
Comments by chitownlawyer (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Poor Governor Spitzer
    Oh no, strictly cash, and at a store where I never go otherwise, generally different Walgreens' stores that I just happen to pass while driving from one courthouse to another in different parts of the State. The Walgreen's chain is a reliable, easily accessible source of the phones and the "minutes cards." (I live is such a small town that any cashier at the store location in my town could easily identify me, at least by appearance, probably by name.) Twenty-five years ago, I prowled the Walgreen's stores for rubbers so I could be ready for sex; now it's the same thing, except I'm in search of cheap cell phones, for the same reason. Life is strange beyond imagination.
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    17 years ago
    Poor Governor Spitzer
    This is why I feel so much more comfortable in Tijuana,where all this stuff is legal. Although, admittedly, you do have to deal with issues of violent crime and police shake-downs. Another way in which I'm feeling superior to Mr. Elliot this morning...I use a "Boost" type of pre-paid telephone, rather than my regular cell phone, if I am making potentially troublesome calls. As far as I know, the "pre-loaded" type of phone is untraceable to me. The closest they could get to me, I suppose, would be the store where I bought it. But I use cash for the phone and cash for the minutes, so as far I know, it is an anonymous transaction. This hopefully avoids my voice being on calls that the FBI has transcribed for Mr. Spitzer (see thesmokinggun.com).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Poor Governor Spitzer
    This is what I want to know...the website that he ordered from listed girls from $1,000 to $5,500 an hour. What could any woman (and I mean _any_ woman...Jennifer Love Hewitt/Salma Hayek/Jamie Lee Curtis in her prime, or now...do to, at, on or with me that would be worth $5,500 an hour. The mind reels. By the way, Spitzer's babe apparently was more towards the middle of the pack, because he paid $4,300, and this included her train fare from NY to Washington, D.C. and back. I can't wait to see the portfolio in Playboy. I'll probably buy the rag for the first time in 15 years.
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    17 years ago
    Need Recommendations
    Well, I am a lover of TJ, but I have to be frank enough to admit that TJ only meets 2 of harry's 3 criteria: it definitely has a reputation of high mileage, but does not have good strip clubs or studios. I would suggest my backyard for all three criteria--East St. Louis. I prefer TJ only because full service is, of course, illegal in East St. Louis, and I love the freedom of having no LE concerns in TJ. There is always the possibility, regardless of how small statistically, of getting arrested for sex-related acts in East St. Louis, and that would be a very un-good development in my own personal life.
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    17 years ago
    Stuck In Indy For A Week. . .
    One one occasion I got a hand job at BBF from a dancer who is now long-gone, but I think that experience was definitely the exception rather than the rule (esp. given the looks that we got from the other dancers in VIP at the time). The club just isn't set up for that, given that the most "private" dances are given in a large room that probably can accomodate as many as 20 couples at a time, and probably does accomodate that many on a Friday or Saturday night. The first time I went there, when I was young and naive,I was getting a couch dance from a fairly well endowed dancer. For some reason, I got the idea that I wasn't supposed to touch her tits. She would shift her body so her tits were closer to my hands. I, thinking that she was doing this inadverently, would shift away from her tits. This caused her to shift the tits closer to me, causing me to move away further. She finally just grabbed both of my hands and put them directly on her tits. I have received multipleOTC solicitations there, one of which led to a very congenial "arrangement" that lasted a couple of years.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strip Club Violence
    At Brad's Brass Flamingo, in 2003, I saw an off-duty cop cold-cock a guy in a wheelchair in a fight over a pool table. Story here: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/2539568/detail.html That was one of my first visits to BBF, and I was extremely impressed with how security and management handled the whole thing. Although the incident happened essentially at the back of the club, the participants were quickly hustled trhough the club, out the front door, and into the parking lot, and the operation of the club did not miss a beat. If I hadn't been within 20 feet of the incident, I may not have even known it happened. That was the only occurrence of violence I have ever seen or experienced in a strip club, assuming that "getting beaten (off)" or "getting wacked (off)" is not considered a violent act.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stuck In Indy For A Week. . .
    From a strip club point of view, "Stuck in Indy for a week" sounds like you won first place in a lottery. I have been a long time fan of Brad BF, although I haven't been there for a year. Dancers is more eye-candy model types, but I've had some decent mileage. The good thing about being in town for a week is that you can repeat with some clubs and dancers, which will cause your mileage to go up. Also, try PT's. If you can spare the time, drive the 45 minutes north to Kokomo to Hip Hugger. You should not want for erotic entertainment while in Indy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Missing early shots
    I don't think your situation has a solution. It's the thrill of the hunt. It also represents one of the principle of economics: opportunity costs. Every minute spent with a particular girl is a minute you can't spend with every other girl in the club. Actually, the situation is worse than you present it, because there other factors that you _can't_ see from the tip rail...mileage, personality, etc. You might actually get your trophy dancer to spend time with you, only to find out the she is a bitch, is the only dancer in the club who restricts her repertoire to air dances, etc. I remember a couple of years ago in Bare Elegance out near LAX, where all of the girls were of Model-type looks, so that wasn't a problem. However, the first dancer I spent time with provided ultra-high mileage. I made the mistake of thinking that this level of mileage was typical of the club. In reality, every girl I spent time with after that provided progressively less mileage. If I had known that, I would have seen girl 1 as the whole meal, rather than just an appetizer. (Fortunately, I've had evenings that went the other way). In any event, since you lack the qualities of the diety--omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence--I doubt there is any way to avoid the situation that you described, other than time-consuming, painstaking experience of getting to know that club's dancers over time. Hopefully you'll be up for the task.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    And the $73.00 breaks down as follows: $60 for the girl $12 for the room for 1/2 hour. $ 1 for an extra towel (1 towel and condom comes with room fee)
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    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    StripShopper: April 10-11. And I speak Spanish as well as I ever did.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New ratings by club type
    Oh but Shadow, some of us care deeply. What I wouldn't give right now to be sitting at the main bar in Adelita's, eyeing the crowd in Hottie Central and preparing for my first trophy fuck of the evening....73.00 of our wonderful, devalued US dollars burning a hole in my pocket.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting ID'd or patted down. Does it bother you?
    What SuperDude said. I don't mind getting carded (it happened to me two weeks ago in a new club), but getting patted, going through a metal detector, etc., is God's way of saying, "Are you sure you want to be here?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    VIP/Champagne Results
    On the three CR trips I have made, the total cost (girl + champagne) ranged from $225 to $600. Certainly, to spend that kind of money--or any kind of money--to get nothing more than you could get in a lap dance, at the stage, or even sitting with the girl at a table is "far too expensive." Spending any amount of money for no extra service is, almost by definition, money badly spent. My concept of the value of a dollar is perverted by the fact that I only keep 40 cents of every dollar in revenue I generate. So, to spend $500, I have to bill and collect almost $1,300.00. It does tend to put things into persective. Fortunately, in each case, the final product matched the promotion, so it turned out to be a good deal. It was a little strange, however, when the dancer pulled a wrapped condom out of her "Hello Kitty" handbag. At one club, the waitresses who sell the champagne get a tip-out of between $50 and $75. The net result is that they essentially become pimps. The first time that I went into the club, properly attired in suit and tie, within the first five minutes I had been accosted by three different waitresses assuring me that they had a girl I would really like to meet. I didn't understand why they were so concerned until the dancer that I went into VIP with explained the compensation structure to me.
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    17 years ago
    Longest Time You Have Done in the Champagne Room?
    As did I, Shekitout.
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    17 years ago
    VIP/Champagne Results
    My general rule of thumb in strip clubs is that I am very discreet. However, on the three occasions on which I have laid out the money to go to the "champagne room", I have been very direct, asking specifically what I would get in the Champagne room that is different from any other part of the club. (In my most recent instance, the dancer's response to that question has been "Everything." If you ask a direct question, you get a direct answer.). In each case, the dancer has been very direct in response, to the point of naming specific acts. In all those situations, the dancer performed as described, and I have been very pleased. I really do think that if you pin people down to something beforehand, the feel obliged to be consistent and follow through (works in trying lawsuits as well). On the other hand, if you allow yourself to be pleased with platitudes such as, "we can get really comfortable there", or "I'll make you feel really good", then you deserve what you get. For myself, it is far too expensive to make a trip to the CR for me to let the dancer off with generalities.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Georgia is horrible when it comes to Strip Clubs
    I had the very best experience in my strip club life at Oasis Goodtime Emporium, due to a very accomodating shot girl. I don't know if that is atypical, but it did the trick for me. Definitely _not_ cheap, though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Longest Time You Have Done in the Champagne Room?
    An hour at the most. The "limiting factor" on my stay in a "Champagne Room" is that, if the experience is "stimulating" enough to keep me there, it is too "stimulating" for me to be there any longer than an hour.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Longest Time You Have Done in the Champagne Room?
    An hour at the most. The "limiting factor" on my stay in a "Champagne Room" is that, if the experience is "stimulating" enough to keep me there, it is too "stimulating" for me to be there any longer than an hour.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    MG, I don't know if there is some formal "pegging" of the Mexican peso to the US dollar, but the exchange rate has not changed since last May.
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    17 years ago
    Have you recently cut back on strip club spending?
    I am not cutting back my spending, but I am cutting back my visits, to put a focus on better value. Two trips to Tijuana have convinced me that I would rather cut out five $200.00 visits to my local club in order to have a blow-out trip to Tijuana. If I go out for a 1 1/2 day visit to Tijuana, I struggle to spend $1,000.00, and that includes the cheapest airfare from St. Louis to San Diego, and accomodations at a reasonably nice hotel, akin to a Holiday Inn in the U.S., plus all incidental costs, meals and taxi fares, etc. And, given my orientation toward mileage, I can't do better than Tijuana. Of course, the real cost of that long a trip (at least 36 hours portal-to-portal) is foregone professional billing time...but I try to pick a Sunday for the first day, or otherwise time it for a period when I wouldn't be billing that much, anyway--and life is about more than work, after all.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shot girls...
    I hate the institution of the shot girl (not the girls themselves, but what they are doing) at every club EXCEPT Oasis Goodtime Emporium in Atlanta. There, I have gotten some of the best service ever from some incredibly young and sweet shot girls.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is it the sex or the social thing?
    Clearly, sex. I make that determination by asking myself, "Self, if you could only look at and talk to dancers, and were absolutely forbidden from any physical contact with them, would you ever darken the door of a strip club, so you could pay a cover, and inflated drink prices?" To which I answer: "Are you out of you fucking mind?" When I am out of town on business, my typical evening is to spend time at the nearest, highest-TUSCL-rated strip club. If no physical contact with dancers was permitted, and I found myself stranded in a city on business, my off-hours activities would be, in this order: Spend 20 minutes watching SpanksterVision in my hotel room; Spend the rest of the evening browsing the "World History" section of the nearest Borders and/or Barnes & Noble.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How explicit are your reviews?
    njscfan: Obviously, after reading your post, I immediately accessed the list of clubs you have visited recently. Alas, none is closer than 900 miles to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How explicit are your reviews?
    Here is my standard: I never write anything that, if read before a judge, would support a charge (not necessarily bring a conviction, but give rise to probable cause-in other words, give LE a case they could take to trial) against a club and/or dancer. People who know me are aware of my standards, and my expectations for a ten. They know my prerequisite for the first dance leading to a second dance from the same dance. I suspect that my predilictions become clear after a critically reading of several of my posts. For most of us, after we have posted a number of reviews, it is clear which "camp" we fall into--mileage hounds, lap dance aesthetes, club culture afficianados, etc. Once you know the nature of a man's interests in strip clubs, you know how to assess his positive or negative reviews. So there's a certain art to interpreting the reviews that rises above bare literacy in the English language. At times I would like to be more explicit in my reviews, esp. at the high and low ends of the rating distribution, but I am confident that LE in some areas reads these reviews, and that has to be factored into the overall picture.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unexpected meetings with strippers OTC.
    A couple of weeks ago I was standing in line in a Walgreen's when a dancer I knew stood in the door and kept looking in my direction and saying "Don't forget the cigarettes." I was disoriented for a second, then turned around and saw the woman to whom she was speaking. She may have been hotter in Walgreen's than she is in the club.