
Comments by zipman68 (page 125)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper asks if I'm married
    I also tell 'em I'm married. No benefit to lying in this situation, at least from what I see (I try not to provide sufficient info to identify me and I suspect few strippers are that interested)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Now this makes good sense. :)
    Nudie car WASH. (durn iPad)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Now this makes good sense. :)
    As Bugs Bunny would say, what a mah-roon... Don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of bare breasts at car washes. Hell, I like the bare breasts as much as anybody AND I be down with this dude having a full nude car wash. But he thinks that a petition to secede will help him in a local case that occurred in 2001. I see the direct link to Obama... Clear as day! My proposed solution -- Mobile AL officials, pls give Mr. Belcher his nudie car was back. I promise I'll go there and spend money next time I'm in 'bama... (as long as the girls have all their teeth and they ain't fattys). Let's all make this promise. Maybe it will help.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody cuttind down on S/C activities like me to afford Tax hikes, Obama care?
    @canny -- the fiscal cliff ain't gonna happen. There will be a compromise of some sort. Not in either party's best interest to let it happen at this point, so stop worrying and get yo' ass to da club! @Che -- you are making a reasonable point, but I can't believe you've looked that carefully at health care around the world. It is simply a fact that we rank 29th in healthy life expectancy -- a std measurement of outcomes -- but pay much more per patient. Logically, we have to be doing something wrong. Obamacare will evolve over time, like most policies. Could Obama have pushed something better through? Possibly, but health care reform has been hard in the US, and something needs to be done. The much maligned (in the states) NHS in th UK has about the same outcomes as the US but for far less money. The Swiss, Dutch, and Japanese have individual mandate like systems that work. Again, better outcomes per dollar. My objection to all of the Obama whining I hear is simple -- things simply aren't that bad. I would have loved it if Obama had been a wizard who fixed the economic hole we were in when 2009 slouched in and rapidly brought us down to 5% unemployment and '90s like growth. While he was at it he could have implemented sensible reforms to the war on drugs (treating drugs as a public health problem rather than the more expensive criminal justice problem), reformed our health care system perfectly, and brought peace to the Middle East. But I never thought that would happen. We are where I thought we would be -- in a mixed bag but still afloat. And the deficit? A problem, but remember that the CBO was projecting in 2000 that we would pay off the DEBT (not the deficit -- we had a budget surplus at the time) by 2006. By 2011 we would have been $2.3 trillion in the black. Instead we got tax cuts, wars, and limited growth. Obama added to that, but not as much by spending as most think (Obama's deficits largely reflect decreased revenue). Where will we be in a decade? Probably not where we would have been if Clinton's policies had continued, but prob'ly not up shit creek either. Will he do better in term 2? I hope so (we all should hope) but I suspect we'll just be muddling along. The question is whether Romney would have been better (or even as good). I saw no evidence he would. Indeed, I feel he would have felt strong pressure to implement policies that are pretty fuckin' crazy. From what I have heard Romney is a good technocrat. He might have worked well if the national Republican Party wasn't off the rails. If we had two moderate parties electing him might have been a gamble worth taking. But there are Republicans who simply ignore data out there. LOTS of them. Indeed, the nut jobs are RUNNING the GOP right now. Romney was an old school Republican in a wakjob party. The grown ups in the Democratic Party are solid technocrats with varying degrees of skill; my perception is that Obama isn't the best of them and isn't the worst, but he is who we have. Let's all cross our fingers, stop believing the Ayn Rand bullshit (if ya still believe it), and see what unfolds.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody cuttind down on S/C activities like me to afford Tax hikes, Obama care?
    And Che, I'll just point out a fundamental flaw in the article you cite as criticism of Obamacare... @Che -- you do realize why we will need more doctors in those projections, n'est-ce pas? To deal with expanded use of the health care system, no? So what is your alternative? We could eliminate all health care supports. Let the old folks die. Tell folks "Don't have insurance? No health care for you!" If you want to advocate that, cool with me. But be honest about it. Just say you don't give a fuck about whether others have health care. My income is at a level where a little additional tax to pay for health care isn't going to bother me. If the taxes are going to hit you (unless we really do hit the fiscal cliff, which I doubt) you are in that boat too. I'd prefer adequate health care for all. Somehow other industrialized countries manage to have outcomes similar to (or better than) ours for substantially lower costs. Perhaps we could learn something from them, no?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody cuttind down on S/C activities like me to afford Tax hikes, Obama care?
    Well, bubbaloo, we all have to live with the bad decisions of others in a democracy. G W Bush was pretty clear on this when he said his admin passed their "accountability moment". And he was right. Our country lived through Bush 'cos a majority of folks voted him (well, in 2004 he got a majority) and now we're livin' through Obama 'cos -- drum roll -- majorities voted for him. Twice! In 2008 and 2012! The big problem is that none of us know the right decision. I contend that the status quo is better than Romney -- the Republicans have cut taxes but have not cut spending. Not during Reagan (he raised taxes), Bush I (he raised taxes -- then lost the election), and not during Bush II (who turned a surplus in a deficit). You really think Romney/Ryan was gonna cut spending? I got a bridge in NYC I'd like to sell you. No hurricane damage -- honest injun! Do I think Obama is a savior or hero? Fuck no. He is a boring moderate who probably won't sink the ship. The economy will continue to grow slowly -- like it has been. Romney's game was convincing you that he could cut taxes and magically find cuts. No way was that going to happen.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol may have played a part in this disturbance. :)
    True dat Che. Every week I relax with a nice Montepulciano. Like clockwork. But in moderation. And drinking and driving ain't cool. The point is to keep it safe and sane. Unless of course you want to indulge in the CRAY-ZEE. then you make sure you ain't a drivin' or operatin' heavy machinery and you go at it. Full on 1000 ug o' LSD, 4 bottles of DXM cough syrup, bunch o' vitamin K, and vodka suppository up yo' arse! Indulge in the wacky!! And if you want to drive, do it on yo' X-box.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is another thing you can blame on the government. :)
    If "shoe in the vagina is plain wrong" then what is sharpie in the pooper? If a hot girl with a sharpie in the pooper is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody cuttind down on S/C activities like me to afford Tax hikes, Obama care?
    VH_dude, you do need to smoke some chibby... I voted for the dude too, but national hero? Alternatively, take the cocktail of meth, coke, acid, DXM, and PCP-laced weed and really go for it. If you take those drugs I bet you can make the case that Obama came from thirdspace to bring peace to a troubled galaxy by destroying Za'ha'dum. Your choice man. Make it wisely.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol may have played a part in this disturbance. :)
    Unless you take 2 ecstasy pills, chug 4 bottles of DXM cough syrup, take 800 ug of LSD (wouldn't want to be too crazy), and smoke weed laced with PCP... And wash it down with some vitamin K. Then intoxication leads to a religious experience. I mean, 400 ug of LSD made me see some space aliens drive a Ford econoline past my campsite once. Or maybe they were two MIB carrying flashlights and going "RRR RRR RRR". Who the fuck knows. I was all high on acid. I think an attack helicopter locked onto me with a hippy seeking missile too. Good times, good times. But you are right Drac, alcohol is dangerous.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    2001 + Patriot Act =1984 in 2012?
    Agree with both Tiredtraveller and motorhead. PATRIOT act baaad! I like the SLUT act. The Strip clubs be Legal and encouraged all over the Universe and at all Times act. Says towns cannot close down or stand in the way of strip clubs. They are job creators, ya know. It has some great extras provisions. Wish that one had passed...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anybody cuttind down on S/C activities like me to afford Tax hikes, Obama care?
    C'mon, VH_dude, take a chill pill. I think they will soon be covered by Obamacare. Alternatively, move to CO or WA where you can chill out by smokin' mother nature... A good leftist should be a mellow leftist (unless you are in the middle of a meth, LSD, cough syrup, and coke frenzy -- in which case you should FRENZY ON!!!) Seriously, I just can't be that upset yet by the fiscal cliff. It is no longer politically expedient for either side to play chicken, so I predict that we'll see a compromise toute de suite. At least a short term one. Very likely that none of your taxes are going to go up unless you make enough that you wouldn't really notice. Definitely not yours Bubbaloo -- didnt you say your boss stopped paying you in dollars and is now giving you the much more valuable magic beans? Doncha know da Feds don't tax ya if your salary is completely in the form of magic beans? For medical care, those of you who hate Obamacare do realize that we subsidize medical care now, just indirectly and inefficiently. People who cannot afford medical care just go to emergency, where they may end up saddled with debt and if they cannot pay that money ultimately comes from somewhere. Where could that be? Hmmm... Maybe the costs are passed on to those of us who do pay for their health care. Ya think? Doesn't directly matter to me -- I've had excellent coverage my whole life. But the reality is that medical care is a bad marketplace. Most people cannot make informed decisions. Putting care off can increase later costs. The reality is that we've needed national health for some time and Obamacare may not be the best, but it is a move in the right direction. Don't believe me? Our health costs are disproportionately high relative to other industrialized nations. And our outcomes are mediocre. Something had to change, an dats a fact, Jack! So, as one of the 52% (better income and job stability than the 47% but not in the 1%) I say to all the whining repubs QUIT YER BELLYACHING. Obama may not be the best POTUS and if you voted for Romney 'cos you thought he was marginally better, I understand that. If you voted the big O 'cos he was the lesser of two evils in your opinion, I understand that (and agree withe the evaluation) But if you think Obama is great, I don't see evidence of that. And if you think he is a Nazi, commie, atheist, Muslim, puppy-kicker from Kenya you should go see the doctor. But only if you've got insurance, 'cos I don't wanna pay to fix your self-inflicted stupidity. And NO -- I ain't gonna reduce my strip club outlay. I'm increasing it to 90% of my take home to be like my man JUICE!!! Fuck yeah!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    simple living ? equals more clubing ?
    Right on Juiceman! Prophets of the LORD should live simply, devoted to their spiritual destiny. In the future you will be remembered fondly for bringing the word of the LORD to the heathens, and lo we shall all tithe 90% of our worldly good to the strip club!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    First Lady's
    Agreed Viking man. But I'd still prefer a hot 18-20 year old in the SC to the FLOTUS. If I were the POTUS, I'd run a contest to identify the hottest stripper chick in each state. Then I'd put a SC in the White House for my amusement. I say that the person with his finger on the button gets as many extras as he or she wants. None of this getting impeached for having a chubby intern suck your dick. No, if I were POTUS it would be full on Larry Flynt (late 70s vintage - pre-paralysis) orgies with the hottest strippers in each state. Imagine the negotiations! " Mr. Putin, if you agree to allow further efforts to contain fissile material and stop supporting Assad, I will loan you Tiffany, Mercedes, Shay, and Porsche. Porsche is actually a Russian immigrant, so I'm sure she would love to visit family after you have some fun!" Finishing, I would add, "These beautiful girls have volunteered to take it in ass for their country. They are true Americans! Fuck, I love this country... After Putin leaves bring the hot 18 year old redhead with the ginormous tits. I really need some hot salad tossin' action from her followed by an ATM... Don't get better than that shit!"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fuck Stan, you have truly taken this up a notch (or down a notch...). I salute you! Bravo!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hear hear Mikeya02!!! I enjoy the usual gang of idiots and can usually suss out the shills.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Au contraire mon frere...
    Fair enough sclvr... I find him to be a laugh, but obviously some folks don't enjoy him. But you make my big point. Ignore suffices to eliminate the things each of us consider bullshit. I enjoy the barely controlled chaos of the discussions and if somebody regularly goes too far for my taste, I ignore them. Haven't done so yet -- I find the crazy stuff funny. BTW, I didn't have the sense that you were complaining per se, just stating that you were exercising your prerogative to ignore those you don't like. To each his own!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Oh, one more thing... NO MORE SHARPIE IN THE POOPER!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Au contraire mon frere...
    C'mon jestie! i think that was a cogent description of the material we see posted. Only the Juice can post like the Juice. He has talent on loan from god! The god o' strip clubs that is! If you would like to criticize others for posting like the Juice you need to take it up a notch. Say something like "Yo, yo, yo... don' be talkin' shit like dat Juiceman yo' stupid wannabe wigger shithead. I be callin' you out because you be a faker and a fakir and I be da snake that gonna be bitin' yo' on yo' ass." Then finish it up with something like "I like to put my cock in a hot dog bun and feed it to whores. Then.i.get.the.fucking.whore to toss my salad, 'cos i.likes.me.da.hot.dog an' salad dinner. Fucking dirty whores! I loves 'em"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    ... yes, yes... let us pray that it helps!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are you planning to get anal from a stripper wearing a strap on? If so, you might wish to wait. Here are some ideas to try: 1. Buttfuck the girl. I digs the hot anal action, but I likes to pitch. That is the way you should roll if you are doin' P4P... 2. Avoid asking the girl to toss your salad. Normally pretty groove-eee, but with prep H up yo' butthole it is just plain gross. 3. Wear a panty liner for when the prep H drips out yo' ass. 'cos that be gross. 4. Don't be getting a reach around with a finger up the ass from the girl. I know it is tempting, but remember... it is more fun to fuck a chick up the ass than to get something up your ass. Just keep repeating that to yourself. Let us know if this sage advice helps! Let us
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I really dig looking up short skirts on stage. One of my favorites about a decade ago, when I lived in the beautiful Buckeye state, would wear a tube top as a very short skirt. Petite girl, wore no underwear. Wonderful stuff!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    ...Repubs now WEAR stupid as a badge of honor. Damn iPad. Now back to talkin' 'bout sweet sweet vag. For starters, carolynne, seeing that you are both sexy and can see sense in this election makes you even hotter. And Drac my man, you see the big issue! Stay strong! But lighten up a bit... Help Juice write some verses for his good book. Fuck yeah! I'm almost excited to have voted for the lesser of two evils. Plus I can't stand the fucking Mormons. Last time I was in SLC in the winter I almost choked from the pollution. They told me it was smoke and car exhaust trapped in the Salt Lake Valley. But I know it was noxious fumes of sanctimony given off by the temple. Almost enough to make you avoid Park City. Oh yeah, SLC strip clubs suck big fat donkey dongs!!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    Hate to tell you londonguy, but things suck over here too. I'll be glad when the election is over. I'm sick of it. Glad to see some reasonable points on this thread. The irritating thing about this election is the vilification of Obama. Totally irrational. You think Romney is marginally better than Obama? Defensible position. I disagree, but a case can be made. I think Obama is a boring technocrat who will do better than Romney if elected. Why? Not because Romney is that bad. It is because the Republican Party has gone seriously nuts. Romney is going to pander to the wackos in his party that don't even understand basic biology (or worse, DO understand biology but pander to their most brain dead constituents). Romney might be a "meh" candidate if there was no tea party. But as long as he has to pander to those wack jobs. And if you think the tea party morons are libertarian, you haven't been paying attention. If the are libertarians why aren't the talking like Gary Johnson? Johnson wants govt out of our lives. A respectable and sensible position. I think there are a few things the govt does well, and wouldn't go as far as Johnson. But -- sorry to say -- the tea party ain't going in the same direction as Johnson. Doubt me? If you go a tea party and ask about prayer in school, legalizing (with sensible regulation) drugs, gay marriage, etc. I can tll you what answers you will get. I can also tell you what answers you will get if you ask about some real economic issues. I don't think you'll be seeing the stars of our educational system. How anybody with a brain can vote for an idiot like Akin or West or Mourdock or Broun or ... escapes me. Are there bad Dems? Of course. But Repubs now were stupid as a badge of honor. The stupid (and those feigning stupid) are the folks Romney is going to pander to to get reelected in 2016.