
Comments by zipman68 (page 103)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    One of my few Hero's
    On a serious note, the V foundation consistently gets high ratings from charity navigator. Although I haven't given to that particular charity, it is clearly one of the best foundations for cancer research. So -- whether you pervoids like tumblin, Mr. Kat, me, all of us, or none of us -- if you're considering a charitable donation and want to target cancer research you should definitely consider sending that money in memory of Jimmy V. And, what the hell, raise a glass for tumblin after yo do so. You can't spend all of your cash on the fund for "single mothers who like to get naked and suck my dick" fund can you? Spread the wealth around!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "Hi Sweetheart"
    I voting A due to my undying faith in true love. I think you should text back a marriage proposal! Let us know how that works out.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Benevolent Stripper Relief Fund
    @ gawker, was the story about an ex-BF shitting on her figurative or literal? If the latter that is seriously fucked up (unless it was a consensual hot Karl). @ slick, I always ask myself "what would Jerry Garcia do?" Much better than "what would Jesus do?"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    One of my few Hero's
    Tumblindude. You have an awful lot of hostility for a man whose life is so ideal. Ask yourself what your missing in life and try to seek it out. This much hostility can't be good for you. Look back over your recent posts. Note that you're in such a bad head space that you misspelled a racist slur. What's up with that? And going after Mr. Cat. He is one of the mellowest dudes on the board. You should spend some time at the club and mellow out. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    One of my few Hero's
    OK tumblingdude. Mellow. Take a chill pill. No...take some time to laugh, to think, to cry. You have a lot of hostility for a man who was just touched. Was it bad touch? Show you pervo friends where on this doll.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ev'ry day Juicebro...ev'ry day. I've found that girls in church are especially receptive. Go by the evangelical churches 'cos they're full of sluts.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    One of my few Hero's
    Hmmm... Has somebody hacked tumbin-dude's account? Posts seem a bit disconnected from reality. Maybe tumbling wants to be the next Juice. Grasshopper, you will have to step up your game if you want to do that! Make yourself some purple drank and tank up on that groovy sizzurp. Then tell us all what you see bro.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    South Carolina cheerleaders...
    You know what would be real coo-el? Video of a Gamecocks cheerleader sucking a cock! Wait...what I really want is a Gamecock cheerleader sucking MY COCK. tumblingdude - you think either of these new clubs will offer that?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Travel Distance and still having Fun
    I think you should frequent clubs too close to home. Drive at LEAST 3 hours each way my friends.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Is he back?
    Wait a minute... Mock Ebonics is funny! Alucard my bud, will you be feisty old Alucard if I post some groovy Ebonics?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Is he back?
    Yup. Brother Alucard is back. I hope he's back to the feisty Alucard of old. That dude had some really groovy posts. None of this "drugs are bad" and "repeal the 2nd amendment" crap. No...Alucard of old was all "I hope the cops catch you with drugs" and "I hope you shoot yourself with that gun". He was all in your face. Or as some of us might say "all up in yo grill wit his shizzle". I, of corse, wouldn't say any such thing since mock Ebonics isn't funny.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is another case of stupidity
    Fuck. Emphasizes my "don't support the Gators" thesis. Go Cocks! 'Cos I'm sure there are no dumbasses in South Carolina. Wait a minute...I think I see a problem. Both FL and SC are have dumbasses... Fuck it. I just like cheerleaders wit "Go Cocks!" written on their ass!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Da' Bears !
    Gators suck! Go Gamecocks!!! I dig the cheerleaders: lastwordonsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/south-carolina-cheerleaders.jpg
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Wow. Another Zimmerman thread! Much as it pains me to agree with cranky old conservatives, Dallas is correct that Zimmerman didn't invoke SYG. The big problem with the case is that we don't really know what happened. After all, we only have the story of the dude who lived. And, of course, we do know from "how" that following somebody is NEVER threatening. So we've solved the case. No possible way that Zimmerman could have avoided killing Martin from the get go! Well, maybe if Martin had put his hands behind his head and said "yessir...I surrender...I don't know what you want but I'm sure you're a nice person." Of course, I'm now waiting to see the headline describing a seriously injured cranky old conservative dude who had the shit beaten out of him. The papers will report that Phineas P. Phartman, known to friends as "how", stated "Well, I was being followed by a strange car. But I assumed all was OK. They must have had a good reason for following me. I assumed they had free puppies to give me, so I ran at them yelling 'show me da cuuuuute puppies' in a friendly voice. Imagine my surprise when they kicked my ass. I'm sad now." Later, Mr. Phartman will of course claim the newspaper story was biased. Mikey M. Merkinson confirms the biased nature of the story, stating "But the story only reported facts, which are known to be highly biased toward the narrative based upon reality. That isn't fair. We demand equal time for my fantasy world in the interest of fairness!" I stand by my previous statements that Zimmerman was a douchebag wannabe cop dumbass who could have avoided all of this by having some common sense. Why did he exit the car? Because he fancies himself a tough guy who could "take down" the "criminal". I'm willing to bet we'll see him in a similar case within 5 years. The only question in my mind is whether he once again takes on somebody that he shoots or takes on somebody who ends up winning the confrontation. Such is the way of dumbasses.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Not Guilty!
    Well this topic has certainly been rip-roaring and has only had a few instances of degenerating into juvenile name calling. I'm going to ignore them and address two comments from Jester and how. Jester made the point that Zimmerman was not a self-appointed wannabe cop but was instead a concerned citizen. And that Martin was involved in drugs and stealing. As with everything, it is a matter of spin and perspective. There were also plenty of disturbing reports about Zimmerman: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2013/05/28/george-zimmermans-relevant-past/ It seems like Zimmerman's supporters give him every benefit of the doubt and expect Martin's behavior to be perfect. My favorite post of this type emphasized that Zimmerman was ONLY 28 whereas Martin was 17. Since - of course - we don't hold 17 and 28 year olds to different standards. I mean, 17 year olds can vote, drink beer legally, and rent cars - right? At the end of the day, Martin is dead because of bad judgement. Most of that bad judgement is on Zimmerman's head. And how, I don't think you understand my point. I understand my point. It is probably pointless to debate, but I'll try one more time. Simple question - WOULD YOU FIND BEING FOLLOWED AROUND BY AN UNKNOWN PERSON WHO THEN GETS OUT OF HIS CAR LOOKING FOR YOU THREATENING? If not, why not? I'm not arguing that Martin made the best move. I'm not saying Martin didn't attack Zimmerman. I think the evidence suggests he did - after Zimmerman engaged in the threatening behavior of following him. Martin's move clearly wasn't the best - didn't really work out for him, did it? I'm just saying that Zimmerman - if he were really was a neighborhood protector and not a punk wannabe cop - had a moral responsibility to handle things better. Like calling the cops and letting them handle it OR staying in the car and watching OR staying in the car and yelling "Hey, I'm neighborhood watch and I'm asking people where they're going if I don't recognize the." The moment Zimmerman exited the car the likelihood of something bad happening went up 100-fold. Period.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting back on the horse.
    Definitely keep getting back on the horse Shadowcat. My worldview will collapse if you ever give up!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Help me find clubs with...
    When you find that club George... Please clue me in. I wouldn't mind some babes with landing strips rather than full bush though.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Not Guilty!
    Nice to see this thread degenerating into juvenile insults. Perhaps those pushing most loudly for more "adult" behavior should refrain from engaging in said behavior, and speak out against said behavior both from those they agree with and those they disagree with. Much as it pains me, I have to agree with Camby that there was not sufficient evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Personally, I had hoped the case for manslaughter could be made. But, alas, it could not. For those defending Zimmerman, think about who you're defending and why you're defending him. The evidence to convict may not have been sufficient, but there should be no doubt that Zimmerman was a dumbass and Martin is dead because of it. This case isn't a simple self defense case. It is an indictment of a system that allows a self-appointed wannabe cop to be a dumbass that causes the death of another with just enough ambiguity to get off. I notice that "how" did not answer how he would have react if, while walking home, you noticed a strange car following you. Then the guy gets out. Do you: 1. Raise your hands and surrender? 2. Try to run? 3. Call 911? 4. Fight? 5. Assume the creepy dude following you is giving away free puppies? According to Zimmerman #1 would have worked. Maybe. But Zimmerman might have been psycho (correction, more psycho than he actually is). So #1 probably not a good move Maybe #2 would have worked. But who knows? Martin might have gotten shot in the back while fleeing. After all, did Martin know what Zimmerman was up to? Maybe #3 would have worked. Maybe... Do you think Martin deserved to die because he made that mistake? Well... #4 is a problem. We can't know if Martin was defending himself or just attacking. Why? Well, because Zimmerman killed him. But do you really think Martin posed any danger to Zimmerman if Zimmerman had stayed in his fucking car? If you do, why do you believe that? Seems like Zimmerman could have avoide this whole episode with a little common sense! No, I bet "how" would assume #5. Not sure how that would have played out here. Zimmerman might have gotten all scared when Martin ran at him with outstretched arms crying out "show me the cuuuute puppies!!!" Could have ended up with Martin dead, just like the real scenario. Seriously, Zimmerman defenders... Assume you're followed by somebody. What do you do?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    next time you thank of juice
    My God you're stupid Camby. I said clearly that You amuse me because I'm laughing AT YOU. Here is a way you can avoid the juvenile threads Juice starts. PUT HIM ON IGNORE. Or just skip his threads. You actually like Juice, because you like to bitch about his posts. You like to insult me because I laugh WITH Juice. Don't So keep posting and I'll keep laughing. Not because you say anything funny. No, it is because you are such an idiot. Go blow yourself up with Acme products Wile E. Coyote!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Not Guilty!
    And just to be clear, since how-dude doesn't appear to have good reading comprehension, I never asserted that Zimmerman was told to stay in the car. I said only a dumbass exits his car, where things are under his control, to confront somebody you BELIEVE to be a criminal. What if Martin had been armed? Zimmerman likely would have been shot. I would have been very supportive of Martin getting off if that had happened. The only problem is that Martin stood his ground against an armed dumbass. I feel sorry for Martin's family. Marvin's death is on Zimmerman's head and Florida needs to change the law to read "you can stand your ground, but don't be a dumbass and make things worse for everybody".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Not Guilty!
    Riddle me this how... You're being followed by a dude in a car. You don't know him. He gets out after following you for a while. You have know idea what he wants. But it might be to kick your ass or worse. Do you: 1. Raise your hands, surrender, and let the do what he wants to you. 2. Try to evade, maybe call 911 if you feel it won't endanger your safety. 3. Fight. I don't know about you, but option 1 doesn't sound good to me. And your reading comprehension is clearly limited. I never said that Zimmerman HAD to follow the dispatcher's suggestion. Indeed, my option #2 for a good outcome involved him NOT doing so. However, as mohead pointed out they are instructed to say that for liability reasons. Why might that be? 'Cos dumbasses following dudes who might be armed can result in said dumbass getting his ass kicked or worse. Then dumbass (or family) sue the police. So I stand by my comment. If Zimmerman had stayed in his car it is virtually certain that Martin would be alive. Period.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    next time you thank of juice
    Never said my posts weren't juvenile at times. I will, however, assert two things: 1. I'm capable of writing anything from the most juvenile of jokes to a serious post. I can even adjust my writing style when doing so. 2. That your "jokes" are both juvenile and not funny. Indeed, I can't remember a serious post from you. Nor can I remember a funny post you've written that was funny the way you intended. Babble all you want Camby. Just remember that you amuse me, just like Juice amuses me. But I laugh with Juice; I laugh at you!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: Not Guilty!
    Clubber dude... I'm all for folks being able to defend themselves. But, unless there a facts that didn't come out clearly in the reporting, I think the verdict is evidence that Florida's stand your ground law is too broad. Zimmerman sees a young black dude and thinks he doesn't belong. Calls the cops and is told not too follow. Follows anyway. Eventually gets out of his truck to confront Martin while still on the phone with the cops. Fight ensues. Zimmerman shoots Martin. Maybe that is legal given a strict reading of stand your ground, but it sounds damn close to "I get to start a fight and if I'm getting my ass kicked I can shoot the other guy". I don't see that as protecting yourself. Both folks probably should have used more common sense. Martin probably should have called the cops and reported somebody following him. But why did Zimmerman get out of the car? Kind of stupid. What if Martin also had a gun? Did Martin think he could quickdraw on him or something? Anybody with sense might have: 1. Let the cops do their job. After all, you called them. If you worry about response time, call 911, not the non-emergency number. OR 2. Yell out to Martin from the car that you've called the cops. After all, you're on the phone with the cops AND you've got a gun. How does getting out help anybody? Even if Zimmerman was totally in the right under the law, Florida should have a "don't be a dumbass law" and he should have been convicted of "first degree dumbassery resulting in death" So Clubber, if you're ever threatened by somebody while minding your business and shoot 'em I hope you get a medal. But if you're ever in a similar situation where you see a potential criminal from your car I hope you don't do something like what Zimmerman did. If the dude you confront *is* a criminal he might have a gun too and cap you before you can shoot him.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    next time you thank of juice
    Oh Cambydude... Don't you worry. I find you quite funny. Indeed, you're hilarious. I'd like you to think about you're posts. You've added three rather juvenile posts 'bout ol' Juice and then finish by stating that you're "too busy...to even want to talk to you". And that after you've been talking to Juice for 3 posts. COMEDY GOLD! Did you run out of "you're a fag" jokes dude? Go back to the 4th grade, I'm sure they can help you out. At least when Juice makes juvenile jokes they are funny. Juice is clearly playing a character for laughs. As am I. In contrast, you're obsessed with Juice (3 posts on this thread alone!) but when you can't get the better of the guy you run off in a huff claiming you don't have time for him. I'm beginning to think you're just being yourself. Your sorry, dull, stupid self... You are definitely winning in you're bid for the "First annual Alucard award in posting excellence". Keep up the good work.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    lets talk mexico
    Plum-plizzle fo shizzle manizzle. Yo fizzles all up in my grill grizzle when yo in my hizzouse. Fizzle. Now adizzle-os!