
Comments by casualguy (page 114)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Platinum Plus ----WORST SC EVER!
    Perhaps she was badmouthing PP because she wasn't making as much money there and wasn't happy about that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Sexiest comment made to you from stripper?
    I don't think you can get better than that. Both you and her in a sweet spot. I remember one time a dancer seemed to be almost making a moaning sound while on top of me and I remember another dancer asked her if she was ok. I think the dancer on top of me just wanted to keep going. I think I did get a free dance out of it as well or else she just didn't count one song and made it a three for one special. Maybe it was six for two, I think we kept going.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If REASONABLE prices are charged for dances, there may be less problems with....
    You must be smoking something heavy RL if you suddenly want to cuddle a stripper during the middle of a lap dance. When you sober up and read this and if you're still thinking about cuddling, just do that when you aren't getting a lap dance. Let the girls dance and grind during the lap dance time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If REASONABLE prices are charged for dances, there may be less problems with....
    I've noticed a lot of customers don't seem to get any dances. I may start following this route myself. I already do at one club that charges too much. That particular club doesn't get too many takers on their lap dances so I guess they figure they better charge high prices because not too many other guys are going to. Maybe I should be thankful that club hasn't lowered their two for one price down to $30 which it used to be years ago. Years ago the club was crowded and lots of guys would be lining up to get dances. Now the club charges two for $40 on their special and the club isn't crowded but the girls line up to try to get dances. I haven't gotten a lap dance in that club for years.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    board rules?
    Well if someone commits a crime against me and I know their name, I'll surely mention it. However for a dancer to commit a crime when they could easily dance for their money instead, is the height of stupidity in my opinion. It happened to me before but I think I may have only mentioned their stage name. I guess if I was really upset, I could have listed their full name, home address and phone number since I could have easily determined that in spite of what some dancers may think that they are safe if they commit a crime. I didn't press charges against her and dropped the matter after the manager of the club refunded some stolen money. I caught a dancer picking my pocket but didn't realize what she did until she ran away. I managed to refrain from an immediate confrontation with her and instead informed management and decided upon a course of action afterwards. I once talked about one dancer did and the club was raided within a few weeks. Someone must have believed me. Now I'm just a low key person not looking to cause any trouble even though I seem to know how to easily cause it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    board rules?
    I could easily go to some other discussion board if I wanted a heavily edited and modified discussion board. I actually like the mostly hands off approach. From time to time the Founder has laid down the law such as no posting of pics and made a few improvements such as allowing ignore for users. Overall I think it's been ok.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Sexiest comment made to you from stripper?
    I don't try to get much attention from the youngest dancers nowadays but one young and pretty dancer either does a great act or knows how to turn people on a bit. I go to tip her on stage, she starts smiling as soon as she sees me. She tells me something like "Hi sexy" continues smiling, takes off her top if not already off and puts on a little show looking happy the whole time. I find watching and hearing that to be sexy. I don't see so much enthusiasm in most dancers nowadays.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Celebrity (shadowcat) appearance this Friday
    I feel left out, the closest clubs for me are Platinum Plus in Greenville and Columbia. Oh well, I guess there are a few other smaller clubs around here as well. :) I may have to stop being such a stranger to the PP in Columbia. Just as I'm about to leave one dancer tries to almost get me to commit to coming back on a certain day. Another dancer showed up right after her and I told her maybe next time I was about to leave. Then she told me I said that last time. Those dancers have a good memory. One dancer even told me she's never seen me before. True I thought. I thought of that as a compliment since it indicates to me she would remember me if she had seen me before. Oh well, hope you guys have fun in Atlanta why I'm suffering over here. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Interesting times
    My average work week is supposed to be 40 hrs a week but I don't think I've worked anything close to that in any one week in over 2 years. 47 to 50 or so hours a week seems to be getting annoyingly common since it seems to be expected especially with me having to do double the work if I take a day of vacation since all the work I missed is saved for me to do when I get back. My work is piled up even more if someone in top management decides I need to be in their all day special meeting. Then when I least expect it in the coldest winter in years, someone decides to do a project that requires me to go to Siberia or some extremely cold place. Oh well, that's work for me at an average to sub average pay rate for my line of work.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Interesting times
    Congrats on your new job. Was going to say that first.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    board rules?
    The simple internet rule for all electronic communication is to not post, email, or instant message anything that you would not want read aloud on national news and identified as yours. However I like the idea saying you're telling a story to spice things up and stories can be fiction. If you think of strip clubs as one big fantasy to escape reality, then it all makes sense.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you READ STRIPPER WEBSITES to find out how strippers REALLY feel about custom
    Actually I did read some of them recently. Didn't learn anything new. Well I did read some disgusting things about when strippers have their time of the month and may be bleeding a lot more than normal. I was a bit surprised to read that some club managers don't let the strippers take off without a note from a doctor. I guess the manager in that case doesn't have a clue. I'm glad I don't have to walk around and talk to other customers. I would be disgusted at several of them as well. That's probably why I get so much attention at times when I'm not even spending any money. Of course you haven't even mentioned when customers are disgusted at certain dancers whether it's just bad looks, wrong type, or a bad personality.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How do you know if a stripper is really your FRIEND?
    Does finger fucking count? Maybe it requires real sex instead of exploration. Of course some strippers may be pretending to like you if all they want to do is fuck for free and don't give you their REAL NAME right? But instead of asking all these stupid questions about strippers being real friends, shouldn't someone be asking what if a stripper likes you and wants to get to know you better but you hadn't even given it a whole lot of thought yet and you already are on a first name basis with her. Could things be going too fast? Is she really a friend if all she wants to do is be a fuck buddy? I guess it may be easy enough to change that though. RL, tell us your experiences.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How does your favorite stripper REALLY feel about you?
    If she spends time inside the club with you for free I think there's a good possibility of that. Just call it a hunch.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    customers who PRETEND that a stripper LIKES THEM
    RL, it seems the strippers where I live at are more real than any of the strippers you seem to meet if you're still visiting strip clubs. They typically will let you know if they don't like you by ignoring you. You think they will change your attitude because you tip them one dollar? I don't think too many will if they already are familiar with you. I do get mostly ignored now by dancers who are familiar with me when I am sitting at a table and have never bought a dance from them. I think after hearing no a few times most dancers get the message you aren't interested in them and will leave you alone. No reason for stripper or customer to pretend around here.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does anyone go to strip clubs to look for a girlfriend?
    They're probably somewhere where its nice and warm. 17 degrees right now at my house. I think winter has retreated to my neighborhood. At least it's not just my backyard anymore. That was strange having my backyard several degrees colder than just down the road. ahh I shouldn't have checked the Greenville, SC temp, it's a balmy 26 degrees there. Oh well, maybe I should hope for the coldest place in the US to get some attention even though I'm in South Carolina. If I see Frosty in my backyard, I'll know something strange is going on. lol
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How often do you PAY strippers for CONVERSATION? Are you trying to BUY FRIENDSH
    I don't pay anything. I guess some guys with money to burn or lack of female attention may feel a need to but I certainly don't.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stripper FREAKING OUT about a customer who knows her REAL NAME
    Where did you read this? I would enjoy the entertainment value of the post. I'm serious too. Please post the web site and discussion topic.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Sexiest comment made to you from stripper?
    I heard a new one. A dancer asked me if I've ever been married. I think she may have asked me that before. Anyway after my answer she called me the ultimate bachelor. I consider that a compliment but it can also make you wonder why all the marriage questions. I didn't ask and just enjoyed the lap dance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Anybody here like lapdances?
    I enjoy lap dances for the dance itself. I don't need further enticement but if a dancer wants to please me, I'll take more.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Sexiest comment made to you from stripper?
    True it is small talk talking about marriage. Of course if I have to explain when a stripper is trying to give someone a compliment, I may be talking to the wrong crowd here. I failed to mention she kept talking about marriage and said she thought it would be better to not be married at all rather than stuck in a bad marriage. Then she said something like I'm the ultimate eligible bachelor. If she hadn't mentioned something about a possible bad marriage (something I guess she was thinking about) I would be a lot more concerned about a dancer discussing marriage with me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Last time you got a bad lap dance...
    I think it was 2 or 3 years ago for me. It was a dancer I wasn't familiar with and I agreed to get a lap dance too fast without hardly even talking to her. She was mostly air with little contact and seemed to prefer to look for her next victim with her back turned to me for most of the lap dance. If you wonder why I tend to stick to favorites, this was a good reason. Of course nothing ventured, nothing gained. I typically ask a few extra questions if I don't know the dancer to avoid such a repeat lackluster performance. I also like to evaluate how she treats me during a stage tip to get an idea of what her lap dance might be like. If she's too timid during the stage tip, I forget about her unless she really turned on the charm some other way.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Anybody here like lapdances?
    liar :) Unless of course you're one of the unlucky ones who only can get air dances.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is it that unusual to make a stripper laugh?
    I think that is why stripper comments about "you made me laugh" seem out of place. Only in a strip club do I remember hearing that. Most people will laugh if they think something is funny and say nothing else about it. They won't go an extra step and tell someone you made me laugh as if that is supposed to make someone feel special.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip club shooting
    If I'm worried about safety, I just won't go to a strip club. It would only take one emotional stripper with a gun to make me nervous. Until I learn how to stop bullets matrix style, I wouldn't go unless I feel a bit crazy.