
Comments by casualguy (page 112)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I believe it has always been topless. Of course I only know the history of this club for the last 7 to 10 years so I don't know what the club was like when it first opened or even when it opened. There used to be a nearby nude club at one time but it closed down. Don't remember why. I wouldn't be surprised if the city had something to do with that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you think a stripper is CONCEITED if she REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    A dancer may be psycho if she suddenly gives out her real name and phone number to a guy she just met. Or maybe she really likes a guy and is just acting irrational. I must not activate their psycho alert they look for in customers. I actually get a bit nervous at times at giving my phone number to dancers when they ask for it especially if I don't know them. I haven't been stalked by too many dancers though. I did have one threaten to call my family and friends if I didn't agree with her demands but she dropped that after I laughed in her face when she said that. What sometimes surprises me is when I meet a new dancer and she introduces herself to me by telling me her stage name, then her real name. If they do that, I just hope they don't expect me to remember their real name the first time I hear it. Some ordinary people really do not like it if you keep forgetting their name.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you think a stripper is CONCEITED if she REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Even though RL almost never answers his own questions or anyone elses, I'll answer his. How often do I ask strippers out or for their phone number? Almost never or only once in a blue moon since I'm only trying to have fun while visiting a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you think a stripper is CONCEITED if she REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    By the way, I never claimed to have ever dated a stripper. The word date sounds so formal. I used to hang out with a stripper or two after they got off from work years ago but I never claimed to have dated them. I visited them on some of their off days as well but I didn't call that dating either. I better be careful or I'm going to sound like Bill Clinton, lol.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you think a stripper is CONCEITED if she REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    I think I've never met up with a stripper (except immediately after she got off from work) just to go out to eat with her. Most dancers tell me what they want right away. I don't mind dancers being so blunt. It takes away all the wondering what she intends.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Questions for EvilCyn
    I thought of a question for you evilcyn if you don't mind. How long does it usually take a dancer to get ready after she arrives in a club? Is an hour typical? Seemed like a long time to me. A dancer told me this after I found out she was stuck in the same traffic jam as me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When you make an OTC date for lunch or dinner?
    Ok, I'm going to avoid talking about the weather. A few minutes ago I had more excitement than visiting a new strip club. Emergency beeps on the radio, then a tornado warning indicating a tornado was about 10 miles away heading straight towards town. I got on the phone and called a relative. The rain picked up, the tornado warning sirens outside were going off. The wind picked up just a little. Then I decided to get off the phone and the sirens stopped. The system apparently cooled off and left town. I remember when some strip clubs used to be that exciting.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    STOP pestering THE SAME stripper to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE.
    RL, please tell us how to pester strippers. I'm not any good at it. If I start talking to a stripper or buy her a drink, she starts getting all hot and horny. There have been times when I get tired of all the girls grabbing my dick and telling me they want to have sex.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    When to lead and when to follow?
    I'm paying a girl to dance for me. Therefore I think she should be able to do some decent dancing without me telling her what she should do. If she asks what I like, I'll tell her. Often times though, she can tell what I like and don't like if she's any good. If I'm doing a lot of talking while a girl is dancing for me, either I'm drunk or not into it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Long Distance ATFs?
    well i'll just say travelling at shadowcat speed, it only took me about an hour to get back home from pp columbia. hmmm, maybe i would have passed shadowcat. thinking about another thread, i let someone else lead for awhile on the highway then i led.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does this web site seem incredibly slow to anyone else?
    Everything is going good for me now. I even traveled shadowcat speed plus or minus and got back from PP Columbia in just about an hour. Sorry shadowcat, the girls are going to be worn out now. Maybe they can rest up on Sunday.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Cheers to all the vets on Veteran's Day
    I apparently am younger than many on here. I was friends with someone who was in the army reserves before Iraq started up. Lost contact with him so I don't know too much. As someone said you have no choice after you join up. You decide to join up, then the military owns you whether you agree or disagree. Anyway I just wanted to thank those who are serving or have served their country even if not everyone agrees with those orders. I'm still wondering why the draft age got raised all the way up to 42. Makes you wonder what someone had in mind.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stripper Outfits / Accessories That Don't Work
    If fishnet is worn over the breast allowing full view when it's normally covered up out in the club, I like that. Basically the more the dancers show, the more I like the outfit. Naked works best in my opinion. I don't care for glitter. If I get close it'll get on me when I least suspect it and that stuff is hard to get off. I don't even have to worry about other people seeing it on me and I still don't like it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Flirting with a waitress
    Didn't really even think about it. Do you? I suppose if the girl was good looking, single etc. I wouldn't rule her out. I typically don't ever ask any girl out in a strip club though. I just visit for fun. If your goal is to only have fun, it's a lot easier to reach that without worrying about all those things you seem to keep asking about. It probably actually makes you seem more attractive because you're getting to know people instead of harassing them.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Nevada Supreme Court ruling regarding lap dances.
    I'm suspicious that this would have happened without the support of the casinos and hotels or big business in the area. Perhaps they feel the lap dancing takes away business from their shows. I'm not sure but I am suspicious. Anyway, passing this restrictive law makes me want to stay away from Vegas. I bet many others may feel the same way now whether they say that or not. Boycott Vegas and lap dancing may come back. I don't really know though if there is that much lap dancing in Vegas or if its just a bunch of shows. I am a bit surprised at the new Vegas restrictions. I mean I might expect that in some conservative town but Vegas?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stripper Outfits / Accessories That Don't Work
    I've been lucky not to see any dancers wearing any bronze stuff. Anything that rubs off a dancer onto me is not something I desire. I can wash lipstick off my face so that is not a problem. Glitter and I suppose bronze stuff would not be good. I have plenty of enough smells of different perfumes I have to get washed out of my clothes already. Sometimes I wonder late in the evening of visiting a strip club if when a dancer says I smell good, if she just likes the combined smells of the last 2 or 3 dancers who rubbed off on me. At least you can't see perfume residue. There is a certain smell or smells that reminds me of food that seems to attract me. I think one smells like cake and another smells like vanilla or something close. Of course those smells could backfire if I leave the club to go get a bite to eat.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers who are "keeping their personal life out of the club"
    You're going to the wrong place RL if you are looking for real affection in a strip club. Have a brain RL, keeping their personal life out of the workplace is a sign of a professional at their job. That means they aren't loading a bunch of crap on customers about all their personal problems. I don't want to hear all that either.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does this web site seem incredibly slow to anyone else?
    I don't quite understand this site. It should be fast late at night but it's super slow lagging up to almost a whole minute between changing screens. Frustating to use this site at times. All I was trying to do was change screens too. It's sporadic in how fast it moves.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club soap opera drama
    Congratulations or sorry to hear but you have found yourself a drama queen. I think they live for drama. I found one at one time. Actually I've found several but they don't put the drama on so thick until you been outside the club with them and then they like to pile it on. Anyway one stripper made a big drama scene about me spending time with another dancer in the club. She got over it and then after a few weeks, she even seemed to think I was some kind of player getting attention from a number of dancers. She acted like she was complimenting me then. Always full of some drama.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does this web site seem incredibly slow to anyone else?
    No problem at all right now. Not sure what the problem is.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stripper Outfits / Accessories That Don't Work
    Even better would be a see thru that could be turned off if some bouncer was inspecting the clothing. All someone might need is some plastic material that could become transparent with as little power as they have in those light up shoes or maybe even a calculator. That would be cool to see dancers in see thru thongs. Except of course in a nude club, I prefer all nude there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Nevada Supreme Court ruling regarding lap dances.
    I can just imagine the new family slogan signs to visit Vegas. Come to Vegas for some good clean family fun. No smoking and no lap dancing allowed. Enjoy the family fun at our casinos all day without any of those distractions.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you KISS strippers ON THE LIPS to see if they REALLY LIKE YOU?
    Lol, which lips are you referring to RL? You sure are sneaky the way you ask your questions.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    Weird but true stories usually keep a dancers attention. However unless I'm already comfortable around a dancer, I won't even mention anything weird. RL actually resurrected an interesting thread for a change.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ignore List
    Hey, I looked and you're right. He's gone. I had him on ignore for months as well. I do remember reading a post from Founder warning him sometime in the last few weeks. He must have thought the Founder wasn't serious. Someone got some bagpipes to play? Lol.