
Comments by casualguy (page 113)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    I'm against eliminating the penny and definitely against eliminating the dollar bill. I typically do not like to carry around change, it tends to be more cumbersome and more easily falls outs of my pocket. However I don't want prices to go up to the nearest dollar either. A paper dollar bill will fold up neatly in a wallet and is lightweight and easy to carry a bunch around. A pocket full of 20 one dollar coins would be bulky and awkward. The only reason I even have for occasionally using a one dollar coin is when the vending machines have trouble with the dollar bill I try to stick in it on occasion. I typically do not carry any change around. I prefer paper. As far as tipping goes, I would rather tip a girl another dollar if I think her stage dance was worth it rather than be forced to use a two dollar bill for a one second undeserved stoop down to collect a tip. Maybe everyone making above say 60 or 75,000 dollars a year should only use two dollar bills or higher on their tips and then the dancers could know who makes more money. I wouldn't mind that. I just don't like all those people making a lot more than me telling me I should be tipping more.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    Requiring only the use of two dollar bills or higher for tipping would virtually or almost totally eliminate most tipping in some clubs. Dancers would lose income and leave. Customers would start leaving after that. Eventually the club management might figure it out unless they have a stupid manager and just downsize to whatever they can sustain to keep in business. Of course with inflation, eventually the two dollar bill will be worth as much as the one dollar bill of today. I tend to throw around one dollar bills as stage tips much more frequently since they aren't worth as much as they used to be.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A FAKE Review
    Just curious, what club and city are you guys talking about?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    I think the person who isn't thinking clear is anyone that thinks eliminating the one dollar bill would be good for the country. I guess if you're rich or a carefree spender who doesn't pay much attention to money or prices you might support this. On the other hand this could be a clever but evil plot to make us use plastic everywhere and eventually do away with all currency that can't be tracked and monitored. Most people aren't going to want to carry around a heavy pocket full of one dollar coins in addition to other change so the use of plastic would increase a lot. Eventually we could have a monetary crisis and a one world paperless currency could be implemented so no one would be bothered with using currency that can't be easily tracked. Then the power that controls the currency would control the world. Brilliant plan for whoever thought of it. I'm simply trying to slow that plan down with everyone else in the US. Probably just a dumb fuck for trying to thwart that though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    in a (more) perfect world
    I'd go for the very pretty blonde girl in line in front of me at the theatre tonight. Pretty face, very nice shape overall and that was with clothes on. I definitely would like to run into her again. Sounds like a good ATF to me. It seems like I've seen her before too but I can't remember where. She looked too hot to be a typical stripper though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A FAKE Review
    Thanks for the answers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    I only remember I was really surprised to have a dancer still talking about a story I told a week later. I think I stopped telling stories after that. Nothing but the truth now.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    After having a bit too much beer, I think I may have once told a stripper a story involving me and some aliens. It must have been a really good story because I remember she was asking me about it a week later when she saw me again. I couldn't remember anything but she seemed to be telling everyone about it. Maybe I forgot to mention it was just a crazy dream I had.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    Anyone has the right to disagree. I merely suspect if someone was trying to eliminate the one dollar bill, they might be trying to eliminate more than just that and that would cause a lot of inflation as prices adjusted upwards or the use of plastic increased so that someone could track all spending. I usually do not carry around small change but eliminating the one dollar bill would force me to either carry around a few heavier coins or start using plastic a lot more. I do not agree that increasing the governments ability to track and monitor the people is a good thing. Not for the people at least. You have to defend or support your freedoms or they'll continue to get taken bit by bit.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    Since strip clubs are a hobby of mine and several here, I have another reason for not supporting the elimination of the one dollar bill. I don't think coins would be acceptable tips to give to a dancer. That would mean instead of tipping a one I would have to double each tip to two or some clubs might issue temporary tip money by paying up front. Either way I seem to lose out in that deal as well. I either tip twice as much each time or possibly pay the club fees to use their temporary cash. If the one dollar bill was eliminated, I certainly don't know why the two dollar bill wouldn't be eliminated as well.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    meant to say coins would not be an acceptable tip
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    In terms of how I see justifying the dollar bill as being worth more to me than a one dollar coin I thought I already did that. For instance suppose I were to state that occasionally I spend $40 in one dollar tips when visiting strip clubs. I tip many girls. Then they eliminate the one dollar bill and two dollar bills are still acceptable. Either I start paying $80 in tips or else the value of my experience declines since I don't tip as often. A dollar is still a dollar no matter what form it is in but one form will cost me more money if it is eliminated. I see value in keeping the same paper currency.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    In case someone doesn't see how I get value out of tipping, just imagine every tip is a stage tip and just like getting a lap dance, I see value in almost every tip I give out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    I once had the rare privilege of being asked by a dancer what specific field of work I was in after I told her the general area such as engineering. Apparently she had a relative in a similiar field of work and actually knew a lot more than most dancers. I even met one dancer who was pretty and smart and had a college degree. Very unusual at least for me to meet such a dancer. I think she told me she was making a whole lot more money dancing than she could with her college degree. I don't know how long that lasted for her though. As far as bsing goes, it can be easy especially if you've been drinking. I can just tell weird but true stories or make up sci fi or horror stories or talk about crazy dreams I had without fear of it being documented on the net. Some may call me a bit paranoid but I don't feel like giving out too much detailed info about myself. If I was really paranoid I wouldn't say anything on any discussion board about myself. If I thought I was completely anonymous it would be a different story. Since I know any government agent with the right connections can find out who I am, I don't feel that way. I did feel anonymous when I first started using the internet and had a lot of fun. After reading how emails and messages can be used against you in a court of law or pinpointed to you, I feel different about what I'm willing to post. If it wasn't for a busy work schedule and the internet, it's possible I could have been another Steven King writer. I have the imagination and the crazy ideas. Just never got the desire and probably don't have the writing skills. It's fun telling stories to strippers on occasion though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the best smelling stripper in a strip club?
    Anyone know what perfume smells like vanilla cake?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    If the smallest bill you could tip was a five dollar bill, I would go a long time between tipping anyone. In fact I think in my area tipping would be thought of as a city in China. I'd probably stop going to one club since I rarely ever get any dances there. It wouldn't be as fun going to strip clubs either so I might stop going to strip clubs. I would save a lot of money until I found a new hobby to spend it on. Perhaps I could figure out how to make a killing in the stock market as a new hobby. If I did, I might go back to old habits since a five would just become small change for me. Of course if I was that rich, I think the girls would be knocking on my door rather than me finding them. I'd be too busy for strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Why do strippers charge SO MUCH MONEY?
    Of course RL. Just look in the mirror. I sometimes get emotionally desperate after being told at work we need to do this and this and this and this and oh it needs to be done by tomorrow. Then the guy telling me this sets up a meeting an hour or two earlier than I normally go into work for us to report on our work. Then after I and I should stress "I" work hard to get things done and then get up long before the sun comes up, I go into work and my email message from him says, meeting has been resheduled at 11 am. Some of us need to relax and forget all about work.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Reading about a stripper getting SHOT at after giving a FAKE PHONE NUMBER
    I feel confident someone has gotten a fake phone number. I just don't remember getting any fake numbers myself. Have you RL? I did try to remember one phone number and thought it was fake until I heard the dancer was upset at me for not calling and she stayed by the phone for a whole hour when I said I would call. I accidently got two numbers switched. Oh well, should have written it down while I was at the club. I remembered it correctly for an hour or two.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers who COMPLAIN about making ONE HUNDRED dollars in ONE night
    RL a troll? hmmm, I bet RL never thought of that before. As far as strippers working goes, some do exercise to stay in shape and some do a number of strenous moves while doing their stage dances. Then their job sometimes sucks since it may involve talking to a number of obnoxious guys who either want them to piss off and don't say it politely or think of strippers as lowlife scum to be taken advantage of since they don't do any real work.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Reading about a stripper getting SHOT at after giving a FAKE PHONE NUMBER
    By the way, if the guy who made that shot accidently shot himself, I wouldn't feel one bit sorry for him. Getting a wrong phone number is no excuse for shooting a gun at anyone. I hope some dancer gave him a number for the IRS or LAPD or some other similiar group.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How often do you ASK a stripper for her PHONE NUMBER?
    Are you interested in a stripper's PHONE NUMBER? Not really. I saw a hot girl in line in front of me at the theatre and wouldn't mind her number.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One of the more interesting things about aerospace engineering that I noticed was that most of the formulas were based on observations. There wasn't too much theory. Someone made observations, then a formula was determined. More observations were made and the formulas were refined. I could probably come up with a formula. Let's see. Observe customers eating very hot wings. Formula: Very Hot Wings + Customer = Customer + Drink.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Have you ever had a favorite get a boob job?
    Natural always seems to feel better. If you could always feel a girls boobs, you can easily tell if hers are natural or not by how hard they are. Of course getting bigger boobs does look good if that is their primary concern. A little bit of weight gain might do the same thing though. I've seen a number of problems due to boob jobs with poorly done botched jobs, complications as seen on tv shows, and having to keep making return trips to the boob doctor. One dancer said she wanted to keep getting bigger and bigger boobs and I thought she went too far but she seemed happy at that time. If you can feel the implants or sections of plastic within the breast, you wonder how good a job that was. I sometimes wonder if the girl even knows someone did a lousy job with the internal feel of her breast. I remember one dancer had recent implants and told me her doctor said they were supposed to be massaged. Guess who she put to work massaging those? :) I never knew boob jobs could be so much work.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the best smelling stripper in a strip club?
    I think I read about some study somewhere that suggested cinammon turns on guys more than anything else. I'm not really sure myself about all the food scents turning me on but they do start making me feel a little bit hungry after a while. Compared to the smoke smell, I prefer either a freshly showered scent or something nice. Food smells remind me of nice smells. I remember having several scents of different females on my clothes on a few occasions. It sometimes strikes me a bit amusing when I have that many different scents on me and a dancer will say I smell good.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Platinum Plus ----WORST SC EVER!
    I've never been to the Platinum Plus of Memphis club. If 3 songs for $100 is the normal lap dance price, I think I never will visit.