Sexiest comment made to you from stripper?

avatar for 2Jiggab
While getting a lapdance, I had a stripper tell me that "my dick felt really good where it happened to be positioned" (she was facing me with are crotches lined up just right). Now while I know that she probably says that a lot, it really got me off. She did stay in that position and kept her eyes closed the whole time and really seemed to be getting off grinding really hard and danced past the song ending for free. What's your experiences?


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avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Again I think some of you are assigning way too much importance to what a stripper says. When she asks if you are married, she doesn't give a hoot what the answer is, she's just trying to get you to say something. Just like when she asks where you are from or what kind of work you do. It's a sign that you are being too quite, she's trying to get you to talk so you'll enjoy spending more time and money with her. Such questions in a strip club are meaningless.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
True it is small talk talking about marriage. Of course if I have to explain when a stripper is trying to give someone a compliment, I may be talking to the wrong crowd here. I failed to mention she kept talking about marriage and said she thought it would be better to not be married at all rather than stuck in a bad marriage. Then she said something like I'm the ultimate eligible bachelor. If she hadn't mentioned something about a possible bad marriage (something I guess she was thinking about) I would be a lot more concerned about a dancer discussing marriage with me.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
I think girls ask, "So, are you married?" without much concern for the potential ramifications in the mind of the answerer. It's a loaded, idiotic question, if you think about it, because it risks bringing up a lot of potential guilt, or suspicion, in the mind of a client who otherwise would be much more willing to open up his wallet and let it be drained dry. But I think the girls are just trying to "make small talk" and aren't really very good at staying away from dangerous topics.

A stripper asking, "So, are you married?" to a potential strip-club patron, is like a Priest asking, "So, have you ever had an abortion?" to a potential convert to Catholicism.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I heard a new one. A dancer asked me if I've ever been married. I think she may have asked me that before. Anyway after my answer she called me the ultimate bachelor. I consider that a compliment but it can also make you wonder why all the marriage questions. I didn't ask and just enjoyed the lap dance.
avatar for kansasgent
18 years ago
I walked into a club to be greeted by one of my favorites with a hug. With the hug came the following whispered in my year: "Are you going to cum for me tonight?"
avatar for stuff24
18 years ago
While setting with to dancers. One turns to the other and says lets take him home for the night. I'll leave you guessing as to what happend.
avatar for Varmit 363
Varmit 363
18 years ago
i had one tell me the other night while LD'ing in a vip room , that i needed to go "ying yang twin's on her " , i knew what she was talking about right away , phone number in hand , and otc was..well ,just say i yinged and yanged her....
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
If I'm not feeling prickly (which can sometimes unfortunately happen in crowds, especially if I'm worried about pick-pockets), then the best "comment" as a come-on, is for her to appear upbeat, positive, TURNED ON by me, and interested in my dick. A gentle, surreptitious, appropriately timed teasing stroke on Mr. Happy works better than most comments.

But if she seems mercenary or overly businesslike about it? That's more of a turn-off, than if she avoids touching me at all.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
I don't usually savor snappy sales pitches, but one line I sort of liked was, "You owe it to your penis."

Most of the time, I agree with Daily Grind (along with Fun Boy 3, Bananarama, Ella Fitzgerald & Fats Waller): It ain't what you say, it's the way that you say it.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I don't try to get much attention from the youngest dancers nowadays but one young and pretty dancer either does a great act or knows how to turn people on a bit. I go to tip her on stage, she starts smiling as soon as she sees me. She tells me something like "Hi sexy" continues smiling, takes off her top if not already off and puts on a little show looking happy the whole time. I find watching and hearing that to be sexy.

I don't see so much enthusiasm in most dancers nowadays.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Most un-sexy verbal activity a woman can do during a lapper (or any other sexual activity, for that matter): suck her breath in through her clenched teeth, "hhssshhhh." What is WITH that? It looks and sounds SO fake and contrived ...
avatar for Darkwolf
18 years ago
I had one girl who gave me her number without prompt and said that she wished she wasn't working the whole night so that we could go somewhere and finish things off right; she even checked into leaving the club early to no avail.
And the wetness factor that was more than evident as well as the shaking in her quadracepts during certain activities was an indicator :)
avatar for ssewarrior
18 years ago
To me there are sexy comments while getting an LD that are a turn hot and then there are the flat out compliments by way of the dancer giving me her phone number because she wants to hang out.
In the LD scenario, the biggest turn on for me is in their body movements. If they are IN TO IT then the movements and eye contact reflect that. If it's just another LD then the "routine movements" ensue. It's the movements that give me renewed wood regardless of the words. Body language says all.
If these things happen during the LD then that is when I am presented with a phone number. Nothing is more proof in the pudding then that.
avatar for DailyGrind
18 years ago
It's not what they say.
It's *how* they say, whisper, or breathe it.

avatar for lopaw
18 years ago
The sexiest comment a stripper ever said to me was when I was at the club once during a workday lunchtime. I happened to be wearing a brand new silk blouse, when a very sultry dancer sauntered up to me (very cat-like), touched my lapel and said "You know what would look very good on you?" Before I could reply, she purred "Me."

An old line, I know.....but it just did me in.
I think I dropped an entire paycheck on that girl that day.
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
I remember about 3 or 4 years ago getting 3 song set from a girl. Normally in this club the dancers tend to change positions frequently but on this particular set she remained facing me and we started holding hands real tight. She closed her eyes and threw her head back and ground me very well. Either she was an excelent actress or she enjoyed it almost as much as I did. I don't remember if she said anything but she didn't have to. I still remember her name but have never seen her since.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I don't think you can get better than that. Both you and her in a sweet spot.

I remember one time a dancer seemed to be almost making a moaning sound while on top of me and I remember another dancer asked her if she was ok. I think the dancer on top of me just wanted to keep going. I think I did get a free dance out of it as well or else she just didn't count one song and made it a three for one special. Maybe it was six for two, I think we kept going.
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