
Comments by zipman68 (page 38)

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    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    Hmmm...I do not think jerikson40 is showing much evidence of reading comprehension here. I'll be brief in response. Probably not worth it, but this discussion hasn't reached the "not fun zone" yet... I could go on with a philosophical discourse on the topic of "what is harm?" but that would hardly be brief. I'll just stipulate that harm is something that unjustly deprives one of their life or property or inflicts pain. Is that a reasonable definition for you? You seem comfortable enough conceding that things that harm others are indeed wrong. Now let's look at the smoking example. We listened to scientists saying smoking is harmful because they were able to SHOW smoking was harmful. There was a mechanism (smoke contains chemicals that are mutagenic in tests) and statistical evidence that smokers experience specific cancers at an elevated rate. I don't see how this is at all analogous to your "I have innate knowledge that X is harmful" position. Even with these data showing the harm of smoking we respect people's right to smoke if they make a informed decision to inhale. And agree not to blow smoke In other people's faces (what constitutes "blowing smoke in other folks' faces" has changed over the years, but the principle remains, but that is beside the point). In contrast, you declare homosexuality wrong and provide no evidence. How is that the same as you smoking example? This is probably it for me. Not much point in continuing. But I said it because I'm curious to see whether you respond and how you'll respond if you do.
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    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    My GAWD jerikson40 dude...I've resisted the humorous slurs like Jerkoffson that others aim at you. But you make it hard. Lowpaw and sclv5005 have stopped debating you because they've decided there is no point. After all, you've asserted that there "...are sexual practices that are wrong because they are wrong. How do we know they're wrong? Well, we are born with an internal knowledge of right and wrong." I, on the other hand, am curious whether you can see how fundamentally irrational that is. Based upon your other post I doubt it, but it is entertaining to try. I'll stop when it is no longer entertaining. So I'll bite. Yes, the problem withe pedophilia is lack of consent. Children simply don't have the life experience to evaluate the impact of sexual activity. Pedophiles HARM children by engaging in sexual activity. That harm is rooted in the fact that said activity is either directly coerced or extracted without meaningful consent. I had a good friend growing up who was abused and believe me it fucked him up. An adult imposed his will on him as a child and used him. And that caused lasting harm. So what's more moral? My position of "we shouldn't directly harm vulnerable children?" or your position of "it is wrong because it is wrong". Mine is simply based on the fact that children don't have the life experience to consent so such a relationship is intrinsically exploitative and therefore morally wrong. Yours is based on what? Animals? Can they give consent? Maybe Koko the gorilla. But who wants to fuck a gorilla? (Juice dude...no comments on this one). Again, human animal sex may injure animals. I don't like to be cruel to animals - to cause them harm. I do believe that animal testing of drugs and use of animals for food is OK, but even there you should minimize suffering. Animals don't have the moral status of other humans, but I wouldn't eat "pain intentionally maximized burgers". I also wouldn't be cool with fucking the cow. Unless you can find a cow that clearly communicates that it digs being fucked by a human... Public sex? Again, if two uggos start fucking on Main Street they're invading my life without my permission. No consent. Now if they were two HAWT chicks... Seriously though, the last is more subtle and -- in a different social milieu might be harmless. But in America it would be invading the lives of all viewers. Many of whom don't want said invasion of their lives. None of whom have consented.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Laura Michell Prestin
    But then again, if if learned nothing from Peter Tosh it is that Ganga is GOOD for you. Cures everything from asthma to Zooey Deschanel lust. I need some weed. Or to whack off to some nekkid pics of Zooey. She needs to take better nekkid pics...
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Laura Michell Prestin
    Right on Jack. Are they blondes smoking bongs? You'd think a fitness model would avoid smoking.
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    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    ^^^ Even is that somebody else is DoctorPhil. I'm not bothered by the fact that he has clearly indicated that the only way he can get an erection is by getting a sloppy BJ from a pre-op trans woman sporting a Hitler 'stache while a chick dressed as an SS member penetrates his asshole with a loaded WWII vintage pistol. I'm cool with him needing that for sexual release. A little sad for the fellow because I suspect that Nazi themed pairs of hookers that include one pre-op transsexual must be hard to find. But what do I know? I've never looked for such a pair. However, I just don't like the fact that HE judges Brother LDK. Cap'n Stickpants is a wholesome dude that digs jizzin' in his trousers from a lapper and picking up civvies on the street ...cough...hookers...cough... for paid encounters. Ain't nothing wrong with that, as long as everybody is 18+ and nobody is coerced. Oooo...regarding the last point...LDK dude...maybe stick with the lap dancin'...some of the "civvies" you pick up may have pimps and you don't want to contribute to that shit...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hey lopaw
    @jerikson40 dude...I think you've answered your own question regarding when sexual preferences and activities demand judgement, hatred, and intolerance. When consent is absent. Children cannot give meaningful consent, so any activities that involve an adult and a kid are illegal and SHOULD be illegal. I do have sympathy for an 18 year old dude that screws his 17 year old girlfriend (or vice versa) and don't think folks like that should be on sex offender registries. But some states already have exceptions for cases where the couple is close in age. All probably should. But cases where an adult seeks out anybody under 18? Nope...that deserves judgement and it gets judgement. Likewise, anything done that eliminates meaningful consent -- anything from roofies to threats and all in between -- is also uncool. And does get judged. There is a lot of difference between somebody who wants to fuck someone of the same gender or wants their partner to cross dress or something like that and somebody who takes advantage of others. I'm not going to judge the former.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Chelsea {MA} closes notorious strip club King Arthur's
    ^^^ OK...OK...that was an exaggeration. But it was interesting. I like the general idea of an "anything goes" strip club as long as that "anything" doesn't include shootings, stabbings, or beatings. Human trafficking and underage strippers are also out of the question as SERIOUSLY uncool, but I didn't list above because they weren't alleged to have happened at King Arthur's. It is a bit interesting that one of the most infamous incidents highlighted in the story involves the cops not controlling their own people. Sounds like the bigger issue was the cops being thugs and not the strip club. Why can't people just focus on the sex and booze? And weed. Things would be better if weed was legal everywhere. Then the worst that would happen is that some bad dude would harsh your buzz. Uncool, but not as bad as being beaten to death.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Chelsea {MA} closes notorious strip club King Arthur's
    Best motherfucking article ever! So good I LDK'ed just from reading it -- no LD necessary!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    Just don't suggest a drumstick up the "asswhole". That only works for the J-man. It ain't for amateurs!
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    Did JohnSmith dude actually indicate this was a paid "date". If so, jerikson dude has a point. But I don't think he said that (maybe I missed it in the back and forth). If this is unpaid (other than John dude picking up the costs for the actual date activities) the consider it a date and use on of the many ideas -- from the art museum to zydeco dancin' -- and have fun. It could be in the middle -- she could expect money for the fuck but still want to hang out. Strippers are also women who want human contact (contrary to some assertions). Maybe John dude treated her with respect and she likes him, at least to some degree. If so, 'tis still a date. No scare quotes. The "date" comes later. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    rock hard body gets me cheaper sex
    ^^^ Are you jealous jerikson dude? Come to think of it, you've picked up your posting rate recently. Hmmm...is it possible that you are actually Juice? You faked the OD incident to try out your real personality on the board (or "bored" as Juice would say). Frustrated that a jerikson crew did not immediately self organize, you resurrected your Juicebox persona as a test. IS THAT POSSIBLE?!! OK FOLKS...WE HAVE DISCOVERED JUICE'S TRUE IDENTITY!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    trading food for sex does this happen in the southwest ?
    Frito pie gets you anal in Española my brothers. You should try it. Personlly, I always go for anal with a chick, but y'all can fuck anybody you want up the asswhole WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper and Juggalo
    Wait...has anybody actually seen Mike Busey's fat friend insert a KFC drumstick in a stripper's asswhole? If so, that would clinch it! Juice on my brothers! Remember...there is a little bit of Juice in all of us.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper and Juggalo
    I always thought there was some sort of connection between Gary Busey and Juice. Now we know!
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    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    ^^^ Alas jerikson dude, the gerbil legend has been thoroughly debunked. www.snopes.com/risque/homosex/gerbil.asp But I heard it was actually a hamster. Juice told me that and Bother Juice never lies. Of course, he did call it a "new hampster" so maybe he actually meant that Gere took a drumstick up the "asswhole" last time he was in New Hampshire. Who knows? Reading Juice is a lot like reading prophecy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    How prevalent is strippers fucking the mangers?
    Why else would anybody want to be a strip club manager? That job has exactly one benefit...free stripper poon. I gotta become a strip club manager... You think the sci fi strip club place is hiring? That sounded coo-el.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Cocksmen question!!
    ...oh...this is about being a "cocksman" and not a coxswain. Yeah...I'll agree with others. "Cocksman" sounds kind of gay (not that there is anything wrong with that).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Cocksmen question!!
    WTF...all this talk about pickin' up chicks for free. Who the fuck is steerin' the boat?
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    10 years ago
    Extras question
    Facefuck them stripper chicks Liondude...facefuck the hell out of them! WEEE-YAWWW!!!
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Walk on the Quick Sand
    Well Jack, I'd say "don't get emotionally involved" but I think that ship has sailed. Good luck on this one bro.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hypothetical Situation #8
    @HerpinMaDerp -- not easy, 'cos the explosives are already up your ass. You think you're gonna get a proctologist there fast enough to disarm the bomb, hotshot? BTW, coo-el frickin' name. Derp on bro, whatever that means!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hypothetical Situation #8
    Is the bomb in your pants? Like, did the DJ roofie you and put some C4 up your asshole with a LDK sensor sticking out? 'Cos I'd give the place a bad review. I don't care how hot the dancers are, if the DJ regularly roofies the customers and puts explosives up their ass it is not a good club. I might try it a few times, but if explosives up the ass is a pattern I'm outta there!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Your Favorite TV Commercial Hottie?
    Like Slick, I dig the Wendy's chick. Alas, no nude photos (but rumors of a sex take...WEEE-YAWWW!!!) Steve229 has pretty good taste in commercial hotties - the T-mobile chick is bangin' http://d2rights.blogspot.com/2011/05/okay-you-slobbering-pervs-heres-t.html Alas, the best you get is a blurry look at her left nipple. But still...any hottie nipple is better than no hottie nipple.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ziggy saki ziggy saki hoy hoy hoy
    I'd dig a sexier Statue of Liberty. Maybe she could be on her knees with her mouth open, read to give succor to the huddled masses. Or should it be suckor in that situation?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is steve229 Actually a 16 y/o Girl Trolling Us as a Middle Aged Strip Club Goer?
    Now this thread is the Dougsta we all know and love! You bump this thread like a motherfucker dude. Bump it all night long!