
Comments by casualguy (page 118)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who would you wish for?
    It got cold there fast. It's still in the 30's here in South Carolina. Just joking. Of course I can tell your question is hypothetical since I can see it is 40 degrees right now at your location. A nice meal followed by a hot girl would sound good to me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who would you wish for?
    ... and if she's not hot, I guess she'll just have to get naked with me and absorb my body heat until she is. Sounds like a plan. Don't you just hate it when several girls in a strip club want to do that? I should have known there might be some disadvantages to being so hot blooded. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Hooters BestDamn Dream Girls - a diversion
    Thanks for the advance notice. I thought I read it's on FSN at 10 pm. She has some tough competition. I may have to watch the show to decide. I only saw a few photos and I thought number 39 looked the sexiest. http://msn.foxsports.com/other/pgStory?contentId=6276268&pageNumber=39 Got some favorites there as well? I only looked at around 5 or 6.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Hooters BestDamn Dream Girls - a diversion
    Correction, that's Fox Sports South Network on Jan 10th at 11 PM, at least in my area. Thanks for the heads up. I think I'll watch it.
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    18 years ago
    Hooters BestDamn Dream Girls - a diversion
    I'm wondering why I never saw any commercials for it. Maybe I haven't watched tv enough lately.
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunk or what?
    I'll agree an uninbited girl or dancer can be fun. However it's not that much fun to have a dancer or girl who is barely awake or passes out on you. I guess it could be fun if she fell asleep in bed with you and the fun continues later in the morning after she's awake again.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Hooters BestDamn Dream Girls - a diversion
    I watched the show. Still undecided who I thought was best looking. Tough competition. Might have helped if I wasn't occasionally falling asleep but I did see most of it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    If a club looks ghetto, red neck, or real rough and tumble, I'll avoid it as well. I don't want to visit a club where the highlight of the visit is the bar fight that always happens or the shootout. I'm most attracted to white blonde girls and the farther a girl is from that look, the less attractive she looks to me. There are certain physical features that look good on any female but I can't change my gene programming of what I'm attracted to. If I think a club doesn't have what I like, I won't visit.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Has anyone ever left there wallet at the club?
    No, I've only left the contents of my wallet in the club. I'm very careful to pat my pants even for wallet, keys and any spare change if I'm keeping change. I do that after every dance to make sure nothing slipped out of my pocket. I especially make a point to do that with new dancers since one time I did encounter a dancer pick pocket. However she did that while standing side by side with me holding my one hand around her waist so she could have access to my side pocket. If I hadn't felt her hand in my pocket and realized too late I still had some tipping money in there before her hand was there. In the end she didn't get away. I eventually spoke to the manager and she lost her job and my money was refunded. That's something I won't ever forget especially since she used to be one of my favorites. Obviously a stupid one. She was just a favorite girl to look at and get dances from, apparently she wanted some extra cash without dancing for it. I rake that as very high on the stupidity scale especially when she could have talked me into getting another dance or two for 5 and 10 minutes and gotten the same amount of money as she stole. I bet she was hoping I had 10's, 20's or 100's in my pocket instead of 1's. Always make sure you have your wallet after a dance or close encounter is my motto.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Has anyone ever left there wallet at the club?
    We could start a thread on really stupid dancers. The one I mentioned above never found out I was the one who caught her and informed the management. The manager told me she would probably just become some other clubs problem. I was thinking, if she works at a local club, I can tell their managers. I did that at the next club I saw her working at within a few weeks. She was actually happy to see an old face and gave me some story about quitting the old job because some people there were not very friendly to her. Yeah, her boss who told me she was ruining their business by stealing from customers and making a once busy club be a quiet club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Has anyone ever left there wallet at the club?
    I've had a dancer tell me after getting a lap dance that any guy who doesn't check for his wallet after getting a lap dance is just stupid and almost deserves to have his money stolen. I made sure to routinely check after hearing that. Especially since I heard that was one tactic the pick pocket dancer may have used on some other guys in a different club. She got the guy's wallet to pop out of his pocket (probably had him pay in advance), then after he left the dance room, the wallet was right in the sofa or sofa cracks. That's my reasoning of what could have happened. In one case I heard a guy lost his wallet but he walked right back to the room and found it with money still in it. Strange thing was, the dancer was still there (waiting for the coast to clear??)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    There aren't any strip clubs in the small town I live in so the cops have to resort to just busting up druggies, catching drunk drivers, and doing all the sort of police work everyone wishes they would focus on. I'm used to driving everywhere though. Makes me wonder if our town suddenly had a strip club, if the police would be making routine visits to do routine inspections of umm any possible illegal activity. They might see some tits but I guess they manage to not talk about the hazards of their job.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets play crack the airport codes...
    Just curious, which airport is PUS?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting a stripper's E-MAIL address is NO BIG DEAL
    What if a dancer gives you her personal cell phone number with her real name on it? I guess at a minimum it may mean she trusts you. I can see email addresses on here for other people and that doesn't mean too much. Of course if you think a dancer really likes you, you may have other things to think about. I've had a number of dancers start liking me a lot after they got to know me better so it seems almost natural to me. Then you're left wondering how far do you want to take things after that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets play crack the airport codes...
    That might be amusing if someone listed a flight schedule by the code and it actually read something like one of the above. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I almost hear about a particular regular club sometimes being a nuisance with a few bad apples having a gunfight outside the club in the parking lot but it often seems to be the same club and same people visiting that club. Strip clubs I believe will often try to keep such people away since they don't want bad publicity. Every club is different though. I keep reading that crime in general is a lot lower at strip clubs than it is at a regular club or bar. I wouldn't be surprised if people who are not familiar would think crime is everywhere. A lot of strip clubs have security cameras all over the place and occasional visits from the police as well as undercover people. I think a lot of the bad apples aren't as stupid as the ones we always hear about on the news. In a way, LE is helping to keep strip clubs in business if they cause the crime rate to stay lower at strip clubs than it is at all of the regular bars and nightclubs. I guess that may be an extra benefit to having the police do an impromptu inspection of the neighborhood titties.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How much MONEY does it cost to satisfy your EMOTIONAL NEEDS In strip clubs?
    Zero dollars. I don't even know what emotional needs you are talking about. Maybe some guys have an emotional need to let a dancer do some bump and grind in a lap dance where she spins around and looks sexy. If anything I feel like some dancers have some emotional needs and seem drawn to me. If a nice looking dancer wants to sit in my lap without even saying anything to me, I'll let her. I've had an occasion where two dancers took one leg each to sit on me. Made me wonder if they had emotionally needy pussies after a while. They had bikini bottoms on though. I think there was a shortage of chairs. Didn't have any other dancers bother me during that time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Where is the ROMANCE in a FIVE DOLLAR lap dance?
    I get dancers who want to cuddle up with me or warm up by sitting on my lap. However I don't pay them anything when they do this. I remember one dancer seemed to be trying to train me to give her a back rub. She even had me go back to the dance room just to give her a back rub. No charge. While giving a back rub doesn't excite me, it was nice having her sit in between my legs. She even had me rub an area on her sides next to her breasts. Not exactly her back. I did get dances from the same girl in the past though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I'm older than Darkwolf. It's nice to know I'm not the youngest one on here. I've noticed some people just slightly older than me look 30 years older than me. I seem to always have people guess my age at 8 to 15 years younger than actual. I'm probably thinking it seems nice when I don't have to pull out my ID for proof of age. Maybe the older guys have to do that too all the time but I don't know.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Men who would let a stripper who is IRRESPONSIBLE and WASTEFUL WITH MONEY move
    I don't know. Maybe you should ask this question at stripperweb.com and tell us what they tell you. I've never asked a dancer to move in with me. Of course it if meant hot sex with a hot girl every night, I'm not really sure how that equates to desperation. Especially if she invited other female friends over to have group sex with you. Of course you would have to be desperate to want to have sex that much wouldn't you? They might want to stay by your side all the time too so you wouldn't be able to visit a strip club alone any more. Might be a bad idea. RL, just tell the strippers they can't move in with you. Try spending the night at their place instead and leave when you want to.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When you get lap dances for FIVE DOLLARS, do you always pay with exact change?
    If dancers charged only five dollars for a lap dance, I'd get several from each dancer unless the sofa was uncomfortable or she was a lousy dancer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    I guess I did sort of suggest this topic. Lots of things to talk about on this topic. If some dancers were posting they could probably list all the stupid things customers have done. I agree that I'm not into glitter. That stuff can stay on you and your clothes even after showering and putting your clothes through the wash. It might be just a flake or two of glitter but that stuff can be hard to get rid of.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers who are "keeping their personal life out of the club"
    Well I got a reminder. If you know a dancers real name and phone number, you already are part of their personal life especially if she seems to want you to be part of it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Celebrities in strip clubs
    I'm not usually watching the crowd in a strip club unless things are going slow or I'm walking around the crowd. I remember seeing a celebrity in Hooters (I don't remember his name but I've seen him on tv from time to time as a comedian.) Other than that I don't remember any celebrities in clubs or restaurants. I probably could be talking to some celebrities and not even know it though. I only remember the names and faces of the most famous people. Probably more faces than names though. If I saw Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in a strip club, I would recognize them.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    What seems to be unusual for a stripper is to find one that really does have a college degree. I found a stripper many years ago who told me she had one but was making a whole lot more money dancing than she could using her degree. With respect to the dancers, most seem to have common sense and do have high school degrees. However it's the stupid things we see that can be amusing. A number of dancers are real clever and sneaky and pretty good at swindling your money but let's talk about the stupid stuff they do. :)