
Cocksmen question!!

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Any of you cocksmen getting OTC for free from the dancers at your favorite club?

I used to have an occasional horny stripper meet up with me for free. That was about 10 years ago, and is probably the biggest reason why I go clubbing. I'm not sure why I haven't ha success with free OTC anymore as I make more money an spend it, too. I guess I'm a little more tame nowadays and lost that animal magnetism.

I'm interested in hearing from you cocksmen out there about your successful trysts with horny strippers that so it for free because they are totally true sluts and proud of it. God I miss those days, and will tell you of a couple stories after hearing yours.


  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    How gay ARE you????
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    another cock measuring contest?
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Quit eating all those jelly donuts at your cubicle in the morning and maybe once again you can score for free. If that doesn't work bring drugs with you, that tends to entice some.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Are you 14?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Read some of my recent posts. My primary theme is that the women want to be civilians. They want to be treated as civilians.

    When they first start dancing they are offended by the offers of P4P-OTC. But they would like civilian date offers. They just don't get them.

    So eventually they learn to go along with P4P-OTC. They accept the money and they do what is expected of them, but this does not mean that the money is the real motivation.

    Then maybe later they get to the point where they are openly soliciting for P4P-OTC. It's for the money, and it is also because otherwise dancing in a strip club is boring.

    If you ask for free OTC, you will get no where. But if you treat them like civilians and present yourself as you would to a civilian and never try to get them to make any deals or otherwise enter into negotiations, then things should work out just fine.

    Dancers don't like talk about things like, "going out with someone for free". They don't think like that and they don't talk like that.

    Some years ago I read an article in a magazine, I think it was this experimental magazine Larry Flint tried to start called "Pure". It only lasted a few issues.

    It was written by a dancer, in first person. She was a graduate student and wanted money to pay bills, and so she auditioned at a hands off type of nude club. So she started and got the hang of it. But she was always fending off these P4P-OTC offers. She did not like these, and she did not like the people making these offers.

    Then, as she explained it, a well dressed man, in a business suit, started talking to her and suggested that they get together after her shift, like probably meaning 2am. She was over joyed and exuberant. This is exactly what she had been waiting for.

    As I put my own interpretation into what she was saying, she was up on stage getting a whole room full of guys heated up. If she was doing a good job of it, she was also getting herself heated up. She wanted some good fucking and she was not going to be holding back.

    So as this liaison was almost finalized the man then said, "By the way, what's the rate?"

    She just about blew a fuse right then. As she explained it, she was envisioning a long night going at it in a nice hotel. Now her vision changed to getting rough handled in the back seat of a car. She was furious, but she contained herself as she walked away from the man.

    Now again I insert some interpretation. Female sexual fantasies are usually coded in terms of indicators of elevated socio-economic status, or the lack there of. Dr. Ruth talks about this. Women have nightmares of being sexually violated. But then they have sexual fantasies. The fantasies and the nightmares are not that much different from each other. It is just that the former have these indicators of elevated socio-economic status, and the nightmares do not.

    So what she dreamed about was the fantastic night in the hotel room. What horrified her was the unnecessary roughness on the car's backseat.

    But what this is really about is, does the guy respect her? This is what strippers are most concerned about! If they won't give out their phone number, but they do take yours and they do call, you must not appear disturbed in anyway by this. They are testing you to see if they are welcome in your outside social life and professional life. It is not just strippers, it is working class girls too. Lovely 18yo Hispanic super hottie with giant tits coming on to me. Next day she is there in my office waiting for me. I was uncomfortable with this, and she picked right up on it, and she refused to talk to me ever again. Same thing with a stripper, she called me at the office, I didn't handle it gracefully, and so she never talked to me again.

    Respect is the issue, the only issue!

    As for me, most of my would be exploits with strippers beyond the club, had to be stopped short of fruition because I was married. I was in a destructive explosive marriage and I could not do anything which had a chance of detonating a situation which was becoming lethal. So it was always the preliminaries with these girls. But what always was clear was that they wanted someone who respected them and wanted a civilian relationship with them.

    You don't have to be rich, or to dress in a business suit, or to be a cocksman, but you do need to be a Gentleman. A Gentleman always treats all women as civilians all of the time. He never talks about "free" in connection with sexual intimacy or relationships. If the women are to be paid, except when they are on stage, then he waits for them to ask for money. Giving them money is a thank you, it is a show of consideration and respect. It is never used to buy something from them or to try and persuade them.

    store front Asian Massage Parlor girls have to deal all day with these fat assholes lying naked on the massage tables dickering with them over the cost of a hand job. What a horrible and boring job!

    If someone approaches them like they would make it happen with their civilian date, they often give their complete surrender and engage in 60min of mind blowing GFE - FS. This probably happened to them though only about once or twice per year.

    Of course AMP girls want you to take them home with them.

    Strippers will often want you to take them home with you too. One was really hurt by me when she realized that I was just verbally playing with her as she danced. I never said I was going to date her outside of the club and as a civilian, but she assumed this. When she realized that it was not going to be ( it was because I was married ), then she was furious. They don't need offers of sex for money. They want to be loved.

    Marriage and conventional relationships suck. They are a death trap. But strip clubs and P4P are not really the answer either. We need to create a third way.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Well there you have it...Love and Respect is the new System
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    @ Bullwinkle-
    That explains a lot.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Sounds like he should join the YMCA
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @sclvr5005 “How gay ARE you????”

    whoa there spidey.

    i’m glad to see that you’ve accepted your homosexuality and are coming out of the closet but it seems to me that you trying to pick up anonymous guys on line right off the bat is a little like jumping into the deep end. why don’t you start off by just going to a gay bath house instead…..just saying
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    ^^^^but if you're go for it anyway at least try not to appear soooo fucking anxious
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    San Jose Guy, I'm glad you are aware that being a cocksman means you are a man who gets chics quite often. From your writing it appears you have good experience and have the tales to back up your trysts of exploitation.

    I one time brought a dancer back to my place, as she asked if I had a girlfriend. I did at the time yet told her I didn't. She asked me if she could suck my dick and if I wanted to fuck. We exchanged #s and a couple hours later met at a bar for drinks. After we were comfortable off to my place we go. She even offers me her weed after smoking it on my property. I asked if she wanted to go inside my place, but instead orders me to drop my pants. She starts blowing me and about an hour later we finish several rounds of outdoor banging. She said she didn't feel comfortable coming inside, and since I have a few acres maybe the neighbors could hear her coming on my cock, but I never asked and they never told me.

    Anyways, I agree with the part about chics needing the feeling of being wanted. When we were done I made it clear to her this was just sex and no relationship was to come of it. I mean she really asked me to fuck her and we created a porno without the cameras. She never stopped telling me how big my dick was while we were fucking, but once I made it clear that's all that was to come of this, suddenly she got in her vehicle and yelled at me how small my penis was. I'm sure she was thinking of baiting me with sex to start our relationship. Bat shit crazy this woman was!

    This story I just stated was an example of a cocksman. Plain and simple definition of one. Sorry to confuse some non-old timers/veterans on the terminology, however I'm just in search of some good clean stories out there of guy's conquests. By the way, 6 months later I see her at the club and we do the same thing all over again at my place. The only difference the second time was that she begged me to fuck her in the ass. This time we bought some KY at a store before starting.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Haha! DoctorPhil that is way too fucking hilarious! Keep 'em coming.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Lmao Meatless & SanJose Gay riding off into the sunset together....oh aint that cute!!!!
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Cool story Meat72
  • dw.buck
    10 years ago
    i use 2 get it all da time too. mostly the strippers in there 30's who are out to have fun. i had one tell me why she wanted it from me. i wear thin pants and when dancing she could feel me as she was grinding on me. she was placing it in da right spot got her turned on and bamn i didnt ask or try to pursue she just told me 2 get my ass to her room, she was gonna get sum dyck tonight, and she did get DA Dyck! had another one tell me the same thing, when she feels it while dancing they cant control da urge
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago

    That made me laugh.

    Getting free sex from strippers.

    Yeah right.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    WTF...all this talk about pickin' up chicks for free. Who the fuck is steerin' the boat?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    ...oh...this is about being a "cocksman" and not a coxswain. Yeah...I'll agree with others. "Cocksman" sounds kind of gay (not that there is anything wrong with that).
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    You make and spend more money than you did 1o years ago, and wonder why that doesn't lead to free poon??? I think you answered your own question! If a girl thinks you're poor but wants to fuck you, she'll fuck you. If a girl thinks you're rich and wants to fuck you, she'll fuck you but want money in addition.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    Some women have loose screws. There emotions a close to the surface and they take no responsibility for the things that they do. Of course it gets worse when automobiles and chemical intoxicants are in play. If you deal with these sorts of women, no telling what is going to happen.

    Many of these screwy women are dancers. Many of these dancers are also capable of delivering mind blowing sex. To each their own. I probably would not want to be in an OTC situation with the one you have described. She sounds like trouble.

    I like beautiful women and I like sex. But I don't want anything to do with drugs or alcohol, and I don't want to deal with people who create pointless drama or who are not responsible for their actions. Perhaps 1/3 of all strippers carry this risk. Maybe they are okay for FS - ITC, but that is all.

    I have noticed that when one does get strippers out of the club and totally out of a P4P relationship, some of them are extremely immature for their age. They have never had to learn how to conduct themselves responsibly. Some of them have attitudes which would get them fired in less than 20min from any other sort of a work environment.

    Please go ahead though and continue to post Cocksman stories.

  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    dw.buck hell yeah!! Luv the slutty whores. So fun to play with. I wonder what the D90V system is about? Never read it, but does it involve being poor and getting pussy for free? If so I'm going to the club and start hanging out at the bar to see if the sluts start screaming for cock inside their snatch.

    San Jose Guy, I did those things when I was much younger with much less to lose. Now I can't take those same risks. It's fun to know the 30-35 yr old strippers are capable o bowing your brains out with porn star sex. My eyes don't light up like they used to when they offer me sex. Now I laugh it off when they strut their stuff. I think it pisses th off when 10 years ago I would say, "Let's fuck!" Just knowing I could get wild with a horny spinner is enough excitement for me. They usually do the job for me on the floor with LDK and that is so much easier than trying to set up OTC. No more hassles after its done and we both go our separate ways without any being invested emotionally. I'm going to work on letting my "eyes light up" for the next horny dancer to see how far I can go.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    So much of my life was lost in a very destructive marriage. That clearly is not the way. I think about dating civilian young women today, and I find myself drawn to soft-spoken sensitive types, just like my ex was once long ago, before she turned into a monster. And then I realize that it would go the same way. Even though I feel that I conducted myself honorably in my marriage, I still would not want to lead another woman down that same path and probably ruin her, while sacrificing what is left of my life.

    So I look for other alternatives. P4P and strippers and Asian Massage have always been in the shadows of my life. That and things like it have been my lifeline. I believe that we all should be getting a heavy dose of mind blowing porn star grade sex on a regular basis. It really isn't that big of a deal to make it happen.

    I also think that drugs, alcohol, born again christianity, psychiatric medication, and motivational teachings are what create dissociation and madness. They are no good. We all need to learn to be mindful and to live in our own skin. This is the work of a lifetime too. Sex should be a part of this and an expression of this. People should not need chemical intoxicants to have porn star grade sex.

    There needs to be some new sort of a cultural movement. It will draw from the realm of strippers, but it will also need to draw from other realms too.

    I have some ideas, but there are still questions I do not know the answers to.

  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    99 bottles of beer on the wall....
    99 bottles of beer

    And this is still the gayest thread ever
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^ Ever? Cmon now surely you jest.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Cockamamie is what I think you meant
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