strip clubs unless that suit and tie guy is spending mega bucks. I guess if the regular is not ever buying dances, he may not be spending that much. Dancers will often go for the quick buck first. Sometimes though they just want to visit with a familiar face.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    I really do not need waitresses about 98 percent of the time. I like getting up and moving around most of the time. Anyway if a beer is 3.75 or 4.25, I'll often leave them a dollar tip anyway. I guess if a club was really crowded and I didn't want to get up and lose my seat, a waitress could come in handy. The prettier the better though. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Big Spender or Cautious?
    If dance prices are negotiable, getting the best value for your money is always in the interest of the customer. For me I see little benefit in throwing money on a stage. So what if some big spender blows a wad and he gets the first dance from a dancer? If you routinely visit a strip club, it's no big deal. I tend to spend a lot more money when dances are two for $20. less at 2 for $30, and almost never at 2 for $40. Never paid 2 for $50 in my life even though some dancers are asking that. I'll sit at the stage and watch them if they are that good and tip them one or two dollars instead of $50. Meanwhile the girl charging me 2 for $20 lap dances may get most of my cash.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    I never have waitresses get me dancers and usually do not need them. Some are nice to look at or chat with though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you READ STRIPPER WEBSITES to find out how strippers REALLY feel about custom
    been there done that. Don't see any point in going back there. Why do you read it RL? For a change in topic, do you ever feel like you have an energy boost the following day after visiting a busy strip club? I thought maybe the alcohol was giving me an energy boost the next day but I didn't drink any alcohol last night. It's almost like I absorbed the energy in the club. You ever feel this way RL? as if you're draining other people and getting an energy boost?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    This made me get an idea. I could add a stripper pole in my living room and then have a few strippers move in with me. Then I could have them dance for free or room and board except without any bouncers or restrictions. Good idea to keep it in my imagination. I could imagine the strippers inviting a bunch of new friends over and I wouldn't have any freedom anymore.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    An electric drill in the eye sounds horrible. Too bad a safety course isn't taught in high school for everyone. It could save lives and injuries for anyone using power tools and working with powered equipment such as lawnmowers, etc. So many accidents are preventable. Of course over 40,000 people die every year in the US in auto accidents and most didn't even bother to put on a seat belt. So many people especially young people think nothing bad will ever happen to them.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    A basic high school course on safety and basic finances should be mandatory in my opinion. Films and videos on accidents could be shown showing what does happen to people who don't follow precautions. Then safety glasses, seat belts, ear plugs, etc. could be emphasized. Unplugging power tools before changing bits, etc. Then basic money management could be taught. I don't know what is taught nowadays though. just my two cents. I don't remember learning any of this information or very little of it in high school.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    If a dancer is suffering from a cold, I don't care to get any of her germs either. What's just as bad are the guys who go to the restroom and don't wash their hands. Then they are putting their hands who knows where. I seem to be more concerned with wet germs and am glad some bathroom doors do not have handles on the inside but simply push open. Unfortunately if a dancer thinks about this too much, she may start getting grossed out at anyone touching her. I'm not too germaphobic though. I'm still willing to put a dollar bill in my mouth and stick my head in between a dancers tits if requested to do so.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Big Spender or Cautious?
    I thought a couple of times if only the manager of one club knew how much money I have spent in a different club on lap dances while I haven't bought a single lap dance in his club because the prices are set too high in my opinion even on their two for one special. Unfortunately a bunch of dancers found out when they saw me at the other club. I managed to give a reasonable explanation why I wasn't getting any dances from them. I think dancers would have to charge me only $5 or less per lap dance if I got lap dances from everyone who asked. One nude club I occasionally visit charges two for $40 and I never bought one of those. Used to in their old club all the time at 2 for $30. Yes you can say I'm stubborn but so is the club management. status quo for the last few years.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dallas Club - Scam? Need Help
    Unlike other parts of the country, I gather from all the cryptic messages from someone like RL that dancers are often paid for conversation in Texas. I wouldn't be surprised if this dancer was expecting a payment for her time. I have no idea how much guys pay for conversation in Texas. I've had dancers sit and talk many times and one time I talked with a dancer for up to 3 hours and I only bought three $10 dances. I think those dancers that do that are often actually enjoying talking to me and probably forfeiting some other potential income just to do so unless the club is dead anyway. I rarely have a dancer I don't know want to sit and talk with me for too long in a very crowded club and if she does, she almost always asks for a dance within 30 minutes. My best guess is the dancer expected a payment for conversation but I don't know dancers expectations in Texas. If she was expecting to be paid just for talking to you, that's what I'm thinking. If you only paid her $10 and paid for a few drinks, she may think she got scammed in her eyes by you. Sounds crazy but I've met strippers who seem to think like that. They think about how much money they could be making if they weren't sitting and talking. I could be wrong but that's my guess.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dallas Club - Scam? Need Help
    You saying she got up and sat down with someone else makes me think she was still working. I'm used to dancers leaving the club when they are done working.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    I think the last time I gave this subject some serious thought was when I was in college and didn't like the courses I was taking at all in aerospace engineering and job prospects looked pretty bleak unless as my faculty advisor put it, the US goes to Mars. I thought go to Mars? (especially after the first space shuttle blew up), I'm changing majors and find something I can get a job in. At that time I was also told to get a job interview in aerospace engineering you had to have a 4.0 or perfect A grades in very tough courses. Then you could expect to be pumping gas during the summer because layoffs were common. Another reason to change majors. The next semester I took classes in everything except my major. I think I studied Astronomy, business, some other engineering disciplines, and even investigated meteorology as a possible profession. I think I even took some test showing my skill set of what I might be good at. My faculty advisor was pissed off at me I could tell when he found out about all the classes I was taking. I didn't care because I wanted to know and decide what to do. All I can say is investigate, study the subject, and decide if you like it or not. I investigated a lot of fields. astronomy, business, engineering, meteorology, stock broker, nasa (engineering again), military (as a civilian employee in engineering), even the fbi (mainly out of curiosity), for some reason I thought a job in Miami didn't sound too bad. Hadn't even visited a strip club when I graduated from college but the beach and bikinis appealed to me. Now I would probably also investigate more computer fields of work such as in game programming, play tester and/or even professional gamer if you really are that good at video/pc games. I kind of doubt professional gamer is a field too many people are going to be successful at.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    I think its important to be good at whatever you do and work hard at it. I'm kind of glad I never became a computer programmer. I've heard about so many of those jobs getting outsourced overseas. That would really suck if you studied hard for several years in college, learned all those skills, only to have some corporation want to save a buck and hire some guy overseas who is only making a fraction of what you were being paid. In light of this development, I would pick a job that requires your presence here unless you move high up into management.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    I have one idea that would require a ton of people and equipment but could be cost justified I believe. I'm pretty sure others already know about it and are already working on it. I read the break even point to turn coal in oil, gas, plastics, etc. is $30 a barrel using some technology owned by a foreign outfit. That could become a huge boom for the US because the US is the Saudi Arabia of coal and I read this technology was clean (good for keeping green house gases down). Unfortunately I think they want money before they tell me more about this company and others. "They" is an investment subscriber service. Just mentioned the above after thinking about the shortage of workers in Alberta (they need welders) and others I believe to work in the oil sands recovery ( I think?) However I don't know if there are any strip clubs in Alberta. I heard the pay was pretty good (maybe 6 figures for work that is not too hard to learn I believe.) I never investigated further into it.