
Comments by wallanon (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Familiar face in a not so common place
    My coworkers who'd probably go to clubs are more of the breastaurant types who get all the flirt with girls who are genuinely hot (and dressed like strippers) but don't get the automatic trouble from their SOs. Hell, some of the younger dudes have SOs there getting glances from guys they know. That's weird to me, but if it works for them then fine. I'm sure a lot of those girls are available for takeout just like the strippers, but that's shopping too close to home. All it takes is one girl with a big mouth to get my bad habits in the rumor mill. It'll be enough when I show up one day with the way too young woman I decided to keep and make kids with. These days I tend to avoid shifts at the strip club when I'm a regular to more than one girl, because inevitably one of them cares too much about who else I see. And when I've got strippers who I see IRL (like non paid) on shifts they work I don't go. It's less awkward that way.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    All About the Extras
    How do you all deal with Annoying Strippers?
    I think debonair was just using examples to start a conversation. "I've discovered that saying "I'm waiting on someone" does not work at all. lol" If you're telling the truth it almost always works. On other threads I've said put a name out there if they ask or point if the girl's on the floor. A more clever stripper will ask if they can sit while I wait, but I only say yes if the dancer I'd like knows to still come over. Lately I haven't gone to clubs with 0 girls I'd like to talk with, so that's basically all I use. If I'm in a new club where I don't know the lay of the land I'll let the first dancer who approaches sit down if I don't see someone I like better. The exception is if I find her instantly repulsive I'll go with "I just got here" or whatever I think will get her away without drama.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    I dont preppay before LD
    Subra's just beaten down by da man. Don't give in!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( šŸ§ššŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’ƒšŸ¼ busy being a "psycho bitch" šŸ¤£
    Offensive Race Discussion
    I read threads like these, or I'll people watch standing in a crowd waiting for my food order or whatnot, and I am reminded about how lucky I am that I get to live in a country that mostly works even with people thinking the way they do. Most of the people in the country would probably disagree with my politics, but I do enough most days that other people think is ok for me to fund my sex addiction.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How much of a fine or jail time would deter you from the hobby?
    I don't care about fines, and thinking that jail is not really happening unless I totally fuck up and get mixed in with an off the rails crazy train. The probability of an incidental crime spree with me around isn't zero lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How much of a fine or jail time would deter you from the hobby?
    So about that Texas legislation the link mentioned: "In the year after the law took effect, an analysis of court records showed that 518 felony solicitation of prostitution cases were filed. Of the 232 cases that have been disposed of, only 11 (5%) ended in felony convictions. Meanwhile, 178 cases (77%) of those that were disposed of were dismissed under whatā€™s known as pretrial diversion. In those deals offered by prosecutors, defendants generally were required to take a decision-making class or ā€œJohnā€™s class, ā€and either pay a fine or make a donation to the Houston Area Womenā€™s Center. In return, those Johns were later given an opportunity to get the criminal charge expunged -- wiped off their record." https://www.khou.com/article/news/investigations/sex-solicitation-prostitution-crime-felony-texas/285-acb989d8-e5f9-4e15-89a6-4900824cf51f
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass : Yulia Nova aka Š®Š»Šøя ŠŠ¾Š²Š° Born November 26, 1982 in Moscow
    The graphic looks like an animated gif, or something that started out as one. Those aren't known for smooth animation.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass : Yulia Nova aka Š®Š»Šøя ŠŠ¾Š²Š° Born November 26, 1982 in Moscow
    Yeah, that's a smash.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do their seem to be way less raids now?
    How terrifying the world must be for some of you now.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    H0es Dont Get Cold because they're Cold Blooded
    OTC Advice? LD's don't do it anymore
    I don't think I've worn sweatpants to a strip club since college, but I've worn shorts. The no shorts and no sweatpants dancer cliques have lots of the same members.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    Chat & Light Touch Tipping
    This is kind of a different topic, but I don't offer a drink unless I know I want the dancer to sit for a while. I don't count that as part of a tip, though. To me that's just the cost of doing business. But if the drink she asks for goes over $20 I'll probably figure out what I'd like to do with her before she can order again lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    Chat & Light Touch Tipping
    "Thereā€™s a bit of, um, confusion among a few of the experienced here on tuscl." No one's confused. Every single post on the thread met you where you're at. "What your aim is is yours, it isnā€™t necessarily everyoneā€™s." Every single post met you where you're at. You said you'd like to chat up a 6. Others shrugged. Don't take it personal. I don't let the ugly ones sit with me at my regular clubs because then I'm constantly needing to tell them to go away. If anyone you're ever seen with is a 7up then that sends a message. On the road I'll chat up a less attractive dancer for information so I'm not boring a dancer I'd like to do grind time with. "I get some are about the Extras, thatā€™s it, anything else is a waste of time. But that isnā€™t everyoneā€™s goal every time." Nobody said that. If you paid attention to what people were saying, the most experienced guys (other than Subra) were saying they don't tip just for conversation. If that's the case there's not much else to say. Somebody that's been posting a month and maybe lurking a while longer probably doesn't realize that not confusing the noobs is an ongoing conversation on the TUSCL boards. I wasn't even putting you in that category until you got bent out of shape and I looked at your profile. "What I want tonight is what I want. Surprise! people want different things." People also want to talk about the things they find most interesting on whatever topic got brought up. We don't tell you how to have a good time, and we don't need you telling us how to discuss a hobby we're all pretty familiar with.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    Chat & Light Touch Tipping
    If she's a 6 because of a hot body and a busted face, in a strip club I'd be game for that. I'm not seeing any girl OTC with an ugly face, so I don't like to encourage them if they're not passable in makeup.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do their seem to be way less raids now?
    Yeah, this seems like a bad take. San Antonio has Democrats in charge and they're determined to crush one of the best clubs in town by taking its liquor license after a recent raid.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    Chat & Light Touch Tipping
    This is why noobs get confused. If they can barely tell their head from their cock when it comes to clubbing, giving them all these conditionals is just more for them to forget. If I'm giving a dancer $20 or $30 to leave, it's the same thing as me getting the one and done dance I didn't really want and she goes away faster. And to the stripper she got paid for a dance she didn't even have to do. Win win.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    H0es Dont Get Cold because they're Cold Blooded
    OTC Advice? LD's don't do it anymore
    I thought you didn't know what OTC meant, but then you wrote "Or someone mentioned denying them LD's but tip them anyways until you can start making out with them and then try to take her home lmao ..." Aside from pretending you didn't just invoke the spirit of someone who needs to stay gone, it seemed like maybe you knew but just didn't know how to write your ideas out well. But at any rate, you were probably thinking of OTP. That's Over The Pants and probably should get its own spot in the glossary.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    Chat & Light Touch Tipping
    "It may also depend how busy the club is at the time." If the girl is already sitting there, the only thing the club being busy does for me is maybe I buy dances earlier so I'm not blocking her from making money somewhere else. If she's acting antsy like she doesn't want to be there I let her go if I'm at a home club. On the road I'll just decide on the spot if I want her in my lap. Dances are just me auditioning the girl for something more interesting, so if she can't even make it that far without a problem I'll cut bait unless I just really, really want to have a shot at her. That's getting pretty rare because I've done almost everything I've wanted in the hobby and now I'm just piling on.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta vs New Orleans
    Atlanta is better for clubs than New Orleans. A place can be a tourist trap and still have decent clubs, but the scene there has gone way downhill.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Excellence Always Costs Money (Tampa)
    Chat & Light Touch Tipping
    "Question to those in the know: whatā€™s decent tipping for chat and light touching? On average a couple of bucks per song?" I don't tip for that either if she walked up to me. She could be sitting by herself typing on her phone or talking with someone else. I especially don't tip if I've invited her to leave and she kept sitting there lol. Now if I invited her over and then say no thanks I'll sometimes tip up to the price of one song. If I'm trading one girl out for another who's about to sit down right behind her that's usually when I'll do the cost of a song. A lot of girls "take that personally" so I soften the blow with dolla dolla bills lol. The exception to that is if I told the girl I was waiting for someone and she sat down anyway. Yesterday this happened with a dancer who's a 7 but pretty, and I know she'll leave the club with guys because the first time I met her she was drunk and ate food off my plate before leaving with two dudes. As she was talking about something I wasn't paying attention to, I was giving her a quick once over to decide how she might look from different angles if I invited her over for a poke. I'd already watched her onstage and decided she was bangable, so now it was more like how would she look without makeup, does she smell, etc. But then the girl I actually wanted walked over and I told her I'd find her later. Lol and just realized I forgot all about that.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    This is going to piss off a lot of people. But I don't care.
    Did you want to try this again?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    H0es Dont Get Cold because they're Cold Blooded
    OTC Advice? LD's don't do it anymore
    I dunno about best ways. If you spot a dancer you'd like to see outside and fuck just tell her. If she's hot there's always guys trying to get in her pants. And if she meets you as a customer you're already looking at an uphill climb unless she'll do anybody with a pulse for money.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Favorites Getting too Comfortable / Keep Them in their Place
    "If it it stops working for me, I move on. Might try again with her once in a while, to see if she's back on her game." The advantage to seeing the same girls is some issues can get worked out over time. I figured out one girl I thought was just being a pita not doing what I was asking was actually game but terrible at just about everything. I hate the idea of training a girl on my own dime, but she looks so good even with mediocre technique I've decided to give it more time. The other day I let her try something she'd been practicing and it was way better. Before you guys get the wrong idea, she's in her mid 20's. And not lazy. I can tell she's trying, but some hot chicks can get by just laying there getting drilled I suppose and literally don't know how to fuck.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Indian Dancer in North Boston
    Advice for VIP/private dancing
    "What would make it interesting and want you coming back to the same dancer?" If I find her interesting. Sexy women are not a rarity where I club. "Don't say extras." Don't ask questions and try and dictate the answers? We like it when dancers post, so I'll just leave it at that. "What types of moves? Styles? I don't want to do the same thing over and over." I'm not that particular. Just know how to shift your weight around and don't crush my balls. I'm not that into "sensual" unless a woman might actually go through with it lol. "I enjoy being sensual, soft with some slutty in a classy way." I'm way more into slutty than into classy with my dancers, but think entertainers should stick to what they're comfortable with that helps them earn.
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    2 years ago
    Favorites Getting too Comfortable / Keep Them in their Place
    "As the sources of their income, we control the narrative." As a paying customer can you influence what they do? Sure. Control the whole deal? The girls who will go along with that are usually the ones you don't want to keep seeing.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Strategy to get Dancer away from Whale
    Intrigue her. And don't let her know how many strippers you've had. No wait. That's a different thread lol.