Who's the most psycho on this site?

avatar for sharkhunter
Appearance of psycho traits

1. Using coded messages and posts
2. Thinks everyone is out to get him or her regardless of the truth
3. Wants to restrict the rights of other people
4. Has a problem with most of society
5. Thinks nothing is wrong with himself or herself and that the problem is with everyone else
6. Makes list of people he or her thinks wronged him or her in some way

I wouldn't have posted this but I saw my name listed on another thread. I was actually being real nice before.

I am ok with gun bans for psychos.

Of course these traits don't apply to anyone posting here. No one on this site is psycho are they?


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avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
alucard fits your description...but is he really "psycho" or just a lonely sociopath?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
alutard is the most psycho, and also the gayest.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I won't call anyone names. However when I see certain tendencies it does seem to fit a pattern.

I'm concerned one of the members here has a problem but I won't list his name.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Ok I was just curious. I won't mention it anymore.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
If psycho = irrational, I nominate pabloantonio. He constantly repeats the bare assertion that strippers are immoral. I ask him why, and why he participates in something he considers immoral. He never answers, just waits and repeats his bare assertion in another thread.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
HomoAntonio definitely had some strange ideas. Central to them is that paying a stripper for sex still counts in proving what a stud you are. Still, I think even with that delusion, he is still maybe 5% as psycho as alutard, tops.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
I nominate Dougster and all his aliases.

Is saying repeatedly "SLAM DAMNED THAT FAGGOT __________" considered to be sane?

I think not.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
I am starting to dislike auto correct.

Dunked not Damned.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
tumbling this isn't a position you're supposed to actively campaign for.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Good one Illby.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Alucrust is a total eclipse of reality.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Ban all psychos! Repeal the 28th amendment!
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
I'll nominate a psycho... DoctorPhil! Evidence?

Dude's name. Did he pick it:

1. 'Cos he digs the Doctor Phil show? If so...that's frickin' KA-RAY-zee. Doctor Phil is a douche. Why would you name yourself for a douche? 'Cos you're a douche.

2. 'Cos the dude fancies himself a scientist? He always wanted a doctorate and he's an Anglophile, so he tries to imply that he has a D.Phil. If so, the dude is a stupid douche. I favor this hypothesis.

3. 'Cos he's an Anglophile that tried to get a Ph.D. but failed? So he tries to imply he has a D.Phil. If so, the dude is a douche and a failure.

4. 'Cos he's an Anglophile that completed a Ph.D. on some trivial subject that tries to imply he has a D.Phil? If so, dude is a double douche. I bow to your trivial thesis...NOT!

5. 'Cos he actually completed a D.Phil? Unlikely since those universities that award a D.Phil. are very selective. But somebody has to graduate at the bottom of their class, even at good institutions. If so, the dude is a pathetic douche embittered by not living up to the successes of his colleagues from grad school.

Verdict...dude is a DOUCHE. His douchiness has driven him to harassing behavior. Hence, the dude is psycho.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I'm a 59.4052 yrs old [With Vulcan Precision] Florida Born → [Eglin AFB] Maverick and 30 year Operating Room Nurse with a Bachelor of Business Degree. I like reading, movies → [2200+ DVDs/Blu-Rays] & computers, Star Trek and, of course ideally → absolutely SCORCHING HOT 8+ {in terms of Looks & Body & Personality} Adult Spinner Dancers who have NO GAG reflex & provide EXPERT "Wet & Crazy Wild" "NO Hands" Deep Throat BBBJCIMWS for as long as possible and HOT Intercourse and PASSIONATE Deep French Kissing!! Especially if they are sharp & intelligent & confident & enthusiastically into SATISFYING me TOTALLY. And also have long flowing curly Red Hair, no piercings [Except Earrings] & NO TATTOOS, when I can find one! Uninvited Blondes [ONLY Blondes HOT for Me! LOL] & KK need NOT apply & might as well leave again.----------EXTRA SPECIAL POST SCRIPTUM:***Beware of HACKERS!******Another step has been taken towards the destruction of this forum, lead by the main Asshole thing. More's the Pity for those who only wish good & reasonable info about Strip Clubs. The END is at hand via the run amok Assholes & their aliases. And almost NO ONE gives a FUCK!!! It is just a JOKE to them. They'll Reap What They Sow!!!*** / ***MORE Attacks at hand via HACKING! Someone sure HATES me & is a REALLY STUPID and VICIOUS Asshole by continually using my profile on the FALSE accounts created & allowed.******Names - Numbers - Lists...!!!******PRIVACY VIOLATORS - Get Fucked & DIE badly & Slowly!! LMFAO!!***---------------------------------------------------------My Favored Clubs:1. Flight Club - BEST IMHO right now! {Xtras readily available}2. 3.4. 5. BT's Executive Club - {Xtras readily available at cheaper cost - Talent not as good as FC} - 2012 Ex-ATF's Club 6. The Penthouse Club - Detroit - {VERY Expensive $$$$$$ Xtras available} - Retired 2011 Ex-ATF's Club7. 8. Coliseum - {Has possible Potential - Quality of Xtras not consistent IMHO & IME - Have had little luck here}9. Bogart's - 2010 Ex-ATF's Club - {Xtras always available, BUT Quality of talent can be SORELY lacking at times}10. Partners Tavern - Erie, PA - {OK, only 1 visit - Had Xtras}11. Déjà Vu - Toledo - {Up & Down + Hot & Cold regarding Xtras - Better chance now on Sundays & Mondays seemingly according to an INSIDER - FS more likely than BBBJs}12. Kisses Showgirls - {Dancers like OTC, a greedy club - Xtras available with right girl, but not recently} - DC13. 14. 15. Favored TUSCL/TwoSheds Members in Alphabetical Order:1. boogieknight3692. Club_Goer @3. COclubber *@4. HonestT *@5. hornyinohio @ - {TwoSheds Member also}6. jestrite50 @7. MADDOG_ROMEO @8. motorhead @9. Mrpink10. Nina ** - {TwoSheds Member}11. pabloantonio12. Papi_Chulo @13. rediguan 14. Stiletto25 @ - {VERY Special!}{MIA - A REAL Shame she is probably gone}15. tenisbum1776 **@ - Back!16. vincemichaels *@ {MIA??}17. Viper GTS - {TwoSheds Member}18. Downriverdude - {TwoSheds Member}* = Have met in person** = Plan to Meet in person@ = Know real 1st name# = Probationary :)List of Most Favored Dancers & Active ATF:1. A** - Flight Club {MIA?} - Days 2. M***** - Flight Club - Days 3. M****** @&¥ - xxx - Days4. T**** @&¥ - PHC - Days - ostensibly retired5. T*** @&¥ - Bogarts - Days - Gone With the Wind, destination UNKNOWN 6. K****** - Flight Club - Nights?$ = Know Real 1st Name@ = Know Real 1st & Last names ¥ = Know Real Address & = SUM¤ = Active ATFList of Dancers I want to meet in the VIP Room who I have YET to meet!!!!!! 1. M***** $ - Déjà Vu/Toledo - Nights2. L*** - Flight Club3. B****** - Bogart's - Nights 4. D******** - Bogart's - Nights5. D******* - BT's - Nights6. L*** - BT's Nights - GND - GONE??7. M** - Déjà Vu/Toledo - Nights8. M******* - BT's - Nights9. N*** - ?$ = Know Real 1st Name@ = Know Real 1st & Last names ¥ = Know Real Address & = SUMList of Dancers to AVOID - ROBs or worse:1. *** - @&¥ [Toledo resident] - Déjà Vu / Scarletts?? - Days/Mostly Nights2. S******* $ - Kisses Showgirls3. D***** - Kisses Showgirls4. A***** - Flight Club - PHC? - Coliseum?5. M****** - @&¥ - BT's - Days6. V****** - $ [W/SWM resident] / [PV] - TSM$ = Know Real 1st Name@ = Know Real 1st & Last names ¥ = Know Real Address & = SUMDo NOT Like List of TUSCL/TwoSheds Members, Ever Growing Unfortunately [NO WAY to get rid of them, YET!!! - But there is hope when a Moderator appears FINALLY!]***NOT A POWER LIST IN ORDER - New additions go to the Bottom:1. Is2. C3. Dr ^ # [And all of the PATHETIC Aliases that this infected ASSHOLE thing has VOWED to create to disrupt & destroy the forum]4. R5. S ^6. G7. Ts +8. Hs [PV]^ 9. B10. H11. J12. L13. J4 ^ 14. t ^15. J0 ^ 16. Cr17. s318. D ^19. s920. KK [PV]^ 21. Vs 22. Er23. Tp ^24. d225. tumblingdice ^ [MPV]-{MFD}-(NO BALLS)26. T27. m6 ^28. j ^29. L330. A. ^ [The NEWEST Asshole! Or just maybe an OLD 1 with infected shit for brains!!!]31. Co32. s ^33. Ce [PV] ^34. Dy35. d ^36. b ^ 37. T ^ (38. P ^39. b ^40. to ^41. Dl [PV][HLP]^ 42. mg ^ 43. g [PV][HLP]^ 44. BN + 45. J9 ^ [Who is this new A.H. - An alias I think]46. SS ^47. W ^48. A49. sr ^***50. b6 ^ [Well this Moron wins the Asshole of the Month award for being #50]51. gs ^ [The NEWEST Asshole! - They're multiplying rapidly - Dougster is spreading his contaminated seed around TOO MUCH. LMFAO!!]52. tl [PV] ^53. to ^54. TF ^55. Ty ^56. St ^57. m1 ^58. Ly ^59. Ka ^***60. m ^ [Well this Moron wins the Asshole of the Month [Sept] award for being #60]61. *e ^62. re ^63. Bs ^64.↓?????? WHO WILL BE #70??? - {To protect the GUILTY &/or INNOCENT! And to expose the Profane, the LIARS, the mocking, the Vicious, the Crazy, the TOTALLY & COMPLETELY illiterate, the Bizarre, the Racists, the INSANELY self-important, the PRIVACY VIOLATORS and the HIGHLY delusional! NO ass kissing either - heh *********} Take some guesses. Some are really rather OBVIOUS & well known. And I see you are now taking some wild and ridiculous GUESSES and guessing badly too!! LMAO - NO more guesses about who is on the List? Heh? I guess it is too hard for the Attack Dogs. Their creature brains/neurons are TOO TINY & weak. LMFAO!!!POST SCRIPTUM:Truly BEAUTY is in the eyes of the Beholder - male & female alike, & experience in the pocket of the man with experienced age and intelligence like me LOL, if used well. In that I firmly BELIEVE! Besides being a VERY Disliked & often VERY HATED Patron Saint & TUSCL's resident White Knight [NOT the ASSHOLE using that Handle!!!]. [Someone NEEDS to be, to Stand Up for all those set upon by the Evil Vile ATTACK Dogs - (You ALL know who they ARE!)] I'm also VERY Flawed and quite far from being Perfect [Something VERY few, if any members here would dare to admit, their MASSIVE EGOS simply wouldn't permit such a HONEST admission] besides being VERY, VERY, VERY strongly Opinionated, sometimes very feisty & very confrontational, but usually & typically rational & unafraid to express my opinions whether other people & some fellow TUSCL members like my opinions or NOT! And some REALLY, REALLY do HATE my opinions based on the replies and ATTACKS on said opinions & upon me PERSONALLY!! And that is just TOO damned FUCKING BAD! I will NOT stop expressing my opinions, EVER!!! Just get used to it and accept the FACT. I'll stand completely alone if necessary & it looks like it will BE necessary! [There are members who support me, just not publicly usually] ;))----------------------------------------------------------My WORDS of WISDOM: ;)***I'm here FOREVER & EVER, although I may take breaks!!! - Attacking me won't get rid of me! NO MATTER how many "Attack & Mock" aliases are created!!! HEAR that ASSHOLES!!!******An Iron Handed Moderator is NEEDED to ban & rid TUSCL of the Do NOT Like List of TUSCL Members, especially Dr / I can follow rules, but MOST of the List undoubtedly won't be able to. LMFAO*** ***RESPECT the Privacy of PMs and Family Please*** / ***UNFORTUNATELY there are TOTAL ASSHOLES who don't respect PRIVACY and reveal the contents of PMs out of vicious maliciousness - This behavior REQUIRES a Moderator's intervention and REMOVAL from the TUSCL site of those who violate privacy, FOREVER!!!*** / ***If you don't like receiving PMs & having yours BLOCKED, there are 2 easy ways to deal with it. BUT I guess it is too difficult for certain neuron-less members to figure out.******Will watch the grass grow from a Macroscopic POV******DON'T HATE [Misogyny] or HURT [Sadism] Women & Dancers fellow members, it is terrible poison. Love them!! Treat them really well!! And have GREAT, enjoyable Sex with them. You'll be a better & happier & healthier person for it. Hate is bad. And hurting Women and Dancers is illegal. Did you read this xxx? I remember well your comments - I'll always remember them!!! And I WILL remind you if NEEDED publicly!******Fidelity - A seemingly Unknown, Unappreciated, not Understood and a rejected Concept by a great many TUSCL members. Too bad for their BETRAYED Serious Significant Others and Spouses.******The Vaginal Intercourse Obsession - A very interesting quirk of the Masculine attitude regarding sex with women & of a man's view of his masculine sex needs and how he fulfills them and injects his seed*** / ***Some recent Threads make my point EXACTLY!!! LOL******Also don't Drink Alcohol [And Drive!!!], Smoke cigarettes or do Illicit Drugs - These things will KILL YOU!!! And possibly Kill innocent others******DON'T carry any GUNS - people end up DEAD, usually someone you know! - REPEAL the 2nd Amendment - Right NOW! - Disband the NRA!!*** / ***Repeal "Stand Your Ground" Laws*** / ***Also send in the BLACK Helicopters RIGHT away to confiscate & DESTROY all GUNS!! LMFAO*** / ***FUCK YOU NRA!! You are HEARTLESS!!!******There is NO Deity/God / We're ALL made of Star Dust [From Supernovas][NOT "String Theory" IMHO]******4 More Years & perhaps 2 Supreme Court appointments to move the Court more towards the middle or left - The Sooner the BETTER!! Hillary in 2016 for President & 8 more years in the White House and Democratic Rule, & maybe 8 more after that & a few Supreme Court appointments getting RID of the far Right Justices!!!*** Maybe I should change my handle to "Saint Vitus", the Patron Saint of Dancers![Sarcasm] [Except for KK] {She seems to have vanished, which is just fine with me. She wasn't a nice person. TOO bad she didn't take a bunch of this site's ASSHOLES with her!}{DAM she has RETURNED! Go away again!}What do you think? I guess it will have to be a 2nd alias. Don't steal the alias on me. We already have TOO damned many multiple alias people on the Forum, don't we Dr & Dl & tg & j9 & A. & A_ & Hs. LOL New Focus owner too! Great Automobile - Nice Job Ford - Still wish I had a Corvette though, once a Vette owner - always a Vette Lover!!! [Love the '73 Vette - Red on Red!][Believe all the above or not - You'll NEVER know for SURE if I am FUCKING with your poor FEEBLE vacant minds ASSHOLES!!!!]The JHR Company®

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avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I saw the doctor phil show once. He seems to have comfort blowing up the antagonist of the show forcing them to feel worse than they already are. He's like the settle version of Steve Wilkos. Never known our DrPhil to be a douche, but I don't read as much of his comments as the rest of you.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
@Esta...he's trashed me a bit. I don't really care but if he's going to trash me I'll flame him back for the lulz. Other options are to just not reply or press the ignore button (I'll do that if he's boring).

OTOH...I haven't seen him make any actual contributions to the DB or the site as a whole. And then he starts flamin' folks. I've got to rap the dude on his nose with a rolled up newspaper. How else is he going to learn?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
DoctorPhil is one of our funniest posters. I've wondered, though, if he is the same person who posts as "txtittyfag".
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Juice iz sum mofo cycle dawg !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Lol !
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
Isn't Dr. Phil Jerry Springer without the nudity?
avatar for Dracula
11 years ago
Im da boss mane
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
The true psychos are the nut jobs who use multiple alias here and clog up the board. Who does that? Psycho's and attention whores who didn't get enough love from mommy, I guess.
avatar for Dracula
11 years ago
Lol jb68...you 2funnys
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
In case you guys don't know who the real Juice is, it's the one in the middle
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Yo LDK...you ain't a psycho. LDK on my brother...LDK on indeed!
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Sounds like this is a competition for a title, lol.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
sclvr5005 you're right on about it.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
11 years ago
Who cares?
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
Who's the most HOMOPHOBIC on the site? Dougster or crazyjoe's?

I say Dougster by a......!!!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Nobody is scared of you alutard. Get real - a self-admitted 60 y/o geezer with coronary artery disease ain't scaring no one.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
coronary artery disease?

Start drinking 1.5 ounces of palmgranate juice before breakfast or before supper or both. Get that plaque out of your arteries. Israeli studies and other studies prove it works better than any cholesterol drug at removing junk from your arteries. Disclaimer, I am not a doctor and any natural substance may take months to be very effective.

Help Alucard lose his job, everyone stay healthy and don't get sick or injured.

If I get super powerful, I think I will put all medical workers out of work. Make everyone stay perfectly healthy.
You won't be able to die for 7 years and all injuries instantly heal. I did that in a dream already well made it last for over 50 years, just the perfect health part, I let people die. millions of health care workers became unemployed. All spending on health care dropped for over 50 years. Then I left the planet and noticed for over a thousand years, the medical field was set back 50 years. People died because cures were not developed yet. I screwed around with everyone and messed things up a bunch of times. People complain there is no God when you don't interfere and then don't realize how screwed they are because someone did interfere for 50 years. If people aren't allowed to screw things up doing it their way, there is no way they'll all agree there is a better way. If some higher power cured everyone, then how are people going to take responsibility for poor health choices? If all limbs instantly regrew, then how are people going to learn to live responsibly with each other if there are no lasting consequences for bad choices?

Plus if some deity interfered for 50 years, the medical field and all science and advances would be cut out if there was no need. Then when there was again, not one single doctor, not one working artificial limb or hardly anything would be around to tend to everyone. Cures, vaccines, and technology might be set back at least 50 years for over a thousand years. digressing off topic. Being all powerful in lucid dreams can be fun. You can have sex with all the girls.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Shark my man...that is one groovy groovy post. Can I have a lil' o' whatever is in yo' water pipe?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
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